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German Kills Pet Dog, The Other Side Of The Story

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A man who has no trouble stabbing a Golden Retriever 17 times is either a sociopath or a psychopath. Let's hope that the dog attack was not the trigger to far worse things to come. By the way, anyone who is "suddenly attacked" but has the time to walk back to his kitchen and get a knife is lying his ass off.

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If this nutter could do this to a dog I am sure he could be quite capable in doing the same to a human who annoys him, a bit of a temper right enough to justifying stabbing a dog and him the sensible responsible owner. Of a Rottweiler.

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"At some point the German admitted losing his temper and in a fury, stabbed the animal to death."

Glad that the dog didn't stab him to death.

​I'd go for a trained German Sheppard then....wai2.gif


I am on the Germans side.

For me even though I am American, I chose to believe the German.

As he said this was an ongoing issue, he did file a complaint, nothing was done...not surprising. force you to take things into your own hands

in the street just so this guy will kill them again.

I think and I am Austrian, the German in his mind, is of the special breed of "Prison guard" in German KZ-60 years ago,

ruthless, short tempered, not shy to spill blood, which could cause an ugly death.sad.png

The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

You don't live here among the Soi dogs that do attack children. We have a very similar situation here. A mixed neighborhood of Farang and Thai. The foreigners all care for their dogs. The thais do not, Dogs have attacked other dogs and children. I have been bitten, so I quit being nice. Told my neighbor that I was concerned for my daughters, because his dog had killed two other dogs and if I saw his dog out again, I would kill it. Never saw that dog again.

In this situation, The German did the right things; complain to neighbor, complan to Police and when nothing is done do what is ncessary.

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The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

You're spot on Basil. Let's see - he has a Rottwieler, bread for security and defense and known for agressive and unpredictable behaviour, which is attacked by a golden retreiver, a dog bread for retreiving game. He has time to go back into his kitchen and chooses a knife to chase the dog away. Hmmm.

Maybe a better story might be the rottweiler provoked the retreiver regularly and the German decided to wade in to make sure his dog won.

Threaten a dog with a knife or something similar length it's likely to attack - wave a big stick, broom handle and they usually run for it.

If someone loses it with a dog, and stabs them 17 times, imagine if he got into an argument with the neighbours. With that temper, I'd certainly not want to live near him knowing he had a rottweiler as well.

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

Maybe the children will have been run down by a motorist swerving to avoid an unrestrained dog.

I can hardly contain my amazement at the posters who are making excuses for the dead dog's owner who did not have it secured but allowed it to run amok. Dogs crap anywhere/everywhere. Dogs cause accidents - (a bus ploughed into a queue of children avoiding a dog that ran under his wheels. Dogs bite causing pain/stress/ expense for anti-rabies jabs. Dogs kill and savage many annually. Wils Soi dogs are a menace and were it not for Thais apathy, would have been put down long ago: it's nothing to do with religion - they bend that to suit themselves.

England was like this 60 years ago. One day Thailand will catch up with the civilised world but I fear it will take longer than 60 years.


If i see a dog running arround alone ,untended.........i will give him some

"nice "chicken.And problem solved. This is not the jungle anymore.

These loose dogs kill 2000 people every year by causing accidents!

Wonder if your dog bites a thai? They will not only kill your dog but

probably you too ?

A dog lover

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The German looks a bit like Garry Glitter with his white beard, defiantly needs a background check done on him just on his looks alone never mind having such a temper as to stab animals to death this is usually how serial killer start of by torturing animals to death.


wait a minute?

you said'' please provide a source''

i did exactly that

now that's not good enough for you?

do you doubt city hall?

ok, for more canine matters try the city vets under the new building on soi buckhaow

maybe get a free dog microchip installed while you are there

in you, not the poor dog that owns you.......

anyway, who made you a Mod?

jeez, 299 posts and thinks he's the queen of May........

And 4,000 posts makes you one.....

Still BS as far as I'm concerned. The Golden in question had a collar so you would not consider it a stray. A Thai has owned up to it being his dog. Nevertheless it was out of control. It collar/leash status is immaterial. Its status as a stray or pet is immaterial. The German had full right to defend himself and his dog. Any unleashed dog, collared or not, on public property is a nuisance and deserves to be captured, taken away, eaten whatever. The same should happen to its owner, he should be made into dog meat.


good idea

I cant understand why anyone want dog anyway. what is it? need to dominate ? need have control over something? an animal?

a dog always belong in the jungle anyway, dont know why man should ever change this

get a daamn budgie or goldfish <deleted>

why people make big noise about this guy stab the dog 17 times

if he stab it once you think it will run away?

no,it will not stop but keep attacking you after each time you got it

im suprise he didnt have to stab it many more times to get to stop

som num nah to dog

and as above poster did say, owner should suffer a punishment also

Well researched and balanced post - not! I guess you've never owned a dog. Why do you think so many people around the world have dogs as pets and working animals? Do a bit of reading and research and you might just understand.

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I go out to cut the grass and come back to this mess. Many Off topic Bickering posts removed.

No more Mr. Nice guy just removing posts, step over the line one more time with these pointless arguments and inflammatory posts and I will suspend you. You know who you are. Be Warned

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Sorry to burst your bubble, but not all Rottweiliers are as brave or tough as you think. I have fended off quite a few of them out on my runs around the village by turning the table on them and rushing head on to them. They always run off with their stubs between their legs. The wife thinks I'm insane and she brings our Golden Retriever with her on her runs and he has taken care of the neigbors large vicious dogs. Retrievers can kick some ass if they need to. Believe me.

You should see the Chihuahua's, they can take on a dragon any timethumbsup.gif

Actually you are right about Chihuahua's ... they may get eaten alive by the dragon, but the dog will attack anyway.

The German looks a bit like Garry Glitter with his white beard, defiantly needs a background check done on him just on his looks alone never mind having such a temper as to stab animals to death this is usually how serial killer start of by torturing animals to death.

Talk about exaggeration. Do really believe what you say ... that this act is a sign that the German is evolving into being a serial killer? Really??

Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

Maybe the children will have been run down by a motorist swerving to avoid an unrestrained dog.

I can hardly contain my amazement at the posters who are making excuses for the dead dog's owner who did not have it secured but allowed it to run amok. Dogs crap anywhere/everywhere. Dogs cause accidents - (a bus ploughed into a queue of children avoiding a dog that ran under his wheels. Dogs bite causing pain/stress/ expense for anti-rabies jabs. Dogs kill and savage many annually. Wils Soi dogs are a menace and were it not for Thais apathy, would have been put down long ago: it's nothing to do with religion - they bend that to suit themselves.

England was like this 60 years ago. One day Thailand will catch up with the civilised world but I fear it will take longer than 60 years.

Really liked your post, mikebell. Would have given it a thumbs up but seem to have used my quota for the day with so many well written posts such as yours.

Especially liked

it's nothing to do with religion - they bend that to suit themselves.

England was like this 60 years ago. One day Thailand will catch up with the civilised world but I fear it will take longer than 60 years.

Well put.

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

How many Thai people, or even foreigners, do you ever see with their dogs on leashes? The German man killed the golden retriever because he wanted to, and wanted to "teach" the Thai man a "lesson", because you can be sure the Thai will back down and smile and kiss ass, most of the time, to a German, especially if the German is bestowing "fashion"

Are you high?? Thais DO NOT kiss foreign ass. Quite the opposite. Whatever company you're in or how you arrived at that assumption... you had better get your facts corrected. Thais are capable of harbouring seriously deadly grudges. They may kiss Chinese ass, but NEVER 'farang' ass... I guess they know who wields the most power around this part of the world?


The German looks a bit like Garry Glitter with his white beard, defiantly needs a background check done on him just on his looks alone never mind having such a temper as to stab animals to death this is usually how serial killer start of by torturing animals to death.

Talk about exaggeration. Do really believe what you say ... that this act is a sign that the German is evolving into being a serial killer? Really??

Yes he is and he is just starting to show the tendencies for one.


The German looks a bit like Garry Glitter with his white beard, defiantly needs a background check done on him just on his looks alone never mind having such a temper as to stab animals to death this is usually how serial killer start of by torturing animals to death.

Yes indeed. One of the signs of developing psychopathic tendencies is a propensity for animal torture. Wonder what he did in Germany before he fled moved to Thailand?

perhaps he couldn't get a serial killer apprenticeship in Germany? crazy.gif

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Re #153 i am signing off and going to cut the grass

i do not need to be told twice.....

Hey, hang around Timekeeper, you were doing just fine. I agree with your views. thumbsup.gif

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The German looks a bit like Garry Glitter with his white beard, defiantly needs a background check done on him just on his looks alone never mind having such a temper as to stab animals to death this is usually how serial killer start of by torturing animals to death.

Talk about exaggeration. Do really believe what you say ... that this act is a sign that the German is evolving into being a serial killer? Really??

Yes he is and he is just starting to show the tendencies for one.

You are confusing an adult who lost his temper with a type of person who likely tortured or killed animals as a child or adolescent.


Some of you are worse than children you are totally missing the point here this dog should not have been allowed in the street attacking people. What if it was your child Mr Timekeeper what would you say then? you would be calling for the dog to be put down I have seen some horrific injuries caused to children and adults by dogs like this. The German was right that's it and I'm sure you wouldn't be long bout changing your mind if the dog bit a lump out of your ass that's providing your brain's wasn't in your ass at the time as it would seem to be from time to time due to some of the stupid comments some of you have made. If this dog was attacking you all the time it would be a different story.

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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison


So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

>Why another route- It is the man's neighborhood. The other dog should not be running loose.

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

>Wrong! They do not necessarily attack and if the animal is of that nature it should, once again, not be running loose.

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

>HDIT! I have met docile Rottweilers and fyi "Well trained" does not mean trained to pit fight rolleyes.gif . A retriever is also a big dog and both animals could be mauled.

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

>He was holding a potentially threatening object. Dog probably thought it was a stick. A Retriever is usually docile so if it felt threatened there was probably precedence of owner abuse.

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?

>Once again the animals could injure each other seriously.

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

>Garbage. All you know are the circumstances surrounding the attack and they do not point to anything about the man's knowledge of ownership basics except that his animal was well behaved. He should be able to walk his dog in his neighborhood without attacks from another animal. There is nothing wrong with this expectation.

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time. Ah. Now we have a criminal psycholigist. cheesy.gif

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison I believe you would actually like to see the dog get poisoned if for nothing else but to add veracity to your inane observations. A prison term and deportation for killing an animal that has repeatedly been aggressively vicious. cheesy.gif

From your response I would guess that you, yourself are lazy and irresponsible when it comes to pet ownership just as is the retriever's owner and that has been a primary motivation for your post.wink.png


I do not like dogs stupid and lazy lot, always begging for food. Good for the Germany one less useless dog to feed.

maybe the dog saw the German as a food source........?

Na he looks to skinny

So what I'm led to believe by all the dog whisperers is that firstly a Golden Retriever can recognise a stick or a broom but not a knife. So if all those years ago I was carrying a stick or a broom when I was playing in the local park that really docile Labrador would not have attacked me. I get he couldn't recognise the rugby league ball. Why weren't all of you aound back then?


Re #153 i am signing off and going to cut the grass

i do not need to be told twice.....

Hey, hang around Timekeeper, you were doing just fine. I agree with your views. thumbsup.gif

Well I don't. But he is, of course, entitled to his opinion as anybody is.


I can't even fathom the type of insecure wimp that would own a dog like this.


I do not own one,

but first, that incident would, with a high chance not have happened, or with a completely different outcome rolleyes.gif and

second, I doubt you will -Tell in the face of the owner of a Cane Corso, that he is a -Insecure Wimp- prove me wrong! You, -Laptop assassin!-"

Here some Facebook Pages you can contact and quest your thirst for information


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_Corso weight ranging from 40 to 75 kg, ideal dogs to stand 62–72 cm

Cane Corso are easy to obedience train, have a willingness to please, and form a close attachment with their primary owner. Powerful and imposing, a Cane Corso is highly suspicious of strangers, and for this reason aggression should never be encouraged. Because of their need to keep the status quo, a Corso often dislikes new things, animals, and people, so the owner must be careful when introducing the dog to new places and people. Cane Corso tend to be a quiet breed. For the most part, they like nothing better than staying next to their owner all the time.

A true Corso should be indifferent when approached and should only react when a real threat is present. If socialized properly as a puppy, a Cane Corso can get along with other dogs and people. Corso are historically working dogs that need exercise and are at their best when they have a job to do


Not much different to a Rottweiler !


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottweiler weight Male 50 - 60 kg, Height 60 - 69 cm

Their behaviour self-assured, steady and fearless. They react to their surroundings with great alertness. A Rottweiler is self-confident and responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in its environment. It has an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness.Rottweilers are a powerful breed with well-developed genetic herding and guarding instincts. As with any breed, potentially dangerous behaviour in Rottweilers usually results from irresponsible ownership, abuse, neglect, or lack of socialisation and training. However, the exceptional strength of the Rottweiler is an additional risk factor not to be neglected. It is for this reason that breed experts recommend that formal training and extensive socialisation are essential for all Rottweilers. According to the AKC, Rottweilers love their owners and may behave in a clownish manner toward family and friends, but they are also protective of their territory and do not welcome strangers until properly introduced. Obedience training and socialisation are required.

In 2011, of the 33 recorded dog attack fatalities in the U.S., four were by Rottweilers. Dogs bite approximately 4.7 million people in the U.S. each year, with fewer than 30 dog-bite-related human fatalities. they tend to be more aggressive than average towards strangers. This aggression appears correlated with watchdog and territorial instincts.

Rottweilers have been banned in some municipalities, and they are sometimes targeted as dangerous dogs by legislation, such as in Poland, Romania, Portugal and the Republic of Ireland.


I live in Sattahip area, and in my village I have the same problem, 2 dogs from my neighbour are always free in front of my house, they attack me and my wife several time, expecially when we use the motorbike, we complain already 3 times to the government (once I sent my lawyer), and to the manager of the village, but nothing change, cause the family owner is a Navy and they have friend in this area, I am very tired about my situation, and some people living here too, because one of them, the big one, run like a crazy, and every day there is a risk of accident with kids, with cars or motorbikes that use to go in and out from the main entrance gate...I love dogs, I have two dogs too but I use look all of them because I respekt my all neighbours when I walk with them, and they never poo or pee inside, but I live them do in the jungle!

I know that if I drive my pick up in front of my house and the dogs are free is NOT my responsability if one of them will finish under my car, like the Government officer and my lawyer say to me, the owner of the dogs must to take care and look at them ;-)

Some respekt and understand to the german man, nobody know until you have the same situation!

You can see the pictures of the big dangerous one here...nobody scare?!?!

Sounds extremely Scarey , and intimidating . And this dog is a dog of Class !! ..It has its own Collar .


Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

Keep your dog in your garden and/or train it. Rocket science it ain't.

Not being German myself I am not that concerned by the current state of Thai/German relations.

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When fierce loyalty, endless love and true devotion are mixed with complete fearlessness, sprinkled with a natural guarding instinct and the ability of making decisions, an unparalleled guardian and companion rises up from the mix: the Fila brasileiro.


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