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Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy

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It is disappointing but sadly not unexpected to read alot of your responses to the happennings around the world. The muslim-bashers amongst you (what we used to call paki-bashers in UK) would feel right at home here in Denmark, where it is perfectly acceptable to spout almost any kind of filth, as long as it is directed at non-whites, muslim or not.

It is impossible to make any informed statements about the 'Muhammad' 'caricatures' without having a semblance of background information, that the majority of you clearly lack. Anything else is just posture, a kind of literal masturbation, where you try to raise each other in absurd generalisations and offensive language.

For the record, the vast and silent majority of muslims in Denmark are angered and appalled by the continual 'bully-boy' tactics employed by the 'free and independent' Danish press. Muslims in particular and immigrants in general are consistently picked on for smear campaigns, ridicule and general 'putting the boot in'. The vast and silent majority of Danish muslims are equally appalled by the violent reactions to the 'caricatures'. The vast and silent majority of Danish muslims, much like the vast and silent majority of ethic Danes, merely want a good job, a place to live and raise their children and the possibility of giving their children some of the opportunities they themselves did not have.

If you feel a boycot of Danish goods will make you feel better or improve the situation, then feel free to do so. If you feel that buying Danish goods will make you feel better or improve the situation, please do that. If you feel that repeatedly publishing a 'caricature' of a significant part of the global population's chosen deity, will do anything but make you feel good, you have your head planted firmly up your arse.

The editor of the Danish newspaper, Jyllands Posten, has his head planted very firmly up his arse.

So you are outraged by the Danish press printing a satirical cartoon concerning your deity, whose divine credentials have no basis in science and hence are an act of faith on your part - No problem there, the Aboriginees in Australia, Rastafarians in Ethiopia and Voodoo priests in Haiti have their own faiths too afterall.

So taking a step back it's one thing to attack a deity who may or may not exist and quite another to villify a race who certainly still do exist - I refer to the following program shown on Syrian TV the other day.

'The Diaspora (Al-Shatat), a Syrian-produced TV series depicting how Jews, as ideology and religious conviction, are trying to subjugate the entire world, is now being broadcast for the third time in recent years on Arabic language Satellite TV. It was first broadcast in 2003 on Al-Manar (Hizbollah TV), in 2004 is was aired on Iranian TV, and now it is being broadcast during the Ramadan on Jordanian TV Al-Mamnou [see below about Al-Mamnou].

The series presents itself as an authentic historical depiction of the period of the Zionist movement and revolves around the "Secret Jewish World Government," whose members meet and plan how to control the leaders of the world, and thus, direct all of history. The Jewish Government is shown plotting and causing the Russian Revolution, the World Wars, encouraging the Nazi murder of Jews, and engineering the use of atomic bombs on Japan. The Jews are described as evil and bloodthirsty, interested only in power and world domination.

The series also includes horrific distortions of Judaism, including the presentation of the use of a Christian child's blood in preparation of Matzah for Passover, as religious necessity. The graphic episode features Jews kidnapping a Christian boy and slitting his throat to drain his blood, and the brutal execution of a Jew by a "Talmudic" court, by pouring boiling lead down his throat.'

And the hue and cry about a few cartoons is deathening. Stinking and hypocrite can be arranged in whatever order you like

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George, Maybe the following from NBC warrants a separate thread. :o

Thai Muslims angered by Quran-quoting rap

CDs recalled after complaints that Joey Boy's songs insult their faith

Sakchai Lalit / AP

Thai rap music singer Joey Boy gives a traditional Thai "wai" to apologize during a Tuesday press conference in Bangkok. He responded to complaints that one of his songs that includes a verse from the Quran.

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Updated: 12:33 p.m. ET Feb. 7, 2006

BANGKOK, Thailand - A music distributor recalled two Thai rap CDs from stores Tuesday after Muslims complained the tracks insult their faith.

An article on the Thai-language Muslim Web site www.muslimthai.com said a song recorded on CDs in 1998 and 2005 “clearly insults the Quran,” the Muslim holy book.

It said the CDs contain verses from the Quran and “the Quran strictly forbids the use of its verses in songs.”

Story continues below ↓




The Council of Muslim Organizations of Thailand said rapper Joey Boy and songwriter Kamol Sukosol Clapp, also known as Suki, should not have used the Quranic verses.

The song, “Maya,” was released in 1998 on a Joey Boy CD called “Bangkok Boy” and appeared again on the 2005 compilation “The Conclusive Collection.”

Sony BMG Music Entertainment Thailand has recalled both CDs, and they will probably be destroyed, said Saharat Vanchompoo, the Sony marketing director.

Joey Boy and Clapp apologized at a news conference to “all Muslims” for producing the song.

“I did not intend to insult the Quran in any way,” said Joey Boy, whose real name is Abhisit Opasiemlikit. “If I knew that there was an insulting sound or element in my song, Suki and I would not have created it.”

The rapper, the songwriter, and Sony BMG’s Saharat said they have requested a meeting as soon as possible with Thailand’s top Muslim leader to formally apologize.

In Europe, drawings of the Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish paper have sparked violent protests in the Muslim world.

© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Well to the muslims in the western world, just like we (farangs) here in Thailand are told again and again, if you don't like the smell in the kitchen, go home. :shrug:

Perfect post ... man ! Yoh, my man ...


It is disappointing but sadly not unexpected to read alot of your responses to the happennings around the world. The muslim-bashers amongst you (what we used to call paki-bashers in UK) would feel right at home here in Denmark, where it is perfectly acceptable to spout almost any kind of filth, as long as it is directed at non-whites, muslim or not.

That is not true ! Because I live just below Danmark and it is perfectly right to insult their citizens. No black or White involved in insulting people ! They just insult everybody, like us, in the Netherlands. That is called : FREEDOM OF SPEECH !

:D These remarks about "as long as it is directed at non-whites" ... Them "blacks" are the ones with totalitarian regimes ! :D


Muslims are full of opologies in London as one of them went dressed as a Suicide bomber on a so called peaceful demonstration....and an english man was nearly arrested for shouting at the protesters "Go home if you dont like it".

Even though the Muslims were carrying banners stating " Behead all who insult Allah" etc, etc...

Peaceful protests with Threatening signs! What is defined as peaceful?

It's a shame that the minority of fanatics shall rule the world with terror and killing inocent people,even their fellow muslims.

Anyone who thinks this is a small fanatical minority is woefully mistaken. The Muslim fanatics are not some small minority but a numerically large proportion of the Muslim world, mostly poor and uneducated and long ignored. The people who did not ignore them were the Wahabi out of the Kingdom of Saud. The Wahabi had lots of money via petrol-dollars to fund thousands of religious mosques and religious schools, (Madrasas) worldwide, that filled the void with hatred and a medieval and relatively backward form of Islam.

Prior to more recent times the Saudis were long considered the hillbillys of Islam. Soon after the death of the Prophet, Islam quickly left the Arabian Peninsula and migrated northwards. Thus we have historical centers of Islam in places like Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Samarkand, and even Cordoba, Spain. But the Saudis were never in the mainstream of Islam until the unholy monetary alliance between the western oil companies, the Saud clan, and the Wahabi gave this backward brand of Islam credibility in the eyes of the masses.

I am not optimistic. We need to see some of the moderate Muslims become true shahids (martyrs) in the name of their Prophet. Meanwhile, I too will be buying Danish beer.


As a dane, I am very saddened by what is happening in response to the drawings in the danish newspaper.

There are, IMO, so many facets to this case, and i don't beleive annybody can/should categorically say either "the people who drew the cartoons, and the newspaper who printed it are absolutely right" or "this is an absolute blasphemy, and a direct attack from danes on muslims"...

I beleive in the freedom of speech just as much as the next person (?). I do not think it is wrong on a "freedom of speech" grounds to draw/print the pictures. On a personal level, I think it is very wrong from an ethical point of view. I think it's sad that the given newspaper has reached that point.

I have to agree with an earlier poster on his opinion of the editor of the newspaper (which was not very nice). Whenever I see him on danish television, he repeats his "story": we asked the cartoonists to draw how they saw Mohammed, and we have every right to print it. Of course [hmm..] we have ethical standards and controls in place to prevent any misuse of this right"...I'm sorry, then either their ethical standards are too low, their controls are not good enought, or they just s"%¤%¤ up.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no respect for the muslim imams in denmark who went out "to spread the word"...

There is a link in a danish newspaper (of, i'm sorry to say, little repute), which i found quite interesting:


I'm sorry if i'm blabbering, but i think there are so many issues in this case that it is difficult to get an overview.

Let's just try not to be too fundamentalistic about anything....(i can see this one coming back.... :o )

A very good posting, thank you very much for the support, I'm a Dane and not anti muslim, I lived and worked 30 years in muslim countries in the Middle East, I have trained a lot of young arab pilots in various airlines around that part of the world, the vast majority of muslims are nice and gentle people, I have many muslim friends.

It's a shame that the minority of fanatics shall rule the world with terror and killing inocent people,even their fellow muslims.

In my Thai Family made up of one Frarang, real Thai's and mainly Chinese Thai's, we have a beloved family that is maybe 5th or 6th Generation Indian born Muslims, whom to the person, I, as a white agnostic Yank, would gladly give my life for in a NY second.

We agree, or at least I assume we agree, all this killing, rioting and hatred is not about being a Muslim or the faith of Islam, or being a Christian, Bhuddist and or being Jewish at all, is it?

It about Evil intent its opportunism. Yet, more importantly it is simply about bad people doing bad things in the name of something unrelated and irrespective of or to those religions. Religions whose majority of patrons, in devoted principles, we all know stand, in majority as being against such acts and deeds, done so fallciously in their name.

Yet, it is and has always been, since time immortal, ALL about those that just talk against the bad that is being done and thsoe few others, who, in fear, blood and tears, stand against it till it is never more. Is it not? :o


Well to the muslims in the western world, just like we (farangs) here in Thailand are told again and again, if you don't like the smell in the kitchen, go home. :shrug:

Perfect post ... man ! Yoh, my man ...


[quote name='sonthaya' post='636710' date='2006-02-07 19:23:03']

It is disappointing but sadly not unexpected to read alot of your responses to the happennings around the world. The muslim-bashers amongst you (what we used to call paki-bashers in UK) would feel right at home here in Denmark, where it is perfectly acceptable to spout almost any kind of filth, as long as it is directed at non-whites, muslim or not.

That is not true ! Because I live just below Danmark and it is perfectly right to insult their citizens. No black or White involved in insulting people ! They just insult everybody, like us, in the Netherlands. That is called : FREEDOM OF SPEECH !

:D These remarks about "as long as it is directed at non-whites" ... Them "blacks" are the ones with totalitarian regimes ! :D

Hi Flying Duchtman, that's not my post, I screwed up when trying to reduce the size of the post I would quote, written by Fleeing, I feel exactly like you. Regards Sonthaya


Well, I think it is fair to say that there are bigots in EVERY country.

I think it is important for humanists to form some sort of 'internationalist bond'.

Fundamentalist Muslims and bigots (some of whom love to express their bigotry here on the forum) BOTH pisss me off !




Heartening (at least somewhat) to see some southern Thailand Muslims marching the other day, to protest against the extreme fanatics within their own community whom are bent on hijacking their religion using murder, cowardly attacks and intimidation. Wish the Muslim world in general would take THIS protest to every street in every Muslim region of the world.... :o

We cannot always talk about bargirls...um...

World-news that affects us all DO belong in the forum.

I don't believe I've ever contributed to a bargirl discussion. I'd like to think that there is more to this forum than that.

Heartening (at least somewhat) to see some southern Thailand Muslims marching the other day, to protest against the extreme fanatics within their own community whom are bent on hijacking their religion. Wish the Muslim world in general would take THIS protest to every street in every Muslim region of the world.... :o

I only wish B&S!!! :D

We cannot always talk about bargirls...um...

World-news that affects us all DO belong in the forum.

This thread is entitled "Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy" - so it's "Thai News" and does belong in this forum.

So do threads about the other subject, but let's pretend we don't want to talk about that.

"The Thai Muslim protesters vowed they would not use violence against Denmark, but urged their f

fellow Muslims in Thailand to ban all made-in-Denmark products."

Hmmm, and those (products other than dairy products) would be???

Remember, we all have to kiss up to all muslim in order to get along. After all, they're doing their best to get along with the rest of the world. :D

I find it ironic that Muslims wish to boycott a nation thats main exports are Danish Bacon and Carlsberg Beer.

Neither of which should feature very highly on any practicing muslims shopping list!

Hummm ineffective!! :o



"The Thai Muslim protesters vowed they would not use violence against Denmark, but urged their f

fellow Muslims in Thailand to ban all made-in-Denmark products."

Hmmm, and those (products other than dairy products) would be???

Remember, we all have to kiss up to all muslim in order to get along. After all, they're doing their best to get along with the rest of the world. :D

I find it ironic that Muslims wish to boycott a nation thats main exports are Danish Bacon and Carlsberg Beer.

Neither of which should feature very highly on any practicing muslims shopping list!

Hummm ineffective!! :o


Well, nobody gives the followers of the Prophet of Pedophilia high marks for their effectiveness now do they? :D


The big question still is, why can they behead human hostages on tv, but you can't have a cartoon in the newspaper about them?

No more American aid for these countries.

Muslims are full of opologies in London as one of them went dressed as a Suicide bomber on a so called peaceful demonstration....and an english man was nearly arrested for shouting at the protesters "Go home if you dont like it".

Even though the Muslims were carrying banners stating " Behead all who insult Allah" etc, etc...

Peaceful protests with Threatening signs! What is defined as peaceful?

Yep, this smart lad was a convicted crack dealer out on bail.This little einstien is now back in Jail. :o


Thai Muslims Offended by Rap Song


A music distributor recalled two Thai rap CDs from stores Tuesday after Muslims complained the tracks insult their faith.

An article on the Thai-language Muslim Web site, It said the CDs contain verses from the Quran and "the Quran strictly forbids the use of its verses in songs."

The Council of Muslim Organizations of Thailand said rapper Joey Boy and songwriter Kamol Sukosol Clapp, also known as Suki, should not have used the Quranic verses.

The song, "Maya," was released in 1998 on a Joey Boy CD called "Bangkok Boy" and appeared again on the 2005 compilation "The Conclusive Collection."

Sony BMG Music Entertainment Thailand has recalled both CDs, and they will probably be destroyed, said Saharat Vanchompoo, the Sony marketing director.

Joey Boy and Clapp apologized at a news conference to "all Muslims" for producing the song.

"I did not intend to insult the Quran in any way," said Joey Boy, whose real name is Abhisit Opasiemlikit. "If I knew that there was an insulting sound or element in my song, Suki and I would not have created it."

The rapper, the songwriter, and Sony BMG's Saharat said they have requested a meeting as soon as possible with Thailand's top Muslim leader to formally apologize.

In Europe, drawings of the Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish paper have sparked violent protests in the Muslim world.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Muslims are full of opologies in London as one of them went dressed as a Suicide bomber on a so called peaceful demonstration....and an english man was nearly arrested for shouting at the protesters "Go home if you dont like it".

Even though the Muslims were carrying banners stating " Behead all who insult Allah" etc, etc...

Peaceful protests with Threatening signs! What is defined as peaceful?

Yep, this smart lad was a convicted crack dealer out on bail.This little einstien is now back in Jail. :D

Now OLD HOOKY has been banged up.......bbcnews (thanks)

The conviction of radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri for preaching race hate brings to an end a four-week trial that even the judge admitted was highly unusual.

Videotapes of Abu Hamza preaching were shown to the jury

Before the trial even started Mr Justice Hughes gave a warning to the press not to "ridicule" Abu Hamza - who as a radical Muslim with no hands and only one eye had for years been an obvious target for the press.

In court the jury had to base their verdicts on a series of nine speeches caught on video and audio tape - speeches that the prosecution claimed showed Abu Hamza, the former imam of Finsbury Park mosque, encouraging people to murder and stirring up racial hatred.

Most of the tapes were seized when Abu Hamza's house in Shepherd's Bush, west London, was raided by anti-terrorist police.

They discovered nearly 3,000 audio cassettes and nearly 600 videos showing the cleric addressing audiences around the country and answering their questions.

Boxes of blank tapes showed Abu Hamza had organised a distribution system through an organisation called Supporters of Sharia, whose clenched-fist symbol featured on the covers of many of the video boxes.

'Recruiting sergeant'

Also found at the house was an Encyclopaedia of Afghani Jihad, which contained detailed advice on making bombs and recommended potential terrorists should choose targets like Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty to publicise their cause.


Guilty of 6 charges of soliciting to murder

Guilty of 3 charges related to "stirring up racial hatred"

Guilty of 1 charge of owning recordings related to "stirring up racial hatred"

Guilty of 1 charge of possessing "terrorist encyclopaedia"

Not guilty of 3 charges of soliciting to murder

Not guilty of 1 charge related to "stirring up racial hatred"

David Perry, prosecuting, told the court that although Abu Hamza presented himself as a moral and civic leader he was in fact a "recruiting sergeant" for terrorism who, in his speeches, emboldened or persuaded people to commit murder.

"We say on his own words that their meaning is entirely clear," said Mr Perry.

Abu Hamza, in his only comment to the police after arrest, claimed he was the victim of a "witch-hunt" by the media and that his speeches were being taken out of context.

Those speeches, dated from between 1997 and 2000, were played out on video screen in the courtroom and presented the preacher in a variety of locations - Whitechapel, Luton, Blackburn as well as Finsbury Park mosque.

At times Abu Hamza was filmed in a domestic setting, sitting quietly on a carpet in front of floral wallpaper with the sound of traffic in the background; at others he was seen raging at an unseen audience at the top of his voice.

Attack on non-Muslims

In total the jury was given some 600 pages of Abu Hamza's speeches to consider, and provided with a glossary of Arabic terms in order to understand the Islamic religious terms so often used in his sermons.

But the language was often easily understood. In a speech given in 1997 or 1998 Abu Hamza attacks non-Muslims - people he calls the "Kafir".

Abu Hamza's glossary of hate

Kuffar/kafir - Any non-Muslim. Seen as legitimate targets

Caliphate (khilafa) - the dream of a global Islamic caliphate, enforcing strict Sharia law on all

Halal - Something permitted by Islam (not just food)

Haram - Something forbidden by Islam, which included E number food additives

Jihad - Obligation to fight a holy war against enemies of Islam, including terrorism

Shahid - a martyr for the cause. This would include suicide bombers

Shaitan (Satan) - the source of all evil. Among those seen as Shaitan were western tourists

Apostates - Leaders of Muslim countries who were seen as betraying Islamic. They included President Mubarak of Egypt

Dawa - the true faith (akin to spreading the gospel). Abu Hamza was trying to spread his own brand of Islam, if necessary by force

"Killing a Kafir who is fighting you is OK.

Killing a Kafir for any reason, you can say it, it is OK - even if there is no reason for it," he says.

When asked about suicide bombing by a member of his audience Abu Hamza says:

"It is not called suicide... this is called martyring, because if the only way to hurt the enemies of Islam except by taking your life for that then it is allowed."

Abu Hamza decided to defend himself in the witness box and for five days was closely examined about every word of his speeches.

He said he was a preacher whose words were based on the Koran. The quotes were meant as generalisations and metaphors - not specific instructions.

MI5 claim

Frequently, however, he displayed a ready hatred of "Zionist" Jews - who he complained had taken over the British Foreign Office as well as the media.

His comments matched his speeches in which he said of Jews: "They are enemies to one another and Allah has cursed them. This is why he sent Hitler for them."

He also complained that in a series of meetings with MI5 and Special Branch between 1997 and 2000 he was told he could continue preaching.

"You have freedom of speech as long as we don't have blood on the streets," Abu Hamza claimed he was told.

Extradition proceedings

If this was true Abu Hamza has now found out that the level of tolerance afforded to radical preachers has changed.

Language which his defence admitted was offensive has now been deemed by a jury to be unlawful.

As for Abu Hamza's future, he still faces extradition proceedings by the US, where he is wanted in connection with terrorism.

But the man who made Finsbury Park mosque a national talking point is unlikely to disappear quietly from the front pages. :o:D


I saw the BBC 'hardtalk' program yesterday featuring an interview with Abu Hamza back in 2003. Very revealing it was. Apparently the Jews were responsible for 9/11, even though the terrorists who flew the planes were martyrs (not sure I follow his logic there :o )

The most amusing bit was when it was mentioned that prior to becoming a 'cleric' Abu Hanza was a bouncer in a soho strip club. Very Islamic I must say :D:D

I saw the BBC 'hardtalk' program yesterday featuring an interview with Abu Hamza back in 2003. Very revealing it was. Apparently the Jews were responsible for 9/11, even though the terrorists who flew the planes were martyrs (not sure I follow his logic there :o )

The most amusing bit was when it was mentioned that prior to becoming a 'cleric' Abu Hanza was a bouncer in a soho strip club. Very Islamic I must say :D:D

"It is not called suicide... this is called martyring, because if the only way to hurt the enemies of Islam except by taking your life for that then it is allowed." ....so thats OK then :D

I saw the hardtalk program a couple of days ago and yes agree it was most revealing....

the update on him being a bouncer is almost true....It would seem that when he came to the UK as a student he got some part time work in nightclubs and being a good looking bloke was ...having a good time....wine,women and the other......

His wife however didnt like it (supprise-supprise) and said to him... its me.. or the "women".....so he turned to Islam......made the wrong choice there ..didnt you.......boyo :D

He then it seems dissapeared only to turn up a few years later on TV sans one hand and an eye...hanging around Finsbury Park (5 minutes from here) ...shouting about......wotever

wifee is now on hubby ..think..No 3..... :D

I saw the BBC 'hardtalk' program yesterday featuring an interview with Abu Hamza back in 2003. Very revealing it was. Apparently the Jews were responsible for 9/11, even though the terrorists who flew the planes were martyrs (not sure I follow his logic there :o )

The most amusing bit was when it was mentioned that prior to becoming a 'cleric' Abu Hanza was a bouncer in a soho strip club. Very Islamic I must say :D:D

No hands and only one eye, I wonder how that happened, in muslim coutries they chop the hands off thieves, but what about the eye :D

Could also be a very small brain and trying make a bomb :D

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