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What Is Happening To Thailand?


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Nope, nothing to do with spelling at all, just that cringey and old fashioned names like corner store annoy me....come on, a 38 year old saying corner store bah.gif

I'm sorry my old exp<b></b>ressions annoy you. It is obvious that you are a small minded person who enjoys nit picking.

So what are we supposed to call the Paki shop?

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I heard many times that fat pig looking kids look so cute.....As fatter as better.As well I see family birthday parties at McDonalds, with young and old eat burger.....as European I can't understand that. Thailand has a good culture of food and than they eat burger????
Actually I think the biggest seller in Thailand is the fish sandwich and the rice and chicken meal. I never see Thais eating burgers. A big mac is a much better choice than Pad Thai for calories. At any rate I think the person in the Photo has been around longer than McDonalds. I wonder what he ate?OBTW are Germans Europeans? I think McDonalds is a lot thinner than a lot of German food eh?
This Buddha is Chinese or? I don't know about the McDonalds but I always see them producing burgers.....Someone must eat them.The burger might not be so bad, but the burger with the french fries and the sweet coke and the ice cream after is just too much.And when you have limited time, you won't sit down and order a Pad Thai. But you may get a quick burger.It might be less the burger itself as the (un)culture of fast food.
You must go to a quick McDonalds. I get pad Thai quicker than a big mac. I don't live in a tourist area so maybe my McDonalds is different than where you live. But I rarely see them sell burgers. Only the Thai rice menu stuff and fish sandwich. The one I go to has orange juice in ice on the counter so I see that purchased more than coke. If you look at the butterfat content of the soft serve ice cream you will find it much less than most ice creams available from the street venders.I think you are giving Mac's a bad rap. They offer many jobs and job training to people all over the world. Carl Lewis, Sharon Stone and Rachel McAdams all worked for them. They serve 68 million customers in 119 countries daily with 1 and a half million employees. Now what other company do you know that has a million and a half people working for them?

Calories in Fish and chips 950. Calories in Big Mac 700.

OK, maybe I am too hard on the judgement of McDonald. I never ate Fish and Chips, actually I only know it from movies.

Big Mac 700 calories, if you eat 2 and french fries and the coke you have more than you need for the day (without exercise).

Orange Juice: I actually never saw any Thai drinking it, actually since 1 year ago the local 7/11 didn't have Orange Juice....

Pad Thai: I must admit you are right.....After thinking about it, it is me who do not go into places where you can't sit down comfortable on real chairs. So you are right the McDonald isn't worse than some fat Thai food, it is just undeserved the symbol of it. I recall the last fat Pizza Company Pizza and it was way fatter than a burger.

As well I recall how much sugar they put in Thai food.

So yes it isn't the McDonalds it is the general mindset.....You are right...

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Ulysses is correct; every country has food that really isn't good for you, but tastes good. Like I said before, as an adult we should be allowed to make our own choices and accept the consequences. It's not the same for children who are supposedly under the guidance of their parents. And kids being kids will always take the easy way out. If you want to have children then fine, but at least accept the responsibility of raising them properly and allowing them the greatest number of future choices. I think it is sad when I see the beggars who come into the city in the evening carrying their drugged babies to elicit sympathy from tourists. Those babies will turn into the little kids begging on their own. They don't really have any choices in life.

Well, it isn't the food that isn't good, it is the combination of life and food. If you are cutting trees in winter in Canada or Siberia the fattest food is the most healthy as you also already burn more than you can eat.

If you eat the same in the 25 degree office it is the most unhealthy.

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I agree with you to some extent as there is a lot of high sugar food available for eating in Thailand but I've come to the realisation that it's because the children have a long day.

I teach some kids who are in school from 7am and their last lesson ends at 6:45pm - no wonder they're fed so much sugary food as its the only thing keeping them going!

But yes, adults should not inflict such lifestyles on their children if they want them to grow up and be healthy.

Which school has classes that end 6.45 PM ?

All schools I know in Thailand finish their classes 3 Pm at the latest.

The school I work at closes at 4PM as do the other 3 adjacent schools.

I know students who go to extra classes at private schools from 5 - 7 for extra English & then go to extra science classes for another 2 hours after that.

I personally disagree with it, but it is quite a common occurence.

That is absolutely disgraceful IMO, those poor children. Why do people have kids if they don't want them at home? They probably get home and are not even allowed to watch any tv or have any fun.

Sickening to put young kids through that. Evil, nasty, people.

I agree in some ways but isn't it also a sad reflection on the Thai education system that people believe their kids need extra tuition?

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One thing that's been missed - as thai children become more westernised, they want more western culture, food and looks !

Thais are a lot more influenced by other Asians such as the Koreans and Japanese. Trying to blame the changes on the West is absurd. Thailand has always absorbed other cultures while retaining its own.

Well you can always blame someone. If there would be only Thailand on this planet every Thai would be slim (because all would be farmer) and if the would be only Germany no Chinese would copy their products.

Of course the West is the blame for the negative influence but also for the positive one. Always the way of the Nationalists to find the negative influence but forgetting that the write about the evil outsiders on a CPU developed in Israel, a mainboard from Taiwan, a screen from South Korea on a keyboard from China on Internet developed from USA, a harddisk developed in USA and manufactured in Malaysia and the much of the manufacturing machines from Germany.

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Now when I was a young'un. No ,seriously, as a Brit working in America during the late 70's/early 80's I always used to think thank the lord we don't have all these horribly obese people in Britain like they have here. I used to see huge men that took up two seats in restaurants selling 'All you can eat for $9.99' and they would eat two 32oz steaks with fries...that is after they had raided the salad bar first just to make sure they ate something slimming and healthy...shame about the bucket loads of blue cheese dressing et al. Anyway; we didn't have Mc d's in Britain then, or Burger King, of Kentucky Fried Chicken...as it was then known. Sadly we did have 'Dallas' and 'Dynasty' but we were several weeks behind with the episodes so the girls in the office in London would ask me to watch it Stateside and return to tell them what was going on ! Still those programs didn't do much for expanding the waistline unless of course folks were stuffing large suppers whilst they were watching.

Fast forward to present day and there are just as many obese people living in Britain today as there were 30 odd years ago Stateside. I have to say I have a Daughter-in-law and a Sister-in-law who are both grossly overweight and no matter how hard they try they 'yo yo' back to where they were every time they diet. They both love 'fast food' and pre-prepared junk from the Supermarkets, again food that just wasn't there 30 years ago.

What is happening in Thailand is just an extension of a growing problem that has been creeping across nation after nation as the years roll by. Only today I was out in CM and saw more fat people in one day than I would have seen in several months just five years ago, the worst example being a woman so heavy that she almost toppled off the escalator in Central Plaza simple because she was just top heavy and couldn't balance easily. With the explosion of fast foods, snack foods and all these sugar filled bottles and cans of drinks rammed into peoples faces at every turn, is there any likelyhood of this trend slowing down or stopping in the years ahead? I fear not.

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Less farmers more go go dancers. Farming is good exercise but not intense enough. The cardio benefits of a well managed go go program are hard to beat. Add that to some pills to control appetite (with medical supervision of course) and there you have it. Thailand the hub of go go weight control revolution.

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Less farmers more go go dancers. Farming is good exercise but not intense enough. The cardio benefits of a well managed go go program are hard to beat. Add that to some pills to control appetite (with medical supervision of course) and there you have it. Thailand the hub of go go weight control revolution.

You are an example to us all. Too many of us are all too keen to criticize and complain, without offering anything constructive


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Its the responsibility of the parents that the kids eat right. But its much easier to give them what they want and keep them from being a pain in the ass. Problem is kids are not raised here properly, but the same goes for other countries.

I have no solutions, as i think good parenting is a damm hard job that many of us are not suited for (me included that is why i don't want kids). If you really want raise your kids good its hard work especially if the norm is otherwise.

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Nope, nothing to do with spelling at all, just that cringey and old fashioned names like corner store annoy me....come on, a 38 year old saying corner store bah.gif

I'm sorry my old exp<b></b>ressions annoy you. It is obvious that you are a small minded person who enjoys nit picking.

So what are we supposed to call the Paki shop?

Corner store.

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Trainman34014 , there was a Burger King in Piccadilly Circus and Kentucky Fried Chicken in Soho in 1979 , Mate.

Can't be precise about the dates Honkie but I was over there a lot in the 70's and I don't think Burger King were in London before 78ish? Anyway; they and the others weren't around the provincial towns and that's for sure.

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Anyway; we didn't have Mc d's in Britain then, or Burger King, of Kentucky Fried Chicken...as it was then known.

I'm pretty sure that deep fried fish and chips, sausage and mash and meat pies are not any better for the waistline.

You're right of course but we didn't eat these items on a daily basis, more of a treat really. Today people eat junk multiple times daily !

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