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Canadian Kills Thai Rival In Deadly Love Triangle

Lite Beer

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What an idiot. Not worth ruining your life over some slag. He would have been better off kicking out the 42 year old girlfriend and replacing her with a 21 year old.

He should have replaced her with TWO 21 year olds to make up for her 42 years!

haha ! yes, and thanked Mr. Komsan Aksornchart for the heads up and exit avenue.

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Do you really believe ALL men are incapable of keeping it in their pants when away from their wife?

And you believe those who don't deserve death? Like I said, there are places in the world better suited to your beliefs, you should move there.

You don't have a single clue about my beliefs. How can you possibly suggest I move somewhere to suit me or my beliefs when you know sweet FA about them?

Assumptions again? clap2.gif


I don't need to make assumptions.

I saw the post were you state you are "glad" the lawyer is dead. not only because he had an affair but because he was a lawyer. You also said you would have liked the Thai girl to be killed too, that was your idea of I quote "clean living"

It tells me all I need to know about your beliefs ::2 cents

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A couple of points here

1) have they done an autopsy ? As how can they tell buy just looking there are 50 stab wounds , plus there really isn't a lot of blood around the scene to indicate 50 stab wounds

2) are the police that incompetent ? I mean just watching the video they have contaminated the crime scene with all those people in there !

But Thai women havin a another fella is all so common , and known a few people come back and find there partners with someone else

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If it wasn't so tragic; you would have to laugh.

On the barest of information, as usual, after 75 postings, we have a detailed and in-depth analysis' and plenty of crass speculation of what supposedly happened; why it happened - and what should happen. At least no-one has suggested suicide - yet!

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I wonder if pleading "temporary insanity" works in Thailand? But this guy has just dumped his life for a daily occurrence in a lot of local circumstances. And the inverse works the same so life just moves on leaving another sad tale to ponder. However... like Red Bull, maybe if he offers the bereaved family of the lawyer a compensation - 3M Baht should do it - all will be forgiven. One question - was the lawyer married as well? whistling.gif

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What an idiot. Not worth ruining your life over some slag. He would have been better off kicking out the 42 year old girlfriend and replacing her with a 21 year old.

He can get two in exchange for a forty two year old perhaps!
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If it wasn't so tragic; you would have to laugh.

On the barest of information, as usual, after 75 postings, we have a detailed and in-depth analysis' and plenty of crass speculation of what supposedly happened; why it happened - and what should happen. At least no-one has suggested suicide - yet!

It was tantamount-to, at least - camping out in a farang's home with his GF. He might have even claimed that possession (of the GF) was 9/10s of the law when confronted, being a lawyer and all. But, alas, 59 presumably self-inflicted stab wounds is a bit of a stretch for a suicide ... even in Thailand.

So, the accused (admitted?) will just have to change his story and plead self-defense instead.

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Meanwhile, Ms. Patcharaporn was studying for a master’s degree at Ramkhamhaeng University, where she became acquainted with the Thai lawyer.

Where does this leave all of those members who bang on and on about having girls with Master's degrees being so much better than those evil bar girls....?

The same as before.

Extramarital affairs go on all over the world - nothing to do with educational achievement, nationality, relgion, age, or occupation. The consequences of one partner having an affair and being caught often lead to violence and sometimes murder, which some countries recognise as a crime of passion.

The differentiation between a "bar girl" and non-bar girl, is not based on educational qualification. Bar girls supplement their income by whoring and scamming punters. Non-bar girls don't. See the difference?

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The guy is 42. Either he didn't ever have a girl in his life before this, or he just made a very VERY stupid decision that night.

I can understand the feeling -- been there done that -- when I was 18. Thing is, I've matured since. This thing just doesn't happen to people who have matured in the sense of relationships. You just _know_ that this stuff happens. You can never control the other person... if they screw around, then that's that. Unless you're married, you should just let it go (married people are in a worse situation ... coz they can lose half their sh*t in a divorce). Definitely not worth killing the other person over. I think this is a case of "I'm bigger and I can do this sh*t coz that's MY girl". No one ever owns another person. I mean, the guy goes out on frequent trips and is hardly around... what did he expect? He should have anticipated this.

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You certainly CANT blame the Thai Guy , a woman is not some form of property . He was just taking what was on Offer

An horrendous outcome . You cant just Take a Life because the guy is doing what comes naturally ..

Slipping a length to a Stray . The Canadian was most certainly not of sound mind ..But he's ruined his life now ..

Committing Murder in a situation like this .... " Just a Tad of overeaction " ..Not acceptable , on any count .

Just like you can blame a theife who steals something because someone forgot to lock the door.

Your logic makes no sense. The Thai guy is just as much to blame as the cheating wh*ore. There is also a good chance this man had been her gik for many years and they finally got caught. I know of several couples where the Thai wife has a Thai man all the while and as soon as the farang leaves, the Thai guy moves in until the farang comes home. One of them the Thai wife actually convinced the idiot farang the guy is her brother and he lives with them. She then brags to all the girls in the village the Thai man is her husband. TIT It happens.

Yea, funny and yet sad so many farangs chose to ignore this about Thai's

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What an idiot. Not worth ruining your life over some slag. He would have been better off kicking out the 42 year old girlfriend and replacing her with a 21 year old.

He can get two in exchange for a forty two year old perhaps!

Liked the other guy's post but saw yours... f'kin so true. So true.

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The story is the farang Urban Myth come true............just so happens it's not an Urban Myth.

The unusual part here is rather than just accept his fate as the hapless sop the guy cracked up and did the Thai guy in.

He's only 42.......it wasn't worth it, but I defy anyone here to say that they haven't been enraged at some point in their life.

" When emotion meets logic, emotion always wins"...........and in this case emotion has charged a high price.

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"I wonder if the girl will now try to lay claim to the house."

I don't wonder at all. 100% sure she will." lay down with dogs, you get fleas" No matter what you give many women here, it is not enough. Never enough. Never take their "promises" seriously. This is a sociopathic encouraging culture. One night with most is too long.

I sent my now ex wife to Chula to get her masters in social psychology. She is now like very educated bar girl, except with bar girls you have more of an inkling of what you are getting. If they gave oscars for lies, cheats, manipulations she would be like Meryl Streep. I pity those who meet her.

The woman has no need to lay claim to the house, because under Thai law she already owns it.

The Canadian cannot legally owe the house and as it was he who paid for the house in his girlfriend’s name means he in fact gave it to her as a gift and that probably includes the land and all it`s contains, plus whatever else he bought her.

Really cannot see what the infatuation is with these women and what sorts of powers they have to place they’re spells on guys.

These men must be either desperate or crazy.

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"I wonder if the girl will now try to lay claim to the house."

I don't wonder at all. 100% sure she will." lay down with dogs, you get fleas" No matter what you give many women here, it is not enough. Never enough. Never take their "promises" seriously. This is a sociopathic encouraging culture. One night with most is too long.

I sent my now ex wife to Chula to get her masters in social psychology. She is now like very educated bar girl, except with bar girls you have more of an inkling of what you are getting. If they gave oscars for lies, cheats, manipulations she would be like Meryl Streep. I pity those who meet her.

"I pity those who meet her." You are the one who draws pity, although it is heavily mixed with disdain.
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What an idiot. Not worth ruining your life over some slag. He would have been better off kicking out the 42 year old girlfriend and replacing her with a 21 year old.

Absolutely agree with this - Love is blind - What a shame/waste of 2 lives.
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The story is the farang Urban Myth come true............just so happens it's not an Urban Myth.

The unusual part here is rather than just accept his fate as the hapless sop the guy cracked up and did the Thai guy in.

He's only 42.......it wasn't worth it, but I defy anyone here to say that they haven't been enraged at some point in their life.

" When emotion meets logic, emotion always wins"...........and in this case emotion has charged a high price.

Angry, well yes, very angry - occasionally; angry enough to assualt another human being - never.

As for picking-up a knife and stabbing someone 50 times !!!!!! blink.png

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Looking at the video the car outside the house may have been the romeo's thus the cuckold would have already been suspicious and fired up on entering. However a psychopath emerged from where there had been an angry man so he needs to be taken off the streets. As regards the slut, well she'll end up with big face, owning a big house and smug in the knowledge that she's worth killing someone over.

You have no idea how you or anyone else would really react in the same circumstances. I have seen instances where normally quiet, respectable, professional people have found their wives in bed with another man. One normally very reserved guy smacked his wife and kicked the crap out of her lover. He had to face the consequences of his actions, as well as the divorce and effects on his young children. Another, a police officer and martial arts blackbelt told the lover to leave, packed a suitcase and told his wife to get out too. We all react differently and sometimes, although we think we know how we would react, the reality is different. This does not mean someone is a psychopath.

We don't know all the circumstances yet - but they will no doubt come out.

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So sad all around. Actually, everyone loses out in this case.

The Canadian's life is over, with plenty of time to think in the Hilton.

The Thai man's life is over for sure.

The lady gets a lifetime to ponder her actions. Buddha will take care of her later. No need to do anything to her.

Lesson: In Thailand, as a farang, just pay one day at a time and you should be fine.

If you desire a woman, go short time.

Find lady from bar, street, business, disco, bank, university etc....

Take lady to short time hotel room.

Give fake name, fake phone, fake everything. Discuss payment.

Do your thing and then pay and go out.

Never buy a house, car, motorbike, land, shop, business or anything at all that you cannot put on an airplane.

Things to buy: Underwear, t-shirts, shorts, books, phones, food, water, gifts

Things to never buy: Wife, house, car, motorbike, condo, land, business, townhouse, etc....

Short time is the way to go here. No need for relationships. No need for marriage. No need to get involved with the locals. Just pay as you go and don't ever buy them anything!!!!

Money is all that they want, so don't ever give them any money. (or cars, house, condos, motorbikes, land, farms, marriage) etc....

R.I.P. I hope these stories can come to an end and they farang can learn how to live here.

I see you have been a member of TV for five years. Wise person you are. Agree with the statements in your posts. It's all about money from the beginning to the end. I have said basically the same thing before on this forum and got trashed and received all manner of insults. But so be it. The truth is the truth and needs no defence.

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Well no one shoud be killed over something like this as it is a quite common occurance in the LOS but if anyone had to get diciplined the wrong person got it. Can't blame the Thai guy in my opinion. I feel sorry for the Canadian guy that he let his emotions get the best of him but i certainly understand.

Doh! Clicked "Like" without reading carefully...can I unlike?

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