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Private Beach At Koh Larn? It This For Real?


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Today at Koh Larn, after arriving to Tai Yai beach we were told that this is a private beach and we were given a choice of either to pay for the sun deck chair or excuse my french, piss off. Lying down on the beach with a towel was not accepted as an option by beach staff.

At first we thought it was a joke, but no – thais kept telling that this is a private beach and we are not allowed to stay on it without sun chair.

Are you kidding me, is this for real? Are there private beaches in Thailand with its rules and fees to enter?

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All beaches in Thailand are owned by the government and can't be privately owned. They are just trying to trick you in to paying. They can not stop you from being on the beach, they only own the land behind it. Even if they owned all the land surrounding a beach so they control access, people can still land boats and they can't stop them.

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All beaches in Thailand are owned by the government and can't be privately owned. They are just trying to trick you in to paying. They can not stop you from being on the beach, they only own the land behind it. Even if they owned all the land surrounding a beach so they control access, people can still land boats and they can't stop them.

Amen to that !

I had the same problem in Koh Chang few years ago, everybody knows the law..You can complain if you like, but obviously you are dealing with outlaws, so..Better to go to another beach

RIP to the vanishing charm of Thailand

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All beaches in Thailand are owned by the government and can't be privately owned. They are just trying to trick you in to paying. They can not stop you from being on the beach, they only own the land behind it. Even if they owned all the land surrounding a beach so they control access, people can still land boats and they can't stop them.

. all beaches are owned by the king not the government so no private beaches
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The Thai's seem to have this thing about claiming property/access/use on a sight basis. If they can see it from their property they claim it as theirs.

The public street in front of businesses frequently have chairs, etc to reserve that space, the footpath will have tables/chairs for customers, motor bikes parked on footpath, noodle shop set up on street/footpath, etc.

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The Thai's seem to have this thing about claiming property/access/use on a sight basis. If they can see it from their property they claim it as theirs.

The public street in front of businesses frequently have chairs, etc to reserve that space, the footpath will have tables/chairs for customers, motor bikes parked on footpath, noodle shop set up on street/footpath, etc.

I've also seen sections of road roped off at the front of a shop for the business owner's private parking.

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Many of us also consider the parking spaces in front of our homes as ours. Quite normal here in the suburbs. Not in a way that others cant park there but home owners will try to park in front of their home and wont like it if you constantly park there.

I have more understanding for that then for the guys claiming the beach. When i moved in here and i did not own a car the neighbor who owns 3 cars (2 junkers) had claimed it. He was not too happy when i got a car. I did not care he was not well liked anyway.

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As with all the other "rule of law" concepts, they don't really apply here the same way you're used to back home.

In reality it's a question of power; don't bother trying to fall back on abstract principles. It's simply a question in the end of who's got the bigger dog behind them to back them up when push comes to shove. The question of "ownership" of the beach isn't relevant, it's the fact that these businesses are paying fealty to those in power in exchange for the right to extract your money for being there.

It is possible in some instances that you as a guest to this country may be able to find a way to exercise power to get what you want (e.g. the Tourist Police may take your side, or the concierge at your expensive resort, etc). But you have to be willing to go to that trouble, and it's always possible that you not only won't get your way, but will have to bear unforeseen consequences of your attempts to secure "justice". And these may well come at you at some point in the future in a seemingly random way so that you'll have no idea of the connection, while the long-term grudge-holder is gloating at your "bit of bad luck".

It is true this most likely won't happen for such minor scenarios as outlined in the OP, but in general my advice is to forget about abstract ideas of right and wrong, the way you think things "should" be - think from a practical point of view and you'll stand a much better chance at enjoying your time in the LoS.

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All beaches in Thailand are owned by the government and can't be privately owned. They are just trying to trick you in to paying. They can not stop you from being on the beach, they only own the land behind it. Even if they owned all the land surrounding a beach so they control access, people can still land boats and they can't stop them.

. all beaches are owned by the king not the government so no private beaches

Where did you get this information from?

AFAIK this is not true.

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OP, how much did they want? curious.

They wanted us to pay for at least one sun chair for 150THB at the beginning of the beach and 100TH at the far end.

This is not cheap, especially when you are not alone.

And even after having paid that they did not allow us to use our own beach mat and lay on the sand.

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As some friends of mine told me: actually most of the beaches in Koh Larn are official rented out from the goverment.

So basically those are officialy private beaches. Owners pay their rent, tourists pay their fees. This is how it works.

So I doubt if Tourist Plice will take my side if conflict arise as this is a huge money we are talking about here.

Another friend of mine told me a soty when a tourist tired of all this sun chairs all over the beach, moved a sun chair away and laied down on a sand somewhere in the middle of Jomtien telling that this beach is owne by the King. (I guess he did not want to go far away from this hotel in a seach for a decent free space on a beach).

As a result - thais who "owned" that part of the beach got a few holes in his scull. So he ended up at the hospital ER.

This is LOS. Rude and simple as this.

Edited by netcyberg
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