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Thailand In Crisis: At Least One Person Becomes H I V-Positive Every Hour


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Don't believe any reputable organisation has said there are millions of HIV/AIDS sufferers in Thailand. In 2009 there were approximately 530,000 Thais living with HIV/AIDS, To cast some light on the impact of HIV/AIDS in Thailand take a look at the work being done by a charity in Rayong at:


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Finally, for those of you who have been overdosed by numbers thrown around here, all that can end with an accurate and true understanding of the so-called AIDS epidemic.

I have been reading news on this forum for years. Though I’ve felt the desire to communicate some critical information concerning this topic, I never felt there were enough open or skeptical (of the party line) readers, who could suspend their beliefs long enough to digest what I intended to write. This time around things feel different. Some people have noticed that the numbers don't add up. Many participants have statistics and many statistical tables to back up the conventional medical ruse confirming that (non-monogamous) sexual intercourse is an activity which is certain to end in AIDS.

How many people have contemplated the AIDS story that bgean with some tribal African and a monkey? That story is crazier than the tooth fairy and Santa Claus myth wrapped together. Goebbels has been linked to the famous quote, "When you tell a lie, tell a big one, and then reinforce it often." The whole "medical" drama concerning AIDS is almost totally fabrication. This virus is transmitted through blood. Without blood there can be no transmission. AIDS is transmitted via needles, blood donors, and mother-to-baby. It is almost impossible to be infected from unprotected sex. Unprotected sex is about happiness. Protected sex is about the AIDS industry and another aspect of conventional societies to limit happiness. The objective is to generate enough fear that the AIDS industry can continue to thrive…at your emotional and financial expense.

Consider this, in commercial sex situations how many condoms break? How many slip off or applied incorrectly? Where are the AIDS patients that result from this situation? Ask your wife if she knows anyone from her village that died of AIDS (excluding drug users). Where are these millions of infected people? There are not in the hospitals nor in the Wats…that population is minuscule. Some readers suggest that there of millions of invisible, yet to be detected, carriers. They say millions have the virus but don't know that they do. Utter hogwash. The whole scam is intended to sell more condoms, plastic gloves, throw away needles, etc. A multi-billion pound industry. Go visit a Wat or hospital with AIDS patients...there are more people in bowling alleys than in these centers. And it’s not because infected people don’t recognize the situation, it’s because it’s a lie that is continually being reinforced by public relations companies with huge budgets. Don't believe in this cocamammy story and you will find you won't be prey to believing that Saddam had WMD’s, Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman, SARS is a really potent killer, etc. And a bunch of other fabricated pieces of propaganda.

M. Bauma

In four years this is my first post.

I worked in a public hospital in Thailand in the late 1990's early 2000's that cared for patients with HIV AIDS. During this time before anti-retrovirals were freely available (except for clinical trials) there was an average of 11 AIDS deaths per day (in our hospital alone). Of these deaths 2% were children, 5% injecting drug users and 7% men who had been having sex with men. The remaining 86% acquired HIV through heterosexual intercourse. HIV virus has been isolated in all body fluids. Breast milk has also been responsible for transmission of the virus from mother to many babies. We treated about 2,000 HIV+ outpatients per day. We also had a link to a Wat 90 minutes from BKK which had 60 beds continuously full with terminal AIDS patients. They averaged about 7 deaths per day. The major reasons that hospitals and the Wats are no longer full of dying AIDS patients is due to the availability of low cost anti-retrovirals plus people being aware of and having the means for safer sex. I am however sure that drug companies have made a substantial profit for their shareholders from the 'HIV industry' Edited by linno2
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I have it on good authority that there are only 12 or so doctors in the whole of Thailand who may be recognised as being competent in the field of treating HIV positive patients. None of them post here. You might bear that in mind when chewing over in your mind some of the posts preceding this one.

My source of information told me about a year ago that the the official figures fed to him say that there are 14,000 known cases of HIV positive patients in Chonburi province. This represents about 1.2% of the populace. 6,000 of these are treated in Sriracha (and there are no prizes for guessing which hospital deals with the vast majority of them), and 4,000 cases are treated within the bounds of Banglamung, My source alone deals with 2,000. These numbers were supplied by medical practitioners and whether they have been massaged or not is a matter of opinion. How these figures relate to the reality of the prevalence of the disease is merely one of - think of a number and then double it.

My wife has been infected for 21 years and it was only discovered 11 years ago when I took her to a private hospital as I was concerned about her persistent coughing. The physicians diagnosis was tuberculosis and as a matter of routine, since TB is an opportunistic and deadly disease, tested her for HIV. The test proved positive and her CD4 count was found to be 400. Now after treatment by knowing professionals her CD4 count is now just over 1000 and her viral load less than 40 copies per ml, i.e. virtually undetectable. Any suggestion that her good health,vitality and survival has been due to nourishment, regular exercise and avoiding the use of nicotine and alcohol, I view as beyond the bounds of rationality and into that of ignorance and stupidity.

You certainly don't have to answer this , but any idea how she was infected ?

I live my life knowing that I don't have to do anything. I only do those things that I choose to do, although to be realistic, my actions are tempered by what is in my own self interest. smile.png One of the plus points of living inThailand for so long is that I have developed a far greater sense of my responsibility towards others and a willingness to offer assistance to those with a genuine need. If what follows is of assistance, or adds to anybody's fund of knowledge, then I am happy to allow a small glimpse into the privacy of my family life. I hope that that doesn't come across to the over sensitive as pretentiousness or having a 'holier than thou' attitude.

My wife was infected by her errant 'husband'. He apparently was the typical whisky drinking gadabout without any sense of responsibility towards his family. He took off after he learned that he was about to become a father for the second time, leaving my wife to care for two young children and subsequently working herself almost to death to find the money to clothe and feed them. She is still recitent about talking about her ten years of misery but I have learned that she often went without food so that at least the kids were nourished as there wasn't enough to go round. Many times she cried herself to sleep. I believe that her mind is scarred by her miserable experiences similar to that of the survivors of Hitler's concentration camps and she still at times worries that I might exchange her for a newer model. In our early years it took a lot af reassurance from me that those terrible days were over - permanently. Thankfully it is now rarely necessary that I have to whisper 'roi pee' in her ear.

We did not find out about what happened to her 'husband' until her son registered for Army service two years ago when he was told that his father had died 5 years after he left, never to cast a backward glance, presumably of an AIDS related illness. Vindictive it may be, but I hope that his demise was long drawn out and painful. I witnessed the death from diabetes (another opportunistic disease) of his cousin, with whom he shared the services of at least one 'lady'. At the time, nobody in the village mentioned AIDS and I wonder if any of the villagers knew of the phenomenon.

Given the parlous state of many upcountry Government hospitals, the inexperience of overworked and underpaid doctors, the lack of proper and necessary facilities, the ignorance of country folk and the shame that is felt by contracting what is after all just another disease of the blood, many deaths from AIDS related maladies go properly unrecorded. I do not accept that one is more at risk in the places made popular by sex tourists. The irresolute behaviour of so many Thai men makes the rural areas just as perilous.

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Sounds just like another of those hastily typed down horror news newspapers try to reel in readers with... A good idea here for everyone participating in the discussion is to think outside the box and check what AIDS really is and how it was "designed"... People not die of aids, but because of a tempered with test that is more or less "strict" in counting particular cells in the blood mix but does absolutely NOT detect any virus as there is none. Third world and also many southeast asian countries have the tests with the lowest treshold - kicking in very early. If the text says "positive", then the doctors subscribe medicine that not prolongs life of the patient for up to ten years as they say, but actually kills them by slowly suffocating the metabolism and destroying vital organs. In the past these "nice" doctors subscribed AZT to the poor victims of the AIDS scam - AZT is a trash medication - a waste of the cancer research. It was abandoned because it kills the patient within 10 years. Open you eyes people and please please read and research in the internet about AIDS!!!

I don't want you to believe me, but do your own research on this issue. There are doctors who were in the AIDS research and who dropped it and went public to expose this construct of lies that by now killed millions using medicine that had no other use but destroying and ultimately killing the host. As I said - do your own research and hopefully wake up!

Just as food for thoughts: I know Thailand's dive scene for over 20 years now. The dive masters and instructors to 90% are all messing around in bars and other "etablissements" almost on a daily basis, often drunk and not really keen on using condoms and all. None of them I know died of AIDS, but 5 of them died in fatal road accidents and one lost his leg.

Didn't you wonder why it was so quiet for a long time about AIDS? Didn't you wonder why all of the AIDS positive people who refused medication and changed their life style to non-smoking, no drugs, no alcohol and sports were ALL negative 3 months later and survived the "deadly" disease?

I know that my email will most likely kick off an avalanche of mails flaming me for writing all this. As I said - I don't insist that what I am writing is correct and I of course urge everyone to use condoms - but I want you to stop just dreaming and sucking in everything the streamlined media says and do your own research. It is important!!!! If AIDS were what they said it was, we all would be dead by now! Wake up!!!!!

If you get HIV and don't medicate you will certainly be dead or dam_n near it within 10 years. People are now living healthy active lives on HIV meds with many of them at non-detectable levels of HIV.

The reason we're not all dead or dying is because HIV is very difficult to catch, and those who do have it have access to life extending and life saving medications.

Given the amount of unsafe sex and huge sex industry obviously someone will be winning the HIV lotto. 1 person an hour is not surprising at all.

Edited by happysanook
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Until the country decides to vocally address his by a variety of means the issue will never be addressed. There needs to be sweeping changes for any impact to occur. Better education for children, trying to help those in the adult entertainment industry via some assistance in testing and enforcing of safe sex plus doing away with being able to buy a certificate.

This is a good wake up call to all tourists though. Enjoy your holiday/stay and make sure you are able to come back again! People who say its ok with the meds these days are mad. Yes it's not a death sentence if you seek out medical help but I would hate to come back from holiday with a present for life.

Although we as outsiders can't force the country to do what it needs at least we can make others here aware so that we don't add to the problem.

Edited by wellred
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