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Plodprasob Wants A New Nuclear Reactor: Thailand


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If the Japanese could not do nuclear reactors in a safe manner how can anyone be so naive to believe that the Thais can do it better? Thais can't even do normal 220v electrical distribution that doesn't fail almost every time it rains. Perhaps Plodprasob should also propose buying some slightly used reactors being "stored" at Fukushima. Get a big discount, why waste extra money on something that is destined to fail. I hope that the reactors will be located within a kilometer of his home if his rediculous plan does happen.

TAT might consider being prepared with new catch phrases like:

"Thailand, the hub of radioactive waste lands"

"Why go to Fukushima when Thailand offers better prices and scams?"

"Thailand, get a tan without the sun"

"Got cancer, want cancer? Come to Thailand, hub for free radiation therapy".

Then there is "LOS, Land of Stupid".

Edited by aguy30
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The Thai government appears to strictly adhere to the Peter Principle.

The Peter Principle is a belief that, in an organization where promotion is based on achievement, success, and merit, that organization's members will eventually be promoted beyond their level of ability. The principle is commonly phrased, "employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence." In more formal parlance, the effect could be stated as: employees tend to be given more authority until they cannot continue to work competently.

The principle holds that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Eventually they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain, being unable to earn further promotions.

The employee's incompetence is not necessarily a result of the higher-ranking position being more difficult. It may be that the new position requires different work skills which the employee may not possess.

Just a side thought: Is it still called the Peter Principle when there are addition promotions after reaching the level of incompetence?

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They can't even get a foottie stadium ready for the FIFA cup and he wants to push forward with a nuclear reactor. If there is a problem(leak), he will probably have helicopters come in to push out the radioactive particles from he area! This guy needs to be muzzled or maybe keep him busy by giving him the idea to build a glorious museum highlighting all of Thailand's scientific and technological achievements.

I was in Singapore for 5 days and all I heard on the news channels was talk about Thailand not being ready for FIFA and how embarrassing this was for the country. The anchors on one occasion also joked that when they do the F1 race the racing surface probably won't be ready or there will be sinkholes. They said maybe it will turn into a demolition derby race.

So you base your decision-making on ill-natured and ill-informed television commentary from a foreign country on an unrelated topic? How much research have you done into the Thai nuclear industry? Do you have any comparative data on industrial safety at Thai manufacturing plants compared to other countries? How does the safety record of PTT compare to its peers?SC

What has industrial safety at Thai manufacturing plants have to do with safety at nuclear reactors? Well, you do display your distinct level of ignorance clearly. That may be good to know.

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They can't even get a foottie stadium ready for the FIFA cup and he wants to push forward with a nuclear reactor. If there is a problem(leak), he will probably have helicopters come in to push out the radioactive particles from he area! This guy needs to be muzzled or maybe keep him busy by giving him the idea to build a glorious museum highlighting all of Thailand's scientific and technological achievements.

I was in Singapore for 5 days and all I heard on the news channels was talk about Thailand not being ready for FIFA and how embarrassing this was for the country. The anchors on one occasion also joked that when they do the F1 race the racing surface probably won't be ready or there will be sinkholes. They said maybe it will turn into a demolition derby race.

So you base your decision-making on ill-natured and ill-informed television commentary from a foreign country on an unrelated topic? How much research have you done into the Thai nuclear industry? Do you have any comparative data on industrial safety at Thai manufacturing plants compared to other countries? How does the safety record of PTT compare to its peers?SC

What has industrial safety at Thai manufacturing plants have to do with safety at nuclear reactors? Well, you do display your distinct level of ignorance clearly. That may be good to know.

Perhaps you would benefit from re-reading my post. I was suggesting that maybe an objective review of comparative industrial safety data, rather than prejudice or irrelevant ill-informed foreign news reporting, might be a better basis for assessment.

A previous poster highlighted the tale of woe arising from the inadeqate disposal of a medical irradiation source - not derived from the local reactor, I think, which highlighted the importance of employing specialists rather than letting the medical fraternity handle potentially hazardous nuclear materials.

If Thai Airlines and PTT are a laughing-stock internationally for their safety record, then perhaps the posters on this thread have a valid point. If not, then their ignorant prejudiced bigotry says more about the TV membership than the ability of Thailand to manage their next reactor.


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Let's summarize:

The nuclear research reactor down in Chatuchak has turned 50. A memorable date, which TINT (the institute running it) celebrates with an open house and by hosting a regional scientific symposium. At that symposium, in a commemorative speech, a former science minister reassures the peer group present that the bid to build a newer, bigger (shinier?) research reactor has not been forgotten, [although the project has been derailed by corruption more than a decade ago and is still hanging in the courts].

TINT of course is using the open house to spread propa.. ahem, information about nuclear technology and trying to get potential future scientists interested. To top the article off with a cute human interest story, visiting students are interviewed. The one-catch-all phrase niu-khliia gets thrown around a lot and is disambiguated by [accurate] editorial additions, almost creating the impression TRR-1/1 would be a nuclear power plant.

What's this thread all about? Oh yeah, witty image captions thumbsup.gif

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Sounds like TV posters would have loved to be back in the coal era when soot caked everything as they walked through smog whilst CO2 levels rose inexorably and thousands died of chest infection.

Anyone aware of the different safety levels of third generation reactors?

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give him a small 1 to play with, as long as he keeps it in his own bedroom and promises to do his other homework cos he's way behind in science as he has already proved with the propeller idea.

He's also lagging in his Ethics class by thinking it's a great idea to serve endangered species as an entree.

One thing he's not lacking, as the richest of the rich Cabinet Ministers, is money.

Let him buy the reactor himself.


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I think he should go fly a kite instead. Costs much less and puts to use many years of Thai kite flying expertise. http://en.wikipedia....ne_wind_turbine

Germans, Americans, Canadians and others with Nukes are now pursuing alternative energy like kite generated wind power- far safer and less costly than any Nuke.


Japan and Germany have pulled the plug on Nukes. Thailand would be wasting money on Nuke projects and would lead its country into self destruction.

Problem with the Nuke industry is with its business practices of trying to buy off regulators.


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He's also lagging in his Ethics class by thinking it's a great idea to serve endangered species as an entree.


Not so quick.....

I've never quite understood why such efforts are made to keep extant species whose time has come, whilst at the same time eating with gay abandon millions of animals who don't happen to be on the list of "chosen" species.

Hardly "natural" selection......

So I say more nuclear power and dodo sandwiches.

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He's also lagging in his Ethics class by thinking it's a great idea to serve endangered species as an entree.


Not so quick.....

I've never quite understood why such efforts are made to keep extant species whose time has come, whilst at the same time eating with gay abandon millions of animals who don't happen to be on the list of "chosen" species.

Hardly "natural" selection......

So I say more nuclear power and dodo sandwiches.

Thaksin's feeling about Plodprasop's menu of tiger, lion, elephant, kangaroo, giraffe etc.

the prime minister seemed unconvinced by Plodprasop’s idea as he said that only part of a crocodile’s body could be eaten and it therefore wouldn’t be worth killing.

--The Nation 2005-11-17


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the prime minister seemed unconvinced by Plodprasops idea as he said that only part of a crocodiles body could be eaten and it therefore wouldnt be worth killing.

Well it's one way of looking at it.....

Is it possible it's is an example of where we make automatic assumptions, more or less based on the influence of other people who we probably couldn't name tell us how to think?

Still not sure why a crocodile has so much more intrinsic worth than a cow or a lamb that we should make such preference.

Hey but What do I know I think fracking's nearly as good as nuclear!

(ps did you know the gas price is down 70% in the US and Lancashire England has enough gas for 50 years British supply?)

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