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Skin Doctor


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I need to take my boy to a skin doctor because he has some kind of infection on one finger top.

I know i could go to pattaya baangkok hospital, but that mean I will have departed wit 6-700 Bht already on weighing, fever and bloodpressure checking before I have even seen the doctor. I don't think all this is neccessary for a minor skin infection.

So do you know about a reliable dermatologist who works from his own practice at a reasonable price.

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If an infection gets into the blood stream in this part of the world, you could be looking at a "funeral" expense. "please" DON'T "penny pinch" when it comes health, especially with a child.

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As Timekeeper says, you got your numbers mixed up a bit. If you’re looking for a good dermatologist see Dr. Anna at BKK Pty hospital.

If you’re concerned about money, tell her you don’t have insurance and want to buy any medication at an independent pharmacy.

Should cost you no more than what you’d think the nurse fee would be for weight, fever and blood pressure check.

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As Timekeeper says, you got your numbers mixed up a bit. If you’re looking for a good dermatologist see Dr. Anna at BKK Pty hospital.

If you’re concerned about money, tell her you don’t have insurance and want to buy any medication at an independent pharmacy.

Should cost you no more than what you’d think the nurse fee would be for weight, fever and blood pressure check.

I've been using Dr Anna for a few years but every time I see her the price seems to have increased significantly. She removed a BCC a few years back and did a good job, so every year I return for an annual spraying with liquid nitrogen to remove any pre-cancers. On my last visit she diagnosed an infected cyst (took all of 10 seconds) and did the nitrogen spraying (around 3 minutes) and I was presented with a bill for 2500 Baht (and no, I don't have insurance). I thought this was completely OTT. She wanted to surgically remove the cyst which would have cost around 20K Baht, but I noticed that the infection seemed to be lessening. So I went to get an independent opinion from Dr Sawadeepong at his clinic near Marine Plaza (I've been using him for 8 years) and he said that it would get better of its own accord and didn't need any surgery. He gave me some antibiotics and a month later the infection was gone. So much as I respect Dr Anna, be a little wary of both her advice and her price schedule. A second opinion is very cheap here and can save you a lot of money.

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Thanks so far for your replies, but my question was actually.

Are there some dermatologists with there own practice around town and has anyone experience with their reliability and pricing.

For your information, last time I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital in the children department, the in patient cost was 400 Baht.That is not more then 2 months ago.

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400 baht, the problem is what?

because that excludes the doctors fee, medication etc,.It's for taking his fever,bloodpressure and size and weight.

For the sake of 400 Baht (just over 8 UK Pounds, or just under 13 US Dollars) is it overly extravagant to have, I presume your (your boy) Son's weight, Temperature, and Blood Pressure checked at a top hospital as a precaution? I don't think so, not unless that equates to too many bottles of Chang, I'm not trying to be disrespectful but all this talk on a forum regarding a pittance of money to have your Son looked at my competent doctors quite frankly amazes me! Would it really matter if it was 4000 Baht? Not to me I can assure you, and I certainly wouldn't be wasting time on an Internet forum discussing it!

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400 baht, the problem is what?

because that excludes the doctors fee, medication etc,.It's for taking his fever,bloodpressure and size and weight.

For the sake of 400 Baht (just over 8 UK Pounds, or just under 13 US Dollars) is it overly extravagant to have, I presume your (your boy) Son's weight, Temperature, and Blood Pressure checked at a top hospital as a precaution? I don't think so, not unless that equates to too many bottles of Chang, I'm not trying to be disrespectful but all this talk on a forum regarding a pittance of money to have your Son looked at my competent doctors quite frankly amazes me! Would it really matter if it was 4000 Baht? Not to me I can assure you, and I certainly wouldn't be wasting time on an Internet forum discussing it!

First of all, This is Thailand so pounds or dollar comparisons are totally irrelevant here.

Secondly I don't drink Chang, so that is irrelevant as well.

Thirdly, in the OP I described it as a MINOR infection at one fingertop, so minor actually that the Thai mother doesn't sees a reason to visit a doctor, so I guess fever and weight taking are no necessity for examination.

Finally, I didn't ask your opinion about how I should take care about my son. My question was to locate a dermatologist practice outside a hospital

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There's a skin clinic on Pattaya Klang near the intersection with 3rd road

same side as TOT, heading down towards the beach.

Thanks, that is the answer I was looking for,

Do you have any experience with them regarding reliablity and charges?

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How do you know if its minor or not? If you are an expert why are you looking to go to somewhere else when you already know exactly what to do.

400 baht to check to see if there is anything wrong with your son that you dont know about?

The cost of what? Fish chips and a beer that you are most likely happy paying for but not this.

One of the main reasons I moved to Pattaya from Surin was to have my son born in the best possible hospital, have my wife looked after and the aftercare of my son to be the best when it comes to things like this usually money is the least your your concerns.

My son goes for a checkup and his injections at BPH the last thing I worry about when taking him is how much its going to cost and if I can get it done cheaper elsewhere.

But I guess some of us value family health more importantly than others.

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How do you know if its minor or not? If you are an expert why are you looking to go to somewhere else when you already know exactly what to do.

400 baht to check to see if there is anything wrong with your son that you dont know about?

The cost of what? Fish chips and a beer that you are most likely happy paying for but not this.

One of the main reasons I moved to Pattaya from Surin was to have my son born in the best possible hospital, have my wife looked after and the aftercare of my son to be the best when it comes to things like this usually money is the least your your concerns.

My son goes for a checkup and his injections at BPH the last thing I worry about when taking him is how much its going to cost and if I can get it done cheaper elsewhere.

But I guess some of us value family health more importantly than others.

Again, it seems you have difficulties reading.

The 400 Baht is not to check if anything is wrong, it is EXCLUDING the check if anything is wrong.

I have a bloodpressure meter, a digital body thermometer and a weighting scale at home.

And for the last time, I didn't come here to discuss the well being of my son.

Iasked for a doctor practice outside a private hospital. If you have problems with reading that, I can advise you on some good eye doctors.

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I too take my kids to BPH and now ask them to waive the weight , height and blood pressure test, (most times, we get it done occasionally now) which you are in your rights to do.

They are fine with this.

Thanks, I should give that a try, however I still prefer to visit a doctor where I don't have to ask to reduce unneccessary handlings.
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How do you know if its minor or not? If you are an expert why are you looking to go to somewhere else when you already know exactly what to do.

400 baht to check to see if there is anything wrong with your son that you dont know about?

The cost of what? Fish chips and a beer that you are most likely happy paying for but not this.

One of the main reasons I moved to Pattaya from Surin was to have my son born in the best possible hospital, have my wife looked after and the aftercare of my son to be the best when it comes to things like this usually money is the least your your concerns.

My son goes for a checkup and his injections at BPH the last thing I worry about when taking him is how much its going to cost and if I can get it done cheaper elsewhere.

But I guess some of us value family health more importantly than others.

Again, it seems you have difficulties reading.

The 400 Baht is not to check if anything is wrong, it is EXCLUDING the check if anything is wrong.

I have a bloodpressure meter, a digital body thermometer and a weighting scale at home.

And for the last time, I didn't come here to discuss the well being of my son.

Iasked for a doctor practice outside a private hospital. If you have problems with reading that, I can advise you on some good eye doctors.

Your first post moaned about the price for checking for his well-being , nowhere did you mention that you check this yourself, there was no need at all to mention any of this, you made yourself come across as someone who doesnt care about his sons health over a few measly baht. All you had to ask was for recommendations for skin clinics in pattaya excluding BPH.

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I too take my kids to BPH and now ask them to waive the weight , height and blood pressure test, (most times, we get it done occasionally now) which you are in your rights to do.

They are fine with this.

Thanks, I should give that a try, however I still prefer to visit a doctor where I don't have to ask to reduce unneccessary handlings.

In the country you originate from did they never check for any of these things? It is necessary to check that your sons height, weight and blood pressure are in order, of course if your going to the doctors every week then there is no need to check every week but if you dont go so often then I think its very necessary.

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How do you know if its minor or not? If you are an expert why are you looking to go to somewhere else when you already know exactly what to do.

400 baht to check to see if there is anything wrong with your son that you dont know about?

The cost of what? Fish chips and a beer that you are most likely happy paying for but not this.

One of the main reasons I moved to Pattaya from Surin was to have my son born in the best possible hospital, have my wife looked after and the aftercare of my son to be the best when it comes to things like this usually money is the least your your concerns.

My son goes for a checkup and his injections at BPH the last thing I worry about when taking him is how much its going to cost and if I can get it done cheaper elsewhere.

But I guess some of us value family health more importantly than others.

Again, it seems you have difficulties reading.

The 400 Baht is not to check if anything is wrong, it is EXCLUDING the check if anything is wrong.

I have a bloodpressure meter, a digital body thermometer and a weighting scale at home.

And for the last time, I didn't come here to discuss the well being of my son.

Iasked for a doctor practice outside a private hospital. If you have problems with reading that, I can advise you on some good eye doctors.

Your first post moaned about the price for checking for his well-being , nowhere did you mention that you check this yourself, there was no need at all to mention any of this, you made yourself come across as someone who doesnt care about his sons health over a few measly baht. All you had to ask was for recommendations for skin clinics in pattaya excluding BPH.

This was in my OP
I will have departed wit 6-700 Bht already on weighing, fever and bloodpressure checking before I have even seen the doctor. I don't think all this is neccessary for a minor skin infection

Which part of it you don't understand?

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400 baht, the problem is what?

because that excludes the doctors fee, medication etc,.It's for taking his fever,bloodpressure and size and weight.

For the sake of 400 Baht (just over 8 UK Pounds, or just under 13 US Dollars) is it overly extravagant to have, I presume your (your boy) Son's weight, Temperature, and Blood Pressure checked at a top hospital as a precaution? I don't think so, not unless that equates to too many bottles of Chang, I'm not trying to be disrespectful but all this talk on a forum regarding a pittance of money to have your Son looked at my competent doctors quite frankly amazes me! Would it really matter if it was 4000 Baht? Not to me I can assure you, and I certainly wouldn't be wasting time on an Internet forum discussing it!

In the OP you mention, "some kind of minor", well, diagnosis complete then!

Thank You for the suggestion of advise regarding eye doctors (opticians?), I'll give it a miss since my eyesight (as well as common sense) is fine.

As far as other currencies are concerned, I mentioned it for the sake of others who may not be as familiar with exchange rates, and to save them time figuring out just how little in terms of monies you value health.

Apologies if you don't like my way of thinking, but I'm obviously not the only one with similar thoughts.

P.S. BKK-PTY has free parking!

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400 baht, the problem is what?

because that excludes the doctors fee, medication etc,.It's for taking his fever,bloodpressure and size and weight.

For the sake of 400 Baht (just over 8 UK Pounds, or just under 13 US Dollars) is it overly extravagant to have, I presume your (your boy) Son's weight, Temperature, and Blood Pressure checked at a top hospital as a precaution? I don't think so, not unless that equates to too many bottles of Chang, I'm not trying to be disrespectful but all this talk on a forum regarding a pittance of money to have your Son looked at my competent doctors quite frankly amazes me! Would it really matter if it was 4000 Baht? Not to me I can assure you, and I certainly wouldn't be wasting time on an Internet forum discussing it!

In the OP you mention, "some kind of minor", well, diagnosis complete then!

Thank You for the suggestion of advise regarding eye doctors (opticians?), I'll give it a miss since my eyesight (as well as common sense) is fine.

As far as other currencies are concerned, I mentioned it for the sake of others who may not be as familiar with exchange rates, and to save them time figuring out just how little in terms of monies you value health.

Apologies if you don't like my way of thinking, but I'm obviously not the only one with similar thoughts.

P.S. BKK-PTY has free parking!

I don't understand why people stay so stubborn.

I said minor infection, does that sound as a diagnosis? It is an observation, actually it looks like some kind of minor finger eczema,something everyone who stays in Thailand may experience at some point.

You think that would warrant the necessity of fever or bloodpressure checking.Maybe an MRI scan?

Again, foreign currencies have nothing to do with it here,we are in Thailand and think and pay in Thai Baht.

By the way I don't give a crap if the parking is free at that rip off hospital.

The parking spaces are too smaal for either my Bentley or F50.

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Rip off hospital, oh my! You try and go private in the UK see how much that costs you, the service, staff, quality and all round cleanliness of BPH is amazing and cheap in comparison to what I am used to back home. Yes we are in Thailand so if you want thai prices I suggest you go to a state hospital and wait around for hours and hours in a hospital that frankly I would rather not have my son in. Again I guess some of us value health of our family more than others.

How do you know that this skin infection is not something related to another more serious illness? Thats what the checks are for, you didnt mention in your first post about anything that you had at home to check yourself, you simply moaned about the price which you also got wrong for a general checkup. 400 baht, oh dear!

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Rip off hospital, oh my! You try and go private in the UK see how much that costs you, the service, staff, quality and all round cleanliness of BPH is amazing and cheap in comparison to what I am used to back home. Yes we are in Thailand so if you want thai prices I suggest you go to a state hospital and wait around for hours and hours in a hospital that frankly I would rather not have my son in. Again I guess some of us value health of our family more than others.

How do you know that this skin infection is not something related to another more serious illness? Thats what the checks are for, you didnt mention in your first post about anything that you had at home to check yourself, you simply moaned about the price which you also got wrong for a general checkup. 400 baht, oh dear!

Lets get things straight.Keep in mind that this my last response is to such posts, as the question in the OP is unrelated to the subjects you bring up

We are in Thailand, so UK/US/EU prices don't come into play here.The people in the hospital here also earn much less as their western counterparts, and that's because the general living cost here is much lower.I'm also sure that their medical education is of a lower standard as their western counterparts.

The weight,blood pressure and fever checks are also irrelevant to a minor skin infection/irritation.

By the way, I'm not an Uk national, but I thought medical care was FREE overthere.

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Are you sure about your exellent eye sight.

If so maybe you can point to anywhere in any of my posts where I made a diagnosis, I wrote down OBSERVATIONS

ob·ser·va·tion (obreve.gifblprime.gifzschwa.gifr-vamacr.gifprime.gifshschwa.gifn)



a. The act or faculty of observing.

b. The fact of being observed.


a. The act of noting and recording something, such as a phenomenon, with instruments.

b. The result or record of such notation: a meteorological observation.

3. A comment or remark. See Synonyms at comment.

4. An inference or a judgment that is acquired from or based on observing.

Do you suggest that doctors that work outside of the Bangkok pattaya Hospital are not real doctors? Most of the doctors overthere have also a private practice somewhere, hence the fact that they are only available at certain times at the hospital.

Would you suggest that if I visit his private practice he will not be able to give me the same diagnosis as he would give at the hospital.

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Rip off hospital, oh my! You try and go private in the UK see how much that costs you, the service, staff, quality and all round cleanliness of BPH is amazing and cheap in comparison to what I am used to back home. Yes we are in Thailand so if you want thai prices I suggest you go to a state hospital and wait around for hours and hours in a hospital that frankly I would rather not have my son in. Again I guess some of us value health of our family more than others.

How do you know that this skin infection is not something related to another more serious illness? Thats what the checks are for, you didnt mention in your first post about anything that you had at home to check yourself, you simply moaned about the price which you also got wrong for a general checkup. 400 baht, oh dear!

In the U.K. NHS hospitals are plentiful with decent services and facilities so there is no need to go private under normal circumstances ( not forgetting the local family doctors we all take for granted )

It,s easy to knock the U.K. system and although your observations are unrelated I will always defend them.

As you have already said this is Thailand we are in so it isn,t relevant

The OP has politely requested alternative information as is their right and perhaps posters could offer some constructive information rather than repetatively keep having a go.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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There's a skin clinic on Pattaya Klang near the intersection with 3rd road

same side as TOT, heading down towards the beach.

Thanks, that is the answer I was looking for,

Do you have any experience with them regarding reliablity and charges?

My girlfriend went to this clinic a couple of years ago and was treated by the dermatologist

there, charges were reasonable, and treatment was ok.

I didn't go there myself, so can't say first hand.

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Body weight and the weighing of a child is quite a significant and essential element when prescribing any medication for a minor

I for one would be happier to knowing the doctor has as much information as possible so as to prescribe the correct dosage for the childs body mass, age etc .....I think it would be remiss of any parent OR Doctor to neglect their duty of care .


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