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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Des Moines Register dings Obama with dramatic front page contrast

And it's being called "revenge" (by consrvatives) for the recent difficulties with the White House. Not to say that aren't genuine (or even correct) in their criticism, but one can question their motives and objectivity.

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Made even more difficult by the fact that his fellow Republicans keep alienating women voters daily with their "in depth" knowledge on rape and God....

And, then this just in: smile.png

God Distances Self From Christian Right

THE HEAVENS—Responding to inflammatory remarks made by Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock during a debate Tuesday night, Our Lord God the Almighty Father sought today to distance Himself from both Mourdock and the entire right-wing fundamentalist Christian movement, sources confirmed.

“I want to make one thing absolutely clear: Mr. Mourdock’s comments from last night in no way reflect my position on this or any other issue,” said the Divine Creator, speaking at a press conference this afternoon to address Mourdock’s remarks that rape-induced pregnancies were God’s intent. “And furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity to say definitively that I, God, do not officially sanction or condone the words or actions of anyone involved in the fanatical, conservative Christian faction that Mr. Mourdock represents.”


Edited by keemapoot
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Des Moines Register dings Obama with dramatic front page contrast

And it's being called "revenge" (by consrvatives) for the recent difficulties with the White House. Not to say that aren't genuine (or even correct) in their criticism, but one can question their motives and objectivity.

Revenge, or not, it is a pretty accurate comment on why Obama's campaign is stalling. thumbsup.gif

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I don't think I noticed this last part before:

" I think most people will see through this particular endorsement."

What does that mean? That most people will recognize...what? It's not a sincere endorsement? (It would be odd for him to make it if it wasn't.) That it is intended to help Pres. Obama? (Obviously).

I'm probably missing something. Maybe you could help me out (either the person who said it or the person who agreed with it) because I'm rather curious...

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My older brother is a Bible-thumping right wing Christian. He's been married and divorced 7 times and has more children than you have fingers, and guess how many he supported? None. He partially supported one girl for a little while. His famous quote: "when I divorce the women, I divorce the children."

A woman I dated briefly was a hard-core right wing devout Christian. She had 3 husbands and 3 daughters. Each of her husbands (one was a pastor) abused the daughters, in turn. She got so frustrated, she left the kids with her dad. ....then found out later, dear ol' grandpa was abusing them also, and he was a pastor also.

I don't want to smear everyone in a particular religion, but it might shed some light on why ordinary people look askew at right wingers when they spout their holier-than-thou morals.

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Detroit News just endorsed Romney. The Det News is Michigan's big newspaper.

"President Barack Obama came into office in 2009 riding a wave of hope and change. Unfortunately, he has not delivered on the nation's yearning for change nor on the specific promises he made to fix what is broken."


Circulation 140,000

I suspect if George of Thai Visa made an endoresment it would have a bigger impact.

What's really funny and ironic about the endorsement by the Detroit paper is that they thanked Obama for the $80 billion bailout, but said that Romney would be a "better fit" for the White House.

Haha, sounds like a job application rejection letter, after the recruiter already pocketed your under table payment.

Unfortunately it was the Bush administration that started the ball rolling by providing $24.9 Billion to Detroit in early January 2009...PRIOR to Obama being inaugurated on 20 January 2009.

The only thing Obama did was manage the following bankruptcy to the benefit of the UAW.


The Auto Industry Bailout

Why GM, Ford and Chrysler Asked For Government Loans

By Kimberly Amadeo

Updated March 28, 2012

In December 2008, the three major U.S. auto industry companies -- GM, Chrysler and Ford -- asked the government for a $34 billion bailout to avoid bankruptcy. The Big 3 stated that their demise would trigger 3 million layoffs within a year, plunging the economy further into recession.

In January 2009, the Federal government used $24.9 billion of the $700 billion bank bailout fund to rescue two of the Big 3 :

$17.4 billion for General Motors and Chrysler.

$6 billion for GMAC.

$1.5 billion for Chrysler Financial.


Edited by chuckd
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Des Moines Register dings Obama with dramatic front page contrast

And it's being called "revenge" (by consrvatives) for the recent difficulties with the White House. Not to say that aren't genuine (or even correct) in their criticism, but one can question their motives and objectivity.

Revenge, or not, it is a pretty accurate comment on why Obama's campaign is stalling. thumbsup.gif

Hey U, Do you agree with the right's views of women's issues?

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This is an interesting article in these critical last days. What kind of grunt war rooms do Obama and Romney have? The NYT did this piece on Obama's grunt war room. This whole thing may come down to who had the superior ground war strategy in the final battle.

Obama Campaign Endgame: Grunt Work and Cold Math

This is what “grinding it out” looks like at President Obama’s election headquarters: scores of young staff members intently clicking away at computer keyboards as they crunch gigabytes of data about which way undecided voters are leaning, where they can be reached, and when; strategists standing at whiteboards busily writing and erasing early voting numbers and turnout possibilities; a lonely Ping-Pong table.

The campaign is refocusing its advertising to scare less motivated supporters to vote. One new ad presents a reminder of Al Gore’s loss to George W. Bush in the Florida recount of 2000, which, the ad says, made “the difference between what was, and what could have been.”

But ultimately, if Mr. Obama does win, it could come down to the huge room of technicians and data crunchers in a corporate office here, sitting on exercise balls or squeezing stress toys as they dispatch information to volunteers knocking on doors hundreds of miles away.


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Des Moines Register dings Obama with dramatic front page contrast

And it's being called "revenge" (by consrvatives) for the recent difficulties with the White House. Not to say that aren't genuine (or even correct) in their criticism, but one can question their motives and objectivity.

Revenge, or not, it is a pretty accurate comment on why Obama's campaign is stalling. thumbsup.gif

When you run a cynical petty campaign centered around not being the other guy in lieu of any achievements to point out or policies to go forward with the end game will always be ugly. Let's hope we see an end to Chicago politics.


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I don't understand why Powell doesn't leave the Republican party, his only function now seems to be staying there to endorse democrats........I think most people will see through this particular endorsement.

Probably in the vein hope that the Republican party can still be a broad church able to work with all sides of the political divide.

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I don't understand why Powell doesn't leave the Republican party, his only function now seems to be staying there to endorse democrats........I think most people will see through this particular endorsement.

Probably in the vein hope that the Republican party can still be a broad church able to work with all sides of the political divide.

Both parties have been guilty of not working with the other side.

Example...Obamacare and Dodd-Frank.

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When you run a cynical petty campaign centered around not being the other guy in lieu of any achievements to point out or policies to go forward with the end game will always be ugly. Let's hope we see an end to Chicago politics.


That's an entertaining (but in my view very inaccurate) article and blog and thanks for sharing a diverse opinion. However I think people should be aware that the blogger is a well known right wing Israeli sabra who has been dissing Obama for years now (as would be very expected from politically active Israeli right wingers). Grain of Kosher salt on that one! Mr. Greenfield certainly doesn't represent AMERICAN Jews who are projected to overwhelmingly vote (again) for President Obama. Edited by Jingthing
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Des Moines Register dings Obama with dramatic front page contrast

And it's being called "revenge" (by consrvatives) for the recent difficulties with the White House. Not to say that aren't genuine (or even correct) in their criticism, but one can question their motives and objectivity.

Revenge, or not, it is a pretty accurate comment on why Obama's campaign is stalling. thumbsup.gif

When you run a cynical petty campaign centered around not being the other guy in lieu of any achievements to point out or policies to go forward with the end game will always be ugly. Let's hope we see an end to Chicago politics.


Excellent post. (Not sure whose campaign you were describing but it was an excellent description and arguably applies to both, though to my mind one more than the other).

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I don't understand why Powell doesn't leave the Republican party, his only function now seems to be staying there to endorse democrats........I think most people will see through this particular endorsement.

Probably in the vein hope that the Republican party can still be a broad church able to work with all sides of the political divide.

The last moderate republican man standing? Rather romantic.
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I don't understand why Powell doesn't leave the Republican party, his only function now seems to be staying there to endorse democrats........I think most people will see through this particular endorsement.

Probably in the vein hope that the Republican party can still be a broad church able to work with all sides of the political divide.

Both parties have been guilty of not working with the other side.

Example...Obamacare and Dodd-Frank.

In terms of being a broad church, I think the Dems have it over the GOP.

I mean, what do you call the GOP version of a blue dog? Target practice.

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interesting, from the nationwide and state to state poll at the huffington site.

It shows 4 states changing slightly from 10-25 (yesterday).

>>>> Iowa and Ohio went from 'leaning to Obama' to toss-ups.

>>>> North Carolina went from 'leaning to Romney' to 'toss up'

>>>> Pennsylvania went for 'leaning to Obama' to 'strong Obama'

>>>> a few days prior, both Wisconsin and Nevada went from 'toss up' to 'leaning to Obama'

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86% Obama 8% Romney : that's the latest poll in Wash.D.C. (my former home town), and those are the folks who are also voting for someone to join their neighborhood (I say in jest).

Romney's strongest support is, no surprise, in Utah, where he leads 70 to 25

His next strongest state supporters are Idaho and Oklahoma. Possibly also Alaska and Wyoming, though polling data isn't available from those two states.

Romney is projected to lose in his home state of Massachussets, where he is governor. That should tell you something.

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True that and Romney will also lose another of his home states -- Michigan where his Daddy was governor and reputed to be a man of much more integrity

Romney is the only Private Equity Mogul, Ivy League Harvard JD, MBA I know worth $250 million who drives a Chevy pickup, Ford Mustang, and whose wife drives "a couple of Cadillacs." He said he also used to have a Dodge truck too.

How to do spell fake panderer?

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To this time I've pretty much kept out of the political discussions on this forum. But as the time is getting nigh, its time to speak my piece. Let me preface all by stating that I am registered as a Republican but have been told that I am really a RINO. For the uninformed ears, that is a republican in name only.

A lot of my personal opinion is based on fact, but possibly to an equal extent, a lot of my opinion is based on instinct and belief.

I have had some difficulty with my Repub Party starting with the end of Bush Sr.'s presidency. Bush Jr. , to me , was a total waste of humanity and undeserving of discussion . The last election became a disaster with the insertion of Ms Palin. I still think to this day, that this woman is really a blonde and dyes her hair. I respected and thought the world of John McCain in the years when he first came to Washington, but did feel he sold out to the system, and at the time of the last election [2008] had sold out to the Washington powers that be. I also thought that Colin Powell would have made the better choice for VP.

Now to this election. The choice of Mitt Romney is a total disaster. I seriously do feel the voting American public will , in the end come to its senses, as it did with S Palin and not give the office of President to Romney. To me Romney is an opportunist who will do anything, say anything he must to get his coveted office. I see this man as being born 200 years too late. Back in the old wild west Romney would have been the snake oil salesman who comes to town with his little show, beats the drum in back of the hootchy-cootchy wagon sell the snake elixir that can do anything, cure anything know to man. Sells out to the good townsfolks gets them gloriously high and drunk , then beats it out of town at midnight. If caught and pushed , the answer was always he was misunderstood, "it cured everything but that" . Always have an answer and something to say, but never say anything you can be pinned down to.

Todays Mitt Romney, doesn't have to leave town, he just turns over and shakes his etch a sketch and comes up with another answer that says it all..... ='s nothing.

No I don't think that Barack Obama is the end all, but all human instinct, which has never let me down before, says he is the better of the two choices.. But having said that , it is going to take a lot of eating humble pie in Wash DC for all these people to learn the art of compromise and the ability to work together. Put aside all the adult spoiled children tantrums and start working for the good of the country first, not just for the good of you own personal cabal.

Good...... now thats off my chest.....JOMPO

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I can just hear the conversation at the Romney dinner table:

Ann: "Dear, all my friends at the country club have S Class Mercedes, 7 Series BMWS, and Audi S8s, and even Bentleys. Can't I please have a decent car for once instead of having to drive those dreadful American Cadillacs?"

Mitt: "Be patient my dear, only 8 more years until we're in the White House."


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The unappealing part isn't that he wanted out of that unpopular war but the fact that at the same time he was openly supporting the war and opposing protests against it and the draft of his fellow Americans. This has indeed been a Romney family tradition to this day: support foreign wars but not willing as the elite to risk their own lives for them.

Can you elaborate? I know of one occasion he opposed an antiwar protest at a time when about half the country still supported the war (and not long before, a clear majority had). I find it hard to blame him if he held convictions that were common and not necessarily unreasonable given what was known and the geopolitical climate. Now if he was blaming other for not serving but then avoiding it himself out of cowardice rather than religious duties or other arguably more valid reasons, then that's quite different and indefensible.

What about the other foreign wars the Romneys supported but were not willing to risk their lives for?

I have to warn you: as someone who proudly served in the military and ardently believes it can be one of the most noble endeavors one can aspire to, I think the whole "Chickenhawk" thing is usually bulls**t. The idea that everyone who supports a war is obligated to fight in it -- or even more absurdly, their children are -- is to me an untenable argument. (And it's one very often made by Liberals who themselves have never served in the military -- and who often have ill-disguised disdain or even contempt for those who do).

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I seriously do feel the voting American public will , in the end come to its senses, as it did with S Palin and not give the office of President to Romney.

I think there are going to be lots of people who think they will vote Romney but when it actually comes to cast their vote, they just can't bring themself to do it.

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To this time I've pretty much kept out of the political discussions on this forum. But as the time is getting nigh, its time to speak my piece. Let me preface all by stating that I am registered as a Republican but have been told that I am really a RINO. For the uninformed ears, that is a republican in name only.

A lot of my personal opinion is based on fact, but possibly to an equal extent, a lot of my opinion is based on instinct and belief.

I have had some difficulty with my Repub Party starting with the end of Bush Sr.'s presidency. Bush Jr. , to me , was a total waste of humanity and undeserving of discussion . The last election became a disaster with the insertion of Ms Palin. I still think to this day, that this woman is really a blonde and dyes her hair. I respected and thought the world of John McCain in the years when he first came to Washington, but did feel he sold out to the system, and at the time of the last election [2008] had sold out to the Washington powers that be. I also thought that Colin Powell would have made the better choice for VP.

Now to this election. The choice of Mitt Romney is a total disaster. I seriously do feel the voting American public will , in the end come to its senses, as it did with S Palin and not give the office of President to Romney. To me Romney is an opportunist who will do anything, say anything he must to get his coveted office. I see this man as being born 200 years too late. Back in the old wild west Romney would have been the snake oil salesman who comes to town with his little show, beats the drum in back of the hootchy-cootchy wagon sell the snake elixir that can do anything, cure anything know to man. Sells out to the good townsfolks gets them gloriously high and drunk , then beats it out of town at midnight. If caught and pushed , the answer was always he was misunderstood, "it cured everything but that" . Always have an answer and something to say, but never say anything you can be pinned down to.

Todays Mitt Romney, doesn't have to leave town, he just turns over and shakes his etch a sketch and comes up with another answer that says it all..... ='s nothing.

No I don't think that Barack Obama is the end all, but all human instinct, which has never let me down before, says he is the better of the two choices.. But having said that , it is going to take a lot of eating humble pie in Wash DC for all these people to learn the art of compromise and the ability to work together. Put aside all the adult spoiled children tantrums and start working for the good of the country first, not just for the good of you own personal cabal.

Good...... now thats off my chest.....JOMPO

No I don't think that Barack Obama is the end all, but all human instinct, which has never let me down before, says he is the better of the two choices..

I simply cannot understand the how you can come to this conclusion when he has told so many lies during its first four years that they can fill a webpage with them ?

Even worse is the latest set of lies regarding the Benghazi attack which has incredible repercussions and a Senate intelligence panel hearing will start after the elections - the same kind of panel that brought down Richard Nixon.

Why aren't Americans concerned about their leader lying to them?

And if he does get re-elected he certainly is not going to care what he does or what he says over the next four years and I don't think you've seen anything yet in terms of horror stories

Edited by Asiantravel
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By BRIAN MONTOPOLI / CBS NEWS/ October 26, 2012, 6:00 AM

Will white men sink Obama?


Listen to President Obama and Mitt Romney on the campaign trail, and you could be forgiven for briefly thinking only one gender is allowed to vote. Both candidates regularly tailor their message to female voters: You can see it in the president's attacks on Romney's desire to cut Planned Parenthood funding and potentially appoint judges to overturn Roe v. Wade, and in Romney's claim that "this president has failed America's women" due to an uptick in female poverty.

There's a reason for this: Women are widely perceived as more likely than men to be swing voters. In the battleground state of Colorado, for example, both campaigns are open about the fact that they believe whoever makes the best case to suburban women will win the state.

Yet all the talk about women might make it easy to forget that men are a significant chunk of the electorate as well. While women outvoted men by about 10 million votes in the 2008 presidential election, men still made up 48 percent of the electorate. And white men alone made up more than one third of the electorate - 36 percent - according to national exit polls.


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Des Moines Register dings Obama with dramatic front page contrast

And it's being called "revenge" (by consrvatives) for the recent difficulties with the White House. Not to say that aren't genuine (or even correct) in their criticism, but one can question their motives and objectivity.

Revenge, or not, it is a pretty accurate comment on why Obama's campaign is stalling. thumbsup.gif

Hey U, Do you agree with the right's views of women's issues?

I agree that women should pay $10 per month for birth control rather than have taxpayers pay for it. I can see their point about taxpayers paying for abortion too. I do not want to see abortion made illegal, but I do not think that most Republicans do either.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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