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Ladies, What Kind Of Method Are You Using To Prevent Pregancy?

Golden Retriever

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No spermicides, condoms, pills, or implants for The Dude's chick. The Dude has mastered the pullout method after more than a decade of trial and error. The Dude received his masters in pullout in 2000. This has served him perfectly except for that blunder in '94

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No spermicides, condoms, pills, or implants for The Dude's chick. The Dude has mastered the pullout method after more than a decade of trial and error. The Dude received his masters in pullout in 2000. This has served him perfectly except for that blunder in '94

I hope you are a one lady Dude!!! :o

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No spermicides, condoms, pills, or implants for The Dude's chick. The Dude has mastered the pullout method after more than a decade of trial and error. The Dude received his masters in pullout in 2000. This has served him perfectly except for that blunder in '94

I hope you are a one lady Dude!!! :o

Adding....hope she's a 1 man lady :D:D


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No spermicides, condoms, pills, or implants for The Dude's chick. The Dude has mastered the pullout method after more than a decade of trial and error. The Dude received his masters in pullout in 2000. This has served him perfectly except for that blunder in '94

Trial and error, huh? So how many little errors have you produced during the years? :o

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iud taken out last week w/ anesthesia etc etc etc... at present moment, its 'the dude's method or no entry....

plus menstruation now not on schedule so will do the diaphragm thing and then??? back to iud? tubal? actually havent felt any ovulations in the past half year, maybe getting close to menapause??? ....

thang goodness for mature men that can perfect the 'withdrawal' method and have good self control.... and i dont think my chances of getting pregnant are very high at my age (i know, statistics are only that...)

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yeah, i can just see the kibbuzt folks here when i deliver a pretty little thai/jewish american baby whose father is on the run from the visa police!!!! 555555555! although my two best friends are willing to be 'godparents' in the eventuality!!

and anon of course would love for that to happen....

i just have to get past these few months until i decide which bc i use due to spotting/pain etc that may or may not have been because of the stuck iud...

ladies: dont wait to take it out.... once stuck, its a real pain in the uknowwhat.....

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No spermicides, condoms, pills, or implants for The Dude's chick. The Dude has mastered the pullout method after more than a decade of trial and error. The Dude received his masters in pullout in 2000. This has served him perfectly except for that blunder in '94

I hope you are a one lady Dude!!! :o

Yes BM, The Dude does not engage in hanky panky

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No spermicides, condoms, pills, or implants for The Dude's chick. The Dude has mastered the pullout method after more than a decade of trial and error. The Dude received his masters in pullout in 2000. This has served him perfectly except for that blunder in '94

I hope you are a one lady Dude!!! :D

Yes BM, The Dude does not engage in hanky panky

The Dude gets a shiny latex covered shovel, because I dig that!!!! :o

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