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Website Businesses ?

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I've got an idea for a web based business looking to export from thailand to UK and just wondered if any other veterans of this realm had any good / bad


Just interested to know if they where financially viable or if sales where a rare


Also anyone with experience of selling goods on e-bay, do most people get them sold or not ??

Suppose is a pretty broad question so if you could indicate what kind of items you sold / provide would be appreciated.


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Doll's outfits (dress mostly, but suit also) for collectible dolls.

They are sold mostly in California.

I use yahoo groups for my advertising

The amount is about 1 per day.

The money is collected via Paypal, moving to abank account in Ca, then to my account here (cost all in one about 32 $ for 500 $ get here).

Hope the infos help

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Here's an option if you plan on doing any significant volume:

There are vast warehouses and even sales floors that go by the term 'logistics companies'. These were setup in America (I dunno if the UK has any) during the original "dot com" boom. These companies are starving for business...and are subsequently dirt cheap to utilize. Their systems are so efficient and computer-controlled that they can organize, receive, pack and ship cheaper and easier than you can on your own. Simply send your products to their warehouse and make sure your internet sales portal (or website) is compatible with their systems. All you have to do is maintain your website and sit back while the cash rolls in. Check out the Marlin Group based in Orlando FL.


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