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Why Is It Almost Impossible To Meet A Good Girl Here In Thailand?


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If you want to meet a "good Thai girl" leave Thai Disneyland and go live in the real Thailand.

Not that you cant meet a good girl at the bars , but the chances are......

Thousands of good girls out there, in real Thailand

Edited by sirineou
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Hey SMOKIE, I just found this one:

Yesterday you opened your account with this:

"Yes, I agree. I was going to reply and then I saw the rather pathetic comment you have quoted.

What a sorry individual that man is. I wonder if his other 17000 or so other posts were as worthless as this one.

Tomorrow (time allowing) I will get back to you. Your trip sounds fascinating and I wish you well. "

Edited by SiameseCurios, Yesterday, 03:12 .

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One of the reasons it's difficult to meet a "good girl", is they are sick of being approached by foreign men looking for females away from the bar scene and have completely lost respect for them. At least this is what an attractive, mid twenties family member has told me when I asked her if she is interested in meeting a westerner. She also asked me why can't they meet women in their own country, what's their problem?

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If they don't have tattoos I'm not interested in them. Everybody knows all the best Thai girls have tattoos. They are also highly educated cos they can speak English very well, some even speak some German and Swedish too. Best of all they like to drink, smoke and play pool.

What else could a man ask for? coffee1.gif

Don't forget the Russian speakers!

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Home ownership would be a good start (and by that of course I mean condo ownership for starters). Renters here are often viewed as people with no foundation, and foreigners are likely already viewed as those who have cut ties with their parents and immediate family, hence it's going to be a slight negative for most women (except for the segment that is just happy that someone else will be paying the bills... which tends to be the 'less desirable' group people seem to think is the only one interested in foreigners). Meeting people through work and school is probably a better bet % wise than randomly meeting people outside of those settings.


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8. All the "good" foreign men are in their home countries married, me thinks.

I wonder if you really know just how right you are and just how much foreign women (and "good" foreign men) agree with you.

Your comment is PERFECT.

EDIT. I clicked your "like" button once. I'd like to click it a million times. You really are absolutely spot on.

That's a tragic self indictment SiameseCurious, you have just condemned yourself as not being a "good" foreign man as you are not married and living in your home country.

How sad. coffee1.gif

I am guessing that SiameseCurious is not a man. wink.png

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One of the reasons it's difficult to meet a "good girl", is they are sick of being approached by foreign men looking for females away from the bar scene and have completely lost respect for them. At least this is what an attractive, mid twenties family member has told me when I asked her if she is interested in meeting a westerner. She also asked me why can't they meet women in their own country, what's their problem?

I have a farang friend who was dating someone he insists is a good Thai girl. So I approached a Thai lady colleague to ask her what she thought of this "good Thai girl." Before I can even tell her a few things about this girl, my Thai lady colleague said flatout, "good Thai girls don't date farangs." Ouch.

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One of the reasons it's difficult to meet a "good girl", is they are sick of being approached by foreign men looking for females away from the bar scene and have completely lost respect for them. At least this is what an attractive, mid twenties family member has told me when I asked her if she is interested in meeting a westerner. She also asked me why can't they meet women in their own country, what's their problem?

I have a farang friend who was dating someone he insists is a good Thai girl. So I approached a Thai lady colleague to ask her what she thought of this "good Thai girl." Before I can even tell her a few things about this girl, my Thai lady colleague said flatout, "good Thai girls don't date farangs." Ouch.

One of the reasons it's difficult to meet a "good girl", is they are sick of being approached by foreign men looking for females away from the bar scene and have completely lost respect for them. At least this is what an attractive, mid twenties family member has told me when I asked her if she is interested in meeting a westerner. She also asked me why can't they meet women in their own country, what's their problem?

I have a farang friend who was dating someone he insists is a good Thai girl. So I approached a Thai lady colleague to ask her what she thought of this "good Thai girl." Before I can even tell her a few things about this girl, my Thai lady colleague said flatout, "good Thai girls don't date farangs." Ouch.

You should have asked about a certain exalted person's eldest daughter (or any number of hi so or well regarded Thai women)...

Now before people proceed to list the many examples including their own of Farangs with "good girls" and the reason why that's untrue I'll just say I to have my own examples and I agree that as a general statement it is false and move on from this point .. I can't be bothered to go though that topic again.

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"Good" women probably also find it a bit difficult (probably to their benefit) to compete with those women who have already moved in with you after the 2nd date.


p.s. note to mods, feel free to pin that. Might save a few lives.

Edited by Heng
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I have no problem meeting good girls, but it is much more difficult to find good girls who want anything to do with me.

Same for me. When I arrived fresh from university I had no problem to meet "good girls" anywhere in Asia, including Thailand.

15 years later, with 20 Kg more and much less hair, it's getting increasingly difficult sad.png

I actually realized something has changed when I met a one of our young interns one night in a bar. Suddenly, out of nowhere a flock of young nice (good) girls came to talk to us. I was happy, back to to the good old days thumbsup.gif, then I realized they couldn't care less about me and they were only interested by my younger friend ...

There are still good women (they are not girls anymore) available for middle age men but you meet them in different places. Now the real question would be where are these places in Bangkok.

Edited by JurgenG
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I'm sure many Thai girls are asking themselves, Why is it immpossible to meet a good farang in Thailand?

This is true.

The problem I have with this whole "good girl" idea, is when people start talking about it's much more likely they will go for you if you own property, are a high-flying expat type etc.

To me then we're right back to girls making or at least filtering their choices based on financial criteria, and that's where the line starts to go a bit fuzzy for me.

In my case I don't want a girl who's been in the explicit sex industry, but simply for practical reasons, I don't like the bad attitudes and habits they're likely to pick up in that scene.

But I don't kid myself that a fat old bald poor guy like me is going to attract young willing athletic hotties for any reason than improving their prospects for financial security.

And by being realistic and selecting from among that group so motivated, one does find girls that by my definitions anyway are good, and probably meet the mainstream one here (never been involved in the sex industry).

But as soon as you put class/wealth/education in there, and I suspect many people here would include that in their definition of "good", then you've lost me again.

And since the basis for the girls moving in with me and taking care of my needs is purely transactional (at least to start with), then I've probably lost you as well, as I imagine many of you project your own definitions and experience and assume what's happening between us is just a variation on what you call prostitution.

It all comes down to determining how you want to play the game and how you define your terms doesn't it, that seems to be much harder than actually finding the girls themselves. . .

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I have a farang friend who was dating someone he insists is a good Thai girl. So I approached a Thai lady colleague to ask her what she thought of this "good Thai girl." Before I can even tell her a few things about this girl, my Thai lady colleague said flatout, "good Thai girls don't date farangs." Ouch.

Sounds like she does not think very much of you to make such a comment to your face. :)

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In my hardened old ways I've come to see every encounter with a woman in any country as a financial transaction. Date? She get's dinner. Second date? She gets dinner and maybe I get something. I don't get something, there's no third date.

All the while I'm being sized up as a "potential." Do I have a nice home she couldn't afford herself? Bingo, I go up one notch. No? I go down one notch. Could she quit her job and fly around the world at will? Bingo, ten notches. No? Not so good.

Is she loaded but has a thing for me? Hey, now we're getting somewhere. But not far enough. We don't do that in Western society. At least not where I grew up. Can't feel like a man as a kept man.

Get married? Give half away on the dotted line. It's a community property state. Pre-nup? Good idea if she'll go for it. Might cost you what you thought was love, too.

Why should a Thai girl be any different? It's in their genes to choose the man who can bring home the bacon, everywhere in the world. For some that's the young, big and strong. For some that's the mature with security. In LOS, lacking big and strong or many prospects, let's go for the older with what's perceived as financial security.

Or just sell it in a bar.

Why the heck else do older Westerners move to LOS?

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In a brief answer to the OP its not nearly impossible to find a good girl in Thailand. Just look in the right places. No different to anywhere else in the world. And for the record, Thailand happens to be full of them.

It always amazes me how delusional some males become after spending time here. men in their mid life parading their new trophy girl, thirty years younger, staight out of a go go bar and the guy wonders why the relationship didn't work. Go figure Sherlock!

Edited by carmine
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dont speak thai and met a nice girl, been married for a few years and have children now, never had a cross word.

again i dont speak thai, she is well educated and speaks english.

why learn thai, no need, i have no use for it, im an aussie.

totally agree.

will be especially true in 5 years

WHY? what will they be speaking in 5 years because it wont be English thats for sure.
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dont speak thai and met a nice girl, been married for a few years and have children now, never had a cross word.

again i dont speak thai, she is well educated and speaks english.

why learn thai, no need, i have no use for it, im an aussie.

totally agree.

will be especially true in 5 years

You think that in 5 years the level of English ability for the average Thai will be so high as to negate the value of a foreign resident being able speaking Thai?

How shall I put this kindly...that's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a quite a while.

not dumb at all, have no need to speak thai, I get by just fine, so whats dumb about it, if they dont speak english and i dont speak thai its not an issue, you just dont talk.

hell most couples here cant communicate properly, thats dumb.

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