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Is The Ideology Of Feminism Invading The Los?


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Well, I'm pretty sure the manly, man hating feminists we see in certain countries in the west is lower here but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Back home I can usually tell who these nasty women when I see them. Typically very short hair, manly behavior, and not very friendly(especially to the male sex)rolleyes.gif . Doesn't mean 100% they are one of those types but sometimes it is a good sign.

What do you think? Is the ideology of feminism spreading to the LOS?

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Your description of a feminist could also describe a lesbian...dont judge books by their cover.

Women these days realise they dont need men to survive in this world, Thailands no different but perhaps Thai women are more from the old school, a quality most women in the west arent any longer, and surely Thais are also following.

Heres a point; most grandparents in the west got married and stayed married till death do they part.

Nowdays, 50% of marriages fail....why?

Because the old school followed the idea of the man earned money, the lady looked after the house. She relied on him, which is similar to the ways of alot of Thais nowdays. I like that, its a good thing. Old fashioned but good. It works.

Im sure alot of feminists find it hard to have male relationships, stay married etc. Thats their problem, good luck to em.


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Your description of a feminist could also describe a lesbian...dont judge books by their cover.

Women these days realise they dont need men to survive in this world, Thailands no different but perhaps Thai women are more from the old school, a quality most women in the west arent any longer, and surely Thais are also following.

Heres a point; most grandparents in the west got married and stayed married till death do they part.

Nowdays, 50% of marriages fail....why?

Because the old school followed the idea of the man earned money, the lady looked after the house. She relied on him, which is similar to the ways of alot of Thais nowdays. I like that, its a good thing. Old fashioned but good. It works.

Im sure alot of feminists find it hard to have male relationships, stay married etc. Thats their problem, good luck to em.


'Similar to the ways of a lot of Thai's nowadays' The old ways were the best ways but our Grandfathers didn't have 'Mia Noi' + as many as three others on the side. My guess is that if you told a Western man he could have as many wives/girlfriends as Thai men do, then there would be a lot less divorce in the West !

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Your description of a feminist could also describe a lesbian...dont judge books by their cover.

Women these days realise they dont need men to survive in this world, Thailands no different but perhaps Thai women are more from the old school, a quality most women in the west arent any longer, and surely Thais are also following.

Heres a point; most grandparents in the west got married and stayed married till death do they part.

Nowdays, 50% of marriages fail....why?

Because the old school followed the idea of the man earned money, the lady looked after the house. She relied on him, which is similar to the ways of alot of Thais nowdays. I like that, its a good thing. Old fashioned but good. It works.

Im sure alot of feminists find it hard to have male relationships, stay married etc. Thats their problem, good luck to em.


What percentage of Thai women not on the farm stay home? I see at least 50% of the work force even in construction being women. Do any Thai women stay home anymore?

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I doubt we'll see the kind of man-hating "first wave" style of feminism take root here to any significant degree, modern flavours of feminism have long ago moved past the blame/shame man-hating phase, and acknowledge that women are different.

The sex-positive branch of the feminist movement, particularly those who stand up for the rights and dignity of sex workers has my full respect, but sadly even many males who participate in the sex industry as customers continue to accept the archaic mainstream values that cause them to hide in the shadows of society as if they have something to be ashamed of.

As Thailand continues to develop economically and modernize socially I'm sure the status of women here will continue to improve, as it has done for example in France, where they haven't thrown the baby out with the bathwater.

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Well, for sure i would hope, as i love Thailand, to see women's rights improving.

For example, Thai males should be held accountable for the children they father, i heard too many sad stories about women with children left on their own without any means of subsistence.

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Well, for sure i would hope, as i love Thailand, to see women's rights improving.

For example, Thai males should be held accountable for the children they father, i heard too many sad stories about women with children left on their own without any means of subsistence.

Effective sex ed teaching kids to use birth control, and enabling rural poor women to make a decent living without resorting to telling sob stories to foreigners would probably have a greater impact on the problem than bringing in paternity enforcement laws.

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Well, for sure i would hope, as i love Thailand, to see women's rights improving.

For example, Thai males should be held accountable for the children they father, i heard too many sad stories about women with children left on their own without any means of subsistence.

Thais already can be forced to pay child support. The problem is enforcing payment. The vast majority of Thai people are not registered to pay income taxes, so the government has no means to force them to pay. If someone is making 300 baht a day and is only getting paid under the table it is impossible to make them pay. Thais will 'real' jobs however can be forced to pay out of their paycheck every month, it will be taken out before they are paid.

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Thais already can be forced to pay child support. The problem is enforcing payment. The vast majority of Thai people are not registered to pay income taxes, so the government has no means to force them to pay. If someone is making 300 baht a day and is only getting paid under the table it is impossible to make them pay. Thais will 'real' jobs however can be forced to pay out of their paycheck every month, it will be taken out before they are paid.

I'd really like to know in how many cases have such laws actually been enforced.

Most Thai women don't even admit to the man having any such responsibility, it's all shrugged shoulders and mai bpen rai what can I do?

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Thais already can be forced to pay child support. The problem is enforcing payment. The vast majority of Thai people are not registered to pay income taxes, so the government has no means to force them to pay. If someone is making 300 baht a day and is only getting paid under the table it is impossible to make them pay. Thais will 'real' jobs however can be forced to pay out of their paycheck every month, it will be taken out before they are paid.

I'd really like to know in how many cases have such laws actually been enforced.

Most Thai women don't even admit to the man having any such responsibility, it's all shrugged shoulders and mai bpen rai what can I do?

Happens all the time. Most woman that end up with farang don't get pregnant by the type of guy who has a job where the money can be taken by the government. I imagine a lot don't even know who the real father is. Others are unaware of their rights, a lot of people are just ignorant about what they are entitled to and not only with child support. A few might actually be getting child support, but they lie to foreigners about it. The courts will absolutely award child support, it is just a matter of collecting the money that is difficult in most cases.

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Most woman that end up with farang don't get pregnant by the type of guy who has a job where the money can be taken by the government.

Most likely true.

I imagine a lot don't even know who the real father is.

I guess "a lot" could still be less than 10% so fair enough, but still seems an unfair over-generalization.

I've slept with hundreds thousands of single mothers here, and in looking over my notes, nearly all of them got pregnant while still legally minors out in their country village. Most of them were in a relationship when they got pregnant, and of the rest nearly all were as a result of "unwanted sex" - what would be prosecuted as rape or incest in earlier-developed nations.

I know very very few young country girls that are actually promiscuous; that usually only comes about after they've entered the sex trade, by which time nearly all the ones I've know have been pretty au fait about birth control, usually due to the above type of bad experience.

Seems to me a country that could put someone in jail for telling the truth about scammers could also mandate jail time for fathers that don't support their spawn.

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Most woman that end up with farang don't get pregnant by the type of guy who has a job where the money can be taken by the government.

Most likely true.

I imagine a lot don't even know who the real father is.

I've slept with hundreds thousands of single mothers here, and in looking over my notes, nearly all of them got pregnant while still legally minors out in their country village. Most of them were in a relationship when they got pregnant, and of the rest nearly all were as a result of "unwanted sex" - what would be prosecuted as rape or incest in earlier-developed nations.

while i acknowledge that it seems your heart is in the right place you can say some pretty creepy stuff sometimes.

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