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If you were having:

- Flawless KonicaMinolta DiMAGE A2

- Microdrive 4 GB

- Spare batteries

- Cokin filters

- UV filter

what would you do?

a. Keep it because this is your first digital camera and you love it

b. Keep it because this is the best camera of its class so far and you love it

c. Sell it because KM's shutdown and worried for the future

d. Keep it because even KM shutdown, it can be an antique brand for collection

e. Keep it because even KM shutdown, hoping that Sony will continue the support

f. Sell it because you had a wish to buy DSLR

g. Wait for PMA exhibition end of this month

Make a choice please...


If you like the camera keep it, KM are selling their camera division to Sony. This means you will be able to get warantee service and backup as needed from Sony. KM will keep developing cameras but not manufacturing them. The technology will go to Sony. While Sony make many things well I have not seen many well designed cameras from them. I hope they keep the KM connection happening.

For the poor souls that KM photo-labs, like my boss, we will have to deal with Noritsu for service and spares. As Noritsu do not have a significant presence in this country (Oz) we could live in interesting times for a while. Unfortunately it also means there will be no development of the product we have.

Just keep taking pictures in the mean time.


Wow, that is a shock. I purchased a DiImage A200 a few months ago but have no reason to consider selling it. It does an excellant job for me and was purchased after countless reading of reviews. The only issue I would have are the accessories (batteries, cables, lenses, etc.). Maybe need to stock up on them now. Sony is pretty far down my list for digital cameras if I did decide to upgrade later to a dSLR.

I agree that if you are happy with it and it does the job, no point in worrying about it. I'm quite happy with what I have. The only camera I would like to change it for is way out of my reach at more then 120,000 baht (EOS D5 dSLR).


I don't think the service for Konica Minolta cameras will be suspended immediately and I'm sure they will stock the spare parts for at least few years to come. Given how short the product life cycle of digital cameras I wouldn't worry about it anyway since you are most likely give up using this camera before the manufacturer's spare parts stock liability period expires (usually 7 years after the date of last production for Japanese makers).

I was thinking of selling my Sony Cybershot F828 when I bought 5D but with entries of many affordable DSLRs in the market at almost the same price as 2/3" size sensor "prosumer" models, I think this segment of digital camera will no longer see a new model being released. As hughden wrote in another thread, I think 2/3" sensor compacts make a good sub back-up camera for a quick snap shooting at places where you don't want a big and heavy cameras like 5D (without a pop-up, built-in flash) hanging from your neck all the time. So I decided to keep my F828.

BTW I believe Sony has announced it will release its first dSLR this year.

Wow, that is a shock. I purchased a DiImage A200 a few months ago but have no reason to consider selling it. It does an excellant job for me and was purchased after countless reading of reviews. The only issue I would have are the accessories (batteries, cables, lenses, etc.). Maybe need to stock up on them now. Sony is pretty far down my list for digital cameras if I did decide to upgrade later to a dSLR.

I agree that if you are happy with it and it does the job, no point in worrying about it. I'm quite happy with what I have. The only camera I would like to change it for is way out of my reach at more then 120,000 baht (EOS D5 dSLR).

Don't know if it will fit A200, but for A2 recommended accessories are:

- External flash: Sigma EF 500 DG Super (Minolta mount) has gret features. Similar with Minolta 5600 HS but a lot cheaper. When I'd decide to keep A2 and not going for DSLR (Canon/Nikon), I'd buy this one, but unfortunately it's a bit hard to find with Minolta mount.

- Lenses? I don't think so for non-DSLR like Ax. But for tele converter, Olympus TCON-17 is quite cheap and gives a good result.

- For backup batteries, you can use generic NP400. It's very cheap. I have 2 of them and not different as the original Minolta one.

One side to keep, another side to exchange with DSLR. :o

I don't think the service for Konica Minolta cameras will be suspended immediately and I'm sure they will stock the spare parts for at least few years to come.

I agree. But you know it's always difficult when you're not the big players (C*/N*).

So I decided to keep my F828.

If I had an extra budget to buy second camera (wish for mid-class DSLR like 20D/D200) , that would not be an issue.

BTW I believe Sony has announced it will release its first dSLR this year.

I heard that too. It will come with Minolta mount. Myself, I'm pesimistic with the product. Maybe the second DSLR will do, with the full support of ex-Minolta great experts & innovators.


So I decided to keep my F828.

If I had an extra budget to buy second camera (wish for mid-class DSLR like 20D/D200) , that would not be an issue.

That's what I thought too initially. But then I realized how little it could contribute toward purchase of new dSLR by selling my used F828 (perhaps no more than 20,000 Baht), considering still existing brand-new F828 is now discounted by almost 10,000 Baht a year and half after its release in the market, while 5D I bought has more than 120K Baht price tag. So I thought I might as well just keep it as a back-up. 20D was not so much a cheap alternative to me as I would need one or two EF-S lens to go along with it, while with 5D I could use all my existing lenses.

20D was not so much a cheap alternative to me as I would need one or two EF-S lens to go along with it, while with 5D I could use all my existing lenses.

dpreview.com: "The EOS 20D has a standard metal EF / EF-S lens mount which means that it supports all Canon EF and EF-S lenses plus some older as manual focus and compatible third party lenses."

Are you using special lenses?


1. Keep it; if you like it and it works for you.

2. If you want a DSLR, wait for the PMA announcements. Expect a new offering from Canon on 21st February as a replacement for the 20D.

2. If you want a DSLR, wait for the PMA announcements. Expect a new offering from Canon on 21st February as a replacement for the 20D.

Do you have a link to where you got this rumor from?

Of course I know non-EF-S lenses can be used with 20D/350D too but I am talking about X1.6 cropping factor.

ahh.. you're talking about full frame sensor... that's my dream but i don't think i can afford it now. unless i'll make some money out of it (pro photographer).

1. Keep it; if you like it and it works for you.

2. If you want a DSLR, wait for the PMA announcements. Expect a new offering from Canon on 21st February as a replacement for the 20D.

you mean the upcoming 2Ds? :o


ahh.. you're talking about full frame sensor... that's my dream but i don't think i can afford it now. unless i'll make some money out of it (pro photographer).

A farang lady professional photographer I met at Fotofile MBK in December asked me upon seeing my EOS 5D whom I shoot for. And I answered that I have no client but shoot for myself as an amateur photographer and she said but that's too expensive a tool for a hobby. But there's really no price to the hobby IMHO and in fact most of those buying 5D are amateur photographers. I saw D30, D60, 10D, 300D, 350D and 20D introduced in the market and let them pass while drooling but determined only to settle with full-size sensor dSLR for when it becomes affordable. I made my decision to buy 5D before its official release when the rumor and the pictures started appearing everywhere on internet.

you mean the upcoming 2Ds? :o


For a moment I thought this was for real. :D


I am referring to the camera that will replace the 20D which has been discontinued according to many reports. It will be called the 30D or 35D, depending on what rumours you believe and will be an upgrade to the 20D, probably still 1.6 sensor, and priced probably around the current 20D price.

Has been the subject of constant debate on dpreview.com, and the consensus is that it will be announced on the 21st. I was going to get the 20D as a replacement for my 300D; but am now waiting expectantly for the 3xD.


Yes. Although there are doubts about the authenticity of the photos, and doubts it is a 1.3 crop as mentioned on the Norwegian site.

There is endless speculation but truth is that nobody knows what it wil be liked or even what it will be called. Canon are doing a good job of keeping it secret.

All that is certain is:

1. Canon are making a major announcement on the 21st (because distributors have been called to the announcement).

2. The 20D has been discontinued (because shops that run out in certain countries cannot get new supplies).

Given Canon's usual product cycle, the 20D is due for an upgrade, and the February PMA is one of the times they release new products.

I am hoping it will be in the shops quickly cos I am off to the Malaysian Grand Prix in March and don't want to be hindered by the 300D's limited availability of AI servo focusing; one of the main reasons I want to change; although I have a long, and in places ficticious, list which I use to explain to my girfriend why I need a new camera more than she needs new ear rings!


Sounds credible to me.

35D catalogue picture in the Chinese link looks exactly like the Japanese 5D catalogue I brought from Japan.

But I don't think Canon is doing a good job keeping its secret. Pictures and rumors of 5D started spreading on internet almost 3 months before its official release last year and when it was released it turned out every spec/details was just as it was expected including the price.

If I'm a 10D/20D/300D/350D owner with EF-S lenses and if it turns out 35D comes with APS-H size sensor as rumored, I will pass on this one and get a full-size sensor model as the existing EF-S lenses designed for APS-C size sensor will be of little use for 35D as far as I'm concerned. I hope this is not the beginning of the end of APS-C size sensor (with X1.6 crop factor).


From the reviews I read, I thought 20D has been a good camera so far, such as good pic, very low noise on high ISO, and 5 fps. Though there's one rumour about focusing problem. And for 5D, I heard also about vignetting issue on some lenses. Don't know more than that. Are they true?

What else do we expect from the upgrade/35D? At least to level D200 specs?

And for 5D, I heard also about vignetting issue on some lenses. Don't know more than that. Are they true?

I see that as a lens issue, not the camera. That can happen with any full-size sensor dSLR (eg 1Ds Mk2) or for that matter with film SLR too. With APS-C/H sensors that just gets cropped so you won't see it in the frame.

From the reviews I read, I thought 20D has been a good camera so far, such as good pic, very low noise on high ISO, and 5 fps. Though there's one rumour about focusing problem. And for 5D, I heard also about vignetting issue on some lenses. Don't know more than that. Are they true?

What else do we expect from the upgrade/35D? At least to level D200 specs?

I understand that the 35D will not include the D200 banding facility......


Hey guys we have wandered off the point.

The guy asked about Minolta.

Please don't hijack his thread.

By all means discuss the merits of Canon, but in a separate thread.

A few thoughts for the original poster.

If you are happy with your Minolta and it is working well, I would stay with it for now.

When the camera does not work to your satisfaction will be the time to move on.

However I would not be investing in extra lenses, flash etc.

IMHO that would not be money well spent.

If you are looking extra lenses you may find that the prices have dropped and will be bargain.

Alternatively you could sell the camera and look at the other brands.

Up to you.

I don't think the service for Konica Minolta cameras will be suspended immediately and I'm sure they will stock the spare parts for at least few years to come. Given how short the product life cycle of digital cameras I wouldn't worry about it anyway since you are most likely give up using this camera before the manufacturer's spare parts stock liability period expires (usually 7 years after the date of last production for Japanese makers).

I was thinking of selling my Sony Cybershot F828 when I bought 5D but with entries of many affordable DSLRs in the market at almost the same price as 2/3" size sensor "prosumer" models, I think this segment of digital camera will no longer see a new model being released. As hughden wrote in another thread, I think 2/3" sensor compacts make a good sub back-up camera for a quick snap shooting at places where you don't want a big and heavy cameras like 5D (without a pop-up, built-in flash) hanging from your neck all the time. So I decided to keep my F828.

BTW I believe Sony has announced it will release its first dSLR this year.

KM have ceased manufacture and will cease trading in AU as of 31-3-06. I think this will be the case world wide

The new sony DSLR will probably look a lot like the KM model. :o Will probably even have the KM mount so the lens manufacturers will not have to engineer new mounts.

Servicing for KM products should not be a problem as the lot has been given to Sony.

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