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Orange Pub, looks to be an Irish themed pub

What's that, orange and irish positively together in one sentence?

Ha, ha, good one stevenl.

yesterday, I got confused, told a Dutch guy it was a Dutch pub (orange). The guy says "Dutch pub, serving Guinness"? GOM encountering an Alzheimer's moment..............

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Orange Pub, looks to be an Irish themed pub going in across from Davinci. Guinness drafts ! Whoa, Rawai going a little upscale, may have to abstain from a few Archers outside my minimart for a draft Guinnesss.

In the old Dons Mall construction going on for what will be a somewhat of a Yank stop "American food" restaurant, at first the way the bar was looking I thought it was going to be a girlie bar, but no, have met the owner, nice guy. He's definitely the opposite of what my Aussie pal calls me, "the cranky Yank".

Where is this exactly? I thought the Dom's Mall property has been turned into shop-houses and/or apartments and has been for a while. Is this in one of the shophouses?

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Orange Pub, looks to be an Irish themed pub going in across from Davinci. Guinness drafts ! Whoa, Rawai going a little upscale, may have to abstain from a few Archers outside my minimart for a draft Guinnesss.

In the old Dons Mall construction going on for what will be a somewhat of a Yank stop "American food" restaurant, at first the way the bar was looking I thought it was going to be a girlie bar, but no, have met the owner, nice guy. He's definitely the opposite of what my Aussie pal calls me, "the cranky Yank".

I drove past both of these places today. The new place going in Don's Mall has signage up now, it's called the Stone Crab and NomadJoe, it takes up two of the shophouses fronting the road. The other mentioned Orange is in a 3 storey orange and black building and it looked like they are trying to make it nice. Besides Guiness, they had a Kilkenney sign.

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Anyone in Rawai having problems with TV for the past hour or so. Very slooooooooooooooooooooooow


Yes me to but it seems to have got better, happens regularly with TV

Yup, I gave it a rest for a few hours, now working well.

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The new place going in Don's Mall has signage up now, it's called the Stone Crab...

I think you must have been booting it... the sign says STONED Crab!!

I was trying to avoid the water truck coming towards me as he was passing a motorbike and clearly on my side of the road. Next time I'll take the head on hit so I can get the name right!

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