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Does Mcdonalds Have The Most Well Trained Thai Employees In Thailand?

Baloney pony

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I am always impressed by how efficient Thai employees are at Mcdonalds. They seem to get the order together in a timely manner and usually at least bother to smile. The attitude problems also tend to be minimal. I don't eat "Mac" that much but I have had the chance to sit in their cafe sip a coffee and observe the behavior in quite a few branches around the kingdom.

Normally Thai service on the lower (and higher) end is abysmal in its incompetence and attitude issues. This is especially true in big dept stores like Central or supermarkets where you have loads of staff texting on their phones, smirking and giggling like jerry's kids, or indolently shuffling about doing nothing.

But McDonalds of all franchises seems to have broken in their Thai staff well. How did they manage to do this where so many other businesses and government depts in Thailand have failed?

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'But McDonalds of all franchises seems to have broken in their Thai staff well. How did they manage to do this where so many other businesses and government depts in Thailand have failed?'

Think you may have answered your own question there,where do you think all the people that fail the McDonald's training day go to?whistling.gif

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Effectively structured training programs in any aspect of business requires a higher level of competence in management practice than I've come across in most Thai-run enterprises.

Where it exists to a reasonable level, it is usually focused on double-checking accounting-related processes to prevent theft by employees.

Customer service as we have come to expect in the West is not a high priority at all, I don't think any locally-managed businesses think to compete on that basis, it's just doesn't seem to be valued here as a strategy.

The tourism industry is one area where exceptions exist, but the best ones are usually - or had their processes and standards in the past - run by westerners.

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I think I would give the service staff at Swensen a higher rating than McDonalds.

I have eaten at McDonalds in Bangkok a few times and I find their service to be slightly average... if one is to compare them to McDonalds' staff back home, they have a long way to go. While at Swensen, I have almost always encountered wonderful service.

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Normally the quote "But McDonalds of all franchises seems to have broken in their Thai staff well." applies to horses, but maybe you see the staff more as cattle.


I don't know if I'm the only one but after reading the OP, I can't help but feel a deep antipathy for the poster. The service he receives most probably reflects the reaction of the service staff to his attitude.

OP, try treating waiters and waitresses with the respect they deserve and see how the service improves. Just a suggestion ...

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I don't know if I'm the only one but after reading the OP, I can't help but feel a deep antipathy for the poster. The service he receives most probably reflects the reaction of the service staff to his attitude.

OP, try treating waiters and waitresses with the respect they deserve and see how the service improves. Just a suggestion ...

I completely agree with the attitude behind use of "broken in", and of course it is good advice to be as friendly as possible to everyone you come across in daily life.

However from a business management practice POV, if the level of customer service depends on the mood/personality of your staff you'd never survive in the west where the market does indeed compete on that basis and the public has very high expectations.

Anyone who's worked in a public-facing job knows that a large percentage of people are unhappy and/or just dickheads and mistreat service staff as par for the course. A proper training and management program must overcome such difficulties so that service remains efficient and at least superficially friendly.

Of course employees should be empowered to prevent actual abusive behavior that crosses the line, but IMO they most certainly do not have the right to indulge in "normal" confrontational reactions just because someone is obnoxious while they are in service employment.

And the fact remains that in many many establishments public-facing staff do not meet the most basic standards of customer service from an international POV, and along with English, such education issues are of concern as Thailand opens its economy to more global competition.

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I have eaten at McDonalds in Bangkok a few times and I find their service to be slightly average... if one is to compare them to McDonalds' staff back home, they have a long way to go. While at Swensen, I have almost always encountered wonderful service.

I find the service at McD's and other fast food chains in Bangkok to be much better than a lot of places at home and they speak better English too.

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I am American so am very familiar with McDonalds. Some employees are excellent but others have problems understanding basic English. I have also observed some just standing here waiting for he food items instead of taking the order of the next person in line which can keep things moving. I always watch which drink they put in my cup because mistakes are sometimes made. I give Burger King a slightly higher grade (I live in Silom). What amazes me about McDonalds is the huge number of people sitting there doing homework or killing time but not actively eating or drinking.

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Anyone who's worked in a public-facing job knows that a large percentage of people are unhappy and/or just dickheads and mistreat service staff as par for the course.

That has certainly been my experience as an employer. Because of the language barrier here and the Thai's perceived passiveness, the di**heads can be even more abusive than back home.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Normally the quote "But McDonalds of all franchises seems to have broken in their Thai staff well." applies to horses, but maybe you see the staff more as cattle.


Why not start your own thread for stupid/ unecessary/won't in anyway help the thread comments?

Anyway, in response to the OP on my rare visits to Mcdonalds, i agree, i think the service is very good friendly and efficient.

Considering the lousy wages they are paid they are to be congratulated.

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Why not start your own thread for stupid/ unecessary/won't in anyway help the thread comments?

Anyway, in response to the OP on my rare visits to Mcdonalds, i agree, i think the service is very good friendly and efficient.

Considering the lousy wages they are paid they are to be congratulated.

Actually taking working conditions into account it's a very cushy job compared to most, can't compare to the opportunities back home, even entry-level staff probably make more than the average teacher and maybe even some doctors. I doubt they accept people without degrees, at least in Bangkok. And a second-level-up manager probably makes more than the branch manager at the average bank.

Customer service! How much service do you need when having a burger at McDonalds, a massage? You just order your burger, pay for it and off you go, simple as that.

Well, moving quickly and getting the order right are certainly an issue at many other restaurants I've patronized here. Handling customer complaints whether justified or not is certainly a skill that needs teaching to most entry-level staff.

And even when the staff gets the order wrong themselves I've been "forced" to pay for it anyway at normal Thai-run places, apparently that's the cultural norm here, any Thai with you will be horrified if you make a fuss about that. No such problem at a western-initiated franchise here, look at the return policies at IKEA and Tesco compared to most other reasonably-priced Thai-run places and I'm sure you know what I mean. All part and parcel of the same discipline.

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Customer service! How much service do you need when having a burger at McDonalds, a massage? You just order your burger, pay for it and off you go, simple as that.

But it is considered great customer service in Thailand if:

The staff isn't hiding

doing more important things instead of service you (for example text messages on the phone)

the staff know which products they have

if you speak English and pronounce the English word without Thai toning, they still understand it and don't reply "mai me" to get rid of you

wai2.gif great service

but also seen at NOK air, surprisingly at some small shops in Panthip and at FedEx.

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My vote goes to 'Star of Light'.

Amazing how every thread here goes that way. OK, well not amazing 8-)

But I agree, one of the few places where they don't complain when you take over an hour to finish one round. I used to complain about the smell of disinfectant, but then realized it's much better than the alternative 8-) Around seven years ago they tried to put the price up on me, but I still pay the same I did back in '97.

The new place on Suk 7/1 opened by Russian mafia's got fantastic service, I just can't stand that time limit business, I sure hope that business model doesn't catch on here, ends up as expensive as Eden for me that way. . .

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Normally the quote "But McDonalds of all franchises seems to have broken in their Thai staff well." applies to horses, but maybe you see the staff more as cattle.


I don't know if I'm the only one but after reading the OP, I can't help but feel a deep antipathy for the poster. The service he receives most probably reflects the reaction of the service staff to his attitude.

OP, try treating waiters and waitresses with the respect they deserve and see how the service improves. Just a suggestion ...

Pure nonsense assumptions. I tip 15% over in sit down restaurants here even when it's not customary if I receive better than average where even "average" is quite poor in Thailand.

Another place where I have received better than average service is in MK. So it's not just western franchises but Thai franchises can do the same thing it's just that most have poor management principles and don't weed out the feckless layabouts.

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Normally the quote "But McDonalds of all franchises seems to have broken in their Thai staff well." applies to horses, but maybe you see the staff more as cattle.


I don't know if I'm the only one but after reading the OP, I can't help but feel a deep antipathy for the poster. The service he receives most probably reflects the reaction of the service staff to his attitude.

OP, try treating waiters and waitresses with the respect they deserve and see how the service improves. Just a suggestion ...

Pure nonsense assumptions. I tip 15% over in sit down restaurants here even when it's not customary if I receive better than average where even "average" is quite poor in Thailand.

Another place where I have received better than average service is in MK. So it's not just western franchises but Thai franchises can do the same thing it's just that most have poor management principles and don't weed out the feckless layabouts.

I tip at MK if they dance sexy. At 6 PM at every MK all the staff does a sexy little dance; that's kind of cool. I realize I am probably the only one who has ever seen this. Just another example of Thai Visa virtual reality excellence.

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