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German Kills Pet Dog, The Other Side Of The Story

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Lots of posts removed.

Everyone stop the bickering right now or I will give all the participants some time to cool off in the sin bin.

Hope I am clear.

Just to add: Flooding the report center tends to give the mods itchy trigger fingers. One or two reports is enough and a brief description of the content you are reporting and why.


Some posters mention dog roaming free and running out at motor cyclists, yes, this is a problem that needs sorting, along with the cretins that during Songkran throw buckets of water over motor cyclists


Posters say dogs should not be allowed to roam free, I agree, but where do you draw the line, just go to any rural village and you will find dogs all over the place because most house do not have fully enclosed yards, therefore any law would be impractical to enforce.

The only way this can be enforced is for Pattaya, Sattihip and any other district is to create it own by-laws and enforce them with dog wardens who will capture and impound any free roaming dog.

According to posters there is already a law stating that dogs should be micro chipped, may be this should be subsidized for neutered dogs.

Micro chipping is only a requirement in Bangkok. At its inception chipping was done free. Is it still free? I have no idea but I do know that if you pay for it the cost is only Baht 500. I believe it to be a law enacted by the BMA not central government. So yes it should be for all districts to create its own by-laws.

Pattaya does have a dog catching van. I've seen it. They seem very ineffective though with literally a hundred or more strays and pets on the loose, down the 1km long soi where I live.

There was a day when you could get your pet sterilized for free at the city vets near to the fire station. In 20+ years here I have only seen that ONCE. It was a very busy day with hundreds of Thais "fixing" their dogs. I've asked local vet. clinics how many sterilizations they do. Very little seems to be the case.

Perhaps unless it is FREE nobody is interested.

The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

WRONG! The owner of a dog who allows his/her/their dog to just roam the streets and attack other animals/people shouldn't be allowed to keep dogs!!! Dogs are the way they were raised.

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Attacked by a knife? I would maybe also bite back. whistling.gif Did he not find a larger wood or a broomstick, to teach the Retriever a lesson?

If I am the German and ="As the owner of a trained Rottweiler"= as it was stated above, I would want my money back,.

First, from the Breeder who sold me that Rottweiler -wimp- a "Rotti" who needs help from an aging guy against a -Golden Retriever-! OMG!

Second, from the Trainer who trained his dog, if it was not himself. rolleyes.gif Trained what? -To piss off-?blink.png

Why people buy a Rottweiler? to experience than stories like that? Do not think so.

Good possibility, some of the anger against the Golden Retriever, is anger about the inability of his Rottweiler, to control the situation.

I had many dogs in my life and one Rottweiler, in a group of 5 male dogs.

2 of the dogs a bit larger and more heavy than the Rottweiler, but he was the -Alpha- dog!

That is a dog and Retrievers do not even dare to look at him!tongue.png That is -Aura-!


1. In the original story it says the Rottweiler was still a puppy, if I remember correctly! I used to have a Rottweiler, too, and he took shit from every other dog, including that bitchy little West Highland Terrier that belonged to my neighbors that had some serious anger management problems. When my dog was about 2 years old he suddenly had enough of it and from then on every dog that attacked him was in trouble. Having said that, my dog loved other dogs and as long as they didn't start shit he had the best of times with them.

2. Not everyone trains his dog to attack!


There have been some very good posts on this issue of dog attacks and retaliation. I'm certainly not knowledgeable on dog behaviour or training and I've learned a lot reading this and similar threads. It's horrible to consider the slaying of the dog and it's also bad to know that nothing prevented the occurrence of the aggression by the dog.

I rescued a dog a couple of years a go and gave her depot contraceptives against the advice of the local vet. Unfortunately she became pregnant and delivered a litter of 7. One died very soon after birth and one died by ingesting field applied insecticides as did 2 others not of the litter. Two in my care I treated and they recovered within an hour after being really knocked down by the poisons. This was truly an accidental poisoning where the dogs ran through a recently sprayed field and then were poisoned by licking off the wet poison. I intubated them, washed them quickly and gave them some IV atropine and they recovered within minutes.

So I do care for them, I am very careful to make sure the dogs are not aggressive but still one dog will slowly approach two members of one human family and menace them very deliberately. These people treat the dogs very kindly and the original bitch warms extremely well to them and they likewise. All the dogs bar one male are sterilised and all vaccinated against the 5 recommended diseases including rabies.

Contraceptives for dogs are dangerous associated with a very marked increase in the incidence of pyometra which has a high fatality. Common the world over when contraceptives are used in dogs and post heat being another natural high risk period. Pyometra can be treated but generally requires sterilisation to stop the progress of the disease and prevent recurrence.

So that's my knowledge but as you can see I have no idea how to train my dogs and one thing that comes through as a responsibility of mine as a dog owner to prevent these horrendous outcomes is my learning or having the dogs trained and I have no idea how to do that in a rural setting. My dogs are never tethered and run freely on the expanses of open fields around. I don't want to tether them but would like to train them to respond to voice commands.


So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

1. The killed dog was running free around the Moo Baan. Why should he take a different route? What if there wasn't one. Simply protecting its territory? Its territory is INSIDE the gates of his owners house!

2. If I had a dog and cared about it, I wouldn't let it fight with another dog, even though it may be stronger.

The German guy understands the basics of ownership well I think. He keeps the dog on his propriety, keeps it on a leash when he take it out to excercise and apparently trained it. Just the OPPOSITE of the other dog's owner.

In cold blood? Cold blood means premeditation. He and his dog were attacked, more than once, and he lost his temper. That's the opposite of cold blood. The situation had been going on for a prolonged period of time.

Sure, 17 stabs are a lot, but I, for one, completely understand the action.

Too many dogs around, we need more cats! :-)

If the dog was on a leash, how did he go back to his kitchen and get the knife? Just let the leash go?

Why didn't he take the dog back with him? Or did he, and come back out again to confront the offending animal again?


There have been some very good posts on this issue of dog attacks and retaliation. I'm certainly not knowledgeable on dog behaviour or training and I've learned a lot reading this and similar threads. It's horrible to consider the slaying of the dog and it's also bad to know that nothing prevented the occurrence of the aggression by the dog.

I rescued a dog a couple of years a go and gave her depot contraceptives against the advice of the local vet. Unfortunately she became pregnant and delivered a litter of 7. One died very soon after birth and one died by ingesting field applied insecticides as did 2 others not of the litter. Two in my care I treated and they recovered within an hour after being really knocked down by the poisons. This was truly an accidental poisoning where the dogs ran through a recently sprayed field and then were poisoned by licking off the wet poison. I intubated them, washed them quickly and gave them some IV atropine and they recovered within minutes.

So I do care for them, I am very careful to make sure the dogs are not aggressive but still one dog will slowly approach two members of one human family and menace them very deliberately. These people treat the dogs very kindly and the original bitch warms extremely well to them and they likewise. All the dogs bar one male are sterilised and all vaccinated against the 5 recommended diseases including rabies.

Contraceptives for dogs are dangerous associated with a very marked increase in the incidence of pyometra which has a high fatality. Common the world over when contraceptives are used in dogs and post heat being another natural high risk period. Pyometra can be treated but generally requires sterilisation to stop the progress of the disease and prevent recurrence.

So that's my knowledge but as you can see I have no idea how to train my dogs and one thing that comes through as a responsibility of mine as a dog owner to prevent these horrendous outcomes is my learning or having the dogs trained and I have no idea how to do that in a rural setting. My dogs are never tethered and run freely on the expanses of open fields around. I don't want to tether them but would like to train them to respond to voice commands.

Pretty sure you could find some good books or websites to give you advice on training. There are dog training schools in Thailand. I visited one outside of Pattaya. I'll not say much about it except that I'd never take a dog there.


1. In the original story it says the Rottweiler was still a puppy, if I remember correctly!

2. Not everyone trains his dog to attack!

1. you have a LINK? Never read that, the "Rotti", was a Puppy!

I had that in my mind also and mentioned that some time ago in the Original thread.

I posted in the Original thread already.

"Anyway, a Rottweiler who is not to young and old enough (1 year+)

and I did not read that either.

Should not need anyone to help him against an attack of a Golden Retriever.

to protect him".

2. No need to train a Rottweiler usually to be a bully, that is in the genes, same with your dog!


This guy is a psychopath. Losing temper and stabbing something 17 times is not normal.

How do you picture this person creating 17 wounds in the dog's body?

Do you imagine Anthony Perkins repeatedly stabbing in a downward direction with a violin shrieking each time? That is what it seems to be from that ignorant comment.

Have you considered the possibility that the marks counted on the dog's body cannot be described as stab wounds until a medical examiner says so?

You have overstretched your imaginatioin and ignorantly dismissed too much logic and elementary deduction for me to view your opinion as nothing more than a crazy, rash rant.


If the dog was on a leash, how did he go back to his kitchen and get the knife? Just let the leash go?

Why didn't he take the dog back with him? Or did he, and come back out again to confront the offending animal again?

As far as I understand it, he brought his dog back to his house and took a knife to confront the Retriever again and as I would think alone.

The fighting-stabbing incident was than in the sight of the owner(s) of the Retriever,

who where threatened from the German, brandishing the knife not to approach the scene.

There is a slight confusion regarding the knife, -it was mentioned, he had a knife always with him, so not necessary to go home to bring one,

maybe he went only home to bring him Rotti away?

Not all facts full clear! blink.png


More flaming posts and replies have been removed. Some posters are all ready on a holiday from this topic; unless you want to join them please settle down and argue/debate/discuss in a civilized manner.

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I have never known a retriever to attack.

yes mate they surprisingly can be quite vicious ...rare but does happen ...99%of trouble with dogs here in thailand and indeed anywhere would be solved if people just took fxxken responsibility for their animals ...here in thailand soooooooo many just let them roam untethered and as for soi dogs as far as im concerned poison the fxxxken lot ..yes im waiting for the handwringers .and the dog lovers ///ps i have a dog ...much loved and exercised AND properly supervised

Years ago, IN the UK, dogs wandered as they wanted to and someone paid 7/6 for a dog licence annually. They passed new laws about dogs on leads and picking up the poop and things changed. But then we move to Thailand. Different culture, different way of life... adopt, adapt and live with it.

I never planned to have another dog, especially here, but then again didnt plan to have any more rug rats, and ended up adopting one of each. (the rug rat is harder to train trust me). But I wouldnt have had a dog here if the garden wasnt fully enclosed. he is trained not to go out and the deal is that if anyone lets him turn into a soi dog.. he can move out there. for good. He is a lovely thing, but when he sees someone he doesnt know or like.. things change quickly.

Outside the gates to the tin shack, I can't go for a walk. The streets here in the small village are full of packs of "owned" dogs that roam. They appear to be lovely cuddly dogs until you walk by them and they chase, bark, growl, bear their teeth and are ready to have a bite. I used to carry a golf club if I walked to the local shop. (seriously).

I don't expect to have any right to change the ways things are done here, and killing a dog might be inexcuseable, but I can also see a man being driven to distraction by these "wild" dogs that roam while the home owners are away and only become "fluffy little bunnys" when they are fed and inside their own homes.

Pls dont see this as a defense for the Gemrna man, but rather an outsider's comment on the way it is.

QUESTION: to Dog owners.. where do you excercise your dogs? We are lucky as the garden is big, but I wouldnt be happy wandering down the road with him on a lead. Bees to Honey comes to mind?

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



Years ago, IN the UK, dogs wandered as they wanted to and someone paid 7/6 for a dog licence annually. They passed new laws about dogs on leads and picking up the poop and things changed. But then we move to Thailand. Different culture, different way of life... adopt, adapt and live with it.

I never planned to have another dog, especially here, but then again didnt plan to have any more rug rats, and ended up adopting one of each. (the rug rat is harder to train trust me). But I wouldnt have had a dog here if the garden wasnt fully enclosed. he is trained not to go out and the deal is that if anyone lets him turn into a soi dog.. he can move out there. for good. He is a lovely thing, but when he sees someone he doesnt know or like.. things change quickly.

Outside the gates to the tin shack, I can't go for a walk. The streets here in the small village are full of packs of "owned" dogs that roam. They appear to be lovely cuddly dogs until you walk by them and they chase, bark, growl, bear their teeth and are ready to have a bite. I used to carry a golf club if I walked to the local shop. (seriously).

I don't expect to have any right to change the ways things are done here, and killing a dog might be inexcuseable, but I can also see a man being driven to distraction by these "wild" dogs that roam while the home owners are away and only become "fluffy little bunnys" when they are fed and inside their own homes.

Pls dont see this as a defense for the Gemrna man, but rather an outsider's comment on the way it is.

QUESTION: to Dog owners.. where do you excercise your dogs? We are lucky as the garden is big, but I wouldnt be happy wandering down the road with him on a lead. Bees to Honey comes to mind?

Tommy I agree a lot with what you say, and would like to point out that the dog licences was scrapped in 1987 and was 37.5p (7 shillings and 6 pence in old money).

Thailand is a different culture, accept it? probably have to, I do not dispute Thais love animals too, I just would like to put my views on moving forward.


I do not think it is Dog Wardens that is wanted but more to the point Animal Welfare Offices who will:

  • Deal not only with stray dogs, but all animals like dogs, cats, snakes, elephants, cattle, etc.
  • Not only dealing with strays but all aspects of animal welfare, domestic and none domestic.
  • Help educate owners and in the cases of cruelty of neglect will have the power to prosecute.

"Chip it Or Lose It" Micro Chipping should be mandatory for certain domesticated animal, if a owner can not afford B1,000 to micro chip a dog then clearly they can not afford to keep one.

The purpose of micro chipping is to register an animal to an owner, and at the same time it should be drummed home to owners their responsibilities in owning an animal, (OK you do not own a cat, it owns you).

The cost for Micro chipping, registration, neutering and health check for a dog should always be cheaper by subsidizing it with the cost of registering an un neutered dog which should be a lot more expensive.


Dogs often reflect the owner's personality. I do not think the German was an aggressive man and many locals around don't give a dam_n about their dogs. This situation did not come out of the blue, there have been arguments before. Too bad the German took that knife. If he would have taken a stick the dog would have stayed away.

Have you tried to catch or kick a dog who is attacking you? It is not that easy. Usually they make a lot of noise, but won't come close enough to get them with a knife.

If the owner of the dead dog would have kept it under control or on his yard - problem solved. I see a lot of dogs running around freely in the area where I live. It is just a question of time when something similar happens again.

I am guessing the dog won't come back....at least in my life time. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif


QUESTION: to Dog owners.[/b]. where do you excercise your dogs? We are lucky as the garden is big, but I wouldnt be happy wandering down the road with him on a lead. Bees to Honey comes to mind?

TommyDee, excellent question, and IMHO a very relevant one when regarding dogs of this size. Taking a dog for a walk and taking a dog for exercise are two completely different things. Both the breeds involved in this story are essentially working dogs, more suited in rural rather than urban environments. If they do not get the excercise they need, they become unruly and difficult to handle (have had experience with goldens but not Rottis).

Correct areas for excercise are needed to develope social skills in the animals. I own two siberians, 3 y.o. male & female. The attached thumbs are the typical sort of areas where I take them; never had trouble with fighting with others.

If anyone here has siberians, they will understand how difficult they can be up to the two year mark; this is when all dogs become fully mature. Sorry if the quality is a bit low; they are snaps from video clips. Click on the thumb to enlarge.





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Dogs often reflect the owner's personality. I do not think the German was an aggressive man and many locals around don't give a dam_n about their dogs. This situation did not come out of the blue, there have been arguments before. Too bad the German took that knife. If he would have taken a stick the dog would have stayed away.

Have you tried to catch or kick a dog who is attacking you? It is not that easy. Usually they make a lot of noise, but won't come close enough to get them with a knife.

If the owner of the dead dog would have kept it under control or on his yard - problem solved. I see a lot of dogs running around freely in the area where I live. It is just a question of time when something similar happens again.

I am guessing the dog won't come back....at least in my life time. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Maybe karma will choose the dogs next life as a rice field rat and the German as a soi dog.


Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

I agree that there are too many lose dogs, but it is the way Mr Gatt dealt with it that is at issue.

I am worried, come Songkran and some 5 year old kid squirts him (or his dog) with a water pistol, will he do the same?


You can see my avatar, I like dogs!

BUT any dog that is walking around, outside in the public area with or without collar, has to know how to behave himself. That is the owner's responsibility. If the owner does NOT take the responsibility (he might be Thai whistling.gif ), and his dog misbehaves, these things can and will happen.

Som nam na!!

Come to the south (where the Thai moslims live) and you will find out that many moslims accelerate their cars when they see a dog on the street.... I know of several dogs that are purposely poisoned (and they were not on the street, but within their compounds!)

IF a free walking dog would attack me (or my dog), there is a BIG chance that the dog in question would 'disappear'. Up to your own interpretation what that means whistling.gif . Thanks for your attention wai.gif

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Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

BS! I'm a dog lover - yet when people are not responcible enough to keep their pets in their yard or on a lease - what happens happens! The owners of the golden retriever should be charged for letting their pet roam freely - they caused their own pet's death.

I totally understand the "frenzied" attack - when a loved one is hurt (human or pet) - rage takes over. My dogs mean as much to me as my own child.

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Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

BS! I'm a dog lover - yet when people are not responcible enough to keep their pets in their yard or on a lease - what happens happens! The owners of the golden retriever should be charged for letting their pet roam freely - they caused their own pet's death.

I totally understand the "frenzied" attack - when a loved one is hurt (human or pet) - rage takes over. My dogs mean as much to me as my own child.

So if you child is beat up by another child, do you pick up a knife and stab him as well?

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Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

BS! I'm a dog lover - yet when people are not responcible enough to keep their pets in their yard or on a lease - what happens happens! The owners of the golden retriever should be charged for letting their pet roam freely - they caused their own pet's death.

I totally understand the "frenzied" attack - when a loved one is hurt (human or pet) - rage takes over. My dogs mean as much to me as my own child.

So if you child is beat up by another child, do you pick up a knife and stab him as well?

Definitely not. But what do you do in the case of an attack from a dog. Stand there and take it! You might not want to kill but sometimes you have little choice, especially as the owner had ignored previous warning about letting his unruly animal onto the public street.

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this was a premeditated act

he fetched the weapon from the house

he admitted it was his intent to return to confront the dog with the knife

he took his own dog back to the scene and risked his own dog being injured to provoke an attack

he had expectations that the retriever would react in the same way it had done before and as he had planned, he used the dogs second attack as an excuse to kill it

if it was a person he had planned to execute in the same way, it would be called murder

simple as that

The dog wouldn't go away so he went back into the house to get a weapon to drive the dog away. It doesn't say he took his dog with him. Most likely he lost control of his own d


Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

BS! I'm a dog lover - yet when people are not responcible enough to keep their pets in their yard or on a lease - what happens happens! The owners of the golden retriever should be charged for letting their pet roam freely - they caused their own pet's death.

I totally understand the "frenzied" attack - when a loved one is hurt (human or pet) - rage takes over. My dogs mean as much to me as my own child.

So if you child is beat up by another child, do you pick up a knife and stab him as well?

Definitely not. But what do you do in the case of an attack from a dog. Stand there and take it! You might not want to kill but sometimes you have little choice, especially as the owner had ignored previous warning about letting his unruly animal onto the public street.

you avoid confrontation, as i posted earlier take a different route, take a water spray and do not start to scream like a little girl, because not only it excites the other dog but also makes your dog more insecure.

If i see some dog charging towards mine, i stand infront of my dog and in a calm, deep voice tell the other dog to stop, i assert dominance by not only showing the other dog i am the alpha but also reassuring mine its safe.

There are hundreds of books and sites which teach the basics of dog ownership and dog control.

As i said earlier i have 3 dogs and never have a problem with soi dogs, only have a problem with retarded owners like the German who do not have a basic clue about dogs and its behavior

Some light reading for those who may want to learn something


Saying all of the above, personally i would simply take a different route, and if there is only one way out of my house, i would(as i did) invest in a bike with a side car and take my dogs for walks on the beach or somewhere where it can run free, but thats just me

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this was a premeditated act

he fetched the weapon from the house

he admitted it was his intent to return to confront the dog with the knife

he took his own dog back to the scene and risked his own dog being injured to provoke an attack

he had expectations that the retriever would react in the same way it had done before and as he had planned, he used the dogs second attack as an excuse to kill it

if it was a person he had planned to execute in the same way, it would be called murder

simple as that

The dog wouldn't go away so he went back into the house to get a weapon to drive the dog away. It doesn't say he took his dog with him. Most likely he lost control of his own do

the dog always went for his dog. not for him. He went back into the house to get the knife with clear intent to kill the other dog. He did not pick a stick but a knife and intent is clear

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this was a premeditated act

he fetched the weapon from the house

he admitted it was his intent to return to confront the dog with the knife

he took his own dog back to the scene and risked his own dog being injured to provoke an attack

he had expectations that the retriever would react in the same way it had done before and as he had planned, he used the dogs second attack as an excuse to kill it

if it was a person he had planned to execute in the same way, it would be called murder

simple as that

The dog wouldn't go away so he went back into the house to get a weapon to drive the dog away. It doesn't say he took his dog with him. Most likely he lost control of his own dogs lead when the dog attacked (or had to let go), ran back into the house and grabbed the first thing he could see and ran back out. I certainly wouldn't try to fend off the dog bare handed nor spend the extra time to go out the back of the house to get a broom. The article mentions nothing of a second attack.

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

IF the german guy had a grandaughter that had taken the pet rotty for a walk and been attacked by this retreiver and she screamed out in fear what do you think could/would be the worst scenario when a vicious dog senses such fear ??,.......a pretty young girl with facial scars for the rest of her life ? even death is a possibility . the police already had a complaint from him , why should he not be able to walk his dog without being attacked ? to say the owners of the GR will miss a loved pet - pity they did'nt show it any love and keep it locked up or walk it themselves before,..... could be that he likes to attack motorbikes too and there we have another victim of a savage animal , one less dangerous ,untrained dog , i won't loose any sleep over , if you can't look after your pets don't get one ..............simple !,..... excuse me while i walk my pet crocodile .

Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

IF the german guy had a grandaughter that had taken the pet rotty for a walk and been attacked by this retreiver and she screamed out in fear what do you think could/would be the worst scenario when a vicious dog senses such fear ??,.......a pretty young girl with facial scars for the rest of her life ? even death is a possibility . the police already had a complaint from him , why should he not be able to walk his dog without being attacked ? to say the owners of the GR will miss a loved pet - pity they did'nt show it any love and keep it locked up or walk it themselves before,..... could be that he likes to attack motorbikes too and there we have another victim of a savage animal , one less dangerous ,untrained dog , i won't loose any sleep over , if you can't look after your pets don't get one ..............simple !,..... excuse me while i walk my pet crocodile .

what if? could be? would be? might be? -ALL IRRELEVANT

Deal with the facts in the matter.

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