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Driving My Fiances Car In Thailand On Full Uk License , On Her Insurance .

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Steven L above is correct.

Been in Thailand 6 years, been stopped for checks etc 5 times or more in different provinces in that period NEVER EVER had an issue with my UK licence in ANY Province.

Had to claim on insurance NO ISSUE again with valid UK Licence. NOWHERE does it state THAI Licence only, NOWHERE have I or the Wife EVER been asked who is driving the car. We have class 1 insurance, period.

Had an accident, and made a big claim. They did check for sure on the police station and the insurance agent who drove and made copies of the license. Just follow the rule, if you are here on a short holliday then UK or IDP (not sure let other tell you) is ok. If you are here above a certain time Thai license. I really wonder why so many have a problem getting one. Even I got one.

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Steven L above is correct.

Been in Thailand 6 years, been stopped for checks etc 5 times or more in different provinces in that period NEVER EVER had an issue with my UK licence in ANY Province.

Had to claim on insurance NO ISSUE again with valid UK Licence. NOWHERE does it state THAI Licence only, NOWHERE have I or the Wife EVER been asked who is driving the car. We have class 1 insurance, period.

DITTO to all of the above!! Except mine is an NSW licence.

Thailand and Australia have a "reciprocal" (Ha Ha Ha) agreement that entitles a 3 months period on that licence, thereafter you have to apply for a local one which involves doing a computer test. i would imagine this applies in the UK too?


Just get a Thai driving license, it's easy enough to do. The theory test is just common sense and the pratical test couldn't get any easier.

It takes a few hours to do and only costs few hundred baht.

Will give you peace of mind as far as insurance concerned.

I held a UK and International license and because of the International License did not have to sit any theory or practical tests apart from colour perception and reaction to get my Thai license, where as guys applying with me who only had their home countries license had to sit all the tests.

Ditto for the wife and I who came over with international drivers permits and U.S. drivers licenses. I also got a motorcycle license...didn't have to do anything extra other than to say I was applying for auto and motorcycle licenses....in Thailand they issue separate licences for auto and motorcyles whereas in the States to what I was use to a motorcycle licenses is just an endorsement on the standard vehicle license but you have to do additional training/testing for the motorcycle endorsement. The wife and I were in and out of the drivers license office in about 30 minutes. The wife could have got the motorcycle licenses also merely by asking for it, but she didn't ask because she never learned to even ride a bicycle. tongue.png

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My recomendaton is get an IDP - it's £5 or £6 from the PO. They issue it within 5 mins if you take you DL and a photo so it's no hardship is it?

You can see from all the comments here that there's many a different view - is anyone 100% certain. Are all the police knowledgable enough to know which is eally required.

If you have IDP, then you're more likely to be covered.

Yes, I am 100% certain.


The wide range of answers suggests a lot of uncertainty about the rules. I went to a police station and they told me the UK license was not valid, and other policeman said its OK if you have an international license, I was stopped once and they accepted my UK license. My advice is to do what I did:

Get yourself down to your local dept of transport, take your UK license, do there "driving test", colour blindness test.... and hey presto half a day later and you have a valid license which I don't think anyone including people here could question its legitimacy.


Steven L above is correct.

Been in Thailand 6 years, been stopped for checks etc 5 times or more in different provinces in that period NEVER EVER had an issue with my UK licence in ANY Province.

Had to claim on insurance NO ISSUE again with valid UK Licence. NOWHERE does it state THAI Licence only, NOWHERE have I or the Wife EVER been asked who is driving the car. We have class 1 insurance, period.

I gather you have a Thai insurance on your name?

hi,get an international drivers permit from the AA,and if the cars comprehensivly insured you are covered for everything.

Conversely, if you don't get an IDP you will be driving illegally and not be insured.

what a load of rubbish !

Sorry but its you who are wrong...........!!

Quite simply as the previous poster states driving without the IDP will invalidate the Insurance within any accident as the FIRST thing bar none the Loss Adjustor will ask for is the TWO licences..........

Ones of zero value without the other for Insurance purposes. Your home Country licence will satisfy any random Police Stop though.....


hi,get an international drivers permit from the AA,and if the cars comprehensivly insured you are covered for everything.

Conversely, if you don't get an IDP you will be driving illegally and not be insured.

what a load of rubbish !

Sorry but its you who are wrong...........!!

Quite simply as the previous poster states driving without the IDP will invalidate the Insurance within any accident as the FIRST thing bar none the Loss Adjustor will ask for is the TWO licences..........

Ones of zero value without the other for Insurance purposes. Your home Country licence will satisfy any random Police Stop though.....

If this is so i ask if a Farang has a car accident in Thailand while driving a car bought/registered not his name, which insurance company is more likely to cover the damages? Foreign or Thai insurance...


If this is so i ask if a Farang has a car accident in Thailand while driving a car bought/registered not his name, which insurance company is more likely to cover the damages? Foreign or Thai insurance...

If your living here.. have insurance in your name and a car.. how hard is it to spend half a day or a day to get a Thai driving license. Will save you a lot in the end as it can be used for other things too.

I really don't get it with people here living in this country and not getting a license here. Its so easy (unless you don't have the right visa)


Driven 1000's of miles in Thailand with just a UK license ,,,never had a problem ,To be honest I've never been asked to produce.

You wont have a problem with a UK licence because you haven't had a crash...........!!

The boys in brown even if you're stopped will accept a couple of reds but the loss adjustor in the event of a claim will want to see the IDP........Immediate claim denied if you haven't.............

Its the same as when I worked for an Insurance Company..........

Its when you total a 10 Million Baht Mercedes that you need to start to worry.



Couldn't quote your last question for some reason............

Answer to your question is neither.....

No Insurance will pay and the very first thing they do is check licence validity. No licence and question number 2 on the Claims adjustor list doesn't get read.............Claim denied.


If this is so i ask if a Farang has a car accident in Thailand while driving a car bought/registered not his name, which insurance company is more likely to cover the damages? Foreign or Thai insurance...

If your living here.. have insurance in your name and a car.. how hard is it to spend half a day or a day to get a Thai driving license. Will save you a lot in the end as it can be used for other things too.

I really don't get it with people here living in this country and not getting a license here. Its so easy (unless you don't have the right visa)

Sorry for straying the OP just a nudge but it is not that easy for me concerning my personal circumstances, i am not living there but reside 3-4 months a year in transition to my permanent residence. Thank for your reply, my fellow Dutchman.

I'll explain:



For peace of mind I found it easier just to get a Thai DL.

First one was for 12 months with the second valid for 5 years.

The latest is the new coloured one which because of DoB came in at just under 6 years validity and the picture on it is of a really "ansom guy..??.

Had to do the eyesight and stopping test plus sit and watch the video...about 40 minutes but that was it.(Chiang Mai)

Also ..

it doubles up and as an ID and accepted on domestic air routes ,checking in to hotels,Thai entrance prices and chats with the bank manager/ judges in local courtrooms....anything that makes life easier...s"rite init.....surely ...

...and I dont even live there.

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Thanks everyone for all your thoughts, sorry to post and then dissapear I have had some realy heavy stuff to deal with since i posted and i have not been on TV since , Ironicaly its regarding a large property insurance claim , and them trying to get out of paying up via the small print !! .. I am having to get lawyers in to get through it all ..

So I will be using my IDL that i picked up from the PO for £5.50 took 5 mins all i needed was a pasport photo and my photo licence including Paper counterpart !!!!. will be getting my Thai licence also the first chance i get , on a tourist visa this visit , but may try it on that if i have a spare half a day . I know some people say it needs to be a non tourist visa ,and others not ? .... and i have already asked the Fiancee to check with insurance company ....How rediculouse was the post "I have driven thousands of miles in LOS and never had a problem , but never been stopped or had an accident though "?.......I hope it was a joke .....

My current situation just shows the insurance companys will use any discrepencie to get out of any claim , they are totaly ruthless , Its a simple calculation to them

1 how much is the claim ?

2 How much time and cost is it to investigate the claim ?

3 is it worth the difference to investigate ?

simple the worse your accident the less likely they are to pay if you have not crossed all your t's and dottted the I's then you could end up realy screwed

It Happened to a good friend some years back , he Killed a guy , (Jumped out in front of him) and insurance tried to get out of paying because he had not declared the wheels where not original ,(any modifications clause ). He had bought the car from a main dealer and didnt know any thing about the slight difference in wheels !

It was hard enough coming to terms with someone splattered over the front of the car ! but then the lousey insurance nearly ruining his financial life . They paid up in the end , but it was a fight !


Driven 1000's of miles in Thailand with just a UK license ,,,never had a problem ,To be honest I've never been asked to produce.

You wont have a problem with a UK licence because you haven't had a crash...........!!

The boys in brown even if you're stopped will accept a couple of reds but the loss adjustor in the event of a claim will want to see the IDP........Immediate claim denied if you haven't.............

Its the same as when I worked for an Insurance Company..........

Its when you total a 10 Million Baht Mercedes that you need to start to worry.


Yep !

just seen a post that it's only £5.50 for an IDL/IDP...If that helps ,next time i'm planning on going over i'll apply for one .


Driven 1000's of miles in Thailand with just a UK license ,,,never had a problem ,To be honest I've never been asked to produce.

You wont have a problem with a UK licence because you haven't had a crash...........!!

The boys in brown even if you're stopped will accept a couple of reds but the loss adjustor in the event of a claim will want to see the IDP........Immediate claim denied if you haven't.............

Its the same as when I worked for an Insurance Company..........

Its when you total a 10 Million Baht Mercedes that you need to start to worry.

No,l they don't, IDP is NOT required.

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