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Jailed 5 Hours For Illegal U-Turn, Had Not Been Drinking


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Moreover it is a common misconception among the police here too.

Or are they just crooks scamming ?

I think i know why the misconception came into being in the first instance,

when the typical scooter was far slower than cars,

they couldnt take over and so as the slower trafficant should keep left.

I find it easier to just follow the rules as the police (enforcers) understand them. Here in Thailand to argue with a police officer and try and convince him he is wrong and you know the law better than him will just cause you much more inconvenience in the long run. Thais take the "losing face" thing quite serious and don't want some foreigner schooling them on Thai law. Even if you are in the right, you are best to just comply. Of course you could argue, waste a bunch of time fighting the issue, and then be flagged as a trouble maker. I find it easier to hand over my Thai DL with a smile, apologize for any wrong doing they accuse me of. Fully acknowledge they are in the position of power and I am the pee on. And hope they just sent me on my way. I learned this in the Military and usually does the trick without significant recourse.

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Moreover it is a common misconception among the police here too.

Or are they just crooks scamming ?

I think i know why the misconception came into being in the first instance,

when the typical scooter was far slower than cars,

they couldnt take over and so as the slower trafficant should keep left.

I find it easier to just follow the rules as the police (enforcers) understand them. Here in Thailand to argue with a police officer and try and convince him he is wrong and you know the law better than him will just cause you much more inconvenience in the long run. Thais take the "losing face" thing quite serious and don't want some foreigner schooling them on Thai law. Even if you are in the right, you are best to just comply. Of course you could argue, waste a bunch of time fighting the issue, and then be flagged as a trouble maker. I find it easier to hand over my Thai DL with a smile, apologize for any wrong doing they accuse me of. Fully acknowledge they are in the position of power and I am the pee on. And hope they just sent me on my way. I learned this in the Military and usually does the trick without significant recourse.

well that is entirely up to you but in the 7 years I've been riding some 70,000km in Thailand I have never paid a fine for overtaking in the right hand lane and I've been stopped several times by the cops for exactly that, you stated above that overtaking on the right on a bike was against the law - you were wrong regardless of what you are now saying - it does no harm to inform people here of the correct rules - what they do after that is up to them thumbsup.gif

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Moreover it is a common misconception among the police here too.

Or are they just crooks scamming ?

I think i know why the misconception came into being in the first instance,

when the typical scooter was far slower than cars,

they couldnt take over and so as the slower trafficant should keep left.

I find it easier to just follow the rules as the police (enforcers) understand them. Here in Thailand to argue with a police officer and try and convince him he is wrong and you know the law better than him will just cause you much more inconvenience in the long run. Thais take the "losing face" thing quite serious and don't want some foreigner schooling them on Thai law. Even if you are in the right, you are best to just comply. Of course you could argue, waste a bunch of time fighting the issue, and then be flagged as a trouble maker. I find it easier to hand over my Thai DL with a smile, apologize for any wrong doing they accuse me of. Fully acknowledge they are in the position of power and I am the pee on. And hope they just sent me on my way. I learned this in the Military and usually does the trick without significant recourse.

well that is entirely up to you but in the 7 years I've been riding some 70,000km in Thailand I have never paid a fine for overtaking in the right hand lane and I've been stopped several times by the cops for exactly that, you stated above that overtaking on the right on a bike was against the law - you were wrong regardless of what you are now saying - it does no harm to inform people here of the correct rules - what they do after that is up to them thumbsup.gif

I said that driving a bike in the far right lane is illegal.

And do explain why you were stopped for doing "exactly that" if it's not wrong?

Edited by Jayman
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100% incorrect and a common missconception by falangs here, there are two ways to confirm this, go to the licence issue place on HW36 and watch the video or look up the Thai road traffic act (article 36 or 34) and you will find it clearly states all vehicles (including motorbikes) must overtake on the right unless preparing to turn right - exactly the same as in the west

Section 45 (400-1000B)[No driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left-side unless:

a. the vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that he is going to make a right turn

b. the roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction.]

​So if the roadway has 2 or more lanes in the same direction then it's perfectly legal to overtake on the left.So the only time you MUST overtake on the right is when driving on a one lane road.Let me add that I could very well be wrong about it being illegal for a bike to be driving in the right lane. I do know that the cops around here will pull you for it 9/10 times. They will tell you it's illegal.

It looks like the law doesn't differentiate between bikes and cars on this and says

Section 34 (500B)[if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

a. there is obstruction on the road

b. the road is prescribed as one-way

c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

That would mean it is legal to drive in the far right lane but NOT if there is not a vehicle in the left lane driving slower than the speed limit.

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Well sherlock, have a look at this

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

sorry, i'll made that bold

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

As should be obvious by now, we were both overtaking, duh.

section 45 is irrelevant to the discussion at hand,

isn't it just easier to admit that both you & your statement are wrong ?

i'll reiterate in case you've forgotten not only traffic rules but also what you wrote a couple of hours ago

It is definitely illegal for a bike to drive in or over take in the right lane on the highway.

Same junk as the scumbags pull to scam their victims of money in other words,

which brings up another relevant law

Section 157 Whoever, being an official,

wrongfully exercises or does not exercise any of his functions to the injury of any person,

or dishonestly exercises or omits to exercise any of his functions,

shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years or fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht,

or both.


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Funny how you quote my post to tell me I'm wrong but leave out the part where I said I am wrong.

And.. are you calling me a scumbag in that last post?

And why is section 45 not relevant? Because it makes clear that your statement is false? Section 45 clearly states when it's appropriate to overtake on the left. And that happens to be on any road that has more than 1 lane.

Thai road traffic act (article 36 or 34) and you will find it clearly states all vehicles (including motorbikes) must overtake on the right unless preparing to turn right - exactly the same as in the west
Edited by Jayman
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No, i'm calling the police here scumbags.

45 is irrelevant since it concern overtaking on the left hand,

but that was never a topic here until you quoted it to divert attention from your throwaway comments

"It is definitely illegal for a bike to drive in or over take in the right lane on the highway."

"I said that driving a bike in the far right lane is illegal."

Do take note how you specify how horribly illegal it was for a bike to use the right lane,

the same right lane all of us were talking about,

until you perhaps realized you didnt have a clue and switched into bringing up the left side

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No, i'm calling the police here scumbags.

45 is irrelevant since it concern overtaking on the left hand,

but that was never a topic here until you quoted it to divert attention from your throwaway comments

"It is definitely illegal for a bike to drive in or over take in the right lane on the highway."

"I said that driving a bike in the far right lane is illegal."

Do take note how you specify how horribly illegal it was for a bike to use the right lane,

the same right lane all of us were talking about,

until you perhaps realized you didnt have a clue and switched into bringing up the left side

You brought up the left side in you statement that you must overtake on the right which is clearly FALSE.

No reason to argue this with you. I have posted the law. Even you, the one trying to say I'm wrong has admitted to being stopped multiple times for this very offense. I have made it clear it's easier to comply with how the police here interpret the law rather than listen to some loud mouthed foreigner that is happy being pulled over multiple times for the same offense and still maintains that it's the police that are scumbags.

You do your thing, I'll happily do mine.

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I overtake on the right simply because I regard it as safer for me on my bike, in doing so I am breaking no traffic laws, I'm not sure if I or anyone else can find a simpler way of writting that, and in 9 years living here I've never been fined once for driving and overtaking on the right even though I've been stopped several times by cops who tried to fine me and failed

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For the benefit of education, I have compiled relevant laws that will be handy

when encountering dis-indigenous laws made up at a whim by crooks.

It may well be worth the effort to keep this paper in print next to the driving license.


Section 34 (500B)

[if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall

keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus

lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

a. there is obstruction on the road

b. the road is prescribed as one-way

c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

มาตรา ๓๔ ใน การใช้ทางเดินรถที่ได้จัดแบ่งช่องเดินรถในทิศทางเดียวกันไว้ตั้งแต่สองช่อง ขึ้นไป หรือที่ได้จัดช่องเดินรถประจำทางไว้ในช่องเดินรถซ้ายสุด ผู้ขับขี่ต้องขับรถในช่องซ้ายสุดหรือใกล้กับช่องเดินรถประจำทางเว้นแต่ใน กรณีต่อไปนี้ ให้เดินทางขวาของทางเดินรถได้

(๑) ในช่องเดินรถนั้นมีสิ่งกีดขวางหรือถูกปิดการจราจร

(๒) ทางเดินรถนั้น เจ้าพนักงานจราจรกำหนดให้เป็นทางเดินรถทางเดียว

(๓) จะต้องเข้าช่องทางให้ถูกต้องเมื่อเข้าบริเวณใกล้ทางร่วมทางแยก

(๔) เมื่อจะแซงขึ้นหน้ารถคันอื่น

(๕) เมื่อผู้ขับขี่ขับรถด้วยความเร็วสูงกว่ารถในช่องเดินรถด้านซ้าย


Section 157 Whoever, being an official,

wrongfully exercises or does not exercise any of his functions to the injury of any person,

or dishonestly exercises or omits to exercise any of his functions,

shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years or fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht,

or both.


Topมาตรา 157 ผู้ใดเป็นเจ้าพนักงานปฏิบัติหรือละเว้นการปฏิบัติ หน้าที่โดยมิชอบ เพื่อให้เกิดความเสียหายแก่ผู้หนึ่งผู้ใด หรือปฏิบัติ หรือละเว้นการปฏิบัติหน้าที่ โดยทุจริต ต้องระวางโทษจำคุกตั้งแต่ หนึ่งปีถึงสิบปี หรือปรับตั้งแต่สองพันบาทถึงสองหมื่นบาทหรือ ทั้งจำทั้งปรับ


Thai traffic act dual language all in one.txt

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Apart from the stupid 'You'll be kicked out of the country' crap, what you've described seems to be par for the course in Chonburi at the moment. There's been some clamping down on motorcycle offenses, especially those that involve going the wrong way down a road. I've had to go bail 2 of my Thai employees out of Chonburi nick in the last 3 months for similar offenses, if they can be called such.

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Thanks poanoi to post those links. I have been fined several times in Bangkok for overtaking slower cars on my motorbike using the right lane. Police stopped me and told me I had to stay on the left lane, no matter what. I didn't know the law and paid the fines. Now I know I was right. Like smedly I think it's safer to overtake a slower vehicle on the right lane, and I have been doing it all the time, even if I thought I was breaking the law. But I prefer paying a fine rather than put my life at risk. I thought it was a very silly law, but now for what I read in those links I think that the laws work just fine, but people who should enforce them don't do a fine job. I have to say that since I moved to Pattaya I police never stopped me for this. Now the question is. How about those roads where there is a little lane on the left where motorbikes should stay? This lane is very dangerous and I try to use it as little as possible. Any law talking about it? I am talking about this sign


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Thanks poanoi to post those links. I have been fined several times in Bangkok for overtaking slower cars on my motorbike using the right lane. Police stopped me and told me I had to stay on the left lane, no matter what. I didn't know the law and paid the fines. Now I know I was right. Like smedly I think it's safer to overtake a slower vehicle on the right lane, and I have been doing it all the time, even if I thought I was breaking the law. But I prefer paying a fine rather than put my life at risk. I thought it was a very silly law, but now for what I read in those links I think that the laws work just fine, but people who should enforce them don't do a fine job. I have to say that since I moved to Pattaya I police never stopped me for this. Now the question is. How about those roads where there is a little lane on the left where motorbikes should stay? This lane is very dangerous and I try to use it as little as possible. Any law talking about it? I am talking about this sign


Here is an English translation of the Land Traffic Act


While in many cases is safer to overtake on the right when driving a bike, I would not recommend driving in the far right lane. Using it to overtake is one thing, driving in it regularly is illegal.

Edited by Jayman
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Thanks poanoi to post those links. I have been fined several times in Bangkok for overtaking slower cars on my motorbike using the right lane. Police stopped me and told me I had to stay on the left lane, no matter what. I didn't know the law and paid the fines. Now I know I was right. Like smedly I think it's safer to overtake a slower vehicle on the right lane, and I have been doing it all the time, even if I thought I was breaking the law. But I prefer paying a fine rather than put my life at risk. I thought it was a very silly law, but now for what I read in those links I think that the laws work just fine, but people who should enforce them don't do a fine job. I have to say that since I moved to Pattaya I police never stopped me for this. Now the question is. How about those roads where there is a little lane on the left where motorbikes should stay? This lane is very dangerous and I try to use it as little as possible. Any law talking about it? I am talking about this sign


Here is an English translation of the Land Traffic Act


While in many cases is safer to overtake on the right when driving a bike, I would not recommend driving in the far right lane. Using it to overtake is one thing, driving in it regularly is illegal.

It might be but that is where i drive.. rather illigal then dead. Its dangerous in the left lane.. taxi's busses minivans all cutting you off. Besides if you drive at the speed of traffic no problem and if i get caught ill argue.. if it does not work pay up. Rather that then getting killed in the left lane. Of course you must keep at speed. My bike can go faster as many cars.

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On Soi Buacaow I had an accident passing a mini van on the right that had pulled off to the left side of the road. He then did a right turn from the shoulder and then i hit his side. After we I struck him he turned on his blinker after my bike has already went down. Taxi motorcycles backed my side of the story but the cop said it did not matter what he did because "I cannot pass on the right". He said on Soi Buacaow I can only pass on the left. The soi was narrower at that time so I thought the officer was Bull Shtting me until reading some of the above posts.

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Yes, the failure to signal well in advance prior to make a turn is a major cause of accidents,

i suffered 2 accidents from this.

But i shall also say the good thing, i didn't have to go through accidents when the vehicles in front of me DID

signal well enough in advance to let me know what's coming.

It wouldn't be a problem if the vehicle accelerated prior to turn, as in taking over,

but when in city it is the other way around, -decelerating & making the turn

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