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Work In Indo And Paid Into Thailand

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Not up to speed on the Aussie tax law, but if your Thai company invoices the Indo company and then you draw your salary through the Thai company and pay the Thai tax, you would be able to off set this tax against any Aussie tax, but from what I understand, and stand to be corrected, the Aussie tax man could require you to pay any difference between the tax you have paid in Thailand and the amount of tax payable in Aussie on the same amount of money....

Unless of course you are declared non-resident for tax purposes in Aussie, then you wouldnt owe them anything. ie if you paid 15% in Thailand and the rate on the same amount of money in Aussie was 20%, they may want the 5% difference paying to them.....assuming of course they know about the money you have been paid...

The only Aussie lads I know are all non-resident for tax purposes, but would suggest you speak to an Aussie tax consultant who would tell you the in and outs of what you can and cant get away with..

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Definitely do not invoice from the Indo company with your Thai Co. you will then be on the line for income tax in Thai when you pay yourself. HK is the easiest place to register a company that will shelter you from the tax issue if you need to receive the funds via an incorporated entity.

Otherwise as mentioned above, just receive the funds into your personal Thai bank. Bangkok Bank has a branch in Jakarta and they have a sub-branch in Surabaya. They have been in Indo since the late 1960's or early 1970's. I have been using them for 20+ years in the Jakarta location with very good service.

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I am going to Indo again shorty and will bank in H.K. There are a number of requirements to meet if you are a residing O/sea's for tax purposes, Ive been doing O/s for years, but the latest bunch of no hoppers, keep changing the tax goal posts and tax consultants all have a different slant on this subject.Try to aviod banking in Oz

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