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Schedule For Obama's Visit To Thailand 18-19 November 2012


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and all those silliness for not even 24h in the country ? what a waste of tax money ....

waste of tax money? what the heck are you thinking. Should he spend a week in Thailand and would that make it "worth the taxpayers' money?"

I think you are just whining because you like to whine.

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They should learn to tele commute by now - why is it they can watch the bin laden raid live as it happened but can't pick up the video phone to talk trade. Oh - never mind - I see they don't even have working 3g or internet in most of this country yet - Well - I guess being the travel hub of Asian he had to land here to catch a mini bus to Rangoon. Hope king power does not scam him at the airport or he may have to make a deal with tony.

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

Of course my choice lost but that is not my issue with president Obama. He may be a fine family man and probably is. I would enjoy sitting down with him and having a Leo and discussing our different points of view. I was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt in the first election as I thought maybe he would surround himself with advisors that could bring the American economy back up to par. I was mistaken. My problem with him is that he had absolutely no managerial background or experience. He never had any business experience even a paper route or ice cream stand, nada. He was a community organizer and that was it. Had he engaged competent people in his administration and put the economy back on its feet, lowered unemployment and fixed the housing crisis I would still support him. Instead he did the opposite. He promised no new taxes on the middle class. Well he did the opposite. Most everything he promised in his campaign he either did not do or did the opposite. He also said during his campaign all bills would be on the internet for so many days for every American to see exactly what they contained. It was a lie. Not one was put on the Internet. So without writing a book here (which I could do) I'll let it go at that as why I do not support him now. But there are many other reasons.

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Anyway, the U.S. presidential election is over and the race for 2016 doesn't officially start for a few ... MONTHS ... yet.

You bet. Looks like we will have a fine old time debating the next election to be.

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Obama to visit Wat Pho

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Wat Prachetupon or Wat Pho will be closed this Sunday starting from 10am to welcome visiting US President Barrack Obama, the temple's deputy abbot Phra Udornkanarak said yesterday.

Obama will visit four spots in the temple; Ubosoth, the Reclining Buddha, Phra Maha Jedi and the Thai traditional massage sculptures.

"Phra Sutheethanmanuwat will act as a guide for the US president, who is scheduled to arrive at the temple at 4pm. He is expected to tour the temple for 45 minutes," the abbot said.

The visit is at the initiative of the US Embassy in Bangkok, which contacted the temple before the US presidential election early this month. Obama beat Mitt Romney in the voting and is continuing his second term as the president.

The monk quoted US Ambassador Kristie Kenney as saying that Wat Pho is the most beautiful temple of the world. "The temple and Thailand would like to thank the ambassador for helping to choose the temple, which has certainly helped disseminate Thailand's reputation.

Unesco's Memory of the World award was granted to Wat Pho, known also as the temple of the Reclining Buddha, on March 2008. The Thai traditional massage sculptures are well known all over the world.

Each day, about 10,000 tourists visit the temple, half of them were foreigners, the monk said.

The temple was the first public university of Thailand and a centre of knowledge for many subjects.


-- The Nation 2012-11-15

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What no Thai Massage? blink.png or a saunter down the Suk for a few American labels..

No Thai massage but, YES to Thai room service ..... Coffee?, Tea?, Me?????....wink.png

If Pres. Obama does get "an itch he can't scratch himself," the guy he will turn to is called a bodyman. There is a new guy now, but this guy did that until late last year.

Yet Reggie, a charismatic and immaculately dressed 26-year-old from Charlotte, North Carolina, spends more time with Mr Obama than anyone else - even the First Lady, Michelle Obama. For he is the President’s ‘bodyman’.

The bodyman is a curiously American political appointment, dating back to the first U.S. president George Washington, who paid his assistant Tobias Lear £250 a year to act as valet, secretary, bodyguard and general factotum.

Love is expected to shadow the President at all times, rarely straying more than a body length away from him during his waking hours.

It is Reggie who holds Mr Obama’s BlackBerry, dials the numbers on his mobile phone, briefs the White House chef on what the President would like for lunch and what he would like to drink.

Every time Mr Obama leaves for a meeting, Reggie hands him his suit jacket and dabs any spots on his tie with a stain removal pen.

He will make sure the Oval Office kitchen is stocked with the President’s favourite energy snacks - including handmade milk chocolates from Fran’s Chocolates in Seattle, peanuts and raisins, roasted almonds and pistachios and chocolate roasted peanut bars.

He always has a pack of the President’s favourite chewing gum - Dentyne Ice - and dispenses nicotine gum. (Mr Obama is a secret smoker with a penchant for Marlboro cigarettes but promised Michelle he would quit if he ran for the White House.)

And he’ll always have a pen and notepad.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2CHqcGQBq

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and all those silliness for not even 24h in the country ? what a waste of tax money ....

Imagine the comments if he was planning to stay a WEEK ... crazy.gif

he is too busy to stay a week in Thailand ... LOL

That is correct, and he is too busy to stay two DAYS as well.

No one would give him a tee time.

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and all those silliness for not even 24h in the country ? what a waste of tax money ....

Imagine the comments if he was planning to stay a WEEK ... crazy.gif

he is too busy to stay a week in Thailand ... LOL

He has campaigned for 5 years. Why is he short on time now? No more campaigning.

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Wanna see his digs?

Located on the ninth floor, the Rajadamri Suite is the Hotel's premier accommodation, eminently suitable for those requiring the highest degree of comfort and luxury.

Go ahead Obama haters, tell us how he should be staying at the IBIS economy hotel or better yet should have stayed home... tongue.png

I am not an Obama hater but I agree he should have stayed at home for all the good it will do America for him to meet with this clone PM and her inept, totally corrupt lap dogs.

If you can tolerate Obama you should be able to tolerate Yingluck.

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Modern presidents always take foreign trips. That's what they do. There is no grounds for complaint. OK, maybe there is for radical fringe isolationists but they are very far out of mainstream of American political life.

Leaders generally take trips abroad when they are unpopular at home and don't want to speak to the public.

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

I'll answer that one.

Obama is a habitual liar. He has not accomplished anything but Obamacare which will sink the country. He is transforming the USA into a socialist economy where the a free market has put the USA as number 1 on the planet. He has done nothing for the unemployment because he wants people subsidized by the government so he can maintain their vote. Same as Yingluck by the way. But one correction, has accomplished being elected multiple times. That's just for starters at the moment.

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Laughing at all these people commenting that have absolutely no concept of foreign relations.

Wahhh, he doesn't come to our country.

Wahh he's coming to our country.

Wahh he didn't stay long enough.

Waste of tax money?

He brought his own security.

How is reminding Americans that Thailand exists a bad thing?

How is showing Thais that American respects them a bad thing?

Can't believe some of you came all this way just to be the same ignorant trolls you were back home.

It seems that there is an entire "colony" of Thai Visa users whose very existence revolves around reading every story and trying their very best to find something negative in the story that they can whine and moan about. It's either Obama or Yingluck or Taksin or taxi drivers or the weather or the food or the bar girls or the traffic or the thai people in general or you name it. It must be a very sad life to live NEVER being able to find something positive to say about anyone or the country you have chosen to live in and the world that we all share. Obviously the "power of positive thinking" is something that has completely eluded many of these "nattering nabobs of negativity".

You just don't understand because you haven't been here long enough.

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Obama is sheduled to visit shadowinn

At 6.45pm

Since the inn host lots of low end us travellers to bangkok

And provide free food. And support them if they have any difficulty and money collected by shadowinn is donated to cancer patients from around the globe

He heared about this fantastic organization in us. So he had personally marked on his blackberry to visit shadowinn during this trip to bangkok

News source Ap press

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