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German Kills Pet Dog, The Other Side Of The Story

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You can see the pictures of the big dangerous one here...nobody scare?!?!

No! tongue.png

Ridgebacks - when one adopted me as his caretaker threw my 3 week holiday. He slept in my sleeping room in the rented house.wink.png


IMHO they are stupid and dangerous dogs - I had 2 and had to get rid of them to another home.

Ok, but not that dog, I had for some weeks in St.Lucia, he knew very well who Mr.Nice guy is!

And not the 1-2 year young Thai Ridgeback my GF's nephew, just recently brought.

They are agile and fast dogs which are some parts of ingredients needed for a good hunting dog.

Do not all lump together! Every dog ​​owner praises his race, but should not bashing the others.blink.png

You sit in a Glass house with your kind of breed, you know very well, I think.


More than 180 comments about this story... unbelievable. Bashing Thais, bashing Germans.... Bla, bla, bla... All mouth, no trousers. When I moved to my place, around 8-10 soi wild dogs where living here, attacking everything and everybody as they liked... acting like kings of the univers. I feed them 2 times, problem solved = ZERO DOGS NOW. Landlord, neighbors, everybody pleased. Period.

Btw....: I love dogs. But no wild wolves...

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The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

First off I am a Dog Lover. But owning a dog also carries a responsibility. One of them is keeping them safely locked up an not on the loose. After all they are wild animals and if they are not used to a child they can bite. Happens all the time even with the owners dog.

Unless you own a farm that is far away from everyone, nobody should let there dog run loose. I wouldn't do it even if I owned a farm, as I would worry abut the animals safety. I lived in one villa in a compound were people let there dogs run freely and what a disaster. Garbage dragged and strewed all over the place. Dogs constantly chasing kids on their bikes or cars. Barking all night at each other on the street.

In my opinion it is the people like this who should not have a pet like a dog. What this Older Gentleman did was wrong, but he at least is a responsible Dog Owner. I don't think this would have ever happened if the other guy was to!

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The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

First off I am a Dog Lover. But owning a dog also carries a responsibility. One of them is keeping them safely locked up an not on the loose. After all they are wild animals and if they are not used to a child they can bite. Happens all the time even with the owners dog.

Unless you own a farm that is far away from everyone, nobody should let there dog run loose. I wouldn't do it even if I owned a farm, as I would worry abut the animals safety. I lived in one villa in a compound were people let there dogs run freely and what a disaster. Garbage dragged and strewed all over the place. Dogs constantly chasing kids on their bikes or cars. Barking all night at each other on the street.

In my opinion it is the people like this who should not have a pet like a dog. What this Older Gentleman did was wrong, but he at least is a responsible Dog Owner. I don't think this would have ever happened if the other guy was to!

are you joking? you calling him a responsible dog owner?

yes people should do many things, but they do not!

People should drive in their lane and indicate, but they do not! do you speed up to have a collision? or do you slow down and look for a way to avoid the collision?blink.png

If a coffee shop makes a terrible coffee, do you continue to go there? or do you find a new shop where it's to your liking?

And the so popular excuse that one should not have to change because others are at fault, is the dumbest excuse i ever heard. One

has to rise above the stupidity and find a solution, which would be to avoid contact instead of a murder.

This time it was a dog that annoyed him, next time the crying baby? the one legged parrot? the drunken screaming guy?

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All dogs have the capability to be bad, just like people.

I would like to know if the Thai police have had any other reports filed about this crazy, lunatic, flesh-hunting descendant of a wolf who spends most of it's time terrorising the neighbourhood............ or just the one.

The one filed by a knife wielding .......... finish that off yourselves.


Congratulations to this man. He probably stopped another 10 or 20 attacks on other dogs or people from happening.

hope his winning prize is a month holiday in Bangkok Ritz, followed by a free one way flight to Germany

The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

First off I am a Dog Lover. But owning a dog also carries a responsibility. One of them is keeping them safely locked up an not on the loose. After all they are wild animals and if they are not used to a child they can bite. Happens all the time even with the owners dog.

Unless you own a farm that is far away from everyone, nobody should let there dog run loose. I wouldn't do it even if I owned a farm, as I would worry abut the animals safety. I lived in one villa in a compound were people let there dogs run freely and what a disaster. Garbage dragged and strewed all over the place. Dogs constantly chasing kids on their bikes or cars. Barking all night at each other on the street.

In my opinion it is the people like this who should not have a pet like a dog. What this Older Gentleman did was wrong, but he at least is a responsible Dog Owner. I don't think this would have ever happened if the other guy was to!

are you joking? you calling him a responsible dog owner?

yes people should do many things, but they do not!

People should drive in their lane and indicate, but they do not! do you speed up to have a collision? or do you slow down and look for a way to avoid the collision?blink.png

If a coffee shop makes a terrible coffee, do you continue to go there? or do you find a new shop where it's to your liking?

And the so popular excuse that one should not have to change because others are at fault, is the dumbest excuse i ever heard. One

has to rise above the stupidity and find a solution, which would be to avoid contact instead of a murder.

This time it was a dog that annoyed him, next time the crying baby? the one legged parrot? the drunken screaming guy?

Wow! You sure jumping to conclusions here. One day he kills a dog perhaps out of frustration but also for protection. The next he is a seriial rapist killer. Humm???

First off you can not "Murder" a Dog. You can only murder humans. You do not call the man who works in a Slaughter House a Murderer. Do you? No doubt his anger and frustration got the best of him here, but he was not the only guilty party here. The other dog owner is to.

Secondly, this Older Man keeps his dog on a Leash and not on the loose. He obvious cares enough about his dog to take him for walks and want to protect him. Can you say that about the other owner?

Just understand that Dogs are not meant to run freely and unsupervised in any city. If they are in the West then the Dog Catcher will put your Dog in the Dog Pound. If you do not come to get him soon and pay the fine, he will be "Killed". And Not Murdered!

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Wow! You sure jumping to conclusions here. One day he kills a dog perhaps out of frustration but also for protection. The next he is a seriial rapist killer. Humm???

First off you can not "Murder" a Dog. You can only murder humans. You do not call the man who works in a Slaughter House a Murderer. Do you? No doubt his anger and frustration got the best of him here, but he was not the only guilty party here. The other dog owner is to.

Secondly, this Older Man keeps his dog on a Leash and not on the loose. He obvious cares enough about his dog to take him for walks and want to protect him. Can you say that about the other owner?

Just understand that Dogs are not meant to run freely and unsupervised in any city. If they are in the West then the Dog Catcher will put your Dog in the Dog Pound. If you do not come to get him soon and pay the fine, he will be "Killed". And Not Murdered!

Protection? from what?

He went home, took a knife and returned. Did the dog follow him home? Did the dog follow him around town? Did the dog attack him when he walked past without his dog?

What you seem to fail to understand is that this is not the West, this is Thailand and dogs DO run free and owners could not care less.

So the responsible dog owner, seeing as there is a problem, needs to find a solution by not going into a problem zone, but if this solution is little too much for him, then that responsible owner can either move to isolated area where he is all alone or pack up and go back to where he came from.

Because locals are not going to change for the sake of one pensioner and his pet

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Wow! You sure jumping to conclusions here.

Many conclusions have been jumped to here, and there are three sides to every story, I doubt the third one in this case will every see the light of day.

dogs DO run free and owners could not care less.

So why should I care then? As you correctly say, this is Thailand and who am I to rock the boat.

As for locals not changing I have to disagree. I'm disabled and walk with the aid of a crutch. If an angry dog gets too close I take a good swing, not a half hearted swing but one that will incapacitate or kill the dog. Before, the owners did not give two hoots but since they have seen me doing this they put the effort in to call the dog back. Doesn't work when they are not around or asleep. If I'm attacked or it looks very likely I will be attacked by a dog on a public highway then there is a good chance I will kill it. What do you expect me to do, reason with it?

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dogs DO run free and owners could not care less.

So why should I care then? As you correctly say, this is Thailand and who am I to rock the boat.

As for locals not changing I have to disagree. I'm disabled and walk with the aid of a crutch. If an angry dog gets too close I take a good swing, not a half hearted swing but one that will incapacitate or kill the dog. Before, the owners did not give two hoots but since they have seen me doing this they put the effort in to call the dog back. Doesn't work when they are not around or asleep. If I'm attacked or it looks very likely I will be attacked by a dog on a public highway then there is a good chance I will kill it. What do you expect me to do, reason with it?

since you are disabled, what exactly would you be doing on public highway? taking a walk to the nearest town or highway exit?

and how exactly do you decide if the dog is angry? i suppose if an angry thai approaches you, you also believe you have gods given right to kill?


since you are disabled, what exactly would you be doing on public highway? taking a walk to the nearest town or highway exit?

Walking into town/ local market. There are no pavements/ sidewalks and even if there were they are part and parcel of a public highway.

and how exactly do you decide if the dog is angry?

It's something you learn and often have scars showing knowledge.

i suppose if an angry thai approaches you, you also believe you have gods given right to kill?

In self defense, without doubt.

However, this thread is about dogs who cannot be reasoned with and not about other humans who can.

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since you are disabled, what exactly would you be doing on public highway? taking a walk to the nearest town or highway exit?

Walking into town/ local market. There are no pavements/ sidewalks and even if there were they are part and parcel of a public highway.

and how exactly do you decide if the dog is angry?

It's something you learn and often have scars showing knowledge.

i suppose if an angry thai approaches you, you also believe you have gods given right to kill?

In self defense, without doubt.

However, this thread is about dogs who cannot be reasoned with and not about other humans who can.

if you can walk the highway, you would hardly be called disabled, not to mention that highways are for fast driving cars, where i would be more worried about being hit by one than attacked by a dog.

As for your last comment, you are an absolute pleasure to have in Thailand, no doubt home country is blessed not to have you any longer, only hope one day you do not take a swing at the wrong person.thumbsup.gif

if you can walk the highway, you would hardly be called disabled, not to mention that highways are for fast driving cars, where i would be more worried about being hit by one than attacked by a dog.


A main road or thoroughfare, such as a street, boulevard, or parkway, available to the public for use for travel or transportation.


Any property subject to the right of the state to lay out a public way over it can become a highway by extended use if the conditions prescribed by statute are met. The public is given an
in the land as a highway, and the width and extent of a highway are determined by the extent of its actual use for such purposes.

Get caught going for a pee on the pavement/ sidewalk and at the very least you will be charged with urinating on a public highway.

As for my disability, I'm a registered internationally recognized T12 paraplegic. I could if I wished get the Thai equivalent of a blue badge which means any car I happen to be in is able to park practically anywhere.

But all this is beside the point.

If I am attacked or in serious danger of being attacked by a dog on a public highway there is a very good chance that the dog will be killed in defending myself. Private land is another matter.

if you can walk the highway, you would hardly be called disabled, not to mention that highways are for fast driving cars, where i would be more worried about being hit by one than attacked by a dog.


A main road or thoroughfare, such as a street, boulevard, or parkway, available to the public for use for travel or transportation.


Any property subject to the right of the state to lay out a public way over it can become a highway by extended use if the conditions prescribed by statute are met. The public is given an
in the land as a highway, and the width and extent of a highway are determined by the extent of its actual use for such purposes.

Get caught going for a pee on the pavement/ sidewalk and at the very least you will be charged with urinating on a public highway.

As for my disability, I'm a registered internationally recognized T12 paraplegic. I could if I wished get the Thai equivalent of a blue badge which means any car I happen to be in is able to park practically anywhere.

But all this is beside the point.

If I am attacked or in serious danger of being attacked by a dog on a public highway there is a very good chance that the dog will be killed in defending myself. Private land is another matter.

not to go off topic, but do you understand the meaning of "highway" ?

A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.http://www.thefreedictionary.com/highway

In Thailand even bikes are not allowed on the highways.

Anyhow, as i said you are a great addition to Thailand, lets hope the owner of that dog is not of the same mind as you, or you may find yourself next to that dog

not to go off topic, but do you understand the meaning of "highway" ?

I gave you a legal definition and provided a link which I can only assume you either didn't read or didn't understand. A highway may or may not include a section which is pedestrian only (no bicycles)

Anyhow, as i said you are a great addition to Thailand

That's very kind of you to say. 13 years and I've never been in a police station so perhaps I'm doing something right.

lets hope the owner of that dog is not of the same mind as you, or you may find yourself next to that dog

I'd rather die fighting for what is right than let people walk over me as you suggest.


Just some facts.

The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

Yet if you read the original article

The dead dog belongs to Chief Petty Officer First Class Gampon aged 43 and his wife, Khun Vilawan aged 42 who both witnessed the attack along with other villagers. They were prevented from approaching as Mr. Gatt is alleged to have threatened anyone who came close ,with his knife which Khun Vilawan claimed he would keep strapped to his trouser belt whenever he took his Rottweiler for a walk due to problems with the Golden Retriever who would often bite the Rottweiler according to friends of Mr. Gatt.

believe who you want.

I have no reason to dispute that the injuries to Mr Gatt were done by the Golden Retriever but the question is who attacked who first, if Mr Gatt did attack the dog first the dog would have fought back.

Some posters mention dog roaming free and running out at motor cyclists, yes, this is a problem that needs sorting, along with the cretins that during Songkran throw buckets of water over motor cyclists


Posters say dogs should not be allowed to roam free, I agree, but where do you draw the line, just go to any rural village and you will find dogs all over the place because most house do not have fully enclosed yards, therefore any law would be impractical to enforce.

The only way this can be enforced is for Pattaya, Sattihip and any other district is to create it own by-laws and enforce them with dog wardens who will capture and impound any free roaming dog.

According to posters there is already a law stating that dogs should be micro chipped, may be this should be subsidized for neutered dogs.

Just my thoughts and just for the record I am not a dog lover, and I do not hate Germans, in actual fact I have a lot more respect for Germans then for our nearest Europeans just across the Channel.


I'm mid 50's and been "playfully attacked" (oxymoron) by a Rottenone but only in the ankle region....NEVER have I seen an always playful "Goldenone" be anywhere near aggression, but who knows maybe it was trained by convicted dogfight Quarterback Vick of the NFL Philly Eagles....

Maybe that's why I prefer a house cat than an animal that can go berserk pissing on everything in sight to protect and serve its invaded territory...

BTW, FWIW, I never had a house cat go for my jugularsclap2.gif




as he stated he is a dog lover himself does he mean 2legged ones or 4legged? i have 2 retreivers living by me and every time they spot mine they leg it,knifed 14times poor thing,never liked germans swine hunt.better if he legged back to where he came from[hell] after some nice treatment in a thai jail doggy style.

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not to go off topic, but do you understand the meaning of "highway" ?

I gave you a legal definition and provided a link which I can only assume you either didn't read or didn't understand. A highway may or may not include a section which is pedestrian only (no bicycles)

Anyhow, as i said you are a great addition to Thailand

That's very kind of you to say. 13 years and I've never been in a police station so perhaps I'm doing something right.

lets hope the owner of that dog is not of the same mind as you, or you may find yourself next to that dog

I'd rather die fighting for what is right than let people walk over me as you suggest.

I'm with you on this notmyself. Especially your last paragraph if people hadn't stood against bullies and for what they though was right this forum would be in German or Japanese.

The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

First off I am a Dog Lover. But owning a dog also carries a responsibility. One of them is keeping them safely locked up an not on the loose. After all they are wild animals and if they are not used to a child they can bite. Happens all the time even with the owners dog.

Unless you own a farm that is far away from everyone, nobody should let there dog run loose. I wouldn't do it even if I owned a farm, as I would worry abut the animals safety. I lived in one villa in a compound were people let there dogs run freely and what a disaster. Garbage dragged and strewed all over the place. Dogs constantly chasing kids on their bikes or cars. Barking all night at each other on the street.

In my opinion it is the people like this who should not have a pet like a dog. What this Older Gentleman did was wrong, but he at least is a responsible Dog Owner. I don't think this would have ever happened if the other guy was to!

are you joking? you calling him a responsible dog owner?

yes people should do many things, but they do not!

People should drive in their lane and indicate, but they do not! do you speed up to have a collision? or do you slow down and look for a way to avoid the collision?blink.png

If a coffee shop makes a terrible coffee, do you continue to go there? or do you find a new shop where it's to your liking?

And the so popular excuse that one should not have to change because others are at fault, is the dumbest excuse i ever heard. One

has to rise above the stupidity and find a solution, which would be to avoid contact instead of a murder.

This time it was a dog that annoyed him, next time the crying baby? the one legged parrot? the drunken screaming guy?

Yeah, good logic here. No sophism for sure.

Anyone killing an annoying fly is likely to kill a crying baby.

Life must be real scary for you there....


I've seen a few comments grabbing a "stick" instead of a knife for protection ...

I played all kinds of top levels of baseball since about six yrs until about 40 yrs of age ...

I would suggest anyone looking for an altercation with anyone/thing is someting round a bat with specs of being a 35-inch/40+/- ouncer (as long as you can actually swing it@least once) instead of a "stick" for defence...just don't bring a nice sized Louisville Slugger to a gunfight ... whistling.gif




Re #153 i am signing off and going to cut the grass

i do not need to be told twice.....

Hey, hang around Timekeeper, you were doing just fine. I agree with your views. thumbsup.gif

long grass but back now

thanks for your support.....

not to go off topic, but do you understand the meaning of "highway" ?

I gave you a legal definition and provided a link which I can only assume you either didn't read or didn't understand. A highway may or may not include a section which is pedestrian only (no bicycles)

Anyhow, as i said you are a great addition to Thailand

That's very kind of you to say. 13 years and I've never been in a police station so perhaps I'm doing something right.

lets hope the owner of that dog is not of the same mind as you, or you may find yourself next to that dog

I'd rather die fighting for what is right than let people walk over me as you suggest.

maybe you have not been caught yet

however i agree with your last statement

its better to be a tiger for a day than be a sheep for a lifetime......

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