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Non-Imm 'o' (Marriage) Extension

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Had an infuriating visit to MHS immigration and wondered if anyone could shed some light on this:

I arrived with the usual pile of papers (applying for an extension to my non-imm O visa for the 3rd year running so thought I had everything in order) but I was ordered to get more proof of income. In fact the guy there said that I needed to prove that I had sufficient income to support my wife and children.

I thought that I only needed to show 400,000 in the bank OR 40,000 coming in each month???

I said this (as above), and he told me that the ‘person at the top’ that they submit the application to has just recently changed and is much stricter now. He even showed me an example of a refusal letter to a recent application.

I always get the feeling the guy doesn’t like me there, or his job, or even his life perhaps, but this time I did wonder if something has actually changed that we should know about.

I have now returned home and have promised to send him UK bank statements proving where we get our money from.

Can anyone help?


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The basic requirement is 400k in your name only bank account with bank letter of account balance and account not below that figure for the previous 2 months or a letter of income issued by your embassy showing 40k per month (if outside Thailand income). Additional supporting documents proof of this income is sometimes asked.

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.........In fact the guy there said that I needed to prove that I had sufficient income to support my wife and children...............

I think they like to see 'movement' in your a/c (deposits & withdrawals) to show it's an active a/c and not 400k borrowed for extension purposes and then returned when extension is granted?

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My 2nd extension is coming up in a few months and I'd like to tack-on some related questions.

My renewal will be in Bangkok, where (hopefully) the processes and routines are all more or less set-in-stone and less subject to the changing whimsy of heavy-handed immigration chiefs ruling over their far-flung fiefdoms. Having said that...

1. I assume the process for the 2nd, 3rd (and beyond) renewals is exactly the same as for the first. Is that correct?

2. Are all the same documents required? I am not a big picture taker, and have to admit that my wife and I haven't really taken any new pics of ourselves since the first extension last year. We even went to Koh Samet last month and on the ferry ride back to the mainland, I realized that we hadn't taken any pics of ourselves together. We have lots of pics of each of us separately, but none together. Part of this has to do with my extreme - perhaps irrational fear of handing my phone to a stranger. If updated pics are a requirement each year, then I'd better get busy and start snapping some.

2. Is the "under consideration period" the same 30-ish days?

3. I assume the wife must accompany me as she did in the first extension, correct?

4. Do they want to see the affirmation, or affidavit... whatever it's called... the document that says I was single and able to marry? It's a silly thing to ask for, but I wouldn't put it past them.

5. Can I take the same copy of my marriage entry (from the registry at the local marriage bureau) or should I go back there to get a "fresh" copy? How fresh should it be?



One more thing just occurred to me. I've been spending like crazy, but I still have well over the required 400 kilobaht in the bank. Might there be questions from the immigration office about what I've spent so much money on? On second thought, maybe they'll be delighted to see how freely I'm dumping money into their economy.

Edited by attrayant
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1 to 3 yes

4. Maybe So have it with you just in case asked for.

5. You need a new one.

Photos depend upon immigration office. But the basic is only 2 needed. One of the house and another is photo of you and the wife together with the house number shown. So may want picture of you both in the house.

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