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Rumoured Attack On Myanmar By Thailand And USA

Jai Dee

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FM Dr Kantathi plays down rumors of iminent attack on Myanmar by Thailand and USA

Foreign Affairs Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon (กันตธีร์ ศุภมงคล) has turned down rumors that indicated Thailand and the United States will attack Myanmar.

Mr. Kantathee declined news from Irrawady News Agency which reported that the Myanmese government was concerned it may be assaulted by Thailand and the United States in the future. The foreign minister affirmed that the Thai government would definitly not carry out such action, and it was ready to make clarifications to Myanmar should requests be made.

Concerning the Thai government's role and stance towards the development of democracy in Myanmar, Mr. Kantathee said Thailand wants Myanmar to allow ASEAN representatives to observe the progress, as it is believed that this would help to foster understanding between Myanmar and other countries around the world.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 Febuary 2006

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FM Dr Kantathi plays down rumors of iminent attack on Myanmar by Thailand and USA

Foreign Affairs Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon (กันตธีร์ ศุภมงคล) has turned down rumors that indicated Thailand and the United States will attack Myanmar.

Mr. Kantathee declined news from Irrawady News Agency which reported that the Myanmese government was concerned it may be assaulted by Thailand and the United States in the future. The foreign minister affirmed that the Thai government would definitly not carry out such action, and it was ready to make clarifications to Myanmar should requests be made.

Concerning the Thai government's role and stance towards the development of democracy in Myanmar, Mr. Kantathee said Thailand wants Myanmar to allow ASEAN representatives to observe the progress, as it is believed that this would help to foster understanding between Myanmar and other countries around the world.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 Febuary 2006


Kanthati & Condi discussing the Invasion of Bummer (Me & Ma) :o

Edited by ratcatcher
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The danger in Thailand taking action against Burma is that the Burmese know the secret to defeating the Thai army. You take any vehicle and put it in the path of the Thai tanks. When the tank hits the vehicle the tank driver will instinctively take off running. :o


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The danger in Thailand taking action against Burma is that the Burmese know the secret to defeating the Thai army. You take any vehicle and put it in the path of the Thai tanks. When the tank hits the vehicle the tank driver will instinctively take off running. :D


Are they the same tanks as the Italians use, 1 forward gear and 20 reverse? :o

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The danger in Thailand taking action against Burma is that the Burmese know the secret to defeating the Thai army. You take any vehicle and put it in the path of the Thai tanks. When the tank hits the vehicle the tank driver will instinctively take off running. :D


Are they the same tanks as the Italians use, 1 forward gear and 20 reverse? :o

If you would drive a FIAT tank, you would do the same :D

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Regime Nervous About US and Thai Intentions

By The Irrawaddy

February 07, 2006

A “top secret” document obtained by The Irrawaddy reveals that Burma’s military leaders are fearful of possible attack or invasion by the US, and closely monitors Thailand, which is one of the US’s most important allies in the region.

The document indicates that junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe, who is also commander of the armed forces, and other top army leaders including army commander and junta number two Deputy Snr-Gen Maung Aye, had instructed the armed forces to prepare “for the worst and hope for the best.”

The leaders warned that the country must be guarded against an alleged destruction plan by the US Central Intelligence Agency. The administration of President George W Bush remains one of the Burmese regime’s most vocal critics, and some observers believe that the regime’s decision to move its administrative capital to Pyinmana, central Burma, was based on fears of a US invasion, as well as other security worries.

The secret document says regional commanders were told to watch or monitor the activities of the chief opposition party, the National League for Democracy, which won a general election in 1990, which was ignored by the regime.

The document also indicates that one top army commander reportedly said that if the US bombs Rangoon, or second city Mandalay, “we have to make sure to kill all NLD members.” The NLD would otherwise be used as US stooges, the document suggests. The military leaders called for troops to remain on the alert and to keep monitoring NLD strength, noting those who were strong supporters of the party and the hardliners among them.

Burmese leaders were uncomfortable about the US’s close relations with Thailand, particularly after US President George W Bush publicly announced the designation of Thailand as a “major non-NATO Ally” during his visit to Thailand in October 2003.

The document also says that senior military leaders wanted to counter Thailand’s annual joint military exercises with the US, known as “Cobra Gold.” It adds that Burma will match “Cobra Gold” with an “Operation Hawk,” though it did not elaborate on the nature of this exercise.

The Thai annual exercise once took place along the Thai-Burmese border. That exercise was held under the command of former Thai army chief Gen Surayuth Chulanont, setting off alarm bells in Rangoon.

The deep-seated mistrust between Burma and Thailand dates back centuries to the wars between Siamese and Burmese rulers, culminating in the destruction of the Siamese capital, Ayutthaya, in 1767.

The two countries continue to monitor the activities of each other’s armed forces.

Photo shows Thaksin monitoring the Junta's activities. & A U.S.Soldier monitoring Thai troops

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FM Dr Kantathi plays down rumors of iminent attack on Myanmar by Thailand and USA

Foreign Affairs Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon (กันตธีร์ ศุภมงคล) has turned down rumors that indicated Thailand and the United States will attack Myanmar.

Mr. Kantathee declined news from Irrawady News Agency which reported that the Myanmese government was concerned it may be assaulted by Thailand and the United States in the future. The foreign minister affirmed that the Thai government would definitly not carry out such action, and it was ready to make clarifications to Myanmar should requests be made.

Concerning the Thai government's role and stance towards the development of democracy in Myanmar, Mr. Kantathee said Thailand wants Myanmar to allow ASEAN representatives to observe the progress, as it is believed that this would help to foster understanding between Myanmar and other countries around the world.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 Febuary 2006


This is really too stupid to actually comment on.

I guess you guys stumbled onto the conspiracy. I am coming to BKK on the 14th on a Gulf Air flight from Bahrain. I am going to be the leader of the invasion of Myamar. The HQ will be out of the NANA Entertainment Center. We will be sending waves of Thai bargirls to overpower Rangoon.

Now that you lnow the full details the U.S. government will have to kill you.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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FM Dr Kantathi plays down rumors of iminent attack on Myanmar by Thailand and USA

Foreign Affairs Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon (กันตธีร์ ศุภมงคล) has turned down rumors that indicated Thailand and the United States will attack Myanmar.

Mr. Kantathee declined news from Irrawady News Agency which reported that the Myanmese government was concerned it may be assaulted by Thailand and the United States in the future. The foreign minister affirmed that the Thai government would definitly not carry out such action, and it was ready to make clarifications to Myanmar should requests be made.

Concerning the Thai government's role and stance towards the development of democracy in Myanmar, Mr. Kantathee said Thailand wants Myanmar to allow ASEAN representatives to observe the progress, as it is believed that this would help to foster understanding between Myanmar and other countries around the world.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 Febuary 2006


This is really too stupid to actually comment on.

I guess you guys stumbled onto the conspiracy. I am coming to BKK on the 14th on a Gulf Air flight from Bahrain. I am going to be the leader of the invasion of Myamar. The HQ will be out of the NANA Entertainment Center. We will be sending waves of Thai bargirls to overpower Rangoon.

Now that you lnow the full details the U.S. government will have to kill you.


Which bar will you be recruiting from, :D READY TO REPORT FOR DUTY SIR

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The danger in Thailand taking action against Burma is that the Burmese know the secret to defeating the Thai army. You take any vehicle and put it in the path of the Thai tanks. When the tank hits the vehicle the tank driver will instinctively take off running. :D


Are they the same tanks as the Italians use, 1 forward gear and 20 reverse? :o

Yes, the forward gear was necessary in the unhappy circumstances of an attack from the rear. Ciao!

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What would be the legal basis for such an attack? Sure Burma is not a democracy and Bush does not like that, since only democracies bring prosperty and peace, is his view. Look around and try to find evidence for this presumption! Thailand is a democracy also not that I noticed. Lately Hamas won the democratic conducted elections in the Palestine State and see how they all react now, those in favour of democracy as that was not what they wanted to happen.

An attack on Burma would only punish once more (the blockade only effects the poor not the junta leaders!) the common and extremely poor people. That would be a shame! They don't deserve this!

And what is there to gain for the USA? For Thailand there will be only losses in the form of a never ending conflict at its borders, not to mention its position in the ASEAN organisation that would become extremely difficult if not impossible. For the USA the only possible reason could be to regain its moral prestige, of which they have not much left, but I never saw the USA go to war for such a "small" thing . . . I don't think emeralds, jadeit, pearls, silk and teak wood are worth the fight for the USA!

Edited by Sangsom
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I could see the current US regime doing either of two things:

1) a commando hit-and-run extraction of Aung San Suu Kyi, or

2) a quick air strike

Think about it, if they pulled #1 then of course she would grateful but at the same time be beholden to her new captors, who would trot her out in front of cameras. World tours, standing ovations, etc, like when Mandala got out of jail. Finally, a non-American is publicly stating "Uncle Sam is ok." Great publcity move, good old fashioned American heroism, cavalry to the rescue, etc. Maybe even (shudder!) a peace prize for Condie Rice. The regime's party has been pushing for some good press for the upcoming mid-term elections.

What role would Thailand play? The operation would be out of UThapao, or some other US parking lot in the kingdom. Not that the Thais wouldn't eagerly participate in a full-out invasion. Anyone who's been anywhere near Ranong can tell you how much the Thais despise the Burmese.

The US doesn't have enough soldiers for an invasion. But maybe they can outsource it to India, like they do with the call centers.

But it is probably all hogwash. A few months ago Myanmar moved its capitol, almost on a moment's notice, on fear of invasion, to somewhere in the back of beyond. But just because you're paramoid...

Hey, I really liked that joke about the Thais running away from the collision!

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Once again, Thai media takes the truth and puts a little twist in it just to enrage the Thai population.

Here is an update from The Irrawaddy New website (http://www.irrawaddy.org/)

The Irrawaddy Clarifies Report on Thai-Burmese Relations

February, 10, 2006—The Irrawaddy on Friday corrected reports from Bangkok about its story on a recent secret meeting of senior Burmese generals, when relations were discussed. The original story, carried on The Irrawaddy’s online service on Tuesday, said the generals expressed concern about a possible attack on Burma by the US, at the same time pointing out that they closely monitored military affairs in Thailand in the context of its close relationship with the US. There was no suggestion of concern about any unilateral threat from Thailand, a Burmese neighbor, as suggested to Thai Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon by Thai reporters. The story also said Thailand and Burma have historically monitored the activities of each other’s armed forces.

Irrawaddy Publishing Group

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No Mr. Sierra1 I'm not french, I'm swiss and was born and live parttime on the border to France and Italy (named the friendship triangle). I have many french, italian and european friends who I respect, and are nice people.

But it seems that most of the anglo-saxons populating this forum have a great pleasure to denigrate France,the french people and others european countries; especially the US one.

Do you think, you ...US citizens are better than us because of your greater military power, do you think that we have to agree with your opinions, do you think that you're right for everything, do you think that we are able to eat your crappy food ?

Do you think you have the right to generate 25% of the world air pollution while beeing only 5% of the world population, only for your comfort ? Do you think it's pleasant to read your stupid sarcastics comments on this forum day by day ? Don't you think it's time for you to stop complaining about Thailand is not like at home, mocking thai people, etc.

If you don't find what you are looking for here, then go back home. I read this forum for a long time already but I'm not a heavy poster, and most of the time there is only complains about this or that . I don't know why you come here?

I'll be flamed but I don't care. :o

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I can expect the Burmese junta to be, and to act, paranoid and insanely. Is this the first or the 931st time they've admitted being afraid of an invasion?

I suspect that if American or Thai military forces came to 'extract' the Lady of Burma, Aung Sahn Suu Kyi, she'd insist that they not take her out of Burma.

Burma is not on the radar screen of the puppeteers who handle George W. Bush. It's great that Condi Rice and Colin Powell have stood up for The Lady, but it's all talk. Iran is next in the target of the World's Only Remaining, Rapidly Declining, Debt-Increasing Superpower.

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No Mr. Sierra1 I'm not french, I'm swiss and was born and live parttime on the border to France and Italy (named the friendship triangle). I have many french, italian and european friends who I respect, and are nice people.

But it seems that most of the anglo-saxons populating this forum have a great pleasure to denigrate France,the french people and others european countries; especially the US one.

Do you think, you ...US citizens are better than us because of your greater military power, do you think that we have to agree with your opinions, do you think that you're right for everything, do you think that we are able to eat your crappy food ?

Do you think you have the right to generate 25% of the world air pollution while beeing only 5% of the world population, only for your comfort ? Do you think it's pleasant to read your stupid sarcastics comments on this forum day by day ? Don't you think it's time for you to stop complaining about Thailand is not like at home, mocking thai people, etc.

If you don't find what you are looking for here, then go back home. I read this forum for a long time already but I'm not a heavy poster, and most of the time there is only complains about this or that . I don't know why you come here?

Wow, you sure bite well :D

And by the way I'm English :o

I'll be flamed but I don't care. :D

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I can expect the Burmese junta to be, and to act, paranoid and insanely. Is this the first or the 931st time they've admitted being afraid of an invasion?

I suspect that if American or Thai military forces came to 'extract' the Lady of Burma, Aung Sahn Suu Kyi, she'd insist that they not take her out of Burma.

Burma is not on the radar screen of the puppeteers who handle George W. Bush. It's great that Condi Rice and Colin Powell have stood up for The Lady, but it's all talk. Iran is next in the target of the World's Only Remaining, Rapidly Declining, Debt-Increasing Superpower.

Are you on drugs?

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Mr. Sierra1,

Yes I'm able to bite well (though I will not name it biting), as the cows combatdereines2ul.th.jpg in our mountains can. :D After all, I'm only a primitive inhabitant of the old continent, living in a primitive hut on top of the peaks. Are you expecting more about me ? :D

People of my province (named "canton" there because we speak french) are well known to be a kind of rustic but very friendly people. Everybody is welcomed to enjoy our sceneries and everything that the region has to offer -> Le Valais.

It's the first time I write "mon coup de gueule" here, but it have to happen one or another day. So please, restrain to systematically mocks the french and europeans. :o Maybe funny for you, but surely not for us.

PS: If you could avoid to mix your comment with the 'quote' it will be more readable, thanks. :D

Edited by Wallalai
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:D:D Let me get this straight there are those here that actually assume there is some sort of creditable veracity to this dream state moon bat story of a USA/Thai invasion of Myanmar?

Man the US must be hel_l on wheels and bent on world domination cause it seems to be accused of having numerous imminent plans in progress to attack other nations if all that is printed and spun by opposition pundit networks on the net and via the press are true?

Similar to this imminent Myanmar attack, there are announced attacks in the thug speak of Hugo “the Buff” Chavez “who is preparing his people” for what he insists is an imminent USA attack on Venezuela.

There are other likewise recent expressions of similar imminent plans for a USA attack by Fidel “the pale” Castro as to Cuba repeated now on to 50 years or so.

Similarly ranting by Chavez’s lap dog, his fellow socialist in Argentina who is saying the USA is about to attack Argentina along with Venezuela and Hints of the same from this new fellow in Bolivia as well.

We heard similar plans are imminent for 20 years from the President of North Korea Kim “mentally IL” Sung that the USA is about to attack North Korea any day now.

Of course we have the illegal “Gosh we sure miss Saddam” invasion / liberation of Iraq so popularly exhibited as an example as to the veracity of all these plans by the USA.

Additionally, we have the President of Iran, Mahmoud “ The blacked eyed grime ripper” Ahmadinejad, saying the EU and the USA are about to attack Iran and Syria.

Notably and credible confirmation by none other than Scott “the slammer” Ritter, the well known Washington insider that we all know is so in touch with the USA’s plans these days, saying our, the USA, plans include a June 2006 attack on Iran and Syria.

Then conversely and oddly contradictorily, We have the majority of the EU essentially incapable of ex-continental warfare and thusly unlikely to attack anyone. ( exampled by its inability to put together a 25K man EU strike force planned for years now)

Additionally, we have the world and US press corps and most particularly political pundits within the USA saying the US military is broken and desperately weakened over its involvement Iraq and Afghanistan, not able to recruit nor supply itself and the all important punditry as to USA being about to collapse economically.

All giving rise, there from, if factual and honestly spun, to one rationally deducing that the USA should be incapable of attacking everyone else at all, much less these widely dispersed 6 to 8 countries it is accused of plotting and being imminently ready to attack.

Leaving one to wonder what is true and what is not. Can you be falling apart and planning such costly and widely diverse military actions at the same time?

Is it me or is this just more of this fashionably popular wiping boy syndrome of late, gone, once again, amuck, much like free press right but unnecessary Euro hate speak presentations about Mohammad giving rise to a deep seeded intolerance and over reaction by Islam and the west.

I guess someone must be blamed for others self induced failures and self flagellations hey! Why not the USA as it is a fashionable and trendy thing to do these days and has been such for some time by many of the same pundits.

My opine anyway. :o

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his fellow socialist in Argentina who is saying the USA is about to attack Argentina

I'm in Argentina at the moment. Hadn't heard anything like this.

Maybe it had something to do the with date I had a few nights ago: after that makeout session she knew the next encounter would involve further aggression and has been blabbing about it. :o

I've been coming down here for over two years, and not a day goes by when something pertaining to the Falklands does not appear in the newspaper.

Now just the other day Chavez was railing that Argentina should take them by force. I think Uncle Nestor is a pretty shrewd operator, probably the sharpest of the current Latin American crop. Chavez is throwing his $ around and Kirchner sings his tune to keep the coins coming his way, but he's also pretty chummy with Shrub when the other guys ain't around. I think Nestor could give a rat's ass about those islands, save as lip service, after all he has to console the citizens who lost family in that idiotic incident.

Chavez has been trying to justify an arms build-up. About a week ago he said Venezuela should have a standing army of 1 million and needed to buy a shitload of AK-47s to fight off he pending US invasion. This made me laugh. (I watch local news as well as CNN and BBC, I get stuff that doesn't circulate much outside the region.)

Actually, the US and Venezuela have a pretty good relationship, exchanging oil and money. Shrub rails against Chavez, invoking 1950s anti-commie nostalgia, and Chavez gets to mouth off and be the great post-colonial hero. And all nations down here welcome his money. It's like one of those dueling-knucklehead political TV shows.

Anyway, try to dig up articles on Myanmar moving it's capitol on practically a moment's notice from a few months ago, it's almost a 3 Stooges plot.

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