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Valentine's Day


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I make a point of doing nothing on valentines day.

I like to think that I can do something special for my loved one any day I choose not a day that you are "told" or feel obliged you have to do something.

Mindless commercialy driven rubbish IMHO

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I make a point of doing nothing on valentines day.

I like to think that I can do something special for my loved one any day I choose not a day that you are "told" or feel obliged you have to do something.

Mindless commercialy driven rubbish IMHO

Certainly you don't need an excsue to be romantic and should treat your partner to a romantic evening frequently. But using this line of reasoning do you mean to say that you don't do anything special for your wife's birthday either? Or you don't give any flowers or a gift to your mother on Mother's Day? All cultures have specially marked days to celebrate certain occasions. So personally I don't have any problems celebrating Valentine's Day, my wife's birthday, New Year, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or whatever the holiday is. It doesn't mean these holidays are the only days I think about whatever it is that's being celebrated.

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I sometimes get a card. I don't understand why my wife gives me the card the week before - maybe to remind me.

I have a good excuse for forgetting, as it is our daughter's birthday on the 14th Feb.

So bloody commercialised now, it was only a few years back that Thailand never knew much about the day.

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I make a point of doing nothing on valentines day.

I like to think that I can do something special for my loved one any day I choose not a day that you are "told" or feel obliged you have to do something.

Mindless commercialy driven rubbish IMHO

Certainly you don't need an excsue to be romantic and should treat your partner to a romantic evening frequently. But using this line of reasoning do you mean to say that you don't do anything special for your wife's birthday either? Or you don't give any flowers or a gift to your mother on Mother's Day? All cultures have specially marked days to celebrate certain occasions. So personally I don't have any problems celebrating Valentine's Day, my wife's birthday, New Year, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or whatever the holiday is. It doesn't mean these holidays are the only days I think about whatever it is that's being celebrated.

I think it's the commercialism of Valentine's day that some people object to, in a similar way to people complaining about Christmas decorations going up in shops at the beginning of November. Birthdays have been celebrated for centuries, as has Christmas (well, if you want to be technical about it I guess you could argue that Valentine's day also has ancient roots - but the consumerism surrounding it is a lot more recent).

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Certainly you don't need an excsue to be romantic and should treat your partner to a romantic evening frequently. But using this line of reasoning do you mean to say that you don't do anything special for your wife's birthday either? Or you don't give any flowers or a gift to your mother on Mother's Day? All cultures have specially marked days to celebrate certain occasions. So personally I don't have any problems celebrating Valentine's Day, my wife's birthday, New Year, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or whatever the holiday is. It doesn't mean these holidays are the only days I think about whatever it is that's being celebrated.

Birthdays? Ok thats special seeing how it marks another year older. Mostly important to teenagers waiting to get driving licenses or get to the pub but a good excuse for a party.

Mother and Fathers day? They earned it.

Cultural and religious events are important to celebrate as it defines who we are.

But Valentines day, Secretaries day, Haloween (for non Americans) and the like that have been creeping into our society for years is really just a clever marketing ploy to get money out of your pockets.

Hey, some people enjoy it and thats great, but they are not for me.

I'm not a miserable old git either! :o

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Certainly you don't need an excsue to be romantic and should treat your partner to a romantic evening frequently. But using this line of reasoning do you mean to say that you don't do anything special for your wife's birthday either? Or you don't give any flowers or a gift to your mother on Mother's Day? All cultures have specially marked days to celebrate certain occasions. So personally I don't have any problems celebrating Valentine's Day, my wife's birthday, New Year, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or whatever the holiday is. It doesn't mean these holidays are the only days I think about whatever it is that's being celebrated.

Birthdays? Ok thats special seeing how it marks another year older. Mostly important to teenagers waiting to get driving licenses or get to the pub but a good excuse for a party.

Mother and Fathers day? They earned it.

Cultural and religious events are important to celebrate as it defines who we are.

But Valentines day, Secretaries day, Haloween (for non Americans) and the like that have been creeping into our society for years is really just a clever marketing ploy to get money out of your pockets.

Hey, some people enjoy it and thats great, but they are not for me.

I'm not a miserable old git either! :D

Halloween is a British tradition, not American. They just borrowed it. :o

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Just wondering what do you get for your Thai wife/husband/gf/bf for Valentine's Day and what does she/he give to you? How much money to you spend on the occasion?

What we, as consenting adults do in private is none of you'r business :o


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The year goes by so quickly, sometimes we are so busy that we are surprised it's another month already.

So, Valentine's day or any other holidays is a nice occasion to do something special, and if you often do special things well this is just a bonus.

Carpe diem.

It's commercial only if you let it be, it's the spirit of it that matters. Nice things are not only bought things.

Why are we in the world if not to make it a better place for the people we love. :o

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