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India Topples Thailand As World's Largest Rice Exporter: Usda


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What i read is that in paddy form, once dried the first time, the husk provides more protection for the rice, than in finished form.

Helps to prevent mold, and if course, if they mill it, they have to incur the costs.


So they would only mill the rice, if it will shortly be shipped, and only 4 million tons is expected to be shipped or consumed soon, therefore the other 17 million tons are 'on hold' ?

Sounds like perhaps someone mightn't have much confidence, about those government-to-government sales turning into shipments, soon.

Or the government contracts for storing the rice-mountain don't specify, what form it is to be kept in, or when milling is supposed to take place, or there's a stage-payment which is triggered upon completion of milling ? No doubt its all 'commercially confidential', once again. wink.png

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Note to self.

Organise meeting in the village hall today and tell wifey and the neighbours to stop growing 4 crops of rice a year because it's impossible according to an internet expert.

Better inform more than your village. Within 2 clicks of our moo ban I can see about 40 rai which has not been farmed in any way for the past 16 years, which is heading out (maturing for you non farm savy people) with the 4th crop this year. This coupled with the regular paddy land (also working on the 3rd or 4th harvest). This is all land with access to irrigation frm government project..To further clarify, these are not substance farms. To calculate yields, first you have to know what kind of rice is being harvested. Sticky rice yields more than the premium, fragrent rice.

Thailand has very little facility for storage of milled rice nor the by product from milling, thus sacked paddy storage is the norm.

Following the progress of this program, it is apparent the various ministries involved have not provided an adequate budget, an avenue to get additional money to the majority of farmers, who need it most, proper accountability of funds/spending/storage/transport/market price/project harvests, etc. For those who have a real intrest in accuring info about this and other Thai farm product programs, visit the farming forum. Lots of real life experiences, cost, income, etc by people who enjoy and have vast knowledge about the farm sector.

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The other newspaper has deputy director-general of the Foreign Trade Department Tikhumporn Natvaratatsaying to expect Thailand to export only 7.5 tons this year

Since begin of the year till now (?) Thailand was said to have exported 5.5 tons with Vietnam 5.9t and India 5.6t. Of course the export value of the Thai rice was higher, quality shows.

He also mentioned that government would gradually ship rice to six countries that had bought Thai rice through government-to-government deals between now and the end of next year as scheduled. No further details

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The other newspaper has deputy director-general of the Foreign Trade Department Tikhumporn Natvaratatsaying to expect Thailand to export only 7.5 tons this year

Since begin of the year till now (?) Thailand was said to have exported 5.5 tons with Vietnam 5.9t and India 5.6t. Of course the export value of the Thai rice was higher, quality shows.

He also mentioned that government would gradually ship rice to six countries that had bought Thai rice through government-to-government deals between now and the end of next year as scheduled. No further details

So next year's exports can be counted as this year's deals ? How very convenient ! wink.pngrolleyes.gif

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Thai rice exports in 10 months decline 46.5%

BANGKOK, Nov 13 - Thai rice exports from January to October declined 46.5 per cent with total exports of 4.02 million tonnes, compared to 7.5 million tonnes during the same period last year.

According to the Rice Department, the Thai rice export quantity is also 35 per cent lower than that of Vietnam which exported its rice at 6.24 million tonnes in the same period.

Thailand Trade Representative president Olarn Chaipravat and other representatives are now in the UK to negotiate trade and investment there as well as survey Thai and Chinese restaurants in London to discover that Thai Hom Mali fragrant rice has been increasingly popular among these restauranteurs.

Mr Olarn said the government is seeking new channels to export high-quality Hom Mali fragrant rice and organic Hom Mali rice to European customers.

His team is also trying to negotiate with British rice importers to export organic Hom Mali rice to the UK, in particular, as well as other European countries.

Organic Hom Mali rice price is generally 20 per cent higher in price than standard Hom Mali fragrant rice.

Thailand currently has 18,000 rai of farmland under organic Hom Mali rice, an amount insufficient for the current high demand in Europe.


-- TNA 2012-11-13

Edited by Buchholz
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The other newspaper has deputy director-general of the Foreign Trade Department Tikhumporn Natvaratatsaying to expect Thailand to export only 7.5 tons this year

Since begin of the year till now (?) Thailand was said to have exported 5.5 tons with Vietnam 5.9t and India 5.6t. Of course the export value of the Thai rice was higher, quality shows.

He also mentioned that government would gradually ship rice to six countries that had bought Thai rice through government-to-government deals between now and the end of next year as scheduled. No further details

So next year's exports can be counted as this year's deals ? How very convenient ! wink.pngrolleyes.gif

That "may" not be intended to mislead. Not sure how government works but am guessing they use the accrual method of accounting which basically means you book revenue and expenses when they occur and not when you actually get the cash or pay the bill. So, if they sell rice in 2012 but don't deliver it until 2013 then it would be counted under 2012 exports. Same as a business has an option of using an accounting system where they claim an expense when they get the bill in 2012 but may not pay it until 2013.

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Thai rice exports in 10 months decline 46.5%

BANGKOK, Nov 13 - Thai rice exports from January to October declined 46.5 per cent with total exports of 4.02 million tonnes, compared to 7.5 million tonnes during the same period last year.

According to the Rice Department, the Thai rice export quantity is also 35 per cent lower than that of Vietnam which exported its rice at 6.24 million tonnes in the same period.

Thailand Trade Representative president Olarn Chaipravat and other representatives are now in the UK to negotiate trade and investment there as well as survey Thai and Chinese restaurants in London to discover that Thai Hom Mali fragrant rice has been increasingly popular among these restauranteurs.

Mr Olarn said the government is seeking new channels to export high-quality Hom Mali fragrant rice and organic Hom Mali rice to European customers.

His team is also trying to negotiate with British rice importers to export organic Hom Mali rice to the UK, in particular, as well as other European countries.

Organic Hom Mali rice price is generally 20 per cent higher in price than standard Hom Mali fragrant rice.

Thailand currently has 18,000 rai of farmland under organic Hom Mali rice, an amount insufficient for the current high demand in Europe.


-- TNA 2012-11-13

Export of 4.02m ton in the first ten months with on the 6th (this month) Pranee Siriphand, director general of the Ministry of Commerce's Department of Foreign Trade saying to expect to ship 7.2m - 7.5m ton this year. Two more months to ship about 80% of what was done in ten months. Maybe a wee bit too optimistic. Mind you, too less shipped now the higher the possibility that Thailand will be Rice Exporter Number ONE next year assuming they will agree to a 'slightly' lesser price rather than leave the lot in storage too long.

About a year ago someone in government or Pheu Thai mentioned that a rise in rice price was overdue as Thailand had been subsidizing foreigners for too long already. The National budget 2013 shows THB 400 billion for another round of price pledging, mostly on rice. That's subsidizing needy Thai, with the compliments of all Thai (and foreign) taxpayers. After two years of this there shouldn't be too many needy left I hope. Just voicing my thoughts as concerned taxpayer wink.png

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Thai rice exports in 10 months decline 46.5%

BANGKOK, Nov 13 - Thai rice exports from January to October declined 46.5 per cent with total exports of 4.02 million tonnes, compared to 7.5 million tonnes during the same period last year.

According to the Rice Department, the Thai rice export quantity is also 35 per cent lower than that of Vietnam which exported its rice at 6.24 million tonnes in the same period.

Thailand Trade Representative president Olarn Chaipravat and other representatives are now in the UK to negotiate trade and investment there as well as survey Thai and Chinese restaurants in London to discover that Thai Hom Mali fragrant rice has been increasingly popular among these restauranteurs.

Mr Olarn said the government is seeking new channels to export high-quality Hom Mali fragrant rice and organic Hom Mali rice to European customers.

His team is also trying to negotiate with British rice importers to export organic Hom Mali rice to the UK, in particular, as well as other European countries.

Organic Hom Mali rice price is generally 20 per cent higher in price than standard Hom Mali fragrant rice.

Thailand currently has 18,000 rai of farmland under organic Hom Mali rice, an amount insufficient for the current high demand in Europe.


-- TNA 2012-11-13

This awesome policy outcome was brought to you by the government's "Economic Dream Team", now on their "Dumping 2012" World Tour.

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