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It's Mock The Farang Time!


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I watched one of these shows on a TV on a bus once. Picking on farang was only a small part, no longer than ten minutes, and the rest was even worse.

Anyhow, the comedian chose a farang and asked him the usual "Where are you from". To which the guy replied "Kalasin" or some such place. He raised his hands and tried to be as patriotic Thai as his large belly and shaved head would allow. Didn't work, they didn't believe him. After a few jokes which the farang didn't understand they invited him to play on a local musical intrument, and dance. He did his best, and then they asked him to pay - 100 baht. The comedian asked for a donation for poor bloke whose intrument the farang has played on, but the farang replied "No, YOU pay me for playing" and so it went back and forth until farang overheated and started sounding not just nervous but angry. He was dismissed as an idiot who refused to play along and spoiled the party.

I, personally, will never ever go to a place where they will make jokes at my expense. I don't take it very well. I don't enjoy watching other people's humiliation either.

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I highly doubt that their intent is humiliation but rather strictly comedy. What's that old saying? . . . If you can't take a joke then <deleted> ya. Jai yen yen.

> But then again, I consider that there are about 5 funny people total on American TV

2 of them being cartoon characters, then there's Bill O'Reilly, and who are the other two ? :D

Billy Graham and GWB :D

Wrong, chuchok. GWB is one of the cartoon characters. :o

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I wouldn't argue that some comedians might actually have humiliation as an intent. I'm not into that type of comedy at all. Although, I've seen enough of these situations on TV (my wifey likes to watch them) and I never come away with the feeling that it's malicious humor. In which case I don't see a reason for feeling offense of any kind.

I'll make the point, though, that people tend to feel however they want to feel about anything. Haven't you ever said something to someone and it was taken as insulting even though you didn't mean it to be at all? Or someone accuses you of hurting them when that wasn't the case? People choose their feelings and often like to turn around and blame someone else for "making" them feel the way they do. I don't buy it.

So, if the comedian didn't intend humiliation despite someone feeling that then it wasn't humiliation. On your part, yes. But those would be your feelings and should not be confused with another's.

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I don't think you (OP) should take it personally: look at any western stand-up comedian; they *always* ask members of the audience where they are from and then crack jokes about their home-town/state/accent/clothing/hair/you-name-it.

It is no different here, comedians need to connect with the audience and a Thai comedian with a predominantly Thai audience is going to crack jokes about the few farangs in the crowd. Laugh along with the rest of the crowd or don't go to such clubs imho

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If I, or anyone else, for that matter, feel humiliated than it's humiliation.

It takes some wit but it IS possible to make jokes, even racist ones, without offending anyone.

Really? I dare you to go to downtown LA and crack a few non-offensive racist jokes :o

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It's along the same lines as 30 years ago in the UK with shows like 'On the buses', where they take the mickey out of the 'nig nog, golliwog, chocolate drop etc'. I usd to call 'coloured' people that but would never do it these days as times have changed.

It used to be alright here years ago, but now it is becoming very rascist against farang.

The word itself is used by many Thais as an insult.

Similarly - calling Chinese 'Jek' - they find it offensive these days but not so long ago it was alright to say " jek, mun kee neeow".

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If you go to the irregular Punchline comedy shows at the Bull's Head, you'll see something similar. Every single English comedian see fit to insult Thais, Thailand, Buddhism, and the royal family. Fortunately, after 10 minutes, they get on with the comedy portion of the show.

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If I, or anyone else, for that matter, feel humiliated than it's humiliation.

It takes some wit but it IS possible to make jokes, even racist ones, without offending anyone.

Really? I dare you to go to downtown LA and crack a few non-offensive racist jokes :o

I'm sure he knows a few jokes about Inuits or Aussies.

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we live in a funny old world some times

if you have blacks take the p+ss out of blacks on tv it's ok

if you have jews take the p+ss out of jews it's ok

the gays can take the p+ss out of the gays

i can go on and on, but you get the picture

any body can take the p+ss out of the pomms, aussies, septics, frogs, krauts etc then thats acceptable and we all get on with life.

what is going to happen when the brits cry about being called pomms :D the aussies are not alowed to take the p+ss out of the kiwi's :D:D [christ they would never execise thier brains if thar was stopped :o

as for the thais taking the piss out of falangs, what's the problem, as if the falang doesn't take the p+ss out of the thais. :D

we all need humour, and what sort of world would we live in if we didn't have a sense of humour??? :D:D

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If you go to the irregular Punchline comedy shows at the Bull's Head, you'll see something similar. Every single English comedian see fit to insult Thais, Thailand, Buddhism, and the royal family. Fortunately, after 10 minutes, they get on with the comedy portion of the show.

Spot on! (well, not sure about the Royal family bit) but yes, weak comedians will grab the opportunity to get an audience on side by targeting a minority within said audience. It's what comedians do.

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we live in a funny old world some times

if you have blacks take the p+ss out of blacks on tv it's ok

if you have jews take the p+ss out of jews it's ok

the gays can take the p+ss out of the gays

i can go on and on, but you get the picture

any body can take the p+ss out of the pomms, aussies, septics, frogs, krauts etc then thats acceptable and we all get on with life.

what is going to happen when the brits cry about being called pomms :D the aussies are not alowed to take the p+ss out of the kiwi's : [christ they would never execise thier brains if thar was stopped :o

as for the thais taking the piss out of falangs, what's the problem, as if the falang doesn't take the p+ss out of the thais. :D

we all need humour, and what sort of world would we live in if we didn't have a sense of humour???

wise words; no need to be too thin skinned. Although I would prefer it if more people would take the p+ss out of the Aussies.

NZ haka = traditional war dance to prepare for battle, most often performed with chest slaps and knee slaps before major sport events with a final loud roar

Aussie haka= traditional dance of the Aussie when the bill arrives, most often performed with a check of chest pockets, pants pockets with a final loud roar of 'oi cobba ay forgot my wallet theees can be your shout, and Ay'll get the next one sport'

Having attended some Aussie comedian acts in Australia, if the worst the OP has encountered is a 'where you from' then try showing up wearing the silver fern in front of guys like Rodney Rude. A bit, just a little bit stronger than 'where you from' :D:D All great fun, infantile, but fun :D

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You guys haven't ever seen live standup have you? :o

Laugh along with the Thais and show you're a good sport. If you haven't enough sense of humour go to a boat show or something.


Sorry cdnvic, some of us get tired of being material for racist jokes. And, you don't have to be at a club to be made fun of... or something.

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You guys haven't ever seen live standup have you? :o

Laugh along with the Thais and show you're a good sport. If you haven't enough sense of humour go to a boat show or something.


Sorry cdnvic, some of us get tired of being material for racist jokes. And, you don't have to be at a club to be made fun of... or something.

There's alot of difference between ethnic humour and racist jokes, and much of it depends on if you have a sense of humour or not. Racism is an ugly thing, but being able to poke fun at each other and ourselves does way more good than harm IMO.

The OP reminds me of someone who goes to Seaworld all the time, sits in the front row, and then complains about getting wet, and the fishy smell. :D


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Question: What have these three things got in common?

1. Martial music.

2. Military intelligence.

3. Thai comedians.

You put them on a list?

What is martial music? Is this marching band stuff?

ok 2, I agree.

3.... you don't find any of the comedians funny? Fair enuff. I do, and I understand the jokes. That makes me conseederably more understanding of them jokes than yeeeeeeow sport. (Harry Enfield, 1996)

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You guys haven't ever seen live standup have you? :o

Laugh along with the Thais and show you're a good sport. If you haven't enough sense of humour go to a boat show or something.


Sorry cdnvic, some of us get tired of being material for racist jokes. And, you don't have to be at a club to be made fun of... or something.

There's alot of difference between ethnic humour and racist jokes, and much of it depends on if you have a sense of humour or not. Racism is an ugly thing, but being able to poke fun at each other and ourselves does way more good than harm IMO.

The OP reminds me of someone who goes to Seaworld all the time, sits in the front row, and then complains about getting wet, and the fishy smell. :D


It would be fine if it was even mildly funny. It's got nothing to do with Farang vs. Thai. It's got nothing to do with racism. It's just not funny.

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I watched one of these shows on a TV on a bus once. Picking on farang was only a small part, no longer than ten minutes, and the rest was even worse.

Anyhow, the comedian chose a farang and asked him the usual "Where are you from". To which the guy replied "Kalasin" or some such place. He raised his hands and tried to be as patriotic Thai as his large belly and shaved head would allow. Didn't work, they didn't believe him. After a few jokes which the farang didn't understand they invited him to play on a local musical intrument, and dance. He did his best, and then they asked him to pay - 100 baht. The comedian asked for a donation for poor bloke whose intrument the farang has played on, but the farang replied "No, YOU pay me for playing" and so it went back and forth until farang overheated and started sounding not just nervous but angry. He was dismissed as an idiot who refused to play along and spoiled the party.

I, personally, will never ever go to a place where they will make jokes at my expense. I don't take it very well. I don't enjoy watching other people's humiliation either.

That was Pong Lang Sa On. I have seen that VCD. The Thai's were loving it! And he doesn't get angry at all. It was all a setup, the guy was obviously a part of the act. I was told that he was a university lecturer of one of the group.

On the subject of Pong Lang Sa On, I have sat through the Live in Bangkok VCD a few times, it's not too bad. It's certainly a lot better than many of these comedic troupes. I think the girl that pretends to be half Puerto-Rican is vey funny!

Edited by Grant
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You guys haven't ever seen live standup have you? :o

Laugh along with the Thais and show you're a good sport. If you haven't enough sense of humour go to a boat show or something.


Sorry cdnvic, some of us get tired of being material for racist jokes. And, you don't have to be at a club to be made fun of... or something.

There's alot of difference between ethnic humour and racist jokes, and much of it depends on if you have a sense of humour or not. Racism is an ugly thing, but being able to poke fun at each other and ourselves does way more good than harm IMO.

The OP reminds me of someone who goes to Seaworld all the time, sits in the front row, and then complains about getting wet, and the fishy smell. :D


It would be fine if it was even mildly funny. It's got nothing to do with Farang vs. Thai. It's got nothing to do with racism. It's just not funny.

Everyone has a different sense of humor, though. What's funny to some is not to others and vice versa. My daughter will sometimes highly promote a comedy on film. "You'll laugh your arse off," she squeals. At times I'll agree and on other occasions I can't even get through the movie because it's simply not funny to me.

If it's all about personal taste then what's there to complain about? There are plenty of other venues for laughter. Simply find something that suits your tastes is all. But you have to keep in mind that the routine is just right for others and let it be.

BTW, I have a negro friend in the States and we have a very tight relationship. The brilliant part of it is that we can say anything to each other and neither of us takes offense because we know we're just being funny. I once asked him what was better, being black or being gay. He shrugged his shoulders (although he knew there was a punch line coming) and I replied being black. At least you don't have to tell your parents. He laughed his arse off and but still managed a "<deleted> you, Pete."

Edit: Yeah, phuketsiam deserves a cigar for quickly hitting on that little riddle.

Edited by Tippaporn
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A few years back I was drinking with some Thai buddies in the Basement Lounge of the Rimpao Hotel in Kalasin. After the usual karaoke stints from the waitresses a duo took to the stage.

They payed a few songs and then drifted into a comedy half hour. I was soon singled out, the usual pi$$ take ensued.

" Hello Mr where you come from ? "

" England"

" Oooh very hansum"

" Ta verry much! "

" Where your lady ? "

" Not here"

" You like Boy?"

"Err no Thanks "

" What your name ? "

"David Beckham"

" Ahhh David Bok- Ham! "

Etc etc

Most of the people were laughing , a few sheepishly.

I didn't mind and had drinks sent up to the jokers.

They later asked if I wanted to show myself up even more and invited me on the stage to play or sing a song.

I opted for the guitar and was pleased that they had the backing tracks to " Samba Pa Ti" - Santana

I have been performing this at gigs and parties longer than these lads had been walking. After a pretty nifty 10 minute version, they thanked me and bought me a drink.

The next night I was neither joked about nor asked up to the stage.



Edited by chonabot
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