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Mozambique Woman Caught With Drugs In Phuket


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I wish I knew.

Is she a heartless woman who would not care about what this drug can do to people?

Is she a naive woman who was manipulated or terrorized by some man out there to carry something she knew little about?

In any event, great that this drug did not make it to the streets.

And hopefully, she was aware enough to deserve what awaits her.....

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If only to think about how many lives of Thai people would be ruined by drug dealers and this includes this particular drug mule, the answer can be only DEATH PENALTY for trafficking of heavy drugs. Taking the case more personally, a farther of my wife ended up his life on drugs and before he died he made poor his kids by selling his family farm. My wife worked since age of 12 y. and had very hard life before we got married when she was already 31 y. My message to all simpatisants of the criminals: I wish you all got addicted on drugs, and your dear kids, and your close relatives and all you die in suffering. Then I will be sorry about you.

And why would you not send a message to the sympatisant of the criminals that you wish that some day they would realise the harm that this drug can do, and that you would wish these sympatisants would go on to help prevent these drugs from reaching the streets.

Would make you appear like much of a kinder person.

Edited by Andre0720
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If only to think about how many lives of Thai people would be ruined by drug dealers and this includes this particular drug mule, the answer can be only DEATH PENALTY for trafficking of heavy drugs. Taking the case more personally, a farther of my wife ended up his life on drugs and before he died he made poor his kids by selling his family farm. My wife worked since age of 12 y. and had very hard life before we got married when she was already 31 y. My message to all simpatisants of the criminals: I wish you all got addicted on drugs, and your dear kids, and your close relatives and all you die in suffering. Then I will be sorry about you.

Well now, that was pleasant.

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Did I miss something when I entered this country? I don't remember ever checking an assh*le box on the visa application form. Are we required to be arrogant stuck up prigs with higher opinions of ourselves than anyone else in the country, including other expats? So many posters assume so much and read and understand so little. Just to clarify - the article states the woman did not fly in from Mozambique - she herself is from Mozambique, but the flight originated in Qatar. I see these rants based on nothing more than assumption and personal bias, over and over and over, and I just wonder if this is the place where we're supposed to come to take out all our hurts and woes? If so, let me be the first to say, thank you Thailand for allowing people who have no respect for you or your people to come in and dog you constantly without shame. You are kinder than your guests, for sure.

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I wonder until when those mules will realized how stupid it is even for big money.

this is a pretty narrow minded post, you don't know her background and what else was used as an "incentive" to make her do this, usually mules don't have a choice. Go read a book or google it.

What a load of crap.


My God what a stupid statement.

Of coarse they have a choice.


GREED my friend GREED.


No I strongly disagree.

The predators that coerce these people are certainly motivated by greed but its unlikely that the mule is the a big bad criminal.

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Did I miss something when I entered this country? I don't remember ever checking an assh*le box on the visa application form. Are we required to be arrogant stuck up prigs with higher opinions of ourselves than anyone else in the country, including other expats? So many posters assume so much and read and understand so little. Just to clarify - the article states the woman did not fly in from Mozambique - she herself is from Mozambique, but the flight originated in Qatar. I see these rants based on nothing more than assumption and personal bias, over and over and over, and I just wonder if this is the place where we're supposed to come to take out all our hurts and woes? If so, let me be the first to say, thank you Thailand for allowing people who have no respect for you or your people to come in and dog you constantly without shame. You are kinder than your guests, for sure.

Coming to Thailand has nothing to do with it they were like this before
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If only to think about how many lives of Thai people would be ruined by drug dealers and this includes this particular drug mule, the answer can be only DEATH PENALTY for trafficking of heavy drugs. Taking the case more personally, a farther of my wife ended up his life on drugs and before he died he made poor his kids by selling his family farm. My wife worked since age of 12 y. and had very hard life before we got married when she was already 31 y. My message to all simpatisants of the criminals: I wish you all got addicted on drugs, and your dear kids, and your close relatives and all you die in suffering. Then I will be sorry about you.

What drug alcohol? This is still a 50/50 relationship your father-in-law deserves half the blame Edited by moe666
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I wonder until when those mules will realized how stupid it is even for big money.

this is a pretty narrow minded post, you don't know her background and what else was used as an "incentive" to make her do this, usually mules don't have a choice. Go read a book or google it.

What a load of crap.


My God what a stupid statement.

Of coarse they have a choice.


GREED my friend GREED.


Yes, they have choice. There is a beautiful highway from Maputo to the South African border built by South Africa which is crammed with buses taking migrant workers and their belongings back and forth. She looks young enough to easily be able to find work in South Africa.

Yes and I wonder who is looking after her family while she was away in sunny Phuket!!!! Come on are you really thinking she had a choice! Of course the problem very well maybe that Chief Major Airport Big Boss Willy Wonka was not there to unlock the side door, got delayed when picking up the new Merc!

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For all the bleeding hearts out there siding on this lady, please do me a favour and 'think outside the box' (thanks for the phrase Havco!) yourselves.

You all seem to have jumped to the conclusion that this woman is a "forced" drug mule, who in this case was in charge of drugs with a street value of 21 million baht. She has admitted being paid for the service, so it hasn't been planted on her; she was well aware of what she was doing.

The people who transport this amount of drugs are professional people, fact!! If you think the source would trust a 'forced' person with that amount of drugs, think again. They would be showing signs of extreme anxiety, prone to panic attacks, etc, etc, etc. All the outward signs that customs officials in every country are trained to spot.

Do not fall for the BS which ensues everytime one of them is caught!

My big problem with the story is why someone would import/smuggle meth into Thailand from such a distance, if indeed it did originate in Mozambique. The X-ray shot shown in the OP shows up like a pair of b0ll0cks at a ladyboys night-out.................wink.png

Extremely strange that she got as far as Phuket without being discovered.

Very good post. I have no sympathy for any persons involved in the illegal drug trade. It does not depend on which level they are at.

I think that most transit luggage is not xrayed. However I would be interested to know what flight she arrived in Phuket on.

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OK, wrong choice!

Drug mule never a good idea.

However given where the woman is from 50,000Bt could feed her family and take care of her sick mother...Do you know the reason? Do you really think she wanted to do this?????

Yes a life sentence behind bars, but we could than ask how many local bar girls and boys for that matter have HIV and AIDS and have done the same to support their family!!!

Is there anyone on Thai visa that can think outside a box???

The only square that's applicable here is the prison cell. And what AIDS infected bar girls have to do with this drug mule is beyond me. What can we expect from you next: a bleeding-heart compassion call for the rapists out there ... or the paedophiles. Grief....

Let me think about this....... A mule most likely forced to do this, if not will go visit her children and mother. NO Compassion to a rapist or paedophiles, did u want a 5 corner box with that!!!

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These post seem extremely ironic to me, so many sitting behind their computers living in Thailand showing no compassion to all the victims of the silly war on drugs. Mostly the victims are the addicts. They are partly victimized by holier than tho attitudes.

Seems to me if you can so easily cast out a person from the comfort of your big fat chair behind your laptop, just imagine what you would be capable of if you were born into poverty and violence.

I suggest we all take some time to consider our own shortcomings rather than be so cold towards God's children.

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OK, wrong choice!

Drug mule never a good idea.

However given where the woman is from 50,000Bt could feed her family and take care of her sick mother...Do you know the reason? Do you really think she wanted to do this?????

Yes a life sentence behind bars, but we could than ask how many local bar girls and boys for that matter have HIV and AIDS and have done the same to support their family!!!

Is there anyone on Thai visa that can think outside a box???

finally someone writing something (besides me) that has some compassion for the plight of poor people. However, some people sell drugs just out of greed even if they are poor. If things like the exploitation of the poor were given a lot more notice, less poor people would be in prison, it's really the crime not the drugs.

I have no compassion for people who break the law if they are rich or poor. If you start to relax the law for poor people where does it stop. Do they get a "get out of gaol free card" for murder? post-148255-0-20785700-1350295468_thumb.

The elite in this country do.
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These post seem extremely ironic to me, so many sitting behind their computers living in Thailand showing no compassion to all the victims of the silly war on drugs. Mostly the victims are the addicts. They are partly victimized by holier than tho attitudes.

Seems to me if you can so easily cast out a person from the comfort of your big fat chair behind your laptop, just imagine what you would be capable of if you were born into poverty and violence.

I suggest we all take some time to consider our own shortcomings rather than be so cold towards God's children.

They all have a choice. They were the ones who chose to get involved with this deadly trade. Many people born into poverty do not choose this path.

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When people are desperate they do desperate things like this poor woman if she can assist the police in finding out who the delivery is for then they in return should deport her back to her own Country without charge, Thailand cannot afford to keep farangs in jail for many years you only have to look at the poor people in this Country scrimping in the bins everyday. Drug taking /dealing is a very bad and evil but as stated Thailand cannot afford to have all these non Thais in jail send them back to where they came from !!!!!!!!!!!

Possibly a good point, but............. I doubt Thailand is spending that much to feed and house them. From what I've heard about the prisons, Thailand doesn't spend much for their food, much less for TV's, mattresses, Hot Water showers, soap, air conditioning, or the likes. I would hardly consider the cost of caring for prisoners in Thailand as a burden on the Govt.

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It's a numbers game, a mule helps 5 people survive from delivery payment. Hundreds are addicted or harmed by the evil crap now available, and drug dealers are profiting and growing stronger and bolder, which starts the cycle with a snowballing effect! The effects of just the crimes associated with the users is putting you and me in jeopardy. Hats off to the Thai efforts to keep the strong Narcotics out. Being a Farang, i wouldn't mind being singled out and scrutinized if it makes the Country safer.

Not to mention some of those Thai Women in uniform are quite easy on the eyes!

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Well it's certainly a hair raising route to take with many kilo's of drugs on you - Nairobi in Kenya, Doha in Qatar and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, then Thailand! I can't think of many places with harsher drug laws or where I would less rather be in prison! I do feel for these people in a way as they are clearly poor and in desperate need of money alot of the time. I just can't help thinking that if you are going to do it, do it to somewhere where you may go to prison for 10 years in "decent" conditions; not to one of these countries where you may get killed, and best case are going to spend many many years in shocking conditions. And all for £1000.

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Farangs are f****d..should be a comedy show in Thailand. This woman had really nothing to lose, so she went ahead and did so. Quite ignorant/desperate, don't you see? Who would risk that much jail-time for 50 000 baht? In addition, she did or didn't know about the street value of the stuff. I would chase down the ones who really should be doing the time. Just send back this woman and never allow her back into the country again..that's that.

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OK, wrong choice!

Drug mule never a good idea.

However given where the woman is from 50,000Bt could feed her family and take care of her sick mother...Do you know the reason? Do you really think she wanted to do this?????

Yes a life sentence behind bars, but we could than ask how many local bar girls and boys for that matter have HIV and AIDS and have done the same to support their family!!!

Is there anyone on Thai visa that can think outside a box???

finally someone writing something (besides me) that has some compassion for the plight of poor people. However, some people sell drugs just out of greed even if they are poor. If things like the exploitation of the poor were given a lot more notice, less poor people would be in prison, it's really the crime not the drugs.

Sanctimonious crap! You would change your tune real fast if someone cranked on meth had a gun on you- expecially if it was a tweaked-out family member. I am speaking from experience.
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OK, wrong choice!

Drug mule never a good idea.

However given where the woman is from 50,000Bt could feed her family and take care of her sick mother...Do you know the reason? Do you really think she wanted to do this?????

Yes a life sentence behind bars, but we could than ask how many local bar girls and boys for that matter have HIV and AIDS and have done the same to support their family!!!

Is there anyone on Thai visa that can think outside a box???

The only square that's applicable here is the prison cell. And what AIDS infected bar girls have to do with this drug mule is beyond me. What can we expect from you next: a bleeding-heart compassion call for the rapists out there ... or the paedophiles. Grief....

How open minded of you. never takes long for the "hangings too good for them " brigade to come out. This girl made a huge mistake, but the real culprits are the people who she was delivering it too. Wouldn't it have been a fantastic idea to let her through and follow her to her destination and arrest the scum who was planning to sell the drugs on the street...... or perhaps the Police dont like arresting one of their own.

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She took the risk for an alleged fee of 50000 baht.

Let’s guess she receives a sentence of 20 years, if she’s lucky. That’s 2500 baht ($82) per year for her time and suffering.

Does that sound like a good business proposition to you?

You make a calculation error. She gets nothing (or maybe a part of the fee) for her time and suffering. The article says she was hired for 50,000 baht. I'ts unusual that she has received the full amount prior to completing the job.

Edited by sniffdog
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mmmmm............interesting.........of all the countries that I have lived in I have yet to live in one whose coin is the same on both sides. I am reminded of the song by God knows who............"before you accuse, criticise or abuse.........walk a mile in my shoes".

You guys all remind me of why I choose to live in Thailand instead of Australia. So many armchair lawyers and churchgoers. I have seen so many sins committed in the name of religion and I have seen even more committed in the name of the law. T.I.T. I believe means.........This is Africa.............T.I.T. must mean.........This is Thailand. How many of you have never fallen foul? Drugs or Prostitution...........mmmmmmmmmm..........what is truth? During American prohibition I would have gone to jail for life for the bottle of scotch that I drink each and every day. Which gang is worse or more pityless? The gang of outlaws and thieves that threaten us physically or the gang of outlaws and theives that steal our money each day in the name of government. Mao Tze Tung would be laughing out loud if he were here today. How many of you can tell me how much bounty is paid to foreign governments by the CIA each and every day?

i pity your liver, keep taking the ear medicine!
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OK, wrong choice!

Drug mule never a good idea.

However given where the woman is from 50,000Bt could feed her family and take care of her sick mother...Do you know the reason? Do you really think she wanted to do this?????

Yes a life sentence behind bars, but we could than ask how many local bar girls and boys for that matter have HIV and AIDS and have done the same to support their family!!!

Is there anyone on Thai visa that can think outside a box???

And do YOU know how many people are affected by the violence of the drug trade worldwide? Mule these drugs and you're part of it (as you are if you're even a user as far as I'm concerned). You're part of something hideously brutal and murderous, even if you don't happen to be the one actually pulling the triggers on helpless victims. And should be treated as such.

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