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Phuket Hoteliers Claim Paris Hilton Party Sparks Bt8Mn In Room Cancellations


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they will keep the noise down! sure they will! they can't even keep the noise down in their own neighborhoods. how do they plan to keep a bunch of drunk rowdy new years revelers from falling all overthemselves, urinating in the street and bothering the neighbors! will be watching!

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Try a search for this "paris hilton achievements" & you wont find much although the word worst popped up quite a few times. IMO she wastes valuable oxygen & so will this party which if it goes ahead will be a logistical nightmare.

If you google Paris Hilton you get: About 246,000,000 results

That's her achievement. That's the reason this thread goes on as well. Publicity sells.


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whats the fuzz so those 8 resorts have like 1000 rooms each that they rent out for 1000 per night ?

more likely that only a small number of rooms get cancelled and they gonna skyrocket the rent for the party crowd anyway if the wanna be at that party they gonna pay alot to be close to it

for years and years complaining and trying to get a good event that will attract international attention now they have one can complain about that

by the way new years period the whole island is like a big psytrance party with sometimes 3 partys at the same beach simultaneously

Did you ever think that holidayers MAY NOT WANT to be near a beach full of three raucous parties going on simultaneously? There are plenty of other islands to enjoy. Perhaps this beach community wants to keep their quiet beach without the likes of ... what dumb celebrity is coming? Paris Hilton? Oh, that's just a recipe for disaster.

Edited by falangjim
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how strange we've created a world where talentless non-entites such as Paris Hilton are celebrated?, something's gone very wrong,

curiously Nieztche prophisized such nonsense would occur about 170 years ago

Paris Hilton and NO DRUGS ??? These two are not going together! Never in the past, never in the future... a straightforward drug-slut!

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I completely agree with the hoteliers on this one. Not only is having a party on New Years Eve completely unheard of, it's insane.

I'm assuming this was a little sarcasm?

Yes, it was my attempt at humor. I assumed everyone knew that parties happen on New Years Eve, or the joke would not make sense. And you got "Super Member" status exactly how? :-)

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Has this been officially confirmed. Looking at the link above they mention LMFAO will be there and they must command a pretty big appearance fee. Wonder if the organizers have paid a deposit yet to the artists mentioned?

Only Sky Blu from LMFAO.Organizers probably haven't even invited them yet,they(D.J's etc) would all be just waiting with baited breath for an invite as they would have nothing else to do!!!!!!!!!biggrin.png

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