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So What's Your Thai Name ?


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Kwai Puak, Just Puak when we are not only around friends.

I know it means Albino Buffalo and that's the point.

After drinking with my Thai friends one night we were just going at and fuc_king around, and I believe my friend was getting up to go to the bathroom so I asked him "Bai doi paw mung law?" Going to a****ck your father? And I got an "Oi, Kwai Puak" back. I called him "ling dam" but couldn't stop laughing about the name and it stuck.

Now it's a joke about a comparison to the albino elephants. I may be a buffalo, but I am the best and most important buffalo!

Honestly, if this type of banter and bullshit bothers you or think that Thai don't give each other equally discouraging nicknames, it might be time to see about getting some thicker skin.

However, being called kwai by someone I don't know is going to get a totally different reaction.

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