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One Day Overstay At Don Muang

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I have a flight the morning after my 30 day transit visa expires in my UK passport. For others in this situation would you go to the trouble of extending 10 days fro 1900baht or simply get an overstay stamp in passport on exit at Don Muang? I inderstand one day overstay fines are usually wavered also?

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I would get the extension of stay. If for any reason you are found out prior to Don Muang you are likely to be jailed and deported. Even if you have no trouble you will receive an overstay stamp in your passport and some countries can use that as a reason to block your entry.

The odds may be 99% you will not have a problem; but the 1,900 baht will look really cheap if you do. The world is paying a lot closer attention to passports these days.

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I over stayed recently. I was treated very politley at the passsport counter as I was going into the terminal. He told me that it was no problem and no fine. I will never do it again but in my case it was a matter of a few hours that were involved so I took a chance. The first time I was ever in LOS I overstayed about a week. This was just plain ignorance of the laws, no excuse. Then I think the charge was 100 baht a day. I was taken into a room at the airport and they woke up the guy and fined me and give me a reciept and I was on my way. But that will not happen ever again :o

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The rule still remains, never overstay.

If you are on Overstay do not get caught by any Policeforce.

The Immigration will most likely tell you no problem to go overstay since they are only in charge at the entry/exit points and collect the fines.

Other section of the Policeforce does have other priorities .

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There used to be a 1 day grace period on overstays, but I don't know if this is still in effect. I've overstayed by 1 day twice (once because it was Sunday and the Immigration office was closed), and I was not fined nor did I receive an overstay stamp.

Not that I'm encouraging this option, since there is always a possibility a policeman could ask to see your passport before you reach the airport.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm looking at a possible one day overstay, leaving BKK on the 91st day (Non-Imm B, 12 months, Multiple-entry). I don't believe I have any in-country extension options. On the 91st day I will be through immigration by 05:00. I don't mind paying the 500 baht fine but am concerned about any future repurcussions. Do I have any options, short of a visa/border run?

Also, I arrive ~ 23:25, and may get stamped in +1 day which would alleviate my problem. Do they change the stamps, at BKK, right at midnight?

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I know the rules on overstay and have done it myself for one day with no consequences.

I have mentioned this before though, my situation was they stamped the wrong date on my passport (out by one day). I noticed this when we went to phuket and attempted to get this resolved at immigration there, overwhelming opinion by officials, cant change and one day is no problem.

when I left no fine, nobody even batted an eylid.

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I had this dilemma couple years back and would have overstayed by 8 hours, but decided to pay the 1,900 baht. I was due to go for an 'O' visa in Penang the next day and was advised by immigration to do the 10-day extension to avoid problems. Prior to me mentioning that I was going for the 'O' visa, immigration said no worries if you're just a tourist and on your way home. Even so, I think I would still either do the border or the 1,900 baht to keep the passport clean for the future. Imagine the 'what ifs' etc if you did end up getting caught on a routine check up the day before and then got deported!!

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Yesterday when i did my borderrun i noticed at the pasport control that there are signs everywhere: "Overstay changed from 200 Baht a day to 500 Baht a day since march ??, 1st day of overstay will not be fined. From the 2nd day the fine is 1000 Baht + 500 Baht for every day on top of that." Anyway you still have the police problem if you choose to overstay 1 day. I learned my lessons now :o

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I notice something new coming to Thailand last March, when I went to get my passport stamps at Don Muang the immigration officer took the time to look at every Thai visa stamp in my passeport, I never saw them doing that before.

When I got out of Thailand at Don Muang in April they did the same and check every Thai visa stamps in my passeport.

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