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Please Help With Visa Refused Australia Subclass 676

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A few words of caution from a boring old fart. Please make sure that you know the difference between infatuation and love. In your first post the references to high levels of excitement, cant be without each other for a minute, hanging on every word is infatuation not love - I went through this a couple of times too in my youth. Although the former is a very powerful feeling it lasts about 6 months at the most - then just good (or sometimes bad) friends. So my advice is don't get married, even for the sake of making the visa easier to get - which it wont for some time in any case. Take a good hard look at yourself and your GF and think a few years ahead if you can. A marriage which fails will be bad for both of you and your families.

But if you are positive that you can have a good future together then I hope you can get your visa and take her to Australia to see if she likes it. The Embassy will be realistic in its decisions - so wait and show real proof of a long relationship and that they can be reasonably confident she will return to Thailand.

On using teenage text language I think you are overdoing it. I went to school in Australia with children and young adults from many non English speaking countries and they all learned to speak and write English (well Australian at least!).

I hope it all works out for the best for both of you.

Have to agree with 'bra' on that one. I'm an ol' fart as well and sorry to be a tad off-topic to your questions, but I reckon I would have been able to read and understand your whole situation in less than half the time, had all have been written in plain English.

I'm sure if all of your communication with the department is plainly written..........They won't have to blink as much and may get a better handle on the whole situation.

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

I think you are trying too hard in the wrong areas (tattoo's, pics of the two of you/pics with her family,promising unconditional love for each other etc:). As one poster suggested - cut out the silly 'teen talk' and employing a spell checker might also be a good idea.

Try to approach this in a more adult fashion than you are currently. I cannot stress how important this aspect is your communication with the appraisers of your application as they will sense your immaturity very early on (as seems to be the case in what you have submitted to them in your initial application) ie: If you carry on the way you are then I very much doubt that you will have any success the next time of asking.

Remember. this is a huge decision in your life that will affect the remainder of it. Unless you treat this in a more mature manner then I worry that it is all going to (NB: NOT gonna) end in tears and cost you a fortune into the bargain!!!

Reflect for a while on what has happened so far and get your act together - try not to do anything too rash either (well not any more than you have done so to this point anyway).

Finally, consider whether all of this effort and money is going to be worth it - she might be the love of your life at this juncture but will this be the case in 2 years time.

Whatever you do, for christ's sake don't get married in a desperate attempt to prove your undying love for each other as this will achieve absolutely NOTHING in your quest to be with her - it could even backfire and work against you giving you major problems that might prove insurmountable!!!

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I read the OP, and no more.

YOU ARE NUTS !! Sorry, but I can't be any kinder.

You will be seen as no more than an ATM, and she and the family will take more than you have got. GET A GRIP!! You sound to me like somebody who has just had his first sexual experience??

I had difficulty understanding the pre pubescent schoolgirl jargon also. You say you write like that because you hate writing, but have you given a thought to the reader. I can't imagine anybody who would enjoy reading that crap, and that's IF they could understand it.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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A few words of caution from a boring old fart. Please make sure that you know the difference between infatuation and love. In your first post the references to high levels of excitement, cant be without each other for a minute, hanging on every word is infatuation not love - I went through this a couple of times too in my youth. Although the former is a very powerful feeling it lasts about 6 months at the most - then just good (or sometimes bad) friends. So my advice is don't get married, even for the sake of making the visa easier to get - which it wont for some time in any case. Take a good hard look at yourself and your GF and think a few years ahead if you can. A marriage which fails will be bad for both of you and your families.

But if you are positive that you can have a good future together then I hope you can get your visa and take her to Australia to see if she likes it. The Embassy will be realistic in its decisions - so wait and show real proof of a long relationship and that they can be reasonably confident she will return to Thailand.

On using teenage text language I think you are overdoing it. I went to school in Australia with children and young adults from many non English speaking countries and they all learned to speak and write English (well Australian at least!).

I hope it all works out for the best for both of you.

Have to agree with 'bra' on that one. I'm an ol' fart as well and sorry to be a tad off-topic to your questions, but I reckon I would have been able to read and understand your whole situation in less than half the time, had all have been written in plain English.

I'm sure if all of your communication with the department is plainly written..........They won't have to blink as much and may get a better handle on the whole situation.

as i said before all paper work was prepared PROPERLY im sory that most of he time that im replying to posts im at work and dont have time to duck out evey hour for 5 minutes so i write quick and i guessu can understand what im sying

And for those (Old/Young) that i made it difficult to read my posts sorry OK.

But still appreciate all the good/bad advice im geting

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A few words of caution from a boring old fart. Please make sure that you know the difference between infatuation and love. In your first post the references to high levels of excitement, cant be without each other for a minute, hanging on every word is infatuation not love - I went through this a couple of times too in my youth. Although the former is a very powerful feeling it lasts about 6 months at the most - then just good (or sometimes bad) friends. So my advice is don't get married, even for the sake of making the visa easier to get - which it wont for some time in any case. Take a good hard look at yourself and your GF and think a few years ahead if you can. A marriage which fails will be bad for both of you and your families.

But if you are positive that you can have a good future together then I hope you can get your visa and take her to Australia to see if she likes it. The Embassy will be realistic in its decisions - so wait and show real proof of a long relationship and that they can be reasonably confident she will return to Thailand.

On using teenage text language I think you are overdoing it. I went to school in Australia with children and young adults from many non English speaking countries and they all learned to speak and write English (well Australian at least!).

I hope it all works out for the best for both of you.

also i agree with u about infatuation and love because after my first i was thinking about her everyday until the day i was flying out and thought do i realy love her? what am i doing where am i going got cold feet i guess but when got there as soon as i saw her was happy without her feels like something is missing and that has nothing to do with sex or anything just see her smile makes me happy.

but mentioning about marrage is kind of silly because nva been down that road before and dont want to marry the wrong girl but these days what r the statistics on devorce? many people i know have been devorced 30 years ago i think there wasless devorces IM JUST GUESSING.

So that is why i just want tourist visa not fiance or partner visa, but realy want to see her soon

But mayne thing is yes ur right the exitment has died down and i have a difficult personality fight with her every 3 days but she still puts up with my shit and dosnt back down thats 1 of the reasons i Love her otherwise itl b boring

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

I think you are trying too hard in the wrong areas (tattoo's, pics of the two of you/pics with her family,promising unconditional love for each other etc:). As one poster suggested - cut out the silly 'teen talk' and employing a spell checker might also be a good idea.

Try to approach this in a more adult fashion than you are currently. I cannot stress how important this aspect is your communication with the appraisers of your application as they will sense your immaturity very early on (as seems to be the case in what you have submitted to them in your initial application) ie: If you carry on the way you are then I very much doubt that you will have any success the next time of asking.

Remember. this is a huge decision in your life that will affect the remainder of it. Unless you treat this in a more mature manner then I worry that it is all going to (NB: NOT gonna) end in tears and cost you a fortune into the bargain!!!

Reflect for a while on what has happened so far and get your act together - try not to do anything too rash either (well not any more than you have done so to this point anyway).

Finally, consider whether all of this effort and money is going to be worth it - she might be the love of your life at this juncture but will this be the case in 2 years time.

Whatever you do, for christ's sake don't get married in a desperate attempt to prove your undying love for each other as this will achieve absolutely NOTHING in your quest to be with her - it could even backfire and work against you giving you major problems that might prove insurmountable!!!

ok like i said before appliction was prepared properly without any Silly tenage talk stat Dec but emails were in a silly languge mainly from her side cos shes not the best at english and you will say neither am i but what ever il skip that 1 cant b botherd talking bout english lessons

In regards marrage i do want to spend more time with here before making big decision also its not uncomon for marages to end early after being married to people from overseas some time works some tie dosnt

But appreciate ur advice Cheers

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I read the OP, and no more.

YOU ARE NUTS !! Sorry, but I can't be any kinder.

You will be seen as no more than an ATM, and she and the family will take more than you have got. GET A GRIP!! You sound to me like somebody who has just had his first sexual experience??

I had difficulty understanding the pre pubescent schoolgirl jargon also. You say you write like that because you hate writing, but have you given a thought to the reader. I can't imagine anybody who would enjoy reading that crap, and that's IF they could understand it.

thats ok cos i got a shit load of debts so they can take that but like i said 4 Times IM NOT GETING MARRIED and will go for tourist visa things change every day.

No i have not given a thought to the reader just joined came on and posted many people has actualy gave me good advice and were able and UNDERSTAND what my situation is if u dont like then never check this post again mate

And thanks to those that can read and Understand my posts maybe lets get back to the subject?

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

I think you are trying too hard in the wrong areas (tattoo's, pics of the two of you/pics with her family,promising unconditional love for each other etc:). As one poster suggested - cut out the silly 'teen talk' and employing a spell checker might also be a good idea.

Try to approach this in a more adult fashion than you are currently. I cannot stress how important this aspect is your communication with the appraisers of your application as they will sense your immaturity very early on (as seems to be the case in what you have submitted to them in your initial application) ie: If you carry on the way you are then I very much doubt that you will have any success the next time of asking.

Remember. this is a huge decision in your life that will affect the remainder of it. Unless you treat this in a more mature manner then I worry that it is all going to (NB: NOT gonna) end in tears and cost you a fortune into the bargain!!!

Reflect for a while on what has happened so far and get your act together - try not to do anything too rash either (well not any more than you have done so to this point anyway).

Finally, consider whether all of this effort and money is going to be worth it - she might be the love of your life at this juncture but will this be the case in 2 years time.

Whatever you do, for christ's sake don't get married in a desperate attempt to prove your undying love for each other as this will achieve absolutely NOTHING in your quest to be with her - it could even backfire and work against you giving you major problems that might prove insurmountable!!!

ok like i said before appliction was prepared properly without any Silly tenage talk stat Dec but emails were in a silly languge mainly from her side cos shes not the best at english and you will say neither am i but what ever il skip that 1 cant b botherd talking bout english lessons

In regards marrage i do want to spend more time with here before making big decision also its not uncomon for marages to end early after being married to people from overseas some time works some tie dosnt

But appreciate ur advice Cheers

At least you are thinking about it a bit more now (regarding the implications and possibilities as to what can and might happen) - my advice to you would simply be to take more time over this and although it might not sound very pleasant to do, try running some checks on certain aspects of the relationship. I vaguely remember, reading through some of the comments that you are already having some strong(ish) disagreements about some things and that she is strong willed and stubborn (by implication from your comments). Furthermore, you say that this is one of the reasons that you love her, well just think what it might be like 365 days a year if something does come of it whereby you are thousands of miles away from home having to deal with a broken relationship!!!

I sense that you are also cooling of the idea of a permanent liaison with your GF - again, it shows that you are heeding some of the advice maybe and getting a little nervous at the proposition of being with her.

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

I think you are trying too hard in the wrong areas (tattoo's, pics of the two of you/pics with her family,promising unconditional love for each other etc:). As one poster suggested - cut out the silly 'teen talk' and employing a spell checker might also be a good idea.

Try to approach this in a more adult fashion than you are currently. I cannot stress how important this aspect is your communication with the appraisers of your application as they will sense your immaturity very early on (as seems to be the case in what you have submitted to them in your initial application) ie: If you carry on the way you are then I very much doubt that you will have any success the next time of asking.

Remember. this is a huge decision in your life that will affect the remainder of it. Unless you treat this in a more mature manner then I worry that it is all going to (NB: NOT gonna) end in tears and cost you a fortune into the bargain!!!

Reflect for a while on what has happened so far and get your act together - try not to do anything too rash either (well not any more than you have done so to this point anyway).

Finally, consider whether all of this effort and money is going to be worth it - she might be the love of your life at this juncture but will this be the case in 2 years time.

Whatever you do, for christ's sake don't get married in a desperate attempt to prove your undying love for each other as this will achieve absolutely NOTHING in your quest to be with her - it could even backfire and work against you giving you major problems that might prove insurmountable!!!

ok like i said before appliction was prepared properly without any Silly tenage talk stat Dec but emails were in a silly languge mainly from her side cos shes not the best at english and you will say neither am i but what ever il skip that 1 cant b botherd talking bout english lessons

In regards marrage i do want to spend more time with here before making big decision also its not uncomon for marages to end early after being married to people from overseas some time works some tie dosnt

But appreciate ur advice Cheers

At least you are thinking about it a bit more now (regarding the implications and possibilities as to what can and might happen) - my advice to you would simply be to take more time over this and although it might not sound very pleasant to do, try running some checks on certain aspects of the relationship. I vaguely remember, reading through some of the comments that you are already having some strong(ish) disagreements about some things and that she is strong willed and stubborn (by implication from your comments). Furthermore, you say that this is one of the reasons that you love her, well just think what it might be like 365 days a year if something does come of it whereby you are thousands of miles away from home having to deal with a broken relationship!!!

I sense that you are also cooling of the idea of a permanent liaison with your GF - again, it shows that you are heeding some of the advice maybe and getting a little nervous at the proposition of being with her.

the relationship is not without its problems none of them are mainly fight cos im a jelous bastard and she lives in pattaya and pattaya is well know for its night life n girls everywhere and thats why theres pleanty of farangs there alwys have been always will be

A few things have come to my attention before and looks like they been workt out

I use to think about her all day every day,before i went on my second trip workt 7 days just to have enough for morgage ticket and 2 weeks there now after geting visa refused starting to loose hope a bit but not gona give up and just wana see if we gona be a good couple in the future, and what i need for that is her come to OZ for 2 month and not me go to pattaya and go bar play pool disco and get mao everyday

just need to see if how we go in normal everyday life scenario

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"thats ok cos i got a shit load of debts so they can take that"

You got that wrong. They don't accept debts and help with those, only cold hard cash for the sick buffalo, dodgey gearbox on the Nissan, gran's operation, uncle's kids' school fees, family friend who's fallen on hard times, no hoper brother who is an alcoholic, etc., and before you know it your original debt looks insignificant. Welcome to the world of sponging, conning Thai families who use daughters as a money grubbing tool. You're seen as no more than a bottomless money pit regardless of how you represent yourself.

If my comments, that appear to be hard line and very negative, do no more than open your eyes even a fraction of a millimeter, then they will have served a purpose.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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"thats ok cos i got a shit load of debts so they can take that"

You got that wrong. They don't accept debts and help with those, only cold hard cash for the sick buffalo, dodgey gearbox on the Nissan, gran's operation, uncle's kids' school fees, family friend who's fallen on hard times, no hoper brother who is an alcoholic, etc., and before you know it your original debt looks insignificant. Welcome to the world of sponging, conning Thai families who use daughters as a money grubbing tool. You're seen as no more than a bottomless money pit regardless of how you represent yourself.

If my comments, that appear to be hard line and very negative, do no more than open your eyes even a fraction of a millimeter, then they will have served a purpose.

iv read a lot bout all the sick buffalo etc on other forums so I know the deal bout all that stuff

But iv seen her family dad nurse mom has restaurant sister works dad is building new house she dosnt send them money so I guess and only guess they not the same family as many Thais she dosnt talk to dad and mom for weeks all the dad cares about is if I can support her in future and I told her I can ONLY support her if she wants to help family (if we get married in the future) shel have to work n send what ever money she feels is needed I can't support everyone iv told her that n she says that's ok.

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It's all very well that she accepts the 'conditions' now, but when the $hit fight starts, the rules change. You can read all you wish on here, and other forums, about the scams, and when you think you have them all figured out, you're caught by a new one, or an old one of which you didn't know.

String it out a while, and see how you feel in a few months. See how she feel in a few months. If it's as serious as you seem to think it is, it will stand the test of time. Tell her you can't send any money for a few weeks and see if her allegiance stands that test. I think I can answer that one.

I've not been caught out, but I've had all sorts of scam attempts put on me. Take care my friend, extreme care.

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I agree, ring an agent. There are some good ones here in Melbourne. Contact me if you wish as I have been through this and, reading between the lines, feel that you and her may have a chance as have many of my mates both here and in Thailand.

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It's all very well that she accepts the 'conditions' now, but when the $hit fight starts, the rules change. You can read all you wish on here, and other forums, about the scams, and when you think you have them all figured out, you're caught by a new one, or an old one of which you didn't know.

String it out a while, and see how you feel in a few months. See how she feel in a few months. If it's as serious as you seem to think it is, it will stand the test of time. Tell her you can't send any money for a few weeks and see if her allegiance stands that test. I think I can answer that one.

I've not been caught out, but I've had all sorts of scam attempts put on me. Take care my friend, extreme care.

thats cool shes never ased for money anyways after iv met her and before the 2nd trip iv only sent her 10k bht in 3 months since been back here iv sent her 10k but that was for private reasons and the other day she said she needed to go isaan n get certificates to a job cos shes a qualified hairdresser so i said whats the problem she said dont have money to travel i said cool then we cant reapply for visa and i rememberd she mentiond her friend owes her money so i told her to get off her cos im short atm.

at the end of the day even after i tell her no money she still goes to internet caffee and calls me on skype for 2 hours each night which is bout 50 bht an hour u work it out

if she has a plan its a very long 1 and not short term money scam.

but a lot of the wemen in this world have a long term plan for a lot of us. westerners and all kinds

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It's all very well that she accepts the 'conditions' now, but when the $hit fight starts, the rules change. You can read all you wish on here, and other forums, about the scams, and when you think you have them all figured out, you're caught by a new one, or an old one of which you didn't know.

String it out a while, and see how you feel in a few months. See how she feel in a few months. If it's as serious as you seem to think it is, it will stand the test of time. Tell her you can't send any money for a few weeks and see if her allegiance stands that test. I think I can answer that one.

I've not been caught out, but I've had all sorts of scam attempts put on me. Take care my friend, extreme care.

thats cool shes never ased for money anyways after iv met her and before the 2nd trip iv only sent her 10k bht in 3 months since been back here iv sent her 10k but that was for private reasons and the other day she said she needed to go isaan n get certificates to a job cos shes a qualified hairdresser so i said whats the problem she said dont have money to travel i said cool then we cant reapply for visa and i rememberd she mentiond her friend owes her money so i told her to get off her cos im short atm.

at the end of the day even after i tell her no money she still goes to internet caffee and calls me on skype for 2 hours each night which is bout 50 bht an hour u work it out

if she has a plan its a very long 1 and not short term money scam.

but a lot of the wemen in this world have a long term plan for a lot of us. westerners and all kinds

This is my last comment on this topic.

I have to say, I think you should get off the boat now as there are red lights flashing and you are oblivious to them.

If you are determined to get a Thai GF then I would leave it a good few years before trying again when you are a bit wiser and not chasing (supposed) love as I think that she is playing you (rather cleverly, they are masters at it) and you are completely unaware as to what is happening in the name of thinking you have found 'the one'.

You may not like hearing this but it is destined for heartbreak as you will eventually find out!!!

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I agree with the mod.

Leave the op (thats you mik83) do what he wants. Its his life he just asked for some friendly advice not unfriendly opinions.


He has asked for advice and that has been what he has been given!!!

If he doesn't like what he is hearing he should refrain from seeking it. Should we lie and say "oh yes, she loves you and everything will work out fine"?

Sorry, the way that I see it is to 'say it as it is' - it might just save him a lot of heartache and although he might not appreciate it he may subconsciously take note and base his decision on what the forum has collectively offered up.

I don't understand this "leave him alone plea" and let him do what he wants to do as that IS exactly what is going to happen. I can't stop him seeing her or tell him to forget her, can I!!

Sorry, I don't agree with the mod or you on this!!

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I agree with the mod.

Leave the op (thats you mik83) do what he wants. Its his life he just asked for some friendly advice not unfriendly opinions.


He has asked for advice and that has been what he has been given!!!

If he doesn't like what he is hearing he should refrain from seeking it. Should we lie and say "oh yes, she loves you and everything will work out fine"?

Sorry, the way that I see it is to 'say it as it is' - it might just save him a lot of heartache and although he might not appreciate it he may subconsciously take note and base his decision on what the forum has collectively offered up.

I don't understand this "leave him alone plea" and let him do what he wants to do as that IS exactly what is going to happen. I can't stop him seeing her or tell him to forget her, can I!!

Sorry, I don't agree with the mod or you on this!!

So you have meet her then. if not keep opinions about her to yourself. this forum is for visa's etc not personal opinions about people we don't know

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I agree with the mod.

Leave the op (thats you mik83) do what he wants. Its his life he just asked for some friendly advice not unfriendly opinions.


He has asked for advice and that has been what he has been given!!!

If he doesn't like what he is hearing he should refrain from seeking it. Should we lie and say "oh yes, she loves you and everything will work out fine"?

Sorry, the way that I see it is to 'say it as it is' - it might just save him a lot of heartache and although he might not appreciate it he may subconsciously take note and base his decision on what the forum has collectively offered up.

I don't understand this "leave him alone plea" and let him do what he wants to do as that IS exactly what is going to happen. I can't stop him seeing her or tell him to forget her, can I!!

Sorry, I don't agree with the mod or you on this!!

You made the same point in a number of posts, so don't you think enough is enough. OP you can go to your profile on TV and if you wish to do so you can put this guy on ignore

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I agree with the mod.

Leave the op (thats you mik83) do what he wants. Its his life he just asked for some friendly advice not unfriendly opinions.


He has asked for advice and that has been what he has been given!!!

If he doesn't like what he is hearing he should refrain from seeking it. Should we lie and say "oh yes, she loves you and everything will work out fine"?

Sorry, the way that I see it is to 'say it as it is' - it might just save him a lot of heartache and although he might not appreciate it he may subconsciously take note and base his decision on what the forum has collectively offered up.

I don't understand this "leave him alone plea" and let him do what he wants to do as that IS exactly what is going to happen. I can't stop him seeing her or tell him to forget her, can I!!

Sorry, I don't agree with the mod or you on this!!

So you have meet her then. if not keep opinions about her to yourself. this forum is for visa's etc not personal opinions about people we don't know

If this forum is about visas only then just why did we get the full blown story from the OP about the situation and then request advice as to how to overcome the visa refusal. He proffered up all of the fine details - relationship, giving her money, about her family etc: (not me) and all I am doing is giving my opinion, which is what forums are about isn't it??

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I agree with the mod.

Leave the op (thats you mik83) do what he wants. Its his life he just asked for some friendly advice not unfriendly opinions.


He has asked for advice and that has been what he has been given!!!

If he doesn't like what he is hearing he should refrain from seeking it. Should we lie and say "oh yes, she loves you and everything will work out fine"?

Sorry, the way that I see it is to 'say it as it is' - it might just save him a lot of heartache and although he might not appreciate it he may subconsciously take note and base his decision on what the forum has collectively offered up.

I don't understand this "leave him alone plea" and let him do what he wants to do as that IS exactly what is going to happen. I can't stop him seeing her or tell him to forget her, can I!!

Sorry, I don't agree with the mod or you on this!!

You made the same point in a number of posts, so don't you think enough is enough. OP you can go to your profile on TV and if you wish to do so you can put this guy on ignore

What same point??

The OP can put me on 'ignore' if he likes because I don't plan to comment further on this as it is getting rather childish!!

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It's all very well that she accepts the 'conditions' now, but when the $hit fight starts, the rules change. You can read all you wish on here, and other forums, about the scams, and when you think you have them all figured out, you're caught by a new one, or an old one of which you didn't know.

String it out a while, and see how you feel in a few months. See how she feel in a few months. If it's as serious as you seem to think it is, it will stand the test of time. Tell her you can't send any money for a few weeks and see if her allegiance stands that test. I think I can answer that one.

I've not been caught out, but I've had all sorts of scam attempts put on me. Take care my friend, extreme care.

thats cool shes never ased for money anyways after iv met her and before the 2nd trip iv only sent her 10k bht in 3 months since been back here iv sent her 10k but that was for private reasons and the other day she said she needed to go isaan n get certificates to a job cos shes a qualified hairdresser so i said whats the problem she said dont have money to travel i said cool then we cant reapply for visa and i rememberd she mentiond her friend owes her money so i told her to get off her cos im short atm.

at the end of the day even after i tell her no money she still goes to internet caffee and calls me on skype for 2 hours each night which is bout 50 bht an hour u work it out

if she has a plan its a very long 1 and not short term money scam.

but a lot of the wemen in this world have a long term plan for a lot of us. westerners and all kinds

This is my last comment on this topic.

I have to say, I think you should get off the boat now as there are red lights flashing and you are oblivious to them.

If you are determined to get a Thai GF then I would leave it a good few years before trying again when you are a bit wiser and not chasing (supposed) love as I think that she is playing you (rather cleverly, they are masters at it) and you are completely unaware as to what is happening in the name of thinking you have found 'the one'.

You may not like hearing this but it is destined for heartbreak as you will eventually find out!!!

Listen MATE il do what I consider is best for me k sounds like u been fkt over in ur past cos u keep saying how good they at lying and being masters how do u know I don't have a plan for her how do u know I maybe Gona die next year(dought it) and what da fak does any of this got to do with a visa refusal by the way if ur a man keep ur word don't just go out there and talk shit bout " this is my last post" I don't give a shit bout ur opinion cos at end of the day it has nothing to do with my OP like others said lets stick to the topic and what I should do with MY LIFE il leave that up to ME

Thanks for ur opinion MATE iv taken it on board and quickly dismissed it TA!!!

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I agree with the mod.

Leave the op (thats you mik83) do what he wants. Its his life he just asked for some friendly advice not unfriendly opinions.


He has asked for advice and that has been what he has been given!!!

If he doesn't like what he is hearing he should refrain from seeking it. Should we lie and say "oh yes, she loves you and everything will work out fine"?

Sorry, the way that I see it is to 'say it as it is' - it might just save him a lot of heartache and although he might not appreciate it he may subconsciously take note and base his decision on what the forum has collectively offered up.

I don't understand this "leave him alone plea" and let him do what he wants to do as that IS exactly what is going to happen. I can't stop him seeing her or tell him to forget her, can I!!

Sorry, I don't agree with the mod or you on this!!

iv asked for advice on visa not life u don't know what iv been through and have a good idea what to do with my life who to see and who not to see and if this breaks my heart well b it heard of a saying "what ever dosnt kill u makes u stronger"

If it dosnt work ohh well keep walking if it does great.

Such is Life!

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I have to defend the op and agree with the mod.

Sorry SICHONSTEVE ... just not relative, your comments.

It's like a guy asking about the best wax for his motor ... and you telling him what tyre pressure to use.

Sure ... they are both about cars ... but hardly related.

He has declined the personal advice route ... happy in his situation ... so maybe some words of support and some solutions might be the most beneficial.

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or get maried in thailand and apply for partner visa 13month+ but during that time apply for tourist visa marrage is not too much on my mind cos dont know how we will b when together in normal life sercamstaces me at work her chilln at home.

also to add my case is has no merrit to appeal

Are you drinking or is your keyboard <deleted> ?

13 month + is that the waiting time for a married visa ? I know many in legitimate married relationships that had a via within a few weeks.

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I suspect the OP came here for not only visa advice, but confirmation that he's doing the 'right' thing. He's received plenty of contrary advice, that he's about to be bent over and given a serve up the financial shorts, but he doesn't want to hear that, and that's OK.

I'll make a huge bet with myself right now, and that is when he is ****** over, he won't be back to say that those who said so were right.

I'm out too, but before I go, Mik83 you really have to do something about that childish, pre pubescent schoolgirl jargon/shorthand in which you write, as well as general spelling. It's tedious and boring at best, and downright stupid at worst, and at 29??!!.

Good luck in your pursuit of happiness, whatever that entails.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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