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President Obama To Visit Thailand November 18


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Liked Obama as a senator; don't care for him as president. Unfortunately, at this level, the candidates become part of the machine, as do both parties, although they play it up as they are holding each other in check.

I think I would have liked him best in his Choomwagon daze days!

Like I said, our coolest president ever. Not only did he inhale, he wouldn't tolerate others NOT inhaling ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Liked Obama as a senator; don't care for him as president. Unfortunately, at this level, the candidates become part of the machine, as do both parties, although they play it up as they are holding each other in check.

I think I would have liked him best in his Choomwagon daze days!

Like I said, our coolest president ever. Not only did he inhale, he wouldn't tolerate others NOT inhaling ...

The coolest present ever thinks the United States has 58 States. I think he must be still inhaling daily. And just to think he has the nuclear launch codes.

Edited by Pimay1
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Where? Where? Where? I want to come see him. It's my only chance of ever meeting him. Please, if someone knows, I'd like to know so I can come see him. Will there be any public visits?

WHY? would you bother, he is like ANY other politician that only thinks of themselves.


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If there is any part of Bangkok that Barack Hussein Obama would hang out, it would be Sukhumvit soi 3. He seems to be very comfortable around that crowd.

Or he'd be down in Khaosan road to hang out with the NGO & back-packer types to sit around and bash America and learn how America can be more like Europe.



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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Wow! I didn't expect to see a post from Sean Hannity on ThaiVisa. Your dying breed gets around.

FYI: Dwight Eisenhower played nearly 800 rounds during his two terms and was even elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame. Yet he was/is considered a good President. Woodrow Wilson doubled that amount during his Presidency. So what was your inane point?

Just get over it. President Obama is the President of the United States for the next four years. After that, in 2016, expect another Clinton to be soundly elected into the White House.

Doesn't that really cheer you up Sean?

And so the US will go further down the drain with this clown OVER spending and breaking the bank, and the jobless numbers go up and up.


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This lady also likes Obama. I am glad to see my hard earned tax dollars going to such a wonderful program to assist those in need like this lady that are really struggling to make a better life for themselves, working late hours daily, always looking for better ways to improve their life. Of course Ohio went for Obama. I have no idea why.

Free phones and other gadgets for votes? Gee I wonder which country Obama got THAT idea from.

Looks like Obamagirl let herself go. Back in 2008, Obamagirl was hot. Now she's just another out of work derelict inline for free government handouts from Obama.

I'm proud of President Obama and proud of the Americans who reelected him. Yeah, he's way cool.

And that's the problem right there. People voted for Obama because he is perceived as being "cool". That is not a quality I'm looking for in a leader. If I were throwing a house party, sure I'd rather have Obama over because I know a lot of single women that believe just about anything will show up.

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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Wow! I didn't expect to see a post from Sean Hannity on ThaiVisa. Your dying breed gets around.

FYI: Dwight Eisenhower played nearly 800 rounds during his two terms and was even elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame. Yet he was/is considered a good President. Woodrow Wilson doubled that amount during his Presidency. So what was your inane point?

Just get over it. President Obama is the President of the United States for the next four years. After that, in 2016, expect another Clinton to be soundly elected into the White House.

Doesn't that really cheer you up Sean?

And so the US will go further down the drain with this clown OVER spending and breaking the bank, and the jobless numbers go up and up.


Gotta wonder if it's really his policies or adversity to triple K that still makes him so much responsible for that among the disgruntled half way politically correct silent majority. What we really need is another G.W.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifwhistling.gifclap2.gif
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Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

You little jokester you. Even I speak more than Ebonics. I graduated with a degree in French from Morehouse College (an all Black male school) and was in a class with all Black males. I speak English (obviously), Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai as well. I'm sure she felt no more uncomfortable than I did when I earned my MBA in International Business at Georgia State University being the only Black American in dam_n near all of the 20 classes throughout my coursework.

Please don't get me wrong. I never would put KSU in the same class as Morehouse, Howard, Wilberforce or the other top "Traditionally Black Colleges". That would be an insult to those true institutions of higher education. However, you must admit that there is a racist bias in many Asian cultures against any culture and populace outside of their own. Somehow I don't see some of these individuals interacting with people they consider inferior. Heck, her family seems to look down a large segment of its own country. Otherwise they wouldn't act towards them the way they do..Please excuse the dangling participle.
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For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:

Saw an interesting quote on the wall of a restaurant in Thailand:

"Be nice to America or they will bring democracy to your country!"

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*Deleted quote edited out*

There are a lot of really sour people on this thread today, which is natural, given the thrashing their (way non-cool milk-drinking only Mormon candidate got last night). Please forgive their nastiness, for they know not what they do.

Edited by Scott
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At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Finally someone, you jaltsc has the intestinal fortitude to speak the truth about Kentucky State University. I lived in Bowling Green (home of KSU) for ten years. This is one of the sorriest so called universities there is in the USA. If you have the money they have the degree. This is an open secret to the Bowling Green population.

Kentucky State University is in Frankfort, Kentucky. Not even close to Bowling Green, Kentucky.

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*Deleted quote edited out*

There are a lot of really sour people on this thread today, which is natural, given the thrashing their (way non-cool milk-drinking only Mormon candidate got last night). Please forgive their nastiness, for they know not what they do.

Some are not being forgiven and have received a holiday. Other's have had posts deleted.

Please be civil and stay on topic.

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based on the reputation of the (not so) secret service these days, we can assume they will be having a great time in Soi Cowboy

Based on the very reason you made your joke, we can in fact assume they won't.

More's the pity (if those guys don't deserve some fun, who does?)

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If there is any part of Bangkok that Barack Hussein Obama would hang out, it would be Sukhumvit soi 3. He seems to be very comfortable around that crowd.

Or he'd be down in Khaosan road to hang out with the NGO & back-packer types to sit around and bash America and learn how America can be more like Europe.

Your post is a good example of one of the reasons Romney did not get elected; having to pander to right wing idiocy during the selection process.

Given the outgoing head of China, Hu Jintao, spoke today of the danger corruption poses to the future of the ruling power structure, I wonder if Obama will have a quite word with Yingluck on this topic.

Edited by simple1
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The liberal dusting of racism cast along this thread is most unwelcome. Obama is a fine American and a worthy President. If Thailand is of any strategic value to the USA I'm sure that it will be clear to Obama. In any event his recognition of the Thai Government is be most welcome. In the matter of contributor's opinions in respect to Khun Yingluck's suitability to serve as Prime Minister it is suffice to say that she was democratically elected by an electorate that appear most satisfied with their choice.

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I hope more Americans will come here. Hopefully all the anti-American Europeans will shut up finally about how much they "hate" Americans(translation--bitter jealousy). Just like in Germany, they will smile and pretend to be friendly until the Americans have their backs turned, but at least I won't have so many Eurobigots to contend with.

I wouldn't be so optimistic. Even after electing Obama twice, those Europeans with anti-American attitudes will continue to hate America. That sort of jealously and childish nit-picking by the anti-American Euros was one of many motivating factors for me to vote for Romney this time around (I voted Obama in 2008).

Regardless, we're stuck with him for another 4 years. I seriously doubt that this visit will do anything for the US. Then again, Obama doesn't care about the US anyway.

BTW, I wonder where Obama got the Obamaphone idea from? It sure worked well for him in Ohio....

The federal "Lifeline" program to which you refer was begun under President Reagan, and provided aid to low income people to have landlines in their homes. It was expanded to cell phones under George Dubya Bush.

You didn't have to tell us you voted for Romney; we could tell by your mastery of the facts. Don't tell me - you live in the Fox News Bubble.

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For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:

If the men in dark suits had fun in Cartagena...I'm sure they can't wait to hit the streets of Bangkok smile.png

Chook dee maak maak to President Obama; and hopefully Willard will now just slink-off to retirement in the Cayman Islands and spend his remaining days counting his money and dodging taxes.

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Thanks for the warning about the Campaigner in Chief arriving in the LOS. I hope he does not give a lecture in running a country as he has a "F" in that subject no matter if some thing he is cool. I think he is something that rhymes with Cool,.......................................

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Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

You little jokester you. Even I speak more than Ebonics. I graduated with a degree in French from Morehouse College (an all Black male school) and was in a class with all Black males. I speak English (obviously), Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai as well. I'm sure she felt no more uncomfortable than I did when I earned my MBA in International Business at Georgia State University being the only Black American in dam_n near all of the 20 classes throughout my coursework.

Morehouse is a good school. I've friends who went there and a friend who runs a medical department in the Medical School. I spent a lot of hours watching Basketball and some football there . Never had anyone bat at eyelash at my skin color. Always enjoyed every visit. And as point of information a few whites do go to school there. Speilman and Clark Universities are located in same area, also good schools

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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Then the question comes to mind, how is the secret service going to vet all those lady caddies, can never happen. My guess is, if he plays golf, no Thai caddies and no som tam stands within a mile.. and I'm sure he will figure a way to claim some relation to Tiger Woods. just sayin..

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For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:

They are already here, see them riding Harleys down walking street, they all have great tattoos, seems the Pattaya police ignore the helmet laws ...would you give them any troublewhistling.gif nice fellows to have on your side. I was told they are going to look into the Jet Ski operators licenses as Obama would enjoy a day on the water here in Pattaya rolleyes.gif Edited by Scott
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For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:

If the men in dark suits had fun in Cartagena...I'm sure they can't wait to hit the streets of Bangkok smile.png

Chook dee maak maak to President Obama; and hopefully Willard will now just slink-off to retirement in the Cayman Islands and spend his remaining days counting his money and dodging taxes.

Well I like your idea.

How ever if he is really concerned about America he could stay there and try to bring back the jobs he had shipped out of the country.

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Your post is a good example of one of the reasons Romney did not get elected; having to pander to right wing idiocy during the selection process.

????? I'm a liberal Democrat.

The federal "Lifeline" program to which you refer was begun under President Reagan, and provided aid to low income people to have landlines in their homes. It was expanded to cell phones under George Dubya Bush.

You didn't have to tell us you voted for Romney; we could tell by your mastery of the facts. Don't tell me - you live in the Fox News Bubble.

Let us know when you want to have a discussion like an adult and not make childish personal insults. I am well aware of the Universal Lifeline program started by Reagan and the expansion under Dubya. The problem is that Obama PRETENDED that this was HIS program to give out free phones to the poor.

Obama has a record of taking credit for work he hasn't done.

Stop assuming that Obama critics all watch Fox. You need to get out more. I can't stand Fox.

Edited by 3SoiDogNight
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Kentucky State University is in Frankfort, Kentucky. Not even close to Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Good catch, you're right. Western Kentucky University is in Bowling Green. I lived in both cities, just got them reversed on this post. I stand by what I said concerning KSU.

<tags do not match got me again>

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"Obama's visit was scheduled before election day in the US, and officials confirmed the US president had insisted on the visit whether he was re-elected or not.

For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:

The guy on the left looks very scary to me. Is he from secret service? bah.gif .

Send with Chinese tablet

Looks more like he is from "The Matrix"

Edited by Scott
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