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Bike Transfer Document


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Transfer Ownership:


Power of Attorney (If owner does not accompany you to the LTD):


If buying from a foreign owner and that owner is not going to the LTD with you, be sure that the foreigners passport shows them in the country legally at the time of transfer or the transfer cannot be made. Always best to have the owner accompany you if at all possible. Don't pay until the transfer is completed by the LTD.

Edited by NomadJoe
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IMO anyone that transfers a bike or car into another's name before payment is crazy!! when I sold my 2 cars and 2 bikes I insisted that the money be transferred into my Account before anything happened, they did not have a problem with this and all vehicles were sold successfully, I am honest and do what I have to do to protect myself!! Money in my account first or no sale!

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The buyer needs a copy of passport and current visa and obviously green book if a motorbike, is this correct and all you have to supply?

And a certificate of residence from immigration. A rental contract will work to obtain this.

Edited by seedy
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The buyer needs a copy of passport and current visa and obviously green book if a motorbike, is this correct and all you have to supply?

And a certificate of residence from immigration. A rental contract will work to obtain this.

Or a copy of work permit in case the foreign buyer/seller works in Thailand. Saves a trip to immigration!

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The buyer needs a copy of passport and current visa and obviously green book if a motorbike, is this correct and all you have to supply?

And a certificate of residence from immigration. A rental contract will work to obtain this.

Or a copy of work permit in case the foreign buyer/seller works in Thailand. Saves a trip to immigration!

No certificate of residence needed for the seller I assume as he would have needed this to purchase the vehicle?

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IMO anyone that transfers a bike or car into another's name before payment is crazy!! when I sold my 2 cars and 2 bikes I insisted that the money be transferred into my Account before anything happened, they did not have a problem with this and all vehicles were sold successfully, I am honest and do what I have to do to protect myself!! Money in my account first or no sale!

I would never buy a bike/car from you, but I am not surprised you find people stupid enough to do this.

I have bought and sold cars and bikes where cash is handed over while we are both still standing in the LTD. Also, when the book has changed name already, but the seller keeps the book and possession of bike until we go to the bank to transfer money which happens minutes after the visit to LTD. There is very little risk in that.

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IMO anyone that transfers a bike or car into another's name before payment is crazy!! when I sold my 2 cars and 2 bikes I insisted that the money be transferred into my Account before anything happened, they did not have a problem with this and all vehicles were sold successfully, I am honest and do what I have to do to protect myself!! Money in my account first or no sale!

I would never buy a bike/car from you, but I am not surprised you find people stupid enough to do this.

I have bought and sold cars and bikes where cash is handed over while we are both still standing in the LTD. Also, when the book has changed name already, but the seller keeps the book and possession of bike until we go to the bank to transfer money which happens minutes after the visit to LTD. There is very little risk in that.

Maybe I should have made myself clearer, I sold 2 cars to Thai motor dealers, I made it clear to them the money has to be in my account before anything else took place, they came to inspect the cars, they were happy, we went to my bank, they deposited the money into my account which I checked by updating my bank book, they had the necessary forms with them which was completed in the bank( after the money was deposited, they took the vehicle from the bank, we did not go to LTD, they were happy with everything!! transferring the buyers name before taking the cash is to me risky, I do not like taking cash because of possible counterfeit notes, once the vehicle has been transferred what is to stop the buyer from refusing to pay?

Yes there is risk, the transfer has been completed therefore is now owned by the buyer, he has not paid you!! You are now trusting him to go to your bank and make the transfer, what if he runs off then reports his new purchase stolen? The documents are in his name, sorry this is not for me!! Money in account first is the only safe way!

Edited by dogpoo
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I am selling my bike and again I will make it clear money has to be deposited in my account before the transfer takes place, this could happen on the way to the LTD office, if he is unhappy with this then it is his loss, I will never ever transfer ownership of anything until I see the money in my account!! 4 times I have done this and each time the buyer was very happy, I am honest and they obviously can see that!!

I have also sold many things to people from different parts of the country, each time I ask them to deposit the funds into my account, once this is done I will send the items, never had a problem yet, again I am honest and would never try to cheat anyone!!

Edited by dogpoo
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IMO anyone that transfers a bike or car into another's name before payment is crazy!! when I sold my 2 cars and 2 bikes I insisted that the money be transferred into my Account before anything happened, they did not have a problem with this and all vehicles were sold successfully, I am honest and do what I have to do to protect myself!! Money in my account first or no sale!

I would never buy a bike/car from you, but I am not surprised you find people stupid enough to do this.

I have bought and sold cars and bikes where cash is handed over while we are both still standing in the LTD. Also, when the book has changed name already, but the seller keeps the book and possession of bike until we go to the bank to transfer money which happens minutes after the visit to LTD. There is very little risk in that.

I protect myself 100 per cent, transferring a very expensive car before you have the money is extremely fool hardy, there could be many problems for the seller doing this!!

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IMO anyone that transfers a bike or car into another's name before payment is crazy!! when I sold my 2 cars and 2 bikes I insisted that the money be transferred into my Account before anything happened, they did not have a problem with this and all vehicles were sold successfully, I am honest and do what I have to do to protect myself!! Money in my account first or no sale!

I would never buy a bike/car from you, but I am not surprised you find people stupid enough to do this.

I have bought and sold cars and bikes where cash is handed over while we are both still standing in the LTD. Also, when the book has changed name already, but the seller keeps the book and possession of bike until we go to the bank to transfer money which happens minutes after the visit to LTD. There is very little risk in that.

Maybe I should have made myself clearer, I sold 2 cars to Thai motor dealers, I made it clear to them the money has to be in my account before anything else took place, they came to inspect the cars, they were happy, we went to my bank, they deposited the money into my account which I checked by updating my bank book, they had the necessary forms with them which was completed in the bank( after the money was deposited, they took the vehicle from the bank, we did not go to LTD, they were happy with everything!! transferring the buyers name before taking the cash is to me risky, I do not like taking cash because of possible counterfeit notes, once the vehicle has been transferred what is to stop the buyer from refusing to pay?

Yes there is risk, the transfer has been completed therefore is now owned by the buyer, he has not paid you!! You are now trusting him to go to your bank and make the transfer, what if he runs off then reports his new purchase stolen? The documents are in his name, sorry this is not for me!! Money in account first is the only safe way!

You as the seller dictates how the transaction proceeds, why would you take any risk?

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Scenario: you have a buyer for your very expensive car, lets say 1 million bht selling price, you and the buyer got to LTD, you transfer ownership to the man or women, the car is legally his!! He now leaves quickly with his mates, goes straight to the police and reports having paid 1 million bht in cash to you, police arrive at your house demanding the car on behalf of your buyer, it is now up to you to prove you never received any money, good luck with that!! I will sell my way as I have never had a problem, there is no risk to me what so ever! What is the risk to you?

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No certificate of residence needed for the seller I assume as he would have needed this to purchase the vehicle?

Correct - buyer needs not the seller - his proof already established by possession of green / blue book.

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I think dogpoo has made his point, and I agree with it. I also have bought and sold cars and motorcycles to and from private individuals and a retail car showroom. In all cases where I was selling the vehicle, I always request that we meet near an ATM, the money is transferred to my account during which time I fill out the sales documents but don't sign. After I verify on my phone online that the deposit is made and in my account, then I sign the documents of transfer. My purchases have always been the same, the seller requests payment first, I request that we meet at the time of the payment so that I can see his green book, sales documents, etc. When I am buying, I only transfer in person at the time of completing the documents with the vehicle present and verified in agreed condition. When I am selling, I don't care when the transfer is made, but I do not surrender the vehicle or the documents until the transfer is verified.

In all my years, I have never requested, or been requested, to meet at the DLT. If by some chance the documents are fake or forged, I still have the vehicle, the DLT will not seize it - it is not their place to do so. Also, then civil and criminal proceedings can be initiated by me against the seller. But nothing fishy or dodgy has ever happened to me in any of my transactions, knock on wood.

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Yepp, as the seller, no need go to the DLT.

If you buy an expensive car/bike and you are unsure, you have two three possibilities:

1. Check all the relevant documents and the book with a trustful Thai person, which knows whats going on.

2. ask the seller for a book-copy (and maybe his ID-card) and go to an agency or even better, directly to the DLT and let them check the docs.

If the vehicle is from another province, the DLT can do an "online-check", if the book is "clear" and ready to transfer!

It's free and you minimize the risk.

3. Only sell to Thai people, they can read the docs and won't never bother you, to go to the DLT.

(Much easier/nicer/smoother to deal with them too, imho) thumbsup.gif

But be careful, if the seller and the last owner in book aren't the same person.

Edited by Turkleton
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