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President Obama To Visit Thailand November 18


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I heard a couple of weeks ago that he was going to visit - I hope that I have a chance to shake his hand and congratulate him while he is here, but know that is very unlikely. America and the world are the better with President Obama in the White House. I was very ecstatic with the election, a landslide in electoral votes and a mandate in the popular vote where he received a fraction over 50% of the vote with 3,000,000 more votes than his opponent. :) I am very happy now that he will come to Thailand. :D

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SOS.The liberals say they believe in freedom of speech. Sure they do as long as everyone agrees with them. Disagree and you are a right wing nut case bigot. Peace brother, peace.

Actually liberals don't mind free speech, they just want logic and genuine human values. When i was an undergrad I used to debate with the John Birchers (not bad guys just wrong), libertarians (I'm a libertarian socialist who loves Bernie Sanders but def not a libertarian party type), Moonies (please join us in our camp), and Brother Jed [smock ](before I retired came to the campus where I worked and we had a nice amicable conversation and he gave me a copy of his book which he autographed). I also argued the Nazis should be allowed to have their rally in Cincinnati because when you silence anyone you lay the groundwork for being silenced yourself, and helped organize a counter-rally encouraging people to wear yellow stars of David to show their opposition to that ideology... I have never hated anyone for their ideology, rather it is actions and policies that I often find myself disliking...

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]Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Ironically, I worked at Kentucky State University during the years that Yingluck was there (it was my first job after grad school), and find this post tinged w more than a little racism.

A couple of points:

KSU is an historically black university, and African-American students make up most of the student body. However, it also has a considerable number of white students, as well as faculty and staff. Yingluck was definitely not the only non-black student, though she may have been the only Asian.

I can't address whether she consistently attended classes or not, but she was in a group that was brought to my work unit and to whom I gave a presentation - a course taught by a really nice professor in the poli sci department there. And she asked a couple of questions, speaking English quite well...

I really didn't know her, and I didn't realize at that time she was from a wealthy family (not sure what the Kentucky connection is with the Shinawatras - her brother attended Eastern Kentucky University). She seemed like a sweet kid though.

Speaking on this from personal knowledge, just irony that I was at KSU from 1988-1990.


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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Actually, the record is held by Eisenhower, who warned the world about people like Mitt Romney and the military industrial complex. You bigots should at least get some facts straight before making ignorant statements. BTW, I'm not an Obama fan. Just against stupidity.

Sad to say stupidity is the rule of the game for many in this forum...bah.gif

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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Communicated like a true denizen of the Fox News Bubble.

Yes because any criticism of Obama must be from somebody who watched Fox News right? You guys are even worse than the conservatives you snub your noses at.

SOS.The liberals say they believe in freedom of speech. Sure they do as long as everyone agrees with them. Disagree and you are a right wing nut case bigot. Peace brother, peace.

Time and time again, nonsense misinformation like this is started by right-wing propaganda, then played on Fox News (although they know it’s a lie) and lapped up by those living in the Fox News Bubble. The same bubble that on election day still had commentators predicting Romney over Obama in a landslide – mind you, not winning a close race, but an actual landslide. FYI, Obama won with 301 electoral college votes (that’s what we call a fact).

Trying to defend the OP using the issues of free speech and respecting others rights to their opinion is completely misleading. It’s about the lies. The OP did not say, I think the President should have spent more time working, or he's taking too many vacation days. He said "Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency." A blatant lie, generated as a lie by right wing propaganda for the purposes of trying to make the President look lazy and elitist. I am under no obligation to respect someone's right to lie and spread lies.

In the words of the great Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “You are entitled to your own opinion. But you are NOT entitled to your own facts.” The OP tried to have his own facts. Facts generated by the Fox News Bubble and the right wing misinformation league. I stand by my assessment. He's living in the Fox News Bubble. Frankly, I hope he stays there, as it will help the Democrats win the WH in 2016.

-edited for font size.

Edited by Furbie
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I heard he's bringing Tiger Woods as his interpreter and to break the ice with Thais. smile.png

Tammy Duckworth would be better biggrin.png I would be honored to meet her as well biggrin.png

All kidding aside for a moment, there is perhaps a slightly historic, if not unintentional, message in the President's visit. We all agree there is love and kisses between the U.S. and Thailand (with the exception of the NASA incident - small thing), but the U.S. was clearly in a quandary over how to position itself with Thailand after the the Thaksin coup, and today, with his little sis being the host, does this signal tacit approval by the U.S. of the Shiniwatra clan running the country into the foreseeable future, or just pragmatic resignation to that fact?

Edited by keemapoot
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I bet Thaksin will be ranting and raving not having face time while Obama is visiting his home country. Maybe there will be a surprise visit!

Perhaps there will be a clandestine meeting in Myanmar or Cambodia?

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Whites are now officially the minority in California. 75% of all interracial couples are white men with Asian women. The face of America is changing and I can say I did my part. I married an Asian girl, and had my wonderful interracial child. Look at the top celebrities in Thailand--most are half-farang. Obama himself is half white...my point is--whitey is on his way out. In the not too distant future, most Americans will be a mix of something. Thailand will be too with so many women marrying farangs. In that sense, Obama is THE face of the new America. Many white folks don't like it, and they are foaming at the mouth about how "Old America is lost forever!" It sure is, and I hope it stays that way.

I Remember Glen Beck crying on TV about how he missed 50's era Americana. The 50's when black people were not equal, gays got beaten down in the streets, and the economy was booming because of the economic stimulus package called World War II.

I am happy Obama got re-elected, and he is the perfect president for the New America that is taking shape whether people like it or not.

I love to hear sheep speak.

....typical teabagger talk, to call those you disagree with "sheep" but it is wrong for those that disagree with you to call you a "nut job"? SOS ?
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Time and time again, nonsense misinformation like this is started by right-wing propaganda, then played on Fox News (although they know it’s a lie) and lapped up by those living in the Fox News Bubble. The same bubble that on election day still had commentators predicting Romney over Obama in a landslide – mind you, not winning a close race, but an actual landslide. FYI, Obama won with 301 electoral college votes (that’s what we call a fact).

Trying to defend the OP using the issues of free speech and respecting others rights to their opinion is completely misleading. It’s about the lies. The OP did not say, I think the President should have spent more time working, or he's taking too many vacation days. He said "Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency." A blatant lie, generated as a lie by right wing propaganda for the purposes of trying to make the President look lazy and elitist. I am under no obligation to respect someone's right to lie and spread lies.

In the words of the great Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “You are entitled to your own opinion. But you are NOT entitled to your own facts.” The OP tried to have his own facts. Facts generated by the Fox News Bubble and the right wing misinformation league. I stand by my assessment. He's living in the Fox News Bubble. Frankly, I hope he stays there, as it will help the Democrats win the WH in 2016.

-edited for font size.

I may need to add 29 EC votes, Looks like Obama took Florida too.

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Whites are now officially the minority in California. 75% of all interracial couples are white men with Asian women. The face of America is changing and I can say I did my part. I married an Asian girl, and had my wonderful interracial child. Look at the top celebrities in Thailand--most are half-farang. Obama himself is half white...my point is--whitey is on his way out. In the not too distant future, most Americans will be a mix of something. Thailand will be too with so many women marrying farangs. In that sense, Obama is THE face of the new America. Many white folks don't like it, and they are foaming at the mouth about how "Old America is lost forever!" It sure is, and I hope it stays that way.

I Remember Glen Beck crying on TV about how he missed 50's era Americana. The 50's when black people were not equal, gays got beaten down in the streets, and the economy was booming because of the economic stimulus package called World War II.

I am happy Obama got re-elected, and he is the perfect president for the New America that is taking shape whether people like it or not.

I love to hear sheep speak.

....typical teabagger talk, to call those you disagree with "sheep" but it is wrong for those that disagree with you to call you a "nut job"? SOS ?

Good one although I am not a tea bagger by any means. I'm one of those that doesn't want the government to give me anything. Just let me alone and I will either make it on my own or not. I don't need some so called government official telling me what is best for me. i.e. don't eat cheese, hamburgers, and most of all telling me how to run my business. Especially when they have never had a real job and know nothing about running businesses.

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Barack: I promise. I DID file my FBARs!

Very happy to see our very internationally popular president Obama visit the LOS.

Really, he is the COOLEST president ever.

The coolest prez ever? You mean "ever" in the last 20 years

Make that the last 12 years.

Edited by Xonax
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Barack: I promise. I DID file my FBARs!

Very happy to see our very internationally popular president Obama visit the LOS.

Really, he is the COOLEST president ever.

The coolest prez ever? You mean "ever" in the last 20 years

Make that the last 12 years.

Let's make it the last 4 years.

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Thailand mostly certainly have needed the US in the past 60 years and still do. Good trip for Thailand, nearly worthless for the US.

At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

It is going to cost the Thai tax payer a small fortune in security arrangements and I hope the BIB are up to the task and qualified with close personal protection. His trip to Australia cost the aussie tax payer an estimated 2 mil in security so Thailand could be looking at around 60 mil baht

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Thailand mostly certainly have needed the US in the past 60 years and still do. Good trip for Thailand, nearly worthless for the US.

At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

It is going to cost the Thai tax payer a small fortune in security arrangements and I hope the BIB are up to the task and qualified with close personal protection. His trip to Australia cost the aussie tax payer an estimated 2 mil in security so Thailand could be looking at around 60 mil baht

The BIB won't be doing any close personal protection. And as for additional security needed, it won't be Sgt Nop from the traffic box; Thais have highly trained (often by the US) security personnel in their military and police/paramilitary.

This is hardly the first visit from a POTUS or other head of state.

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For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:


I hope more Americans will come here. Hopefully all the anti-American Europeans will shut up finally about how much they "hate" Americans(translation--bitter jealousy). Just like in Germany, they will smile and pretend to be friendly until the Americans have their backs turned, but at least I won't have so many Eurobigots to contend with.

If more Americans arrive how do you know they won't be bigoted or is it OK if they're American? I know there are some Europeans and others who criticise the USA. Sometimes it may be justified and sometimes not but this also applies to anti European Americans. How do you know they are bitterly jealous, they may just have a point of view that's different to yours? I'm not anti American but I realise that they are not perfect anymore than we Europeans are.

One of the problems with backing free speech is that sometimes people disagree with you.

Glad to see Obama re-elected.

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I hope more Americans will come here. Hopefully all the anti-American Europeans will shut up finally about how much they "hate" Americans(translation--bitter jealousy). Just like in Germany, they will smile and pretend to be friendly until the Americans have their backs turned, but at least I won't have so many Eurobigots to contend with.

I wouldn't be so optimistic. Even after electing Obama twice, those Europeans with anti-American attitudes will continue to hate America. That sort of jealously and childish nit-picking by the anti-American Euros was one of many motivating factors for me to vote for Romney this time around (I voted Obama in 2008).

Regardless, we're stuck with him for another 4 years. I seriously doubt that this visit will do anything for the US. Then again, Obama doesn't care about the US anyway.

BTW, I wonder where Obama got the Obamaphone idea from? It sure worked well for him in Ohio....

so your idea of making the world a better place is to make europe more anti-american ? , ever thought of patching things up , righting the wrongs, or straightening out any differences ? ........very romney !
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The liberal dusting of racism cast along this thread is most unwelcome. Obama is a fine American and a worthy President. If Thailand is of any strategic value to the USA I'm sure that it will be clear to Obama. In any event his recognition of the Thai Government is be most welcome. In the matter of contributor's opinions in respect to Khun Yingluck's suitability to serve as Prime Minister it is suffice to say that she was democratically elected by an electorate that appear most satisfied with their choice.

I still find Thai politics hard to understand but if by "electorate" you mean Thai voters surely they didn't vote for her even though they may have wanted her as PM. Wasn't she put in that position firstly by her brother and then by a vote of MPs in parliament.

As for her suitability I think the problem is that unlike Obama and other western leaders who have worked their way up the political ladder she was placed there with no experience as far as I know. When you consider that she is now in charge of many MPs and party members who have spent years getting to where they are even if the means maybe somewhat dubious and that Thailand is still a fairly male dominated society I think it's fair to ponder on the reasoning behind her position. I don't know if it's her idea but she does seem to avoid anything that might go against her, leaving that to others. Whoever is responsible for that it's a very astute decision as the voters will tend not to associate her with anything negative so maintaining her standing.

I agree with you on Obama's election.

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I hope more Americans will come here. Hopefully all the anti-American Europeans will shut up finally about how much they "hate" Americans(translation--bitter jealousy). Just like in Germany, they will smile and pretend to be friendly until the Americans have their backs turned, but at least I won't have so many Eurobigots to contend with.

I wouldn't be so optimistic. Even after electing Obama twice, those Europeans with anti-American attitudes will continue to hate America. That sort of jealously and childish nit-picking by the anti-American Euros was one of many motivating factors for me to vote for Romney this time around (I voted Obama in 2008).

Regardless, we're stuck with him for another 4 years. I seriously doubt that this visit will do anything for the US. Then again, Obama doesn't care about the US anyway.

BTW, I wonder where Obama got the Obamaphone idea from? It sure worked well for him in Ohio....

so your idea of making the world a better place is to make europe more anti-american ? , ever thought of patching things up , righting the wrongs, or straightening out any differences ? ........very romney !

There was nothing to "patch up". The anti-American attitudes by a handful of lower-class Europeans was there loooooong before Dubya. It's always been there and always will. I've traveled throughout Europe many times throughout the 1980s & 90s. Even during the Clinton era, there was a lot of anti-American attitudes throughout Europe.

Sorry but Americans can't control European's jealously that's been passed down from generations before you. It's foolish for Americans to elect a President with the hopes of gaining shallow & superficial approval of people in nations that will always have a jealous streak.

I don't care what other countries think of the US and most Americans (including Obama supporters) don't care who other countries elect as their leaders. Why is it only the Europeans that care so much about who the US elects? Last I checked, Europe is in a s--tload of trouble too. Asia, Africa and South America doesn't seem to be so obsessed with US politics. With the exception of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro's endorsement of Obama, I haven't seen Latin America obsessed with US politics.

BTW, I had to specify; "handful of lower-class Europeans" because I know not all Europeans act like this and I don't like to generalize. The Europeans that have a better understanding of the US and don't reduce themselves to America-bashing tend to be higher-class and professionals. In other words, those who have real jobs here in Thailand.

It's almost always the lower-class ones you see drinking Singha at noon on Khaosan rd, NGO 'volunteer', backpacker, those who think they're artist and of course the drunken soccer hooligans that likes to get in to these anti-American pissing matches. All of whom are young, college educated, some female, some gay, predominately White and come off as angry and bitter because they realize they can't change the world.

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I hope more Americans will come here. Hopefully all the anti-American Europeans will shut up finally about how much they "hate" Americans(translation--bitter jealousy). Just like in Germany, they will smile and pretend to be friendly until the Americans have their backs turned, but at least I won't have so many Eurobigots to contend with.

I wouldn't be so optimistic. Even after electing Obama twice, those Europeans with anti-American attitudes will continue to hate America. That sort of jealously and childish nit-picking by the anti-American Euros was one of many motivating factors for me to vote for Romney this time around (I voted Obama in 2008).

Regardless, we're stuck with him for another 4 years. I seriously doubt that this visit will do anything for the US. Then again, Obama doesn't care about the US anyway.

BTW, I wonder where Obama got the Obamaphone idea from? It sure worked well for him in Ohio....

so your idea of making the world a better place is to make europe more anti-american ? , ever thought of patching things up , righting the wrongs, or straightening out any differences ? ........very romney !

There was nothing to "patch up". The anti-American attitudes by a handful of lower-class Europeans was there loooooong before Dubya. It's always been there and always will. I've traveled throughout Europe many times throughout the 1980s & 90s. Even during the Clinton era, there was a lot of anti-American attitudes throughout Europe.

Sorry but Americans can't control European's jealously that's been passed down from generations before you. It's foolish for Americans to elect a President with the hopes of gaining shallow & superficial approval of people in nations that will always have a jealous streak.

I don't care what other countries think of the US and most Americans (including Obama supporters) don't care who other countries elect as their leaders. Why is it only the Europeans that care so much about who the US elects? Last I checked, Europe is in a s--tload of trouble too. Asia, Africa and South America doesn't seem to be so obsessed with US politics. With the exception of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro's endorsement of Obama, I haven't seen Latin America obsessed with US politics.

BTW, I had to specify; "handful of lower-class Europeans" because I know not all Europeans act like this and I don't like to generalize. The Europeans that have a better understanding of the US and don't reduce themselves to America-bashing tend to be higher-class and professionals. In other words, those who have real jobs here in Thailand.

It's almost always the lower-class ones you see drinking Singha at noon on Khaosan rd, NGO 'volunteer', backpacker, those who think they're artist and of course the drunken soccer hooligans that likes to get in to these anti-American pissing matches. All of whom are young, college educated, some female, some gay, predominately White and come off as angry and bitter because they realize they can't change the world.

"There was nothing to "patch up". The anti-American attitudes by a handful of lower-class Europeans"

I am not European or American but that is really putting your country on a higher stool and looking down on everyone else. Maybe it is this higher than thou attitude that creates the anti american attitude. I don't know just a thought. A little like the hiso's calling the rice farmer a soi dog, an insignificant little person and not worthy of shopping in the same mall.

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"There was nothing to "patch up". The anti-American attitudes by a handful of lower-class Europeans"

I am not European or American but that is really putting your country on a higher stool and looking down on everyone else. Maybe it is this higher than thou attitude that creates the anti american attitude. I don't know just a thought. A little like the hiso's calling the rice farmer a soi dog, an insignificant little person and not worthy of shopping in the same mall.

You need to read my entire post.

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"There was nothing to "patch up". The anti-American attitudes by a handful of lower-class Europeans"

I am not European or American but that is really putting your country on a higher stool and looking down on everyone else. Maybe it is this higher than thou attitude that creates the anti american attitude. I don't know just a thought. A little like the hiso's calling the rice farmer a soi dog, an insignificant little person and not worthy of shopping in the same mall.

You need to read my entire post.

I did and it appears that you have a beef with europeans except the rich upper class. Just the way it comes across. I actually know some well educated people in good jobs, non europeans who also do not think to highly of the U.S. Personally I don't mind fried chicken.wai2.gif

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At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

The fruit never falls far from the tree. Bit like daddy then?


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At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

The fruit never falls far from the tree. Bit like daddy then?


Err...you do know that Yingluck is Thaksin's sister and not his daughter?

(Seems pretty amazing that anyone could miss that given all the press since she became a candidate and then PM)

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I hope more Americans will come here. Hopefully all the anti-American Europeans will shut up finally about how much they "hate" Americans(translation--bitter jealousy). Just like in Germany, they will smile and pretend to be friendly until the Americans have their backs turned, but at least I won't have so many Eurobigots to contend with.

I wouldn't be so optimistic. Even after electing Obama twice, those Europeans with anti-American attitudes will continue to hate America. That sort of jealously and childish nit-picking by the anti-American Euros was one of many motivating factors for me to vote for Romney this time around (I voted Obama in 2008).

Regardless, we're stuck with him for another 4 years. I seriously doubt that this visit will do anything for the US. Then again, Obama doesn't care about the US anyway.

BTW, I wonder where Obama got the Obamaphone idea from? It sure worked well for him in Ohio....

so your idea of making the world a better place is to make europe more anti-american ? , ever thought of patching things up , righting the wrongs, or straightening out any differences ? ........very romney !

There was nothing to "patch up". The anti-American attitudes by a handful of lower-class Europeans was there loooooong before Dubya. It's always been there and always will. I've traveled throughout Europe many times throughout the 1980s & 90s. Even during the Clinton era, there was a lot of anti-American attitudes throughout Europe.

Sorry but Americans can't control European's jealously that's been passed down from generations before you. It's foolish for Americans to elect a President with the hopes of gaining shallow & superficial approval of people in nations that will always have a jealous streak.

I don't care what other countries think of the US and most Americans (including Obama supporters) don't care who other countries elect as their leaders. Why is it only the Europeans that care so much about who the US elects? Last I checked, Europe is in a s--tload of trouble too. Asia, Africa and South America doesn't seem to be so obsessed with US politics. With the exception of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro's endorsement of Obama, I haven't seen Latin America obsessed with US politics.

BTW, I had to specify; "handful of lower-class Europeans" because I know not all Europeans act like this and I don't like to generalize. The Europeans that have a better understanding of the US and don't reduce themselves to America-bashing tend to be higher-class and professionals. In other words, those who have real jobs here in Thailand.

It's almost always the lower-class ones you see drinking Singha at noon on Khaosan rd, NGO 'volunteer', backpacker, those who think they're artist and of course the drunken soccer hooligans that likes to get in to these anti-American pissing matches. All of whom are young, college educated, some female, some gay, predominately White and come off as angry and bitter because they realize they can't change the world.

The election of a US president is important to other nations because it has so much influence politically and economically. Remember also that when the US decides to go to war many other nations including my own go with you following your lead. We may go with the intention of seeing the job through but if the US president decides for domestic reasons to withdraw it effects our promise as well. I haven't bothered to look but I bet you'll find that the Asia Africa and South American nations aren't so well represented militarily in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

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At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

Don't be so sure. Obama speaks English.Yingluck might only speak Ebonics. She received her degree from Kentucky State University, not to be confused with the University of Kentucky. Look it up on Google. Doubtful she ever attended classes for four years since she might have felt uncomfortable being the only student who wasn't African American. Kentucky State University isn't even ranked among the top 400 colleges in the U.S. Chances are her family went down the list of colleges until KSU was the first to accept a large donation in exchange for a degree.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Do you have some proof that she didn't earn her degree?

And why wouldn't she attend classes full of african americans? are yo saying she is racist, hey maybe when obama comes she wont turn up to meet him, what with her being a racist etc rolleyes.gif

Your just out there looking to put someone down as a racist just because they talk about blacks or another race other than white right. The only proof would be to listen to her speak.which would be the first indication that she most likely didn't attend classes, she most likely used a proxy if that., not that I really care either way around but, going to an all black campus be it a high school or a university has it's own way of changing people, unless she was heavily guarded and then she would stick out like a sore thumb, or maybe you didn't notice she is very pretty, even beautiful.. Blacks love white skinned women as we all know.

Out of my own experience being around black campuses, white women go there because they like black men and if they don't they are forced into a relationship with a black just to be protected from other blacks...or black males will mentally gang up on anyone white or Asian other than a black women just to brand her. I can assure you she would of been a target of a hit and run squad harassing her with " What's wrong you don't like black men" are you a racist," your to good for a black man" your family hates blacks," I see how ya are baby it's because we black". Even in the military the black males go after white and Asians, Hispanic women in gangs with constant verbal attracts of slogans, guilt trips until the non black women submits. In the American army something you will most likely never hear about. They will get to young white girls by harassing them so much until they submit into a gang rape type situation that never goes reported in fear of retribution because now most of their superiors are black males.. Then the black guys will laugh at all the white guys in the platoon. So to say she went to an all black campus I would strongly have my doubts. If you think what I am saying is a joke then send your daughter to an all black campus.....she will go in like this o and come back to you like this O, she will most likely be talking Ebonics and dressing like she believes she has soul and calling all her friends " Girl friend. Unless your a Black American "notice I didn't African American" because blacks in America don't deserve the right to call themselves "African". Unless of course your black yourself then you need say no more, because American blacks are the most racist spoiled blacks Just ask an African blacks, a Jamaican, blacks,Blacks from the Bahamas or case and point overwhelming blacks voted for Obama, not because of his policies but because he is black. If the white people came out to call on all whites to vote for Romney it would of been considered racist.

I am one of several White Americans that is sick and tired of this crap and tired of being blamed for a racist statement which you can stick up your arse where the sun doesn't shine.

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Your just out there looking to put someone down as a racist just because they talk about blacks or another race other than white right. The only proof would be to listen to her speak.which would be the first indication that she most likely didn't attend classes, she most likely used a proxy if that., not that I really care either way around but, going to an all black campus be it a high school or a university has it's own way of changing people, unless she was heavily guarded and then she would stick out like a sore thumb, or maybe you didn't notice she is very pretty, even beautiful.. Blacks love white skinned women as we all know.

Out of my own experience being around black campuses, white women go there because they like black men and if they don't they are forced into a relationship with a black just to be protected from other blacks...or black males will mentally gang up on anyone white or Asian other than a black women just to brand her. I can assure you she would of been a target of a hit and run squad harassing her with " What's wrong you don't like black men" are you a racist," your to good for a black man" your family hates blacks," I see how ya are baby it's because we black". Even in the military the black males go after white and Asians, Hispanic women in gangs with constant verbal attracts of slogans, guilt trips until the non black women submits. In the American army something you will most likely never hear about. They will get to young white girls by harassing them so much until they submit into a gang rape type situation that never goes reported in fear of retribution because now most of their superiors are black males.. Then the black guys will laugh at all the white guys in the platoon. So to say she went to an all black campus I would strongly have my doubts. If you think what I am saying is a joke then send your daughter to an all black campus.....she will go in like this o and come back to you like this O, she will most likely be talking Ebonics and dressing like she believes she has soul and calling all her friends " Girl friend. Unless your a Black American "notice I didn't African American" because blacks in America don't deserve the right to call themselves "African". Unless of course your black yourself then you need say no more, because American blacks are the most racist spoiled blacks Just ask an African blacks, a Jamaican, blacks,Blacks from the Bahamas or case and point overwhelming blacks voted for Obama, not because of his policies but because he is black. If the white people came out to call on all whites to vote for Romney it would of been considered racist.

I am one of several White Americans that is sick and tired of this crap and tired of being blamed for a racist statement which you can stick up your arse where the sun doesn't shine.



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