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Visa Problem

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My father-in-law is planning to take a trip to Thailand next week. He is an old man and doesn't understand the rules of traveling to other countries, so he did not apply for a 60 day travel visa even though his plan is to do so. His flight leaves the US on November 12th, and his return flight isn't until March 1st. He booked it that way so that he could have the option to stay for an extended time, although he most likely change his ticket to return before March 1st. He tells me he is sure he can apply for an extension on his Visa or cross the border of another country like Cambodia to get small extensions without a problem. My fear is that he is wrong, or another fear is that he will not be allowed to enter the country because he does not have a visa that will cover his stay until March 1st. Can anyone provide advice on this issue?


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Without a visa, he will have no problem entering Thailand or to get a visa from a nearby country. His potential problem is that he may not be allowed to board at the US airport without an ticket for a flight out of Thailand within 30 days from arrival.

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He should apply for either a double or triple entry tourist visa.

His biggest problem of coming without a visa is that he does not have a ticket departing Thailand within 30 days of arrival. Witrhout a visa he would only get a visa exempt entry, 30 days.

However, if he does not have a flight leaving Thailand within 30 days of arrival, the AIRLINE might not let him board the flight in the US. This has been a problem for others in the past and they were forced to buy a ticket exiting within 30 days before the Airline would let them board. He can easily get a visa and do everything by mail. The Consulate in Portland is very friendly:

Visa application porcedures, Portland Oregon.doc

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Seems too late to apply for a tourist visa in the U.S.

My suggestion: quickly purchase an AIR TICKET leaving Thailand to a neighboring country within 30 days of arrival.

Without that, he likely won't even be boarded in the U.S. Entering Thailand isn't the problem, getting out of the U.S. is.

After entering Thailand he has options depending on travel plans. Continuous air arrivals will give 30 day stays each time. Continuous land arrivals will give 15 day stays each time. There is also the option to apply for tourist visas in neighboring countries (allowing 60 day stays). Good luck to him.

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If he buys a ticket out of Thailand to a neighboring country within that 30 day window, would it be hard for him to re-enter Thailand without proof that he would be leaving Thailand within 30 days of that arrival? His current ticket doesn't have him returning to the US until March 1st. He could maybe just fly to other countries or cross the border to Cambodia every 15 days, am I right?

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Once he is here, he can come and go without proof of onward travel. The problem is getting out of the US. Buy a ticket from Hat Yai to KL within the 30 days, cheapest that I can find at the moment.

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As he needs to obtain new entry/visa anyhow a ticket to KL or Singapore (normally cheap) at the end of 30 days would be a good option as he can then use that trip to apply for a tourist visa for return to Thailand. Have him plan to stay two nights during week to be sure time to get visa (apply morning and pick up next afternoon).

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He won't have a problem as he does have a return ticket, even though it is so long out. All he has to do if they question him is say he is going to other countries by bus, and at his age they won't bother him. A friend did that saying he was going to Vietnam by bus to visit where he'd been during the war, and was advised to get his visa for the rest of his trip in Bangkok. The people that are of concern are younger people they view as not having much money. It is unfortunate that they profile like this, but it is a reality.

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He won't have a problem as he does have a return ticket, even though it is so long out. All he has to do if they question him is say he is going to other countries by bus, and at his age they won't bother him. A friend did that saying he was going to Vietnam by bus to visit where he'd been during the war, and was advised to get his visa for the rest of his trip in Bangkok. The people that are of concern are younger people they view as not having much money. It is unfortunate that they profile like this, but it is a reality.

I would not count on this advice. The airlines are more concerned about being fined if a person was denied entry than being nice.

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Have him buy a ticket on Air Asia to Penang and obtain a single visa there. The city is very easy to get in and out on one bus, very easy to navigate, chockabloc full of inexpendive places to sleep and its a great city for eating. Plenty to see in the few days while getting his visa.

When that visa is finished, fly to PNH and head up.to Siem Reap on one bus. See sll that and re enter Thailand with the plane booked to return within 14 days of entry.

Problem solved.

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The problem is the airline and they can be very strict about it - they will be fined and have to provide onward transport if immigration actually did refuse entry so take it very seriously.

True, but if departing from countries such as Australia, they generally no longer refuse to board you if you have a return (round-trip) ticket, even if it's 12 months from the date of departure despite NOT being in possession of a Thai visa. You could always explain that you want to travel overland and/or purchase onward tickets once there and this is generally accepted if asked. However, I've never been questioned and nobody has even flicked through my passport to check for a visa when departing from Australia for Thailand as long as I was in possession of a return ticket. If you are Swiss and departing from Switzerland, they won't even look at your tickets at all and I've travelled on many one way tickets to Thailand from there without a visa and without being questioned (Swiss people are presumed to be rich so they are rarely questioned).

Having said all that, airlines departing from the US could be much more cautious and thus my experience above don't necessarily reflect what the OP's dad may experience when he checks-in in the US. It's still safer to book at least a one-way ticket to Phnom Penh about a month after arrival in Thailand. I don't think they would even check to see if it's exactly no more than 30 days after arrival, though they could.

Oh and one more thing: airlines normally ask to see a credit card if the traveler is not in possession of a visa and is flying on a one way ticket. Should the traveler have a credit card, he should be fine and nobody will likely bother him after having shown his credit card.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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Whenever my return ticket is later than 30 days after arrival in Thailand, the airline looks for a Visa in my passport. I have asked them if they would deny me boarding if I didn't have a visa and they said YES, that would be the case. A couple of hours before you intend to fly is NOT the time to find out.

Get a Visa or buy a ticket out within the 30 days.

edit: (Flying out of the USA on Thai Air, EVA Air, Cathay)

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Airline staff denying boarding in the U.S. would be doing their job. There is always the chance of being lucky and encountering an overly busy and/or incompetent agent who doesn't make it an issue. Over the years there have been reports of agents trying to offer solutions in these cases, not guaranteed. For example, demanding the traveler sign a document absolving the airline of all responsibility if not allowed into Thailand (haven't hear that one lately) or more commonly sending you to go and BUY a ticket leaving within 30 days. I think the smart thing to do is simply to show up with the ticket leaving within 30 days but some people like to live dangerously. Of course for people who buy such tickets and then might not get questioned on boarding, they'll probably complain they're getting paranoid advice here. Oh well. coffee1.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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From your post it seems that your father has a flexible air ticket so why not just change the return date to within 30 days then change it again once he is in Thailand. That is easy & probably won't cost anything.

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From your post it seems that your father has a flexible air ticket so why not just change the return date to within 30 days then change it again once he is in Thailand. That is easy & probably won't cost anything.

More likely it will cost two times, for two changes. It depends on his ticket deal. I think it's more likely a one way to a neighboring country would be cheaper and it sounds like he wants to travel in the region anyway.
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From your post it seems that your father has a flexible air ticket so why not just change the return date to within 30 days then change it again once he is in Thailand. That is easy & probably won't cost anything.

More likely it will cost two times, for two changes. It depends on his ticket deal. I think it's more likely a one way to a neighboring country would be cheaper and it sounds like he wants to travel in the region anyway.

If the ticket has a validity until March then the chance is high that date changes are permitted free of charge. Anyway, the conditions will be clearly stated on the ticket.

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Explained precisely what he should do, even includes his trip to Cambodia. That is a simple plan for an old man by himself. ln US I have been both checked and not checked many times. Yes, most likely two changes will cost. Damage done, not so difficult to stick to a plan for frw months.

Edited by bangkokburning
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