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Uni Course?


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Hi all my 19years old Thai step daughter has been accepted in a very good agriculture uni (Armidale)

She would like to return to isaan after this course finishes.she is thinking about eco farming but I don't think the thais will conform with the idea.so I am looking for some good ideas for her to think about regards Russell

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Hey Russ,

I think she is on the right track. There is a growing organic farming movement and farm to table markets are expanding. Couple that with rising costs and she may just be able to get a step ahead of the pack in Isaan. It would be worth asking the local Agriculture Extension Officers and local University for their thoughts. Keep in mind there was a strong government push for Thailand to become a regional organic food hub with 2015 in mind.

Aussie degree would be looked on well.

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Hi Russ,

This is quite a tough one. Presumably by the time she finishes her English will also be very good, and depending on what area of agriculture she goes for she

probably would get a well paying job o/s. However if she is determined to come back

to Isaan she may have a better chance of influencing change if she pursues a UN job

with Asia development Bank, Food and Agriculture org, or some similar organisationthat is running a development project in the region. She should Google international development jobs in agriculture and Thailand. As a young woman with an Oz education trying to break into the crusty old farmer scene in Isaan, it would be an uphill battle. Even the Thai government Ag jobs are very male oriented.

She could also pick a particular project to regenerate or produce something, get some interested parties together and approach some of the more interested international donors, like AUSAID, USAID, The Japanese aid agency and NZAID.

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Hi IA Tim some good ideas my step daughters English is very good she has done 12years of school in OZ.

and still speaks and writes Thai good.we have a parcel of land near Korat(170rai)that we won't start to develop till 2014 when I retire.My other step daughter is 21 she does creative design and cosmetics at UNI in OZ.I have suggested to look in to rare trees/plants to use in cosmetics and medical on part of the land and use the rest for organic/hydroponic/animal food production well this is one path I am thinking but this is why i asked you boys with your feet on the ground And see where a Thai girl might help to make a difference rgds Russell

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Hi Russ, As IA says with LOS aiming to be the organic hub in 2015 the timing is good. She is still young and may well have

some change of direction yet. But with the other step daughter they may well produce something. Russ there are often small buckets of money around and Oz government schemes to encourage closer ties with Asian countries, particularly Thailand, as we now have a free trade agreement with LOS. Also both your step daughters are students under 28yrs and both govts are keen to organize student exchanges for this age group. You might consider setting up some organic project on your land and working with UNE Armidale and the government to grow something organic. Its a question of finding out whats available.

If you have a local MP in Oz talk to them, as they have better access to project funding, and more clout. They also love the kind of publicity this would bring - them. It doesn't matter which side of politics your MP is on for this idea. I would also sound out your local Thai poli and ask him if he is interested in approaching AUSAID for a development grant.

If you want to keep it purely commercial, some amazing, life changing, anti ageing cream made from the rare pygmy banana tree found only on your land may well have a market in OZ ! If you want help with the goverment stuff let me know as I used to work on overseas aid projects.

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Thanks for your reply Tim this is what i have been telling them for years .many people say it's hard to make a living off the land in LOS but if you think out side the square maybe it's possible to change things?rgds Russell

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Want the answer? Easy 2 million baht (supposedly) as the investment, Thai Board of Investment and the Australian Ambassador standing next to two brillant Thai women who will change the face of Thai Agriculture and bring back to life the spirit of OTOP. Think an ex-Australian Trade Commissioner to Thailand is Bullshitting, OK, but that is the way it works.

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Thanks IA for me the 2mil is better than the red tape but as the girls go through there respective courses .I will start the balls rolling this type of thinking is outside of the things I do ihave worked with stainless steel and architects for37years but I like the rural life and LOS and if I can help the girls it's all good rgds Russell

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