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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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THE COME BARACK KID! Obama headed back to White House for 2nd term after 'closest-ever' election is decided before midnight

Obama almost certain to be re-elected after holding on in swing states

Networks declare President the winner soon after 11pm

Holds on to Ohio and other Midwestern swing states after fierce battle

Southern swing states on a knife-edge as vote count continues

Obama prepares for huge victory party with A-list celebrities in Chicago

Sombre mood in Romney camp as supporters deal with disappointment

Two more years of government gridlock expected as Democrats keep control of Senate and Republicans hold on to House

Good night for political dynasties as Joseph Kennedy III is elected to Congress and Jesse Jackson Jr holds on to House seat

Elizabeth Warren elected to Senate but Todd Akin set to lose bid for seat


President Barack Obama won re-election to the White House tonight with a landslide victory over Mitt Romney, according to projections from most of the television networks.

Broadcast networks called the 2012 presidential election for Obama as he swept the map with wins in the swings states of Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire while Florida and Virginia still hung in the balance.

Obama seemed poised for a resounding electoral college win - despite predictions of one of the tightest finishes in history and the dogged insistence of Romney advisers that they were making gains all over the political battlefield.

Despite unemployment standing at 7.9 per cent and Obama performing very poorly during the first presidential debate, Romney was crushed nationally, though he might finish only just behind in the popular vote.

Full story: http://www.dailymail...e-2nd-term.html

-- Mail Online 2012-11-07


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I'm also happy with the result.

But Obama's main politcal problem is still existing: the Rep. majority in the Senate. The Rep dominated Senate prevented all his sane politics not for the sake of the nation but with the intention to win the next presidency. This obstruction didn't pay well. Great.

But if the Reps don't change their habit Obama has the same problem like before: a brake on all sane politics, demonstarting the divide in the US populace.

I think you mean the House and not the Senate.



I'm also happy with the result.

But Obama's main politcal problem is still existing: the Rep. majority in the Senate. The Rep dominated Senate prevented all his sane politics not for the sake of the nation but with the intention to win the next presidency. This obstruction didn't pay well. Great.

If the Reps don't change their habit Obama has the same problem like before: a brake on all sane politics, demonstarting the divide in the US populace.

The democrats have been in the majority in the senate and will remain so. There is the issue of the republicans forcing 60 votes though.


Thai-born Tammy Duckworth wins Illinois seat

The Nation


Tammy Duckworth on Wednesday became first Thai-American woman elected to US Congress after beating freshman Republican US Rep Joe Walsh in Illinois' 8th congressional district.

With 41 percent of the votes counted, Duckworth led Walsh 56.3 percent to 43.7 percent. The race was initially called by NBC. AP has also called the race for Duckworth.

Ladda or Tammy, 44, born to Thai mother and American father, has an exceptional life. She almost lost her life during an attack in Iraq in 2004. She has served as commander of a Blackhawk Helicopter Company.

US Embassy in Bangkok said in its website that Ladda also flew more than 200 combat hours as a Blackhawk pilot. It was during a mission in November 2004 in Iraq that a rocket-propelled grenade struck the cockpit of her helicopter and exploded; Duckworth suffered grave injuries, and lost both her legs.

The injury changed her life, she said. Later on, she ran for a seat in the US Congress in 2006. She narrowly lost.

The volatile race between Walsh, a Tea Party favorite, and Duckworth was one of the nation’s most closely watched congressional battles. Nearly $6.6 million in outside spending was reported in the contest, including $2.7 million worth of ads attacking Duckworth poured into the race by conservative super PACs in recent weeks, Huffington Post online reported.

Polls leading up to the election showed Duckworth holding at least a 10-point lead over Walsh as both campaigns went intensely negative in the race approached its conclusion.

Walsh repeatedly attacked Duckworth, an Iraq War veteran and double amputee, for speaking "too much" about her military service and implied that she wasn’t a "true hero." He also attracted national attention last month when he stated that he was opposed to abortion, including in circumstances when the life of the mother is at stake.

Duckworth, for her part, went negative in an ad released late last month that criticized the Illinois congressman over $117,00 in back child support this ex-wife alleged he owed in a now-settled lawsuit. Walsh brought his children into the matter as his 25-year-old son Joe Jr. appeared in a television ad urging Duckworth to pull the "deadbeat dad" ad from the airwaves.


-- The Nation 2012-11-07


Alaska and Hawaii polls haven't closed yet. Alaska has 3 electoral college votes,

Hawaii has 4 electoral college votes.

Virginia & Florida haven't finished counting yet. Virginia has 13 electoral college

votes while Florida has 29.

Obama has 290 Electoral college votes, Romney has 203 and needs 67 more.

Even if Romney takes the last states he will only have 252 electoral college votes.

Romney's lost.


So is he going to follow through this time and come visit the land of smiles?..... He had said (or had been said for him) that if he won he would be popping by in November, no? Plenty of photo ops for the lady of state..... Big brother will be so proud and jealous. Wonder if Barack will stop by in Malaysia (or Dubai) as part of a co-op coverage to complete the visit, and get some real business done (NASA and Weather stations).

Just sayin....?!@?!


Congratz America! There are a lot of countries that can only dream they had a president of that caliber.

Should have made us an offer yesterday.

We would have sold you both candidates cheap :)

Kidding aside it will be, hopefully, nice now that elections are over to maybe get

some things done.

It is amazing 18 months of campaigning & billions of dollars spent by both sides.

It is no small process that is for sure.

Anyway onward & hopefully upward America.


Romney was a incredibly weak candidate. This isn't a surprise at all, although it has been amusing watching people delude themselves otherwise. Any Republican with a shot of winning didn't want to risk running against Obama and is waiting for 2016.

I actually think the problem was Ryan, not Romney.


While I am happy to see the President reelected, who is in the Office of the President is less important to me than how he (or she) gets there because the people have the chance to make changes every four years.

In this election cycle, we have been through a very long (way too long if you ask me) and contentious campaign. In the end though, the result occurred with out a coup, without bloodshed, and without critics, whether they be other politicians, regular citizens, or reporters, hauled off for "questioning" or for incarceration merely because they did not agree with those in power. We do this every four years. If Romney had won, there would have been a smooth transition of power with a lot of complaining by those that lost and a lot of celebration by those that won but the transition would still have occurred.


Yes - I totally agree. Something that Thailand really hasn't got a handle on yet.

As a caveat I think it is worth a mention that complacency in our democratic systems leaves them open more and more to corrupt practices......... we shouldn't rest on our laurels because the elections "go smoothly", we should constantly be looking for ways to upgrade the system. Voting in the states in particular is archaic and chaotic


So what are FOX News going to report about now,!!!

regards Worgeordie

The imminent and impending impeachment of the grinch who stole the election! violin.gif


"Tammy Duckworth on Wednesday became first Thai-American woman elected to

US Congress after beating freshman Republican US Rep Joe Walsh in Illinois' 8th

congressional district."

I can't help wonder if the Joe Walsh mentioned is the same Joe Walsh of James

Gang & latter day Eagles fame?!


So what are FOX News going to report about now,!!!

regards Worgeordie

Apparently they haven't finished with their latest invention, "Benghazi-gate".


After reading some of these post,I can see there are a lot of people out here that will be sorry for the way they voted. As you sow,sow shall you reap.

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President Barack Obama wins re-election

President Barack Obama has been re-elected to a second term, defeating Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

With results in from most states, America's first black president has secured the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to win the race.

Mr Obama prevailed despite lingering dissatisfaction with the economy and a well-funded challenge by Mr Romney.

Mr Obama's margin of victory is not yet certain because four states have yet to report results.

With swing states Virginia, Florida and Colorado still too close to call, Mr Obama has won 281 electoral votes to Mr Romney's 203.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-20233064


-- BBC 2012-11-07


Well he wont have any excuses after 8 years in the seat will he

God help America

Is that conservative for "Congratulations Mr President"?

Thought so.


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Oh, Monet the French painter? tongue.png


To those who said Obama didn't accomplish anything in his first term: They Were Wrong! Solidified tonight. He is well on his way to being a president with a legacy to compare to the great ones.

On their own, passing and implementing any of these laws would be a huge achievement for a presidency. The three of them together are a record and pace of domestic change unmatched by any recent administration. But they were an odd sort of change: Change that wouldn’t happen until — and arguably unless — Obama secured a second term. Tonight, he did that.




I actually think the problem was Ryan, not Romney.

it was both of them. and the rapey guys. and the anti-women's rights policies. ryan and romney both lost their own states.

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There must be a whole lot of corruption in the good old USA,

otherwise how is all that money spent on elections going to be

recuperated,maybe they should have just flipped a coin and

use all that money that was wasted to pay off the National debit.

just a thought regards Worgeordie


RT @mpoppel: RT @realDonaldTrump: Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

RT @mpoppel: RT @realDonaldTrump: This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!


Does anyone here seriously believe it would change anything if anyone else would have won the elections? Don't you people realize that the only choice given to the public (us, whom they call bottom feeders, the masses,and/ or expendable "material") is to chose between dark grey or light grey? Puppeteers are and always will be the same, just the design of the the puppet changes... not more, not less! If an honest, uncorruptible charismatic person with his own agenda would ever be elected, he/she would suffer the same fate as JFK and his brother.

And btw - if I would have broken that many promises with my customers, they would tear me apart in mid-air. A lying and deceiving puppet like Obama is re-elected after lying to and betraying his own country on a daily basis year after year. Doesn't that blow your mind?

Is the whole world in a kind of vigilant coma or what the f.... is going on here??????

Isn't it fantastic how people can be so numb that they accept everything said by politicians, as long as it's aired or printed, it's true even if the facts what's been said or done, is the opposite of what's being said or done.

This applies to the whole western world, not only the US, you can't take away that from us Europeans.

We are just as stupid.

My only wish is that someday, a politician by the name of Forrest Gump could take over the leadership.

Than the citizens of the world would make progress as human beings following said persons lead.

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