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Multiple entry - re-entry

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crlasia, you are right, I will edit the re-entry page this weekend to clarify. FYI: Re-entries are not easy to explan, the main reason why the Immigration has this is re-entry requierment is to break any chance for a foreigner to have three consecutive years of visa extensions, and NOT be eligible to apply for residence.

Thanks for heads up! We are not sitting in the knee of Immigration, so I will try to make it more clear!

May I ask why, how and where did you got a "NON-RS" visa? This is a very rare visa type!

Just curious! ???

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I am a lecturer at a British university and will be visiting a Japanese Research Institute in Bangkok (within NSTDA) for 2-3 months. Although I am a Bangladeshi and always faced peculiar questions even for a tourist and transit visa, the London consulate this time issued me 1-year Multiple RS visa which is also further extendable. Perhaps, finally they understood that I have a great passion for Thailand and respects for Thai people.

BTW, can you recommend me any local Rent-a-car where I can get a good burgain for 2-3 months - just a vehicle for going A to B. I am an academic, not so poor but don't fancy luxury while so many people are in pain here on the earth.


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Hi George

You Wrote:

"the main reason why the Immigration has this is re-entry requierment is to break any chance for a foreigner to have three consecutive years of visa extensions, and NOT be eligible to apply for residence."

Could you explain this a bit more for me - sorry but I don't understand. Are you saying that a Re-Entry Permit or going outside the Country breaks the 3 continuous years?

I had assumed that just extending the Non O visa continually

satisfied the Continuous 3 years - even if one left Thailand temporarily ??

Your Words of Wisdom would be much appreciated



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"the main reason why the Immigration has this is re-entry requierment is to break any chance for a foreigner to have three consecutive years of visa extensions, and NOT be eligible to apply for residence."

Could you explain this a bit more for me - sorry but I don't understand. Are you saying that a Re-Entry Permit or going outside the Country breaks the 3 continuous years?

I had assumed that just extending the Non O visa continually

satisfied the Continuous 3 years - even if one left Thailand temporarily ??

Because if you are on yearly extensions and forget to have re-entry permit while exiting Thailand, you are on square one again...

The re-entry regulations is an easy way for Immigration to keep the number of qualified applicants down to a miniumum.

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