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10 Reasons Asean Prefers Obama As President


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ASEAN itself is a big fat joke. Doesn't matter who they endorse.

I agree. You have to laugh at all the talk about what AEC is going to mean. It is not going to change anything. Thailand is making sure that the 6 professions allowed freedom of movement under AEC still have to pass exams in Thai and wealthier countries in ASEAN are not interested in hiring incompetent Thai professionals who can't string a written sentence in English together. Thai businesses are also preparing a rearguard action to prevent ASEAN companies from being able to exercise the right to own 70% of businesses in the service sector in Thailand. Meanwhile, most other ASEAN countries allow 100% foreign ownership in most sectors.

Edited by Arkady
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Romney wants to boost defence spending considerably. That could be a great opportunity for corrupt politicians in ASEAN to make money from cooperating with US military just like the old days.

Yeah, I'm sure that the Asean nation of Laos, the most bombed country ever on the planet, has fond memories of the "good old days" of republican President Nixon's Operation Menu.

How does this relate to Romney? Well, who knows, but his rhetoric has been more hawkish than Obama's especially on confronting China.

Edited by Jingthing
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Blah blah blah. Who cares what Asians prefer? That's if this article is even accurate. Same goes for many of you with strong opinions on this board. Are you even an American? Well, I just voted early last week. I'm Asian and I voted for Romney. Call me a redneck! :)

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Blah blah blah. Who cares what Asians prefer? That's if this article is even accurate. Same goes for many of you with strong opinions on this board. Are you even an American? Well, I just voted early last week. I'm Asian and I voted for Romney. Call me a redneck! smile.png

The majority of Asian Americans voted for Obama in 2008 and will do so again. But thanks for voting, especially if you're not in a swing state!
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I am an American and I am scared to death that if Obama increases the national debt anymore, the exchange rate on the US dollar will go to hell for myself and others like me.

The president does not set the national debt limit nor control spending, congress does. Both will go up soon after the election regardless of who wins.

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I have as much foreign policy experience as Romney ... coffee1.gif

The Nation is right.

Exactly how much foreign policy experience did BHO have, before he got to the WH ?whistling.gif

The same as you, I would guess.

Incorrect. He had some, not a lot, in the U.S. senate.
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Romney wants to boost defence spending considerably. That could be a great opportunity for corrupt politicians in ASEAN to make money from cooperating with US military just like the old days.

Yeah, I'm sure that the Asean nation of Laos, the most bombed country ever on the planet, has fond memories of the "good old days" of republican President Nixon's Operation Menu.

How does this relate to Romney? Well, who knows, but his rhetoric has been more hawkish than Obama's especially on confronting China.

"Operation Menu" (which included Cambodia as a target area) was obviously an increase but the bombing of Laos began under Democrat Pres. Johnson.

I'm all too happy to blame Nixon for lots of things -- including quite probably deliberately extending the war and thus guaranteeing the loss of many more Americans and Vietnamese -- but when it comes to our war in SEA, I think trying to vilify one party over the other is a non-starter.

As for Romney...

I think it is both inaccurate and playing right into the hands of the Right to portray Obama as less willing to use military force: he's proven that's not the case so far (in some ways he's been more active than Bush -- that's not a complaint; I'm quite OK with that as I'm not against the use of the military per se I just want it used judiciously and in a strategically sound manner -- which is what Bush didn't do).

China policy? First of all, as you have pointed out many times yourself and as we all know too well, Romney shifts constantly. So much so, how could we possibly gauge what he would do? Secondly, taking the aggregate of his comments, there really is little or no discernible difference in proposed foreign policy. When various events take place to which the POTUS will have to respond, I expect that there would often be a difference in that response depending on who the POTUS is at that time. But I don't believe we can know now -- or even have a very good guess -- what either of them would do in any number of instances.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I think don't either candidate can handle the biggest threat of all - Congress. The congress reelection rate suggests there will be no end in sight to the stampede over the fiscal cliff.

A fiscal cliff will have a much bigger impact on foreign and domestic policy than a POTUS will.

In fact, I hear the military is thinking about putting taximeters on all their drones...

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The politics if this paper are utterly bizarre. We have Obama being slammed by the right wing for his obama care and other social programs, and yet domestically the paper is stanch Thai democrat.

I know this is a regional piece but they could equally have written 10 reasons why not.

It's not bizarre at all. I'd say you don't understand Thai politics at all if you find it bizarre. Politics here does not match up with politics at home, but Thaksin in many respects matches up well with the American right wing. He hands out a few minor concessions to the poor, similar to the American right wing appealing to poor whites, in order to give massive handouts to the rich. Mitt Romeny would be fully in agreement with Thaksin on lowering taxes on the rich (Thaksin has already lowered corporate income tax from 30% to 20%), when they bother to collect them at all, as well as Thaksin's stance on free trade and dismantling Thailand's highly protectionist trade policies. Thailand's most desperately needed reform is in tax collection so that rich people like Thaksin are forced to pay, and the current state of taxation in Thailand is like a Republican's wet dream. Thai Democrat's positions on trade, taxation on the rich, and social programs match up much more with the American left than Thaksin's do. And that's not even getting in to Thaksin's blatant human rights violations, killings, corruption, and outright theft, that don't belong in either American party and that everyone back home would unite against.

That is exactly my point. The nation would have you believe that the positions of ptp and the dems are actually the opposite to how you describe.

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Rediculous article with no form or substance. Who ever wrote this should submit himself for medical review as he is moulding rhetoric facts and opinions at random.

It is true that there is little to exhault one over the other between Obama and Romney... except Obama has been tried and tested and found seriousy wanting and to date the same can not be said about Romney

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I am an American and I am scared to death that if Obama increases the national debt anymore, the exchange rate on the US dollar will go to hell for myself and others like me.

What frightens me is that you seem to think the few policies Romney has been honest about will do anything *but* increase the national debt.

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The politics if this paper are utterly bizarre. We have Obama being slammed by the right wing for his obama care and other social programs, and yet domestically the paper is stanch Thai democrat.

I know this is a regional piece but they could equally have written 10 reasons why not.

Can you think of 10 reasons why anyone would want Mitt the Moron to win apart from possibly these 4:

1) I believe everything Fox News tells me.

2) I am a racist redneck who thinks even though I am a 350 lb inbred I am better than all black people because I am white.

3) I am a millionaire.

4) I am Rupert Murdoch

I can't think of 10 so I doubt The Nation could.

Only need one reason, he isnt Obama

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I have as much foreign policy experience as Romney ... coffee1.gif

The Nation is right.

Exactly how much foreign policy experience did BHO have, before he got to the WH ?whistling.gif

The same as you, I would guess.

Incorrect. He had some, not a lot, in the U.S. senate.

he was in the senate for a whole 2 years, how much could he possibly have collected in that time?

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I have as much foreign policy experience as Romney ... coffee1.gif

The Nation is right.

Exactly how much foreign policy experience did BHO have, before he got to the WH ?whistling.gif

The same as you, I would guess.

Incorrect. He had some, not a lot, in the U.S. senate.

he was in the senate for a whole 2 years, how much could he possibly have collected in that time?

More than me and more than Romney. He served on the Committee on Foreign Relations. In any case, he has been commander in chief now for almost a full term so Obama is now massively more experienced than Romney on such matters. Edited by Jingthing
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The politics if this paper are utterly bizarre. We have Obama being slammed by the right wing for his obama care and other social programs, and yet domestically the paper is stanch Thai democrat.

I know this is a regional piece but they could equally have written 10 reasons why not.

Can you think of 10 reasons why anyone would want Mitt the Moron to win apart from possibly these 4:

1) I believe everything Fox News tells me.

2) I am a racist redneck who thinks even though I am a 350 lb inbred I am better than all black people because I am white.

3) I am a millionaire.

4) I am Rupert Murdoch

I can't think of 10 so I doubt The Nation could.

I think the only chance the US has is to allow some straight people like Ron Paul into the fold. Romney is no better than Obama but it all comes down to money and the behind the scenes power brokers.

Ron Paul would never be allowed to be president, as he has common sense and realistic policies.

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We don't need 10 reasons for Obama to visit Bangkok. Jesse and Victor (former Pres. Bush I & II) tailors are anxiously awaiting the photo opp. I wonder if Obama will show bi-partisanship and visit the shop? smile.png

Tailor for the Diplomats and Spies, there are pic's of all kinds of people in their shop - Pres Obama will visit I am sure

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We don't need 10 reasons for Obama to visit Bangkok. Jesse and Victor (former Pres. Bush I & II) tailors are anxiously awaiting the photo opp. I wonder if Obama will show bi-partisanship and visit the shop? smile.png

Tailor for the Diplomats and Spies, there are pic's of all kinds of people in their shop - Pres Obama will visit I am sure

yup, my tailor too.

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The politics if this paper are utterly bizarre. We have Obama being slammed by the right wing for his obama care and other social programs, and yet domestically the paper is stanch Thai democrat.

I know this is a regional piece but they could equally have written 10 reasons why not.

Can you think of 10 reasons why anyone would want Mitt the Moron to win apart from possibly these 4:

1) I believe everything Fox News tells me.

2) I am a racist redneck who thinks even though I am a 350 lb inbred I am better than all black people because I am white.

3) I am a millionaire.

4) I am Rupert Murdoch

I can't think of 10 so I doubt The Nation could.

If Mitt is a moron then you have something in common.

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America is doomed with either of these fools (tools) winning the election. I'm a proud american who moved the <<Snip!>> out!

Same here but we still pay our taxes................Right???clap2.gif America, love it or leave it, we left it but we still love it............Right???wai2.gif We have too, America makes the best motorcycles

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If Mitt is a moron then you have something in common.

Mitt is a successful bizman...Obama hasn't run a candy store for all I know.

As to his foreign policy prowess.. Zbigniew Brezinski is his go-to man for all foreign issues.

If I ever want to open a candy store, I'll know which man to call then because he will be ... available.

I do think he has more experience in hair cutting though.

Edited by Jingthing
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If Mitt is a moron then you have something in common.

Mitt is a successful bizman...Obama hasn't run a candy store for all I know.

As to his foreign policy prowess.. Zbigniew Brezinski is his go-to man for all foreign issues.

Totally agree! America is no candy store....and I'll take ZB over Dick Cheney.

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Since Romney has promised to charge China with currency manipulation on his very first day in office I doubt he would be particularly popular in this region.

If I was running China and Mitt did that. I'd say ok. Now we want the money you owe us.

No problem, just print some more and pay them back. Easy peasy.

You mean to say.... "borrow more from the (elitists) Fed" !!!

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Forget the US election system. Thailland with votebying is higher developped.

The voting computers come from a well known low level company, dont't ask who put his money in this company. The election software can be

hacked easyly. More information for frenchspeaking people bhere.

(le monde.fr)

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As a political junkie and an historian, I think that Asean should have some major worries if Obama gets back in. Remember the open mike to the Russian Prez. "After the election, he'll be free to do what he wants." His political path has been from the book for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. He was raised and nurtured by Marxists. His higher education was spent fraternizing with Marxists. With no restraints, this man, who already has run slipshod on the US Constitution, will openly pursue his ideology.

While there are so many potential negatives to ASEAN of O's reelection, including economic calamity, the one that is most worrysome is his planned decimation of the US military. Think of this possibility: with a weak US Navy, for example. China goads N Korea into an excursion to the South. While America sends what is left of it's Asia based military to Korea, China moves on Taiwan. When Taiwan is then swallowed, and China is not challenged by any Democratic nation (Japan would be powerless), then the fate of Tibet would await the ASEAN nations. Forget about learning English, my dear Thai friends, learn Mandarin.

Maybe a far fetched scenario, and most will see me as another "redneck". But in 1933, who worried about Tojo, Hitler and Stalin?

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