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Yingluck Gives Priority To Foreign Policy Particularly Overseas Visits: Surapong


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PM gives priority to foreign policy particularly overseas visits; Deputy PM

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Nov 10 -- Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul has affirms that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has given priority to foreign policy, particularly with visits to foreign countries, to build confidence on Thai economy and strengthen bilateral ties.

Mr Surapong, standing in for PM's weekly TV programme, "The Yingluck Government Meets the People," reported the ministry's performance during the past year, where the Yingluck government has attended to foreign policy, particularly with visits to foreign countries and participation in international conferences and meetings.

He said the premier has made some 17 overseas trips and has taken these opportunities to strengthen bilateral relations and clarify that Thai political development has returned to normalcy.

The prime minister has also built confidence among the international community regarding the Thai economy and invited foreign businesspeople to invest in Thailand, said the deputy prime minister.

During such trips, he said, Ms Yingluck has also clarified the situation in the southernmost provinces to Muslim nations.

Mr Surapong said that it was a good prospect that many foreign leaders have planned to visit Thailand, particularly US President Barack Obama who would officially visit Thailand on November 18.

Mr Surapong said that aside from Mr Obama’s visit, Thailand is welcoming South Korean president Lee Myung-Bak.

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao will also visit Bangkok Nov 20-22, the first visit to Thailand by a Chinese premier in 10 years. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-11-10

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"The prime minister has also built confidence among the international community regarding the Thai economy and invited foreign businesspeople to invest in Thailand, said the deputy prime minister."

Watch your backs China and Korea. Here comes Thailand. whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

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In answer to an earlier question, I believe the PM has read out one speech (from a prepared text) in parliament, smiled nicely and disappeared like a Cheshire cat before anyone present had worked out what she was rabbiting about, let alone thought of a question (which would not have been accepted or answered anyway.) This is definitely a show pony, not a work horse.

Excellent post.The Prime Minister is definitely harming Thailand's image and it is noticeable, particularly after the huge acclaim given to Abhisit by the international community when he was PM, that the most renowned world figures like Obama and Queen Elizabeth 2 are giving Yingluck the cold shoulder.


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"Ms Yingluck has also clarified the situation in the southernmost provinces to Muslim nation". What <deleted> ! She doesn't have a clue what's going on so what he means is that she lied thru her teeth as do all thai politicians about the south and has now washed her hands of it, like most thai politicans. Our absentee PM seems to avoid all things that won't make her look good which is a shame cos she already looks good !

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In answer to an earlier question, I believe the PM has read out one speech (from a prepared text) in parliament, smiled nicely and disappeared like a Cheshire cat before anyone present had worked out what she was rabbiting about, let alone thought of a question (which would not have been accepted or answered anyway.) This is definitely a show pony, not a work horse.

Excellent post.The Prime Minister is definitely harming Thailand's image and it is noticeable, particularly after the huge acclaim given to Abhisit by the international community when he was PM, that the most renowned world figures like Obama and Queen Elizabeth 2 are giving Yingluck the cold shoulder.


I never claimed the PM was damaging the country's image. In fact, image is the PM's strongest (Armani) suit.

And I really couldn't give an infected rodents anus what Obama, QE2 or you think of her.

My point is that she was elected as PM of the country, a position whose normal expectations she ignores while gadding about the world attending inconsequential affairs. Most of those could be attended by the FM (most hardly warrant the airfare) were he not just another nepotistic puppet and criminal's dogsbody.

After 15 months in office, the only question she has managed to answer in parliament was "When's lunch?"

Twisting and turning like so many of the usual suspects when confronted with uncomfortable truths.Almost comical how those infused with hatred end up skewering themselves.A sense of balance and proportion went out the window long ago.And on one critical point, the honour that the international community accords to Yingluck is not of course personsal but a tribute to Thailand which has slowly hauled itself back from the coup to democratic norms.

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In politics no-one does anything unless there is something in it for them. 17 International trips, and delivering some of the most banal and confused speeches ever given by a head of state, Yingluck is a sad disaster, verbalising the writings of the longest suicide note in history prepared by the uninformed speech writers. Thailand is trying desperately to paint her as anything other than the puppet and mouth piece of an exiled narcissistic criminal. No chance will Thailand gain credibility with any country other than perhaps the US who had the same issue after two terms of Geo Bush Jnr and now with Barry. If the public are prepared to put these types of people to represent them, the conclusions as to the direction of the countries are more than obvious.

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Surapong neglects to mention that the PM is actually doing his job because he is both totally incompetent, and also otherwise engaged in securing passports, visas, and arranging entry to foreign countries of a criminal who those countries would normally reject unless assured that they would not be involved in a lengthy extradition matter.

In answer to an earlier question, I believe the PM has read out one speech (from a prepared text) in parliament, smiled nicely and disappeared like a Cheshire cat before anyone present had worked out what she was rabbiting about, let alone thought of a question (which would not have been accepted or answered anyway.) This is definitely a show pony, not a work horse.

I must reject that as nonsense...Surapong is totally incompetent...right, but that is no excuse, as the PM is doing his job but is equal incompetent. All the other PTP Minister and a good share of the former government are total incompetent but did their job. So being incompetents never stopped a politician from working, unfortunately.

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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

she makes some major mistakes in Thai, which I can recognize and my Thai is on the level of a 3 year old.

Like she can't speak the numbers correct.

Not a language problem, but she spoke about the province Hat Yai (it isn't a province, even I know), at some province which is not on the coast she spoke about the beach there, etc etc, horrible things.....One TV channel made a clip out of it......

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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

she makes some major mistakes in Thai, which I can recognize and my Thai is on the level of a 3 year old.

Like she can't speak the numbers correct.

Not a language problem, but she spoke about the province Hat Yai (it isn't a province, even I know), at some province which is not on the coast she spoke about the beach there, etc etc, horrible things.....One TV channel made a clip out of it......

Same as Obama saying the US has 58 states. Both Yingluck and Obama are in a position way above their capability.

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no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

she makes some major mistakes in Thai, which I can recognize and my Thai is on the level of a 3 year old.

Like she can't speak the numbers correct.

Not a language problem, but she spoke about the province Hat Yai (it isn't a province, even I know), at some province which is not on the coast she spoke about the beach there, etc etc, horrible things.....One TV channel made a clip out of it......

Same as Obama saying the US has 58 states. Both Yingluck and Obama are in a position way above their capability.

proving your own lack of intelligence are you

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In answer to an earlier question, I believe the PM has read out one speech (from a prepared text) in parliament, smiled nicely and disappeared like a Cheshire cat before anyone present had worked out what she was rabbiting about, let alone thought of a question (which would not have been accepted or answered anyway.) This is definitely a show pony, not a work horse.

Excellent post.The Prime Minister is definitely harming Thailand's image and it is noticeable, particularly after the huge acclaim given to Abhisit by the international community when he was PM, that the most renowned world figures like Obama and Queen Elizabeth 2 are giving Yingluck the cold shoulder.


Didn't read the complete story as I haven't got a login. Still I assume that PM Yingluck has had advice from some of her predecessors like the worthy gentleman Banharn.

More memorable quotes:


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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

Obtained a Doctorate Degree utilizing the English language.

His cousin obtained a Master Degree utilizing the English language (begins at 04:11).


Edited by Buchholz
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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

Obtained a Doctorate Degree utilizing the English language.

His cousin obtained a Master Degree utilizing the English language (begins at 04:11).


Still she gets to meet the Queen, which is a bit more than you or I can ever achieve.......................

Did shake hands with Brian once and he's OK.

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Still she gets to meet the Queen, which is a bit more than you or I can ever achieve.......................

Did shake hands with Brian once and he's OK.

In 2004 the Dutch community in Thailand got the chance to greet H.M. Queen Beatrix and H.R.H. the Crown Prince when they were in Thailand on an official state visit. I applied for and received invitations, I went with my wife and we shook hands with the Royals. At the Netherlands Embassy after H.M. and son arrived we the 'normal' folks were queued up and shuffled from front garden, through the building, shake hands, pass to the back garden and get a glass of champagne. National hymns, hip hip hurra and a few more (free) drinks. Interesting event.

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Maintaining good political relations with your allies is always good but seventeen trips in a little over a year is overdoing it a bit. People might think you were looking just a little too desperate.

Some might even think she had an aversion to working in the Thai parliament where the PM should be, guiding the nation. And there is always the Foreign Minister who is usually entrusted with the overseas stuff and as an added bonus he's even one of the family so she doesn't have to worry about him getting up to no good while he's away.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Since world leaders are used to dealing with counterparts who often speak no English at all (France,China,Russia,Japan etc) I doubt whether they will worry much about Yingluck's communication skills.

Edited by jayboy
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In answer to an earlier question, I believe the PM has read out one speech (from a prepared text) in parliament, smiled nicely and disappeared like a Cheshire cat before anyone present had worked out what she was rabbiting about, let alone thought of a question (which would not have been accepted or answered anyway.) This is definitely a show pony, not a work horse.

Excellent post.The Prime Minister is definitely harming Thailand's image and it is noticeable, particularly after the huge acclaim given to Abhisit by the international community when he was PM, that the most renowned world figures like Obama and Queen Elizabeth 2 are giving Yingluck the cold shoulder.


I never claimed the PM was damaging the country's image. In fact, image is the PM's strongest (Armani) suit.

And I really couldn't give an infected rodents anus what Obama, QE2 or you think of her.

My point is that she was elected as PM of the country, a position whose normal expectations she ignores while gadding about the world attending inconsequential affairs. Most of those could be attended by the FM (most hardly warrant the airfare) were he not just another nepotistic puppet and criminal's dogsbody.

After 15 months in office, the only question she has managed to answer in parliament was "When's lunch?"

Twisting and turning like so many of the usual suspects when confronted with uncomfortable truths.Almost comical how those infused with hatred end up skewering themselves.A sense of balance and proportion went out the window long ago.And on one critical point, the honour that the international community accords to Yingluck is not of course personsal but a tribute to Thailand which has slowly hauled itself back from the coup to democratic norms.

One lie about my statement is bad enough, compounding it with "twisting and turning" is stooping rather low, but not unexpected.

".And on one critical point, the honour that the international community accords to Yingluck" doesn't affect the fact that she is not doing the job she was elected to perform. The PM is an MP, attendance in parliament is not only expected, it is mandatory, as is explaining and defending your government's policies, unless you live in a totalitarian state and govern by decree.

BTW the head of state of Thailand is the King. Though old and unwell, I have not seen any statement where he delegates representing the country to the PM, who is not yet presidential.

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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now

Obtained a Doctorate Degree utilizing the English language. --link to clip removed--

His cousin obtained a Master Degree utilizing the English language (begins at 04:11).

-- link to clip removed--


Since world leaders are used to dealing with peop.

PEOP you said? I have to check with 'amply rich' people, maybe Mitt R., but you could be right. whistling.gif

"Peoples Federal Bancshares, Inc. (PEOP) -NasdaqCM

16.39 0.11(0.67%) Nov 9, 4:00PM EST"


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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

From comments I've heard from well educated Thais she has a reputation for being somewhat inarticulate. To be fair I would imagine her career path wouldn't have demanded it and heaven knows she never expected to be PM after all.

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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

From comments I've heard from well educated Thais she has a reputation for being somewhat inarticulate. To be fair I would imagine her career path wouldn't have demanded it and heaven knows she never expected to be PM after all.

Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

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