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How do you deal with requests for money .

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57 minutes ago, AnotherOneHere said:

You always want to present yourself as someone who is looking to buy a brand new BMW next week and, at the same time, looking for a new apartment in Bangkok paid in cash.


That is a wonderful way to put it.

I heard lots of guy telling their wife they still need money for retirement, sometime far away in the future, and this is why they can't give away money now. And it seems that explanation doesn't work with many Thais.

But that brand new BMW next week sounds interesting. 

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Homework and trust is the answer.  If you don't trust your partner from the start then it's not going to work.  Meet all the family! Parents, brothers, sisters and ex husband's if any, before you marry.  


Immediate family first financialy and if any spare each month the wife can help extended family.  i don't interfere because my partner understands how to budget on a set monthly income.  Maybe this will come back to bite me if she meets some western with a bigger budget !!


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My lawyer friend's deadbeat druggy brother requests money off the parents who rely on my friend for money, the mother said to not send her money as the son checks the bank account and takes it, families are stuck with these loser family members.


Don't send the money, just say no have, it's going to drink and drugs most likely

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5 hours ago, AnotherOneHere said:

you will be seen as low as a street dog to her. 🐕‍🦺

Woof woof! Get the Hell out of there!!! 

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Nowadays, any requests for money are met with shrieks of maniacal laughter - they usually don't ask again......


It used to be different many years ago, and the scenario was exactly as you described >> they need to buy some household item - I give the money - said item is never bought but money has been used 'elsewhere'.


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My partner's parents are gone, brown bread, her three sisters and two brothers have never asked me for money, the odd 1000 loan here and there. We live comfortably on what I transfer each month, pays for son's school etc.

I tell her that she can have whatever she needs, it will only mean less when I kick the bucket.

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8 hours ago, tomgreen said:


To put my question into some sort of context Ive been married to a Thai woman for over 20 years and have live permanently in Thailand for all of that time.


After we first married the wife’s parents started to ask for money from us ( me ) saying that they need to buy a new gas cooker or fridge or to carry out repairs to their house etc .  Being fairly new to what was expected after marrying a Thai woman , when it came to giving her parents any money , I just smiled and paid the request for money , thinking that I was doing the right thing and of course helping the wife’s poor parents along the way. 


Over time the number of requests by the wife's parents for money steadily grew and increased in the cash amount that they were asking for. Those requests for money always seemed to centre around the need to buy new house hold appliances / vehicle repairs / repairing their house roof etc.


I never really visited the wife’s parents house very often , but one day just after the latest request by the wife’s parents for more money ( to replace broken windows at their house and replace a damaged toilet bowl ) I decided to visit the parents house a month after I had given the parents the money to to replace the broken windows and replace the damaged toilet bowl.


When I turned up at the wife's parents house , it soon became apparent that ‘’ no ‘’ new household appliances had ever been purchased or ‘’ any ‘’ house repairs had been ever been carried out.


It turned out that the vast majority of all the money that I had ever given to my wife’s parents in the hope that it would better help their living standards had in fact always been passed on to one of my wife’s older deadbeat / alcoholic brother's . This deadbeat older brother had constantly been taking money from the parents under the pretense that he needed to purchase and run a pickup to help him find work . To date he has never purchased a pickup or found employment of any kind. 


Once I found what had been going on I told my wife that if her parents asked for money , I wanted to know exactly what the money was needed for , and if the request for money involved buying new house hold appliances , then I would personally buy the needed appliances my self and personally take them to the parents house. If the money was requested for house repairs or other services, I would personally arrange and pay for the work directly my self. If the request for money involved medical treatment , I would directly pay the money my self. In other words no cash would ever again be handed over to the parents  , for obvious reasons. 


Over time the requests from the wife’s parents for money slowed down , over time Ive purchase various household appliances and equipment , and delivered those items to the parents house my self, along with personally paying for any medical treatment that the wife's parents needed .


So I’m now wondering how others here who are married or in a relationship with a Thai woman deal with any requests for money that come from the Thai wife /  partners parents or family , and do you have any tips or advice on how to deal with those requests for money .







That is fairly close to my situation...married a restarant owner/head chef (small place) who asked for money occasionally to "bail" out her siblings - did that for a year, sat her down, chatted about the situations of each - only one was a hard worker moving up in the business that she worked for, and explained to my wife  that I didn't mind small donations for health of mom and dad occasionally - cheaper to buy them insurance along with their national healt care so pretty cheap and that has been the way it is for 20+ years.  Wife is happy (moved away from family), family continues on their ways and mother and father of wife are happy.  I too am happy, I could afford to give them all monies regularly but...I was not brought up in a rich family - lower middle class - did without in many instances until I learned to get a job and have money available when I needed it.  That has carried through my career (2 families) and retirement where we can afford just about anything.  Now 77 so don't plan to make many changes in that philosophy.

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9 hours ago, tomgreen said:

Being fairly new to what was expected after marrying a Thai woman , when it came to giving her parents any money , I just smiled and paid the request for money , thinking that I was doing the right thing and of course helping the wife’s poor parents along the way. 

Well that was a mistake….

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