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Feels Good...revenge


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Countless people get scammed and conned in Thailand by Thais, be it real scams or simply not delivering what is agreed to on jobs of every description.

I have had this happen countless times, having built 2 houses, bought and sold land, and other things, there is countless examples of this happening to various degrees.

Today, I felt the warm glowing effects of content.

We sold our farm with a river on it today, lovely spot and sad to sell, but surplus to our needs at this point in time.

We sold it twice, a month ago to a Thai guy that got it for a low price, i did not want to sell but we decided to.

A few weeks later we sold it again to a new buyer for significantly more and very close to our asking price. Today we transferred it to the new owner.

Tomorrow we have to tell the first buyer and refund him his deposit.

But stiff cheese to him.

I feel good.

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Who are you getting revenge on, Thai's as a group? Sure that makes sense.

I know if I reneged on my word, even a verbal contract I sure wouldn't be bragging about it, even anonymously.

Reckon you've just sunk to the level of the subset of Thai's you think you're "revenging" yourself against.

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How much time did the first party get after putting up the deposit.

The OP is not really clear but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt assuming the first party did not get the required funds after paying a deposit.

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So you initially agreed a deal, took a deposit and then reneged on the agreement.

You're lucky you are in Thailand because elsewhere you'd get an expensive lawsuit.

But then again maybe the Thai guy is the type who takes getting screwed over very personally in which case it might be advisable to watch your back for a while.

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How much time did the first party get after putting up the deposit.

The OP is not really clear but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt assuming the first party did not get the required funds after paying a deposit.

Oh, I'm sure he'll come up with a good reason.

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So you initially agreed a deal, took a deposit and then reneged on the agreement.

You're lucky you are in Thailand because elsewhere you'd get an expensive lawsuit.

But then again maybe the Thai guy is the type who takes getting screwed over very personally in which case it might be advisable to watch your back for a while.

Wearing kevlar and helmet may have to be an option

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I guess I'm just too dumb to comprehend how refunding someone's deposit constitutes having 'sold' them something. I would be impressed if you actually sold the same farm to two different people. Or kept the first buyer's deposit. Now that would be a scam.

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What I think morally of the OP=bah.gif . As our friend Transam would say, we have the right to expect better from farang.

Legally I hope the Thai guy (first buyer) will take you to court for selling a piece of land, that you were not free to sell. Meaning that the second buyer could sue you as well, when the land gets frozen by the court. See that would be revenge!! thumbsup.gif

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What I think morally of the OP=bah.gif . As our friend Transam would say, we have the right to expect better from farang.

Legally I hope the Thai guy (first buyer) will take you to court for selling a piece of land, that you were not free to sell. Meaning that the second buyer could sue you as well, when the land gets frozen by the court. See that would be revenge!! thumbsup.gif

Hope all you like, but as the OP didn't own the land in the first place, being a foreigner, he can't be held accountable for who sold what to whom.

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you did after all suggest a poster on another thread find a third party to offer his girlfreind 3-5k for sex.

water always finds its own level

Point taken, but advising someone else to deceive in order to learn the truth isn't exactly the same as defrauding someone myself is it?

I'm not an absolutist about honesty - no honey of course that outfit doesn't make you look fat - but I do try, I like to think more than most.

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What I think morally of the OP=bah.gif . As our friend Transam would say, we have the right to expect better from farang.

Legally I hope the Thai guy (first buyer) will take you to court for selling a piece of land, that you were not free to sell. Meaning that the second buyer could sue you as well, when the land gets frozen by the court. See that would be revenge!! thumbsup.gif

Hope all you like, but as the OP didn't own the land in the first place, being a foreigner, he can't be held accountable for who sold what to whom.

Depends on who signed the deposit receipt. But that is a different story.
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