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Want To Build My Own Pool.advice Needed Please


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Hi All,

I am looking to put a pool in the garden mainly for my daughter to play in and nothing too big approx 6 m x 4 m x 1.2 deep

Please constructive advice I already know the potential issues with Thai builders,so I will be managing it myself

I am trying to get an idea from some of you very clever engineers/experienced soles here as to what i will need to buy so I will drop a list of what I think I need and any pointers or things I have missed please let me know.

I will need a re- inforced concrete wall lined with steel(any ideas on size would be good) Thai guy says he can make the mix !! should I use CPAC ?

Does it need a bottom drain ?2 way I am not in an area that floods ! do i need a skimmer ?

Tiles I will use 8 inch squares as they are a fraction of the cost, but I know I need to use weber products for sticking and grouting.

Now the bit I am stuck on, I have seen in the large wholesale shop in Rayong a salt chloirinator, which I think is all I need ? other than a pump and filter ? but sadly the item is easy to buy the support was not available to confirm, do I need a sand fillter?

prices there are salt chlorinator was 13000 baht and pump and filter 13000 baht is this about right ? can thses items be bought less expensively ? I think other than bags of salt thats all I need ??

Thanks in advance for those who take the time to respond.

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Not as easy as you seem to think.

Before coming to Thailand I lived in Cyprus for 5 years, my best friend (English) and his son started a very successful pool cleaning service there and I do know that you need a number of chemicals to keep the water clear and safe.

If you are going to do your own maintenance and not done so before then I would suggest that you need to talk to someone that has a really good knowledge about swimming pools and the complications that can occur.

Maybe I can get my friend to swap email addresses if you get stuck.

I did think about a swimming pool but after looking at the costs decided to give it a miss.

All I would suggest that if you do go ahead with this venture make sure you have a shallow level which then gradually goes deeper. I have been to many hotels here in Thailand where the depth is the same throughtout the whole length at 2 metres which is vey dangerous for those who are not strong swimmers and children.

Please think safety first.

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prices there are salt chlorinator was 13000 baht and pump and filter 13000 baht is this about right ? can thses items be bought less expensively ? I think other than bags of salt thats all I need ??

I suggest you do alot more reading, start with the link Ignis provided and then add a few more weeks searching and reading everything regarding this subject on the internet,before you even make a planning.

Your own pool building is not so difficult, taken in consideration that you have a bit knowledge about construction and how a pool functions.

From your OP it's clear you have neither yet.

As for the prices you mention, I can assure you that they are Chinese crap at those prices.

A decent pump alone will set you back 10 - 15000 Baht, add to that the same amount for a filter.

A decent chlorinator of the size you will need will set you back 50.000 Baht in Thailand, but you can import the very same item at about half the price from Australia.

I imported mine, and it was free of import duties. Zodiac Tri Large Ph : price Thailand 90.000 to 79.800 Baht ( Cheapest I could find ) price officially imported everything paid : 43.000 Baht.

One last word. If you make the construction only use premixed waterproof concrete from a reliable company, and go buy the steel rebar yourself at the local steel wholesaler.

Don't forget to place a rubber waterstop where the walls join the floor, and don't use kitchen tiles.

Of course you could do with a much smaller model, but this is only to show that these items are just rip-offs in Thailand

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Hello! I do not have much experience in construction,but I build my pool myself.25x3 meter,about 1.40-2.oo deep.I put up dubbelwalls of the ordinary cementblocks you find everywhere,with some 10 cm between them.Then I filld this gap with betong,which I mixed myself,after having ironrods stuck down plus some horisontaly as well.If you use CPAC,the preassure can be too much at once....For the floor,with such a small pool;better mix the betong youself and sloop it.At the deep end,have a PVC with a gadget you can open/close to go through the wall. As for cleaning;I put in some clorin myself,buy them at Global House in small bags( /70 Baht I think)Change water every 3 months,it stays almost perfect that long.All in all,did not cost me much except some work,but it was fun!!Good luck!Oh,I forgot to mention.You must use a liquid to mix into the final cement when you puts the walls,so to keep the water from penetrating them.

Edited by Bosse137
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Hello! I do not have much experience in construction,but I build my pool myself.25x3 meter,about 1.40-2.oo deep.I put up dubbelwalls of the ordinary cementblocks you find everywhere,with some 10 cm between them.Then I filld this gap with betong,which I mixed myself,after having ironrods stuck down plus some horisontaly as well.If you use CPAC,the preassure can be too much at once....For the floor,with such a small pool;better mix the betong youself and sloop it.At the deep end,have a PVC with a gadget you can open/close to go through the wall. As for cleaning;I put in some clorin myself,buy them at Global House in small bags( /70 Baht I think)Change water every 3 months,it stays almost perfect that long.All in all,did not cost me much except some work,but it was fun!!Good luck!Oh,I forgot to mention.You must use a liquid to mix into the final cement when you puts the walls,so to keep the water from penetrating them.

You have an approximate 120 Cubic meters pool and you change the water every 3 months? Must be a costly affair, unless you have good well of course, but then it is still a very time consuming job to get the water clean after filling up.

Ever considered to do a PH test after you have thrown in chlorine for a few weeks?

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jbrain. Could be a good idea with the PH test,thanks.But in my case,I have a source of underground water,coming from 55 meter below and very clean.Takes just half a day to refill the pool,no problem and only at the cost of electricity...For test;I swim every day and as long as the water seems fresh to me,everything is OK.About the clorin,I use it only about once a month and only one small bag,that I spread out manually.After emptying the pool,I just scrubb the floor;done in one hour.

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jbrain. Could be a good idea with the PH test,thanks.But in my case,I have a source of underground water,coming from 55 meter below and very clean.Takes just half a day to refill the pool,no problem and only at the cost of electricity...For test;I swim every day and as long as the water seems fresh to me,everything is OK.About the clorin,I use it only about once a month and only one small bag,that I spread out manually.After emptying the pool,I just scrubb the floor;done in one hour.

I think I must misread something.

You have pool of 25 x 3 meters = 75 sqm x average 1.6 meter deep = 120 cubic and you fill that up in half a day and keep it clear for a month with lets say 1 kg of chlorine without any filtering?

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jbrain.Yes,that is correct! Almost could not belive it myself in the beginning...Guess it helps,that I have a net around and over the pool,the blue type.It takes away some of the sunlight and also insects. Another thing;I did not mention in my first post,that I do not have any tiles,finds that unnecersary,since the purpose of the pool is to give me a chance to exersice,not to show off.

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Thanks all for the Advice, Ignis this link is great for speed I may look at thses metal frame pools,means my daughter would be swimming in days and I wont have a house falling down !! Do you know of this company personally ? as their metal ultra pool looks good,just not sure its a long term option though.

Kind Regards

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Thanks all for the Advice, Ignis this link is great for speed I may look at thses metal frame pools,means my daughter would be swimming in days and I wont have a house falling down !! Do you know of this company personally ? as their metal ultra pool looks good,just not sure its a long term option though.

Kind Regards

No sorry, but a friend used the same sort of above ground framed pool in South of France with no problems........ it was just in my Bookmarks re looking at the time at there pumps and filters.

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