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Got home last night, and was gobsmacked to see in the bedroom and toilet, about 15-20 cockroaches all lying on their back, kicking their legs in the air. Where did they come from? Do roaches live in sceptic tanks? The drain cover was off the urinal, so maybe they climbed up for a breath of fresh air. I was going to put this in the 'Pets' forum, but in the end I just zapped them.


We even have roaches in our garden & in the lawn here in Beirut.

A friend recommended "Mortein Barrier Outdoor". (surface spray)

I sprayed the outside of the house, all windows and doors, cracks etc., haven't seen a live roach since spraying...... good stuff at A$10 for a 350g can.

If the roaches were on their back, they were dieing, yes?



If there where 20 lying on their back, there must be some 200 still walking around.

Roaches are one of the strongest and ancient living animals on this earth; they'd survive a nuclear disaster they say. Not to speak about your tank. I've got a recipe : 4 parts borax, 2 parts flour, and 1 part cocoa powder. Spray it in the dark corners and unders sinks etc ...

Good luck ! :o


I suspect a urinal is plumbed to the brown water drains (shower) rather than to the septic tank. And they most surely do live in the drain pipes. Must have been a chemical (someone spray for termites?) that made them exit in such a sick state. We always have them run spray into the drains when treating for termites as it helps to keeps both the cockroaches and mosquitoes in check.

I suspect a urinal is plumbed to the brown water drains (shower) rather than to the septic tank. And they most surely do live in the drain pipes. Must have been a chemical (someone spray for termites?) that made them exit in such a sick state.

Has Yorky used the restroom facilities in your home recently?? :o


I suspect a urinal is plumbed to the brown water drains (shower) rather than to the septic tank. And they most surely do live in the drain pipes. Must have been a chemical (someone spray for termites?) that made them exit in such a sick state.

Has Yorky used the restroom facilities in your home recently?? :o

And I was trying to be diplomatic about it. :D

Roaches are one of the strongest and ancient living animals on this earth; they'd survive a nuclear disaster they say. Not to speak about your tank. I've got a recipe : 4 parts borax, 2 parts flour, and 1 part cocoa powder. Spray it in the dark corners and unders sinks etc ...

Good luck ! :D

I can further attest to the amazing adaptability of roaches having witnessed them in the nuclear reactor compartment of the Navy ship I was on, where stay-time for humans was measured in minutes.

That's a rather strange home remedy I must say... although I fully realize that many very strange home remedies work extremely well... Just have never heard of it before. :D

On the positive side, any leftover supplies (minus the borax, naturally) can be used for chocolate cake... :o


I would not worry about the cockroaches, I would worry about the fact that they are dead.

Their body can stand nearly every chemical (beside specific insect killing ones) some thousands of times better than your body.....

So what killed them?

Got home last night, and was gobsmacked to see in the bedroom and toilet, about 15-20 cockroaches all lying on their back, kicking their legs in the air. Where did they come from? Do roaches live in sceptic tanks? The drain cover was off the urinal, so maybe they climbed up for a breath of fresh air. I was going to put this in the 'Pets' forum, but in the end I just zapped them.
I've got a recipe : 4 parts borax, 2 parts flour, and 1 part cocoa powder. Spray it in the dark corners and unders sinks etc ...

Good luck ! :o

Another variaton of this is to use diatomatious earth (used in swimming pool filters). The way these work is the fine powder blocks the brething vents of the insect. Thus no breathing.

It works and is not toxic to small animals or children.

Another thread hi-jacked by the "let's take the piss outa Yorky" brigade. :o


with full apologies.... :D

but actually, it's a compliment in a way. Not many people have the potential for a business in pest control with something that most others just dispose of without compensation.


Suggest you go buy yourself a couple of packets of cockroach baits from the supermarket. They work brilliantly - after a couple of weeks you'll only have to deal with the occasional 'insurgent' from across the border.

I suspect a urinal is plumbed to the brown water drains (shower) rather than to the septic tank. And they most surely do live in the drain pipes. Must have been a chemical (someone spray for termites?) that made them exit in such a sick state. We always have them run spray into the drains when treating for termites as it helps to keeps both the cockroaches and mosquitoes in check.

When our house was treated for ants, I got the shock of my life.Hundreds of cockroaches started leaving the property in droves.

maybe Lamps has been feeding them leftovers...... :o

I would not worry about the cockroaches, I would worry about the fact that they are dead.

Their body can stand nearly every chemical (beside specific insect killing ones) some thousands of times better than your body.....

So what killed them?

I occasionally open the little flaps over drains in the floor and give a good long blast of Baygon. After a few seconds, and for a couple of minutes, cockroaches come running out, run in circles, keel over, and point their little toes skyward. Perhaps someone sprayed them ? Not a bad idea...


i raise cocroaches (lizard food) and every once in a while there is a female escapee.....

so :

take a large garbage can and a few centimeters under the rim, spread a thick gooey layer of grease around the perimeter inside (car axle grease not cooking grease; or vaseline but grease is better) and put some dog food or anything else at bottom of can, cover the can and put hole in middle, the roaches climb up, and fall in but cant climb out ... the grease prevents escapees (ours were in the same large box for 5!!! years until i started getting white ones (genetic screw up) ... the escapees were from someone putting one in to the lizard and getting grossed out, screaming ooh a roach, and flinging it into my office.... :o

sell caught ones to lizard keepers for 8 baht /per roach:


I suspect a urinal is plumbed to the brown water drains (shower) rather than to the septic tank. And they most surely do live in the drain pipes. Must have been a chemical (someone spray for termites?) that made them exit in such a sick state. We always have them run spray into the drains when treating for termites as it helps to keeps both the cockroaches and mosquitoes in check.

When our house was treated for ants, I got the shock of my life.Hundreds of cockroaches started leaving the property in droves.

maybe Lamps has been feeding them leftovers...... :o

No....I bought them some food from the restaurant, and they wouldn't touch it :D

Another thread hi-jacked by the "let's take the piss outa Yorky" brigade. :o

Only because your are so loved on tv mate, a true character and a gem.


Another thread hi-jacked by the "let's take the piss outa Yorky" brigade. :o

Only because your are so loved on tv mate, a true character and a gem.

Uncle Yorky is just like the drunken uncle at Christmas.... :D

totster :D


I never saw them around the house since our village is only about 2 years old but by now many food shops have opened and feed them when dumping leftovers in the sewer grids. We have guests now. :o

In our old appartment , they used to crawl in from the squat type toilet if there was not enough water in it after flushing.

If one is spotted in the house it automatically becomes a participant in the Chonburi Battery Powered Bug Zapping Tennis Racket Open.


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