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Going To Thailand In Januarie For The 2Nd Time.. Looking For Some Business Oppurtinities

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  • 6 months later...

It is now July 10th, 2013. How about an update, Heavy? My Thai wife and are thinking about importing fashion handbags here to the US, and we'd like to know if you ever moved forward with any of your ideas. Anybody know of any handbag manufacturers in the Land of Smiles? To all the naysayers, don't worry - we won't break the bank.

Edited by puanddavid
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It is now July 10th, 2013, how about an update Heavy?

The last time I heard he had relocated to Ibiza and had invested his capital in a set of pliers reworking old hotel coat hangers into ear-rings and bangles and selling them on the beach. Accompanying girlfriend has new career weaving coloured dreadlock extensions for trance party-goers. Everything is cool man.

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It is now July 10th, 2013. How about an update, Heavy? My Thai wife and are thinking about importing fashion handbags here to the US, and we'd like to know if you ever moved forward with any of your ideas. Anybody know of any handbag manufacturers in the Land of Smiles? To all the naysayers, don't worry - we won't break the bank.

Post #9 may have the answer to your question.

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thanks for the reply's again smile.png

yes i also think its better to start something at home.. but my question was that i just wanted to LOOK at some business options in Thailand or with Thailand.. just LOOK and that's all.. just LEARN from it while im already there.. just wanted to make it an informatical trip..

I still hope for some suggestions.. im not looking to make a fortune or copy others ideas.. i'm just interested in business and wanna learn something from my trip to Thailand.. i do business back home.. and im just interested in doing business.. thats why I opened this topic..

If you have prior experience of eg property buying/renting or stocks buying/selling then by all means have a look, but if its an area you have no prior experience don't even bother IMHO.
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your 2 - 3 mill baht may get you a condo smallish in not good location, or townhouse a long way from transport. depending on quality you may make profit of 2 - 10 k a month. Then you've got the maintainance etc

I guess your talking bangkok or beach somewhere?

Chiang Mai with 3 million he could buy two second hand condos in ok location, lick of paint and rent them out 6-10k each depending. With money to spare too to buy a car, motorbike, furniture for himself or first few months rent on a shop unit to start another small biz.

I'd suggest living in one unit, renting the other and then building up some another business with that as a base. If he's not looking to get majorly rich then this is a good base to start from and would be much better than putting all eggs in one basket buying a turn key business off some one else (which was probably failing already and Jensen the sale). Teaching English with a salary of 20-30k is not bad at all if you have no rent to pay and another 8k for example on top from your rental property. The rental could be attempted to sell at small profit and circle around to fixing up another one, maybe with a years rental between each project; if no joy then just carry on renting.

On line attempts at export of various products could be ok as a supplemental to start with and or identifying an area of products to import. Fashion clothes from the west for example bought at discount chains, even with the 30% tax can still be made money off I'm certain looking at the prices now of the Chinese tat in Thailand in comparison and also Thais now love the brand names and have money to spend on a bit more quality.

I think there are other opportunities not requiring over heads- like buying and selling motorbikes off falang who are leaving the country and want cash on the day they leave so they still have the use of the bike up until then. Say a 10k bike you buy at 7000 and sell on with a 3 k profit. Small money's to be made in many areas just like the Thais do its just that most foreigners can't be bothered with what they think is peanuts money not worth thier bother. They'd rather do nothing or plow a fortune in to a big face restaurant or bar dreaming about riches and then end up loosing the lot normally. Keep it simple with the less overheads the better and build up slowly is my advise.

When you see all the small thai shops selling T-shirts or juice, coffe etc the equations work out that after costs they are working themselves for a wage similar to what you would have to pay your staff so after the staff cost you'd not be left with much since you can not work yourself. So its no good think to just copy an existing small biz; and many of the forieng owned ones will be running at a loss as some kinda retirement entertainment or failing venture. Even in the UK something like 60% of all small biz folds with in the first 3years, so it is a risky path anywhere. That's why I suggest property purchase as a solid safe base and then building upon that slowly.

Chock dee

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