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British Consulate In Pattaya To Close


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I am also puzzled as to why they would keep a Consulate open in Chiang Mai that sees less than a third of the business and consular cases compared to the Pattaya Consulate.

Distance might have something to do with it.

I don't understand what the one in chiang mai is there for as they don't do much, but the girls try to do as much as they can,they sorted my sons british passport out last time.
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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

A government powerful enough to give you everything is more powerful to take it all away.

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A lot of whinging on here from the Pattaya ex pats. You have the British Embassy up the road in Bangkok for when you're in need of help, as is so often the case down there for some reason, whilst for those of us up country there are the suitably more genteel surroundings of the Chiang Mai Consulate.

That is quite enough in these times of financial strife back home.

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I'm just wondering (for countries in general) what's in it for the (insert country)'s government to provide services outside of the country.

I can see positives for tourism and trade, but besides help when citizens are in legitimate trouble, why should it provide any services in other countries, particularly for people that aren't residing (and often not paying tax) in the home country.

Don't get me wrong. I have used services. But what is in it for the government?

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical bloody UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of bloody Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the bloody Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

It doesn't matter who is in power its always the same people behind the scenes - or haven't you noticed!

The "secret society bloodline" web.

What a jerk.gif

Well this has all been said before and in much more detail.

Just go to YouTube and search for the ring of power.

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Oh dear. Do you wear a tin foil hat too?

No, do you wear your blinkers all the time?

No - and I don't need bold type to read either.

Do you really think believe that the secretive and clandestine societies that these people think really rule the world are behind the planned closure of the British consulate in Pattaya? Or are you just trolling your own pet off topic interests?

As many of the sensible posts here point out Britain is in deep financial trouble, created by years of overspending based on borrowing and selling off the gold reserves when prices were low. That's why an austerity policy is needed - to hopefully avoid becoming like Greece, Spain, Ireland and Porugal.

This means cut backs. The distance from Pattaya to Bangkok is less than many people would have to travel in the UK to visit a passport office, an immigration office, various embassies for visas etc.

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Bottom line you guys in Pattaya wouldn't pay the true cost of the service. Return bus to BKK cost what 400 baht plus time out in the City of Angels - get over it.

What is the true cost? I think 50 quid is more than enough for a pension letter.

And will the British Embassy in Bangkok be able to do it in one day, because if they can't it will mean 2 trips?!!!. In Pattaya we had to go back the next day/date they were open to collect the letter..

As for time out in the City of Angels, that's ok if you are fit, healthy and able to make the trip, which a lot of senior citizens may not be able to do.

More proof on top of everything else, such as non-index linked pensions, that the British Government does not give a you not what to it's true citizens..

''It's true citizens''?

you're living in Thailand!

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

What a self centred opinion you have. Every government department in the UK have been forced to cut costs. This

is because the country is broke. Gordon Brown spent very nearly every last penny.

You pay tax on your pension for a variety of services including consular services in BANGKOK. You also pay taxes

for law and order. This, in turn, protects democracy . Thats why there is a coalition government which the lib dems

were invited to join but only in a minority way. Thats because not enough people voted for them.

Your opinion is that it costs little to run the Pattaya office but supply no facts so rather than rant, do the research,

come up with facts so your opinion has credibility.

Organise the elderly guys and have a day or two out. You might just enjoy broadening your views. Get on the bus/train/

shared taxiand go to Bangkok. Its quite simple and its not far. It is certainly tolerable. Or would you like to have the UK broke,

unable to pay your pension?

Gordon Brown my arse! did he spend all Greece's Italy's Portugal's Americas etc etc money as well? It's an American caused global economic crisis! Grow up.

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... Rt. Hon.Wiiliam Hauge, First Secretary of State, and Foreign Minister who was once leader of the Tory Party and Prime Minister of England...

No. No he wasn't. William Hauge has never been Prime Minister of England, nor has he been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Nor anywhere else. And neither has William Hague! wink.png

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... Rt. Hon.Wiiliam Hauge, First Secretary of State, and Foreign Minister who was once leader of the Tory Party and Prime Minister of England...

No. No he wasn't. William Hauge has never been Prime Minister of England, nor has he been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Nor anywhere else. And neither has William Hague! wink.png

Maybe it was his brother, the Rt. Hon. Wiiliam Hauge?

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The closure of many services of the British Foreign Office were proposed by Rt. Hon.Wiiliam Hauge, First Secretary of State, and Foreign Minister who was once leader of the Tory Party and Prime Minister of England, that is until it was discovered he was not suitable for the job. Now he is near the top of the heap again and equally unaware of the issues and problems British workers and retirees overseas.His immediate boss is David Cameron another Thatcherite that never quite grasped anything. The sooner we can get David Cameron, our failing Prime Minister and William Hague, our previously failed Prime Minister out of office the better.

We British Expats have suffered cuts to benefits, Frozen Pensions, wrecked private pension plans and the ignorance of our Government in respect to the most basic of support expected by ex patriots.WE NEED PROFESSIONAL COLONIAL STYLE CONSULAR SERVICES not the wimpish 2nd Degree pen pushers that struggle to understand our needs.

Now the British Government own the Royal Bank which have cancelled the forwarding our Credit cards and document services to Thailand because of security risks. They tell us that from now on we have to go to our Branch Office in the UK to collect such documents in person.

Ahh, a leftie.

Hague resigned after losing an election, Cameron grasped that the country was broke unlike the last Prime Minister ( who used

to be referred to as Prudence) .You say that Hague was a failed Prime Minister but has not been Prime Minister!

The current government did not bail out the 'Royal Bank' as you put it but you seem happy to ignore this but seem happy to blame the Banks

rules on the current coalition government. Only a socialist could.

But hey, why worry about the facts?

All Brits have experienced cutbacks, not just you, not just expats.

There is a professional office. Its in Bangkok.

There is the support you need but because the last government almost bankrupt the UK its now moving to Bangkok. So when you

need it, get on the train, car or taxi. Its not that far. GOYA and go there.

I know the truth must hurt you but the Pattaya office is closing because the current government realise that the last lot of socialist

government, just like the one before dramatically overspent money that was borrowed. The country is very nearly bankrupt, marginally recovering after many months of cuts.

All departments of the Government have no choice to make cuts. Gordon spent all the money.

''the last lot of socialist government''

Give me a break, socialist my eye, calling Brown and Blair socialists, just shows your political naivety!

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So is this a return to the system before the Consulate opened where the then Hon. Consul Barry Kenyon was able to provide confirmation of earnings letters to support Visa applications or will the new Hon. Consul no longer have that authority?

I doubt that because the statement says.

'The Ambassador confirmed that a new British Honorary Consul will be appointed in Pattaya but consular cases will be dealt with by the Consular section of the British Embassy.'

it seems Howard didn't quite fit the bill.......no much else to say really

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The closure of many services of the British Foreign Office were proposed by Rt. Hon.Wiiliam Hauge, First Secretary of State, and Foreign Minister who was once leader of the Tory Party and Prime Minister of England, that is until it was discovered he was not suitable for the job. Now he is near the top of the heap again and equally unaware of the issues and problems British workers and retirees overseas.His immediate boss is David Cameron another Thatcherite that never quite grasped anything. The sooner we can get David Cameron, our failing Prime Minister and William Hague, our previously failed Prime Minister out of office the better.

We British Expats have suffered cuts to benefits, Frozen Pensions, wrecked private pension plans and the ignorance of our Government in respect to the most basic of support expected by ex patriots.WE NEED PROFESSIONAL COLONIAL STYLE CONSULAR SERVICES not the wimpish 2nd Degree pen pushers that struggle to understand our needs.

Now the British Government own the Royal Bank which have cancelled the forwarding our Credit cards and document services to Thailand because of security risks. They tell us that from now on we have to go to our Branch Office in the UK to collect such documents in person.

Where do you get your information from?

England does not have a Prime Minister. Great Britain does.

William Hague has never been Prime Minister of anywhere.

What is the "Royal Bank"? You are complaining that a bank is concerned about the security issues of it's customers?

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who wrote this rubbish "I am also puzzled as to why they would keep a Consulate open in Chiang Mai" why would you be puzzled, it's 800km to Bangkok from chiang mai of course you'd keep it open pattaya is only a few hours away.

The OP says it was this person

Former British Honorary Consul Howard Miller said,

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Pattaya has one of the very highest concentrations of British visitors to Thailand. It also accommodates a mass of British tourists.

Its fair to assume that this cutting operation is only at its beginning and if Pattaya is cut.. where next.. CM? probably!

Its a 3 hour minimum drive from here to the Embasy in BKK

The building used by the consulate cost very very little

The Hon Cons got a very very small stipend

The costs of running the Pattaya operation were very very small

Everything done by the Consulate was charged for ( paperwork wise) which generated a revenue

I would imagine that a Profit and Loss statement for the consulate would have shown, if any, a very very small loss, in fact less than the Embassy has used in a year to pay for Coffee and tea for its staff!


There is no good reason to close the consulate. No considerable saving to the UK. There is every good reason to keep it open. Even the last, short time Ambassador promised it his support. Ltes hope this new one gets a new job in a ptrol station or a brewery soon and the next next next Ambassador changes his mind...again

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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Doubt it: Thai Immigration can hardly dictate where the Embassy chooses to establish consulates? And as many others have said: It's a two hour drive!

And Chiang Mai is an hour by plane + taxis each end say 3 hours .. So close the CM office too.

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when you're in need of help, as is so often the case down there for some reason

Just what do you mean by your statement? Sound very general and inflammatory to me. Please keep your Pattaya/Brit bashing comments, no matter how subtle you try and make them, to yourself. Most Brits in Pattaya would never have had to call upon consular services other than for retirement visa documentation.

Personally you wouldn't get me living in Chiang Mai even if face masks were issued free and it was the last place on Earth to get a beer.

Edited by Keesters
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The closure of many services of the British Foreign Office were proposed by Rt. Hon.Wiiliam Hauge, First Secretary of State, and Foreign Minister who was once leader of the Tory Party and Prime Minister of England, that is until it was discovered he was not suitable for the job. Now he is near the top of the heap again and equally unaware of the issues and problems British workers and retirees overseas.His immediate boss is David Cameron another Thatcherite that never quite grasped anything. The sooner we can get David Cameron, our failing Prime Minister and William Hague, our previously failed Prime Minister out of office the better.

We British Expats have suffered cuts to benefits, Frozen Pensions, wrecked private pension plans and the ignorance of our Government in respect to the most basic of support expected by ex patriots.WE NEED PROFESSIONAL COLONIAL STYLE CONSULAR SERVICES not the wimpish 2nd Degree pen pushers that struggle to understand our needs.

Now the British Government own the Royal Bank which have cancelled the forwarding our Credit cards and document services to Thailand because of security risks. They tell us that from now on we have to go to our Branch Office in the UK to collect such documents in person.

Ahh, a leftie.

Hague resigned after losing an election, Cameron grasped that the country was broke unlike the last Prime Minister ( who used

to be referred to as Prudence) .You say that Hague was a failed Prime Minister but has not been Prime Minister!

The current government did not bail out the 'Royal Bank' as you put it but you seem happy to ignore this but seem happy to blame the Banks

rules on the current coalition government. Only a socialist could.

But hey, why worry about the facts?

All Brits have experienced cutbacks, not just you, not just expats.

There is a professional office. Its in Bangkok.

There is the support you need but because the last government almost bankrupt the UK its now moving to Bangkok. So when you

need it, get on the train, car or taxi. Its not that far. GOYA and go there.

I know the truth must hurt you but the Pattaya office is closing because the current government realise that the last lot of socialist

government, just like the one before dramatically overspent money that was borrowed. The country is very nearly bankrupt, marginally recovering after many months of cuts.

All departments of the Government have no choice to make cuts. Gordon spent all the money.

''the last lot of socialist government''

Give me a break, socialist my eye, calling Brown and Blair socialists, just shows your political naivety!

Fair point, maybe they are not socialists, however they did lead the party most closely associated with socialist ways. Just ask the unions.

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

What a self centred opinion you have. Every government department in the UK have been forced to cut costs. This

is because the country is broke. Gordon Brown spent very nearly every last penny.

You pay tax on your pension for a variety of services including consular services in BANGKOK. You also pay taxes

for law and order. This, in turn, protects democracy . Thats why there is a coalition government which the lib dems

were invited to join but only in a minority way. Thats because not enough people voted for them.

Your opinion is that it costs little to run the Pattaya office but supply no facts so rather than rant, do the research,

come up with facts so your opinion has credibility.

Organise the elderly guys and have a day or two out. You might just enjoy broadening your views. Get on the bus/train/

shared taxiand go to Bangkok. Its quite simple and its not far. It is certainly tolerable. Or would you like to have the UK broke,

unable to pay your pension?

Gordon Brown my arse! did he spend all Greece's Italy's Portugal's Americas etc etc money as well? It's an American caused global economic crisis! Grow up.

No, he didn't spend Greek, Italian, Portuguese etc etc money but then I didn't state or imply he did. As for it all being America's fault, did they spend all the Greek, Italian, Portuguese etc etc or UK money either. Google 'Gordons Bottom' where the former PM, despite all expert advice,

sold the majority of UK gold reserves having ensured, by announcing his plans earlier, the price fell through the floor. Was that America's fault too?

America created an issue, nobody forced Europe to to spend money they did not have apart from themselves. Thanks for the advice on

growing up.

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Once again the great british government SHITS on its pensioners, there was a time when they suposedly looked after them, now its asilum seekers and ileagal immigrants who are top of the heap reaping the benifits that were payed for by the pensioners hard work .

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Should be shut. Waste of taxpayers money. There's a consulate in Bangkok, so no need for another one so close.

I and I'm pretty sure plenty of other Brits in Pattaya paid plenty of tax in the past and wouldn't consider it a waste of their money. How would you like it if something you had paid for in the past was taken away from you in the future?

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yeh like 2 <deleted> years of my pension (some 20 grand at todays rates) why should I have to pay that to support Tony Baires and Gordon Browns incompetence and that is how I look at it - it's money they took out of my pocket and a considerable sum

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Once again the great british government SHITS on its pensioners, there was a time when they suposedly looked after them, now its asilum seekers and ileagal immigrants who are top of the heap reaping the benifits that were payed for by the pensioners hard work .

If there was no remaining consular service left in Thailand there would be a cause for complaint. What on earth has this topic got to do

with asylum seekers or illegal immigrants? The British government have no choice but to save costs. This hardly can be classed as sh***ng on its pensioners, as you so eloquently put it. Bangkok is less than a hundred miles away.

Edited by delh
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