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Know Any Good "mock The Farang" Jokes?


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Seeing the original "mock the farang" thread on here prompts me to ask - can you recall any (preferably) good jokes that you've heard used by Thai's to poke fun at farangs?

Being from the UK, I love hearing jokes that poke fun at Brits. I'm also half-German, so I also get a few of those (not always that funny, it has to be said; but then Germans are supposed to have had their sense of humour removed at birth :o ).

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There was this farang doctor (maw) who was being rowed across the Chao Phya one afternoon.

"Where are you going?," asked the boatman's friend. "I'm taking this dog (maa) across the river," the punster answered. This amused the boatman's friend.

It did the doctor, too. He didn't pay when the boat docked. "After all, dogs don't have money," he told the boatman .

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