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The Tower

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click the lower right corner of the scroll :o

That gets you into the game.

Room 1 you can collect the bone which you fit into the mechanism in room 3 - but what then? Any ideas?

That was not quite right.

That must be later.

Use the bone as the bottom rung of the ladder which takes you up a level.

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click the lower right corner of the scroll :o

That gets you into the game.

Room 1 you can collect the bone which you fit into the mechanism in room 3 - but what then? Any ideas?

That was not quite right.

That must be later.

Use the bone as the bottom rung of the ladder which takes you up a level.

I've got a torch,a sword,a cog,a bone,and a phial so far.

The answers in the keys. The cog obviously fits into the mechanism behind the wall in the third room.

Edited by lampard10
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Use the torch to burn the straw on the floor in the first room. You will then find a chain link which can be taken upstairs to complete the chain over the wheel.

What next?


No idea at the moment. Presume we have to get down in to the cellar somehow.

Cannot find anything else hidden in any of the rooms. :o

Ah! Just found something.

Click Check Items and highlight the phial. This brings it up on a scroll. Click the cork.

Do the same for the Sword. Click the Jewel.

Edited by SamuiRes
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This is fascinating. What about the bone from the ladder? What does it do in the mechanism in the third room in the basement?

Also why the windows on the second floor can be opened and closed?

When the windows are shut, a small alcove is revealed where you find the phial.

The bone operates the cogs - but as yet I have not found where the spare cog goes or what operating the bone lever does.

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Use the key to open the door - up two floor to find the rock thing

Use the rock thing – examine it and it turns into a shovel.

Use the shovel to open the area of the cogs

Use the bone – and the bars open

ll that and at the end you play – paper – rock – scissors ?

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Got another jewel, red this time, now red and yellow fit in the altar thing near the top, but only one combination works.

That's when you are invited to play rock paper scissors. If you win, open the chest downstairs and get the big green jewel.

That was the most interesting game I've seen in a long time.

Are there any games that follow the similar pattern?

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Thanks, downloading.

Just before I left I found "Firewall" - flashgame tied up with the new Harrison Ford movie. I believe it was on the official movie site though I found it on game reviews first. Sorry not to find the link again now.

You are in the room with no clear objective but you have to find clues and put them together.

Bummer - that's the same game as in your link.

How far did you go? I left with what I think is a password but no user name yet.

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How far did you go? I left with what I think is a password but no user name yet.

Found the power cord for the computer

Paper scraps in the bin which provide the password

The User name is on a card in the wallet under a card on the table.

Key under the vase to open the desk draws

Toy car and control unit

Radio which provides the battery for the car

Hidden camera behind the plant and magnet which is used to deactivate it which allows you to approach the rear door.

Rear door needs code number, which I think must be the number required in the computer shown in red but not yet sure how you get it.

Got the number! Play the game on the PC successfully to the end and it comes up. Not sure what to do with it though!

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