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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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Now where's that picture of a young body snatched Donald Sutherland gone? Here is a comprehensive article linking to others concerning voter fraud in the U.S. election, and in Ohio in particular.


Wow, that is some really creepy sh*t, makes the John Birch Society seem downright liberal.

Funny how when your candidate loses you can blame it on "vanloads of Somalians"?

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Yes, our beloved President Obama enjoys very DIVERSE support. Diversity of all kinds. Race, income, education, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, etc. The other party: very, very poor performance overall in the diversity department. Basically change or lose.

Agreed. There is a quote from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein that seems appropriate here. "A society adapts to fact, or doesn't survive." The facts have changed. Society has adapted. Will the Rs or will they go the way of the Whigs? The ball is in their court.



If they can prevent irresponsible spending of money that the government simply doesn't have and prevent more farcical episodes like Solyndra - they can justifiably be proud.

Someone has to have fiscal discipline because its obvious the Democrats dont because they are no better than a young kid who has just been given a free credit card

had romney won his republican administration was going to increase military spending by $2 trillion while cutting taxes by 20%. if you can explain this as responsible economics i'd be interested to hear it.

and if you want an example of irresponsible spending then $800 billion on the iraq war would be a start.

more americans trust obama and the democrats to sort out the economy than trust the republicans who were responsible for the mess in the first place. this is now a fact. if you are a believer in democracy and freedom of choice you just have to accept it. but i still expect congress to block every move obama makes, again.

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Now where's that picture of a young body snatched Donald Sutherland gone? Here is a comprehensive article linking to others concerning voter fraud in the U.S. election, and in Ohio in particular.


Wow, that is some really creepy sh*t, makes the John Birch Society seem downright liberal.

Funny how when your candidate loses you can blame it on "vanloads of Somalians"?

What of the other twenty or so links, such as those about absentee ballots to the military never arriving etc etc? To save you the bother, here is the concluding paragraph, which sums it up quite nicely.

Lawrence Auster, an astute diagnostician of America’s multifarious pox, defined the American people’s choice in this statement: “America has two political parties: a party of leftist liars, criminals, and traitors, and a party of decent, nice businessman types who won’t expose or seriously oppose the other party because that wouldn’t be nice.”

Both are equally blameworthy. It’s time Americans woke up and understood they have been sold down the river.


The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.

If someone came up to you and said, hey, I can save you 30% or 40% on your health care premiums AND give you a better level of coverage, would you go for it? Of course you would.

There is a reason why the rest of the world has lower % of GDP spent on health expenditure with BETTER outcomes, yet republicans run away from this concept. I can't see how this is responsible economics for anyone. So Obama-care or whatever you want to call it is a responsible economic outcome, yet those on the right dismiss it out of hand, wanting to retain a solution that is 40% more expensive for the nation.

I mean, imagine if your premiums went down 30% - that would be an instant tax cut for everyone. But no. Ideology before basic economics.

As for entiltement thinking - sure. Lets start by the GOP taking a run through Iowa and the rest of the midwest by insisting on taking away subsidies for corn and other ethanol producing states. I mean, Brazil is better at making it - free trade and all. I thought that was what the GOP stood for? Oh, I forgot, they are the GOP rent seekers.

As someone said, if you want limited government, move to Somalia. Would be a tea party paradise - with right to bear arms thrown in for free.


If someone came up to you and said, hey, I can save you 30% or 40% on your health care premiums AND give you a better level of coverage, would you go for it?

As for entiltement thinking - sure. Lets start by the GOP

As someone said, if you want limited government,

Let me keep it short

1- I like to think I am smart enough to look at an offer & decide if it is vaporware or not.

2- If you know me you know I think the system Left AND Right is broken

3- I know you are not an American so you probably do not fully know our history & the role of government as intended.

It would be a long OT discussion to go there & in your case not being a American what is the point?


Now where's that picture of a young body snatched Donald Sutherland gone? Here is a comprehensive article linking to others concerning voter fraud in the U.S. election, and in Ohio in particular.


Wow, that is some really creepy sh*t, makes the John Birch Society seem downright liberal.

Funny how when your candidate loses you can blame it on "vanloads of Somalians"?

What of the other twenty or so links, such as those about absentee ballots to the military never arriving etc etc? To save you the bother, here is the concluding paragraph, which sums it up quite nicely.

Lawrence Auster, an astute diagnostician of America’s multifarious pox, defined the American people’s choice in this statement: “America has two political parties: a party of leftist liars, criminals, and traitors, and a party of decent, nice businessman types who won’t expose or seriously oppose the other party because that wouldn’t be nice.”

Both are equally blameworthy. It’s time Americans woke up and understood they have been sold down the river.

"...an astute diagnostician of America's multifarious pox..."

Like I said, creepy, fringe sh*t, but it certainly would appeal to those who feel disenfranchised like the old, white males with fewer teeth than IQ points fewer IQ points than teeth practically no teeth and a low IQ, Oh you know what I mean Jethro.


The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.

Bush essentialy made sure that certain old rich white guys made 100s of billions off CMOs, REMICs, MERs, credit swaps, CDOs and other securitized bull <deleted> and left all Americans holding tab to keep banks and certain agencies from failing because Republicans made sure these losing bets in the form of securitized debt obligations were covered by guarantees by Freddie, Ginnie and Fanny or credit swaps by AIG.

This is not much different than high ranking political official and his buddies going house to house and robbing every American of $ 100,00 and then being able to keep it by having the government pay everyone back. Net effect, is tax payer pays themselves back for money taken from them while guilty parties keeps money. The problem is compounded because so much money was taken that US has had to literally print money (QEs) to fill the hole (fractional lending system) left by their greed.

At least with Obama care people are getting a necessary service, we only pay for it once, and the money is directed toward paying the health care industry.


Now where's that picture of a young body snatched Donald Sutherland gone? Here is a comprehensive article linking to others concerning voter fraud in the U.S. election, and in Ohio in particular.


It's very comprehensive. It shows how the GOP wanted to remove 100,000 Florida voters from the rolls because they "might" be illegal - but without checking.

Look, you lost fair and square, so just accept it.

The Republicans have lost 5 out of the last 6 elections on the popular vote. Can you not smell the coffee?


If someone came up to you and said, hey, I can save you 30% or 40% on your health care premiums AND give you a better level of coverage, would you go for it?

As for entiltement thinking - sure. Lets start by the GOP

As someone said, if you want limited government,

Let me keep it short

1- I like to think I am smart enough to look at an offer & decide if it is vaporware or not.

2- If you know me you know I think the system Left AND Right is broken

3- I know you are not an American so you probably do not fully know our history & the role of government as intended.

It would be a long OT discussion to go there & in your case not being a American what is the point?

I would think having good government would ensure that Health Care providers, Banks and other necessary institutions do not abuse the power they have and the trust placed in them.

On that front the US government has been failing for decades.


If someone came up to you and said, hey, I can save you 30% or 40% on your health care premiums AND give you a better level of coverage, would you go for it?

As for entiltement thinking - sure. Lets start by the GOP

As someone said, if you want limited government,

Let me keep it short

1- I like to think I am smart enough to look at an offer & decide if it is vaporware or not.

2- If you know me you know I think the system Left AND Right is broken

3- I know you are not an American so you probably do not fully know our history & the role of government as intended.

It would be a long OT discussion to go there & in your case not being a American what is the point?

You don't have to be patronising. I go to America a bit. I work with and for Americans. Have done for ages. As I've said elsewhere, running my business, America's success is in a very small part, mine as well.

Very much understand the scepitism towards government. I get it. Understand it. (though part of me wants to say the British Kings have LONG gone).

But what I am at the end of the day is a trained economist (insert laughter track). That makes me a pragmatist in many ways. Good economics is the best alloction of resources at the cheapest cost. Ignore social outcomes for the moment, cause most of the time, they take care of themselves when markets work.

But there are VERY often cases of massive market failure. Health care is one. Always has been. Always will be. Government works in that case, and is the least bad option for allocating resources efficiently, and providing the cheapest outcome.

Do I get that it grates with the US' raison d'etre? Sure.

But don't go around talking about superior economic management if you advocate against it. Then that just makes one a liar or sound like a fool. But not a good economic manager.


America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

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Now where's that picture of a young body snatched Donald Sutherland gone? Here is a comprehensive article linking to others concerning voter fraud in the U.S. election, and in Ohio in particular.


Wow, that is some really creepy sh*t, makes the John Birch Society seem downright liberal.

Funny how when your candidate loses you can blame it on "vanloads of Somalians"?

What of the other twenty or so links, such as those about absentee ballots to the military never arriving etc etc? To save you the bother, here is the concluding paragraph, which sums it up quite nicely.

Lawrence Auster, an astute diagnostician of America’s multifarious pox, defined the American people’s choice in this statement: “America has two political parties: a party of leftist liars, criminals, and traitors, and a party of decent, nice businessman types who won’t expose or seriously oppose the other party because that wouldn’t be nice.”

Both are equally blameworthy. It’s time Americans woke up and understood they have been sold down the river.

What a fabulous quote. This really supports the theory that Republicans are comprised of essentially two groups of people: (1) rich guys who stand to lose very large sums of money doe to income and capital gains tax issues; (2) Ignorant, paranoid, religious zealot types who cannot think for themselves, need a lot of structure in their life, afraid of government, and vote based on fear even though the Republican platform does nothing for them economically, but does allow them to keep their guns.

Bush played to these people well with his axis of evil TV speeches. Listen to those old speeches and you can see that target people in category 2.


America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.


So were plenty of countries. Get over it. Part of the hype which Americans like to feed themselves as the greatest country on earth. You are good. But so are plenty of others.

The Brits were famously called a 'nation of shopkeepers'.

Australia was build of fabulous natural wealth, with stories that rival the US' wild west.

Having a decent safety net doesn't preclude entrepreneurs.


What a fabulous quote. This really supports the theory that Republicans are comprised of essentially two groups of people: (1) rich guys who stand to lose very large sums of money doe to income and capital gains tax issues; (2) Ignorant, paranoid, religious zealot types who cannot think for themselves, need a lot of structure in their life, afraid of government, and vote based on fear even though the Republican platform does nothing for them economically, but does allow them to keep their guns.

You are so on target! I always felt guilty as I was becoming a young successful entrepreneur businessman, because I was told I had to be Republican, so I was, donated a lot of money, and I did endorse much of the platform in those days. As the Republican party moved to the far right I finally woke up. I never for once thought of not starting a business due to tax reasons. People start businesses because they have a passion and want to win. They don't fret about silly things like "will the corporate tax rate rise?" Easy enough to just incorporate offshore, but still do business at home. So easy to solve.

This forum is inhabited with Obama haters who blather on about business, but they don't talk like businessmen, and they certainly don't understand business. I have nothing against old, rich white guys, I kind of like em. And, I do understand wanting to keep capital gains structures as they are. But, the argument that these guys are job creators is just a myth.

  • Like 2

America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

I think most Americans still have the dream to succeed and prosper. Nothing has changed except now large competes like Walmart come into smaller communities and run mom and pop stores out of business because they cannot compete price with economies of scale reached by stores such as Walmart, HQ, Home Depot, Best Buy and etc. Privately owned grocery stores gone. Privately owned electronic stores gone. Privately hardware stores gone. Mom and pop pharmacies gone. Mom and pop clothes stores gone. Mom and pop sporting good stores gone.

Perhaps forcing these large chain stores to pay appropriate taxes would increase costs to a level where small businesses could once again compete.


Well, I just got an email from a liberal acquaintance, quoted below. Is this how you Obama worshipers on TV feel as well? Amazing.

"Maybe there IS hope for our Nation. I just hope the Republicans and their corporations stop opposing a great future for America just to spite Obama. Our country is not built on greed and materialism! Sorry. But true. And I hope that any of my brothers & sisters who oppose him because he is "black"...our President is actually white and black, mestizo like me...I hope they regret their racism and see the light. Obama is still the greatest President I've ever known, and that goes back to JFK and his brother Robert who they killed. Is the Republican House actually still going to oppose any solutions to our problems just to undermine the President, now that he is clearly the peoples' choice? Join the movement!"


tea partiers are saying romney lost because he was too moderate. they're mental.

I saw that and my jaw dropped. Lost people.

I hope they believe that drivel, because then they'll put forth a hard-rightist like Ryan in 2016, and that person will lose by a larger margin than Romney did this time. Republicans want to stay stuck in the past, as it's more comfortable and familiar. But they're being forced to deal with new issues. They start out with their gut feelings ('No to gay marriage,' 'No to farming hemp or legal marijuana, 'No to birth control', 'No abortions for any reasons' 'no to higher taxes for super rich' etc. ad nauseum) ....then they have to adjust, if they want to get voted in anywhere outside of Wyoming. Yet beware. They'll do a 'wolf in sheep's clothing; thing: appear to agree with liberal ideas (or at least waffle deftly), in order to generate mass appeal - but once in office, they'll show their true leanings.

That's just one of many reasons why I'm glad Romney/Ryan lost. Still celebrating. Bought all my hill tribe workers lunch and energy drinks today.


Well, I just got an email from a liberal acquaintance, quoted below. Is this how you Obama worshipers on TV feel as well? Amazing.

"Maybe there IS hope for our Nation. I just hope the Republicans and their corporations stop opposing a great future for America just to spite Obama. Our country is not built on greed and materialism! Sorry. But true. And I hope that any of my brothers & sisters who oppose him because he is "black"...our President is actually white and black, mestizo like me...I hope they regret their racism and see the light. Obama is still the greatest President I've ever known, and that goes back to JFK and his brother Robert who they killed. Is the Republican House actually still going to oppose any solutions to our problems just to undermine the President, now that he is clearly the peoples' choice? Join the movement!"

Yes. I for one feel that way, and have expressed as much (and more) in my many blurbs on T.Visa. Your acquaintance sounds like a fine person. There are a lot of happy folks in the US right now. Good.


Well, I just got an email from a liberal acquaintance, quoted below. Is this how you Obama worshipers on TV feel as well? Amazing.

"Maybe there IS hope for our Nation. I just hope the Republicans and their corporations stop opposing a great future for America just to spite Obama. Our country is not built on greed and materialism! Sorry. But true. And I hope that any of my brothers & sisters who oppose him because he is "black"...our President is actually white and black, mestizo like me...I hope they regret their racism and see the light. Obama is still the greatest President I've ever known, and that goes back to JFK and his brother Robert who they killed. Is the Republican House actually still going to oppose any solutions to our problems just to undermine the President, now that he is clearly the peoples' choice? Join the movement!"

Yes. I for one feel that way, and have expressed as much (and more) in my many blurbs on T.Visa. Your acquaintance sounds like a fine person. There are a lot of happy folks in the US right now. Good.

Too much LSD in his case, I believe. Don't know about you.


Lawrence Auster, an astute diagnostician of America’s multifarious pox, defined the American people’s choice in this statement: “America has two political parties: a party of leftist liars, criminals, and traitors, and a party of decent, nice businessman types who won’t expose or seriously oppose the other party because that wouldn’t be nice.”

Both are equally blameworthy. It’s time Americans woke up and understood they have been sold down the river.

Wow. Citing Lawrence Auster (self-proclaimed "racialist"*) and C&Ping from Gates of Vienna.

No wonder you posted that stuff about Obama's father being a Muslim and how that pertains to a so called outreach to Muslims.

* "I care about the white race It is the source of and is inseparable from everything we are, everything we have, and everything our civilization has achieved." Laurence Auster


Well, I just got an email from a liberal acquaintance, quoted below. Is this how you Obama worshipers on TV feel as well? Amazing.

"Maybe there IS hope for our Nation. I just hope the Republicans and their corporations stop opposing a great future for America just to spite Obama. Our country is not built on greed and materialism! Sorry. But true. And I hope that any of my brothers & sisters who oppose him because he is "black"...our President is actually white and black, mestizo like me...I hope they regret their racism and see the light. Obama is still the greatest President I've ever known, and that goes back to JFK and his brother Robert who they killed. Is the Republican House actually still going to oppose any solutions to our problems just to undermine the President, now that he is clearly the peoples' choice? Join the movement!"

Yes. I for one feel that way, and have expressed as much (and more) in my many blurbs on T.Visa. Your acquaintance sounds like a fine person. There are a lot of happy folks in the US right now. Good.

Too much LSD in his case, I believe. Don't know about you.

r u saying too much LSD causes feelings of compassion, comeraderie, good sense and goodwill? If so, pass the cool aide.


Well, regardless of who your particular flavour was in the election, it's all over and the fat lady is singing. Obama has it not only on Electoral college votes but also on the popular vote, by a narrow margin. The USA is split down the middle by the smallest amount, BUT take note Thailand. Tomorrow there will be NO protests in the United states, there will be no blocking of city centers, there will be no blocking of airports, there will be no burning down of cities and there will be no politician funded killing of its own citizens. There will be no 4 year period where disgruntled politicians do anything but file law suits against each other, lie to the electorate and place themselves above the constitution and the law. Good luck the USA, under the current financial situation it needed ANY party to be in for an 8 year term to try and sort it out. I am relieved it is all over. Back to work then!

probably the best comment on here. +1

<deleted>, there was none of that crap on July 4 2011 either.

Get a life


Well, I just got an email from a liberal acquaintance, quoted below. Is this how you Obama worshipers on TV feel as well? Amazing.

"Maybe there IS hope for our Nation. I just hope the Republicans and their corporations stop opposing a great future for America just to spite Obama. Our country is not built on greed and materialism! Sorry. But true. And I hope that any of my brothers & sisters who oppose him because he is "black"...our President is actually white and black, mestizo like me...I hope they regret their racism and see the light. Obama is still the greatest President I've ever known, and that goes back to JFK and his brother Robert who they killed. Is the Republican House actually still going to oppose any solutions to our problems just to undermine the President, now that he is clearly the peoples' choice? Join the movement!"

Yes. I for one feel that way, and have expressed as much (and more) in my many blurbs on T.Visa. Your acquaintance sounds like a fine person. There are a lot of happy folks in the US right now. Good.

Too much LSD in his case, I believe. Don't know about you.

sane people call it common sense.

I don't know what the residents of BS mountain call it.


Trump declares Election Is 'Total Sham And A Travesty,' Suggests 'Revolution' Is Necessary'

the article is short and funny (though, sadly true). However, check out the slide show of election day photos on same page. Recommended!

Trump and Thaksin should go rent a house an island somewhere far far away (with no communication devices and no return transport), and drive each other crazy - never to be heard of again (wishful thinking to the nth degree).

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America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.


So were plenty of countries. Get over it. Part of the hype which Americans like to feed themselves as the greatest country on earth. You are good. But so are plenty of others.

The Brits were famously called a 'nation of shopkeepers'.

Australia was build of fabulous natural wealth, with stories that rival the US' wild west.

Having a decent safety net doesn't preclude entrepreneurs.

Get over it ……? ohmy.png

Have you ever started your own business Samran? I have.

I wouldn't go through the experience of starting a business from scratch again and particularly now if I had even the slightest suspicion the President of my country might have the same ideas as this father had about what constitutes a fair rate of taxation………

Obama published an academic paper in 1965 reasoned, private investors inevitably seek to earn “dividends” from their investments, and “turning a profit” was the gravest of all immoralities. Instead, Mr. Obama proposed higher taxes on the wealthy, and a redistribution of that money, for the “collective good” of the nation.

“Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income,” huh.png Mr. Obama wrote, “so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.

All I can say to that I would be taking my bat and ball home very swiftly and I think there would be many other would be entrepreneurs that who would do the same. What is in it for me ??bah.gif



Wow. Citing Lawrence Auster (self-proclaimed "racialist"*) and C&Ping from Gates of Vienna.

No wonder you posted that stuff about Obama's father being a Muslim and how that pertains to a so called outreach to Muslims.

* "I care about the white race It is the source of and is inseparable from everything we are, everything we have, and everything our civilization has achieved." Laurence Auster

If you cribbed that quote from wikipedia I strongly suggest you are honest enough to at least quote the entire paragraph it came from. I however refuse to subscribe to your frame of reference and stick by the paragraph I cited in my previous post.


Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections , You failed Republican

he was annihilated in the midterms in 2010. then in the presidential election he wiped the floor with the republicans. and yet again though, as last time round, the house will do everything it can to block everything positive the president wants to achieve by hanging absurd partisan amendments on every bill. yet the republicans are somehow proud of this. they're a weird bunch.

If they can prevent irresponsible spending of money that the government simply doesn't have and prevent more farcical episodes like Solyndra - they can justifiably be proud.

Someone has to have fiscal discipline because its obvious the Democrats dont because they are no better than a young kid who has just been given a free credit card

I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. They must do all they can to limit the damage that the incompetent buffoon Barack will inflict upon the United States.

That is my hope. My fear is that they will fail to do so and the United States will have to hit rock-bottom like Greece and Spain before our people wake up and realize that the government vote-buying handouts cannot go on forever. Sort of like the Rice Pledging (vote-buying) scam here in Thailand! And they no longer fall for smooth-talking snake-oil salesmen like Obama; nor his sycophants in the mainstream media.

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